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Category : Control Valves

When choosing a control valve for a process, there are many things that must be considered, including
the valve’s flow characteristic, its size, noise, the potential for cavitation or flashing...

A valve is a mechanical device that controls the flow of fluid and pressure within a system or process.
A valve controls system or process fluid flow and pressure by...

A travel stop in the control valve is used as a mechanical limiter for stem travel. In fact, these travel
stops are used to limit the stem travel at certain...

Typically the face to face dimension requirement of the control valve is specified in the control valve
specification. It defines the standards and codes to be used to standardize the...

The butterfly valve is a quarter-turn valve that can be used as an on-off valve or throttling valve. There
are two types of butterfly valve, a concentric and an eccentric...

Control Valves are meant to control the process parameters namely Pressure, Flow, Level and
Temperature. Control Valve is the final control element in any closed-loop control. Based on their

I searched many sources to know the difference between Tongue and Groove Flange and RTJ
flange, both looked same as per construction. RTJ and T&G Flange Mostly (not always) we go...

A brief explanation as this article is more focused on the section of Full or Reduced bore type of
valves. Full bore Valve :- The I.D of the Valve is...

PCV – It stands for Pressure Control Valve PRV – It stands for Pressure Relief Valve In one line :- The
difference is the Liquid stays in System after PCV...

During vendor bids evaluation of the valve package, usually we will face the problem of material review
from the Vendor offer. Let’s say we require a valve with A182 F53...


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