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Negative Impacts of Alcoholic Drinking

Do you like drinking? Well, everybody drinks, it could be water or juice but what I
mean is drinking alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinking is ever-present during any occasion
and celebration. It is like a part of our culture, which we cannot devoid of in our lives. To
some people, it also serves as their escape from reality full of problems, in times of
loneliness and heavy-heartedness. However, the constant consumption of alcoholic
drinks in large amounts will adversely affect one’s life. Alcoholic drinking can cause
accidents, health issues, and memory loss.

Firstly, alcoholic drinking can cause accidents. Due to the intoxication of alcohol,
distorted vision and hearing, impaired judgement, and lack of coordination will be
experienced. Accidents such as car crashes, burns, and falls will occur with the
obstruction of one’s senses since they are unable to control their movements. People
under the influence of alcohol must be prohibited from driving a vehicle, which is usually
the cause of road accidents. Thus, alcoholic drinking is harmful since it causes
accidents that will result in injuries.

Secondly, alcoholic drinking causes health issues. Alcoholic drinks contain

certain chemicals that can increase the risk of health problems such as acetaldehyde.
Liver disease is commonly experienced by heavy drinkers since the alcohol is mostly
metabolized in the liver. Cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and
stroke are also a result of alcoholic drinking, and cancer is not an exception. Hence,
alcoholic drinking causes health issues that endanger one’s life.

Lastly, alcoholic drinking causes memory loss. Alcohol affects short-term

memory by slowing down the communication of the nerves in the hippocampus that
helps in forming and maintaining a person’s memory. Heavy alcohol usage doesn’t only
slow down the hippocampus, but it can also damage it. Thiamine is vital in providing
energy to the brain and nerve cells, and deficiency of these can cause dementia and
permanent memory loss. Thereby, alcoholic drinking will damage the central nervous
system resulting in memory loss and other mental problems.

Everybody needs a break from everything, and mostly they engage in alcoholic
drinking as a stress reliever. Even so, we must set the limitations and discipline
ourselves in drinking alcohol. “Too much of anything isn’t good for everyone,” Ray
Bradbury quoted. Considering his quote, too much consumption of alcoholic drinks is
unhealthy, and your health is at risk. Let us all be mindful and cautious with our actions.
We only have one life, and we must cherish every single moment by caring and loving

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