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My Friend Mark

By Kenneth Beare

My friend mark was born in a small town in the north of Canada called Dooly. Mark
grew up a happy and interested boy. He was a good student in school who studied carefully for
all his exams and got very good grades. When it came time to go to university, Mark decided to
move to the United States in order to attend the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon.

Mark enjoyed his time at university. In fact, he enjoyed his time immensely, but he didn’t
really spend the time studying for his course. He preferred to travel around Oregon, to visit all
the sites. He even climbed Mt. Hood twice! Mark became very strong, but his grades suffered
because he was lazy. During his third years at university, Mark changed his major to agricultural
studies. This turned out to be a very good choice, and Mark slowly began to get good grades
again. In the end, Mark graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in agricultural

Two years after Mark graduated, he met a wonderful, hardworking woman named
Angela. Angela and Mark fell in love immediately. After three years dating, Mark and Angela
married in a beautiful church on the coast of Oregon. They’ve been married for two years and
now have three lovely children. All in all, life been very good to Mark. He’s a happy man and
I’m happy for him.

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