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1. Why did you decide to be an au pair?  
I think it is a good opportunity for me to improve my english and because I like 
traveling. Also I love the american culture, their costumes and their food, such as 
But the most important thing is that I get on well with children. 
2. What do you think that is going to be the most difficult thing ?  
I think that maybe the most difficult thing be missing my family, my house or 
my friends. Despite that, i really feel prepared for this amazing experience. 
3. Let's talk about your experience taking care of kids can you tell more about 
Yes, I used to take care of my goddaughter and nephews. I also looked after 
acquaintances’ children and I am a volunteer in a soup kitchen. 
Also in the practical classes of my career, I used to go to a public kinder and help 
their teachers with activities. I served the food, we played, sang or danced. And 
above all I showed them love. 
4. If a kid is feeling sick, what would you do?  
Depending on the situation if the boy is very sick, I will call 911 however if he is 
not very sick then I will call his parents  
5. Tell me some activities that you would do with your host kid, outside  
and inside the house ?  
Well, Inside the house, maybe, we would play board games, make some art/craft 
projects, drawings, reading books or watch films.and outside the house , it 
depends on the weather. For example, in summer we could go to the park or 
play water gamer or ride a bike. It depends on the children ages of course. 
6. Have you ever travelled by yourself?  
No, I have never travelled alone, but I have always wanted to do it  
7. Do you know anyone who has been an au pair?  
Yes, my boyfriend and my best friend are au pairs too. 
8.Have you ever travelled to another country?  
Yes, I have visited Disney World to celebrate my 15th birthday. I went to Brazil 
with my family and my boyfriend too. 
9. What would you do in the United States in your free time? 
I don't know, I would visit new places and meeting new people or au pairs in 
the city and I would spend time with my host family. Also I am going to the 
shopping or the cinema.  
10. Tell me about your family, their costumes, members 
My family is very united, funny and loving. We live in the south of Cordoba with 
them. The members of my family are, my parents, and my two sibling ( a brother 
and a sister ) my mothers name is Yanina, she is a forty two years old and my 
fathers name is Javier. He is forty five years old. I have two siblings, my sisters 
name is Sofia. She is fifteen years old. And my brother name is Matias. He is 
thirteen years old.  
Also I have pets, two dogs and one cat.  
We really enjoy spending time together for example We drink Mate and We eat 
asado or go to our grandmas home on sundays. They are my favorite persons in 
the world of course. 
- Your favorite movie is : Harry Potter.  
Harry Potter is a saga of 8 movies based in J.K Rowling’s novels. The movies tell 
us a story of adventures about a young wizard and his friends in Hogwarts the 
school of magic. it shows sorcery and how harry fight against the dark wizard 
- Current News  
The coup in Bolivia and the exile of President Evo Morales. New elections were 
-Sick Kid 
My host kid is very sick, he feels / ​stomachache ( dolor de estomago) /chills 
(escalofrios) / fever (fiebre) / cold (resfriado) / headache (dolor de cabeza) / 
vomit (vomitar) .​ ..and it worries me 
-Hurt kid 
My host kid is very hurt, he hase​ / broken bone ( hueso fracturado) / burn 
(quemadura) / black eye ( ojo morado) /insect bite ( picadura de insecto)​...and 
it worries me 
-My routine 
In the morning I wake up at seven o'clock, but i get up at seven and thirty am. I 
brush my teeth then I have a shower and i have breakfast with my mom I leave 
home and i go to work. in the call center ​.
In the afternoon, I usually take english classes afterward i return to at house and i
help my mother with the dinner.

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