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Nº DOI: 10.18065/RAG.2018v24n2.



Estudo de Caso em Gestalt-Terapia: Leituras Fenomenológicas do Desenho Infantil

Estudio de caso en la terapia Gestalt: lecturas fenomenológicas de dibujo infantil

Mariana Vieira Pajaro

Celana Cardoso Andrade

Resumo: O presente estudo aborda o desenho infantil como um recurso revelador da criança. Tem por objetivo ilus-
trar o processo psicoterapêutico de um menino de 6 anos por meio da leitura fenomenológica de sete desenhos rea-
lizados por ele ao longo de seus atendimentos. Ademais, pretende refletir sobre as contribuições desse caso para a
compreensão e intervenção na clínica infantil na perspectiva da Gestalt-terapia. Para tanto, realizou um estudo de
caso documental ex post facto descritivo com base no diário de campo da psicoterapeuta, que continha os desenhos
do participante e suas respectivas anotações. A metodologia fenomenológica favoreceu o acesso ao vivido por meio de
descrições do cliente que puderam ampliar o contato com sua experiência. O autor da produção gráfica é concebido,
portanto, como detentor único do sentido de sua obra. Esse estudo evidencia que o desenho pode favorecer a expressão
de algumas crianças de modo a contribuir com o processo psicoterapêutico na Gestalt-terapia.
Palavras-chave: Desenho infantil; Gestalt-terapia; Método fenomenológico; Estudo de caso.

Abstract:The present study analyzes children’s drawing as a revealing feature of the child, aiming to illustrate the
psychotherapeutic process of a 6-year-old boy from the phenomenological reading of seven drawings made by him
during his visits. In addition, it analyzes the contributions of this case to the understanding and intervention in the
children’s clinic from the Gestalt therapy perspective. To do so, a documentary, descriptive ex post facto case study
was performed based on the records of the psychotherapist, which contained the drawings of the participant and their
respective notes. The phenomenological methodology favored the access to that lived through descriptions of the
client that could extend the contact with his experience. The author of graphic production is therefore conceived as
the sole holder of the meaning of his/her work. This study shows that the drawing may favor the expression of some
children in order to contribute to the psychotherapeutic process in Gestalt therapy.
Keywords: Child’s drawing; Gestalt therapy; Phenomenological method; Case study.

Resumen: Este estudio se ocupa de dibujo infantil como una característica que revela el niño. Su objetivo es ilustrar el
proceso psicoterapéutico de un niño de 6 años de edad con la lectura fenomenológica de siete dibujos realizados por él

E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s
durante su tratamiento. Además, se pretende reflexionar sobre las contribuciones del caso para la comprensión e inter-
vención en la clínica de los niños desde la perspectiva de la terapia Gestalt. Para este propósito, se realizó un estudio
de caso descriptivo documental a posteriori del diario de campo de psicoterapeuta, que contiene dibujos delo partícipe
y sus respectivas notas. La metodología fenomenológica favoreció el acceso a vivido a través de las descripciones de
los clientes que podrían ampliar el contacto con su experiencia. El autor de la producción gráfica está diseñada, por lo
tanto, como único titular del significado de su obra. Este estudio muestra que el diseño puede favorecer la expresión
de algunos niños con el fin de contribuir al proceso psicoterapéutico en la terapia Gestalt.
Palabras clave: Gráfico de los niños; La terapia Gestalt; Método fenomenológico; Estudio de caso.

Introduction perspective. In this approach, the reading of the

drawing is made by the phenomenological metho-
Children’s drawing is a powerful resource re- dology, when it excels by the incessant search of
vealing the ways of being and being in the world the apprehensibility of the object, finally, by the
of the child. Studies on the subject show, predomi- conscience. This means not to stick to the subject
nantly, different readings and theoretical approa- itself, the child, falling on a subjectivism, nor to
ches that support a diversity of possible unders- stick solely to the drawing, configuring an objecti-
tandings to this type of production (Aguiar, 2004, vism, but to the intersubjective way this drawing

Derdyk, 2015, Ferreira, 1998 and Mèredieu, 2006). is captured by this consciousness, that is, in the
Despite this variety, it is possible to observe the relation of this child with its work.
A r t i g o s

absence of studies aimed at illustrating, based on This study is justified by the lack of studies
clinical cases, its contribution to the psychothera- with such a cut that allow a theoretical-practical
peutic process - especially from a Gestalt therapy discussion of the work of the psychotherapist of
the Gestalt approach regarding the possibility of

215 Phenomenological Studies - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica - XXIV(2): 215-225, mai-ago, 2018
Mariana Vieira Pajaro; Celana Cardoso Andrade

using the drawing by the client in the psychothe- tom, behavior, emotion and sensation of the child
rapeutic process. In addition, it presents an alter- can only be understood in terms of its field.
native understanding model, in opposition to the In general, the first and main context of the
traditional apprehensions of this resource, ancho- child is the family, however, we must consider
red, above all in the phenomenological methodo- the contemporary movement of schooling that is
logy and other concepts of this approach, such as increasingly precocious (and more extended) that
awareness, contact and contact functions. From has given the school a position of increasing im-
now on, it offers to parents, educators and other portance in children’s daily life. These contexts are
professionals the possibility to broaden their looks understood as the “background” that gives mea-
for the relevance of drawing, an expression so re- ning to the child’s manifestations, besides exerting
current in childhood. great power and influence on the psychotherapeu-
The guiding question of the study is: in what tic process (Aguiar, 2014). As a result, sessions
way can children’s drawing contribute to the child are held with those responsible and significant
psychotherapeutic process of the Gestalt approa- persons, visits to the school and communication
ch? To answer this question, the main purpose of with other professionals, in case the client does
this paper is to illustrate and describe the psycho- some other type of follow-up (Aguiar, 2014; An-
therapeutic process of a child based on the phe- tony, 2010; Fernandes, 2016; Zanella, 2010). The
nomenological reading of seven drawings perfor- literature is divergent in the way of defining the
med in the sessions. Secondarily, it will reflect on frequency of such meetings (Aguiar, 2014; Antony,
the general contributions of the illustrated case 2010; Fernandes, 2016; Oaklander, 1980; Zanella,
to the understanding and clinical intervention 2010), however, advocates a flexible regularity,
in drawings from the Gestalt therapy perspective that is, periodic meetings which, above all, meet
with children. Data presented here were collected the need in each case.
from the records of the responsible psychologist In childcare, parents (or guardians) are also
and will be composed of the copy of these drawin- clients of the psychotherapeutic process of their
gs and the remarks referring to each session of the children (Fernandes, 2016). This statement is con-
participating child. sistent with the view that the psychotherapist shou-
To support this study, we will present be- ld also welcome them in a careful and attentive
low the fundamental principles of clinical care manner, since they are the greatest influence in the
with children in Gestalt-therapy and the reading child’s life, those responsible for the decisions to
of children’s drawing from the phenomenological be made and the core of its coexistence. The idea of
method. It is important to note that, although grief giving parents an active role in caring for their chil-
is the predominant theme in the case studied, we dren does not violate the limits of work that always
decided not to explore its theoretical basis since use the child as a starting (and returning) point for
it does not contemplate the objectives proposed understanding its environment. The family deve-
in the study - centered on the methodology of lops a mode of functioning among its members,
working with drawings in a psychotherapy pro- thus, working with any of its members affects the
cess, and not on the specificity of their content - entire relational field. The feasibility and availa-
which, therefore, imposes a necessary clipping. bility of this integrated whole to reconfigure itself
in the face of the new developments arising from
E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s

psychotherapy will also depend on the support

Child Psychotherapeutic Process in offered by the psychologist and the link between
Gestalt-therapy them. Many services are early interrupted or do not
evolve due to too much focus on the child and con-
Child psychotherapy is distinguished from sequent negligence of those responsible: neglecting
the assistance of other publics due to two funda- the family is neglecting the child.
mental aspects: the scope of care and the way of In spite of the second particularity of this care,
accessing the world of the child. In terms of scope and taking an analogy, attending children requires
or breadth, and in agreement with the field pers- that the psychotherapist resume the exercise and
pective developed by Kurt Lewin, in the clinic understanding of a language already “spoken” pre-
with children, Gestalt therapy is concerned with viously - as a child - and often forgotten when dis-
exploring the range of contexts of which it forms tancing him/herself from his/her childhood during
part, and to which it constitutes the in order to the process of becoming an adult. After all, “few
know the diversity of perceptions about it, the lucky ones insist on continuing children” (Ribeiro,
multiple influences to which it is subjected to and 2015, p.35). The play is the language of the child
produces (be they familial, social, cultural, etc.), (Aguiar, 2014; Zanella, 2004), so it predominates
as well as the complementarity present in existing in this service and stands out as the main differen-
relationships. This means that, according to Ges- tial in relation to the way of access to the other age
groups. Thus, when playing, psychotherapist and

talt therapy, the child’s understanding comes from

the micro- and macro-systems to which it belon- child are in a common territory and share the same
dialect. Recovering this expression involves the
A r t i g o s

gs and with which it interacts - which is justified

both by the dependency situation to which it is rescue process of the psychotherapist’s own child
subject and by the interweaving of realities that (Aguiar, 2014; Zanella, 2004; Oaklander, 1980) as
are co-constituted. That being the case, any symp- he/she delves in his/her childhood memories: “it

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Case Study in Gestalt therapy: Phenomenological Readings of Children’s Drawing

is not so much a matter of remembering incidents Unraveling the Phenomenology, Holanda

and events, but remembering to be” (Oaklander, (2014) describes it as an epistemology, a philoso-
1980, p.350). phy, a science and method. According to the au-
Through “play with”, the gestalt-therapist thor, in epistemological terms, it is concerned with
is interested in the child and its functioning, in the possibility of knowledge and knowing, as a cri-
its life and history, its configuration, perception tique of science itself in its original sense; as philo-
and acting in the world. Although it may sound sophy, it is understood as the reflection on reality;
superfluous or confusing to some, reiterating that as science, comprises a systematized knowledge
the child psychotherapeutic process occurring about something; and as a method, encompasses a
through play does not exclude its relevance and research methodology of this same reality. In this
seriousness. On the contrary, the relevance of play regard, Ribeiro (2012) clarifies that the approxima-
is emphasized by Huizinga (2014) because it is a tion of psychology with Phenomenology is by ana-
phenomenon that goes beyond the limits of purely logy and extension, when seeking in this a method
physical or biological activity because it contains of understanding reality that helps the gestalt-the-
an expressive, meaning-filled function. For this rapist to read and describe what is present before
author, the expression homo ludens expresses the him/her, that is, the phenomenon.
conviction that it is in play and by playing, innate In Gestalt therapy, children’s drawing is a
activity to man, that civilization develops, and the concrete form of expression. The interest of the
play aspect is one of its main bases. In addition to gestalt-therapist is to access, through the investi-
a possible mode of communication with the child, gation, description and understanding of the phe-
playing implies a physical, biological and emotio- nomenon, the experience lived and expressed by
nally vital function for the man ‘capable of absor- each child, in each of its productions. In this pers-
bing the player intensely and completely” (Hui- pective, children’s drawing is recognized as an au-
zinga, 2014, p.16). Hence the recurring perception thorial production, full of meaning, that only the
that playing on its own is therapeutic - even if it is child itself has the translation - and not the other,
not necessarily psychotherapeutic. whoever he/she may be. In this direction, pheno-
Playful resources and toys are important be- menology contributes through the search for an
cause they favor playfulness, expression and crea- instrument of investigation of the psychological
tivity of the child - although they are not indis- that is more human and less laboratorial (Aguiar,
pensable to emerge games in the clinical context 2004). To draw is primarily an attempt to approach
or outside. Some examples are: drawing, games, the world (Derdyk, 2015) and, concretely, an act
family of dolls, puppets, house, animals, modeling in it.
dough, clay, story books, sandbox, among others. In school years, a “right” way of drawing and
In the context of psychotherapy, they are relevant painting is learned in schools, usually within the
because they act as an invitation and encourage- line and with colors “coherent” with reality, repea-
ment to the child, in addition to concretizing the ting for centuries the standardization of teaching
approach of that adult with the child world. The that annihilates differences and blocks creativity.
use of such resources in the Gestalt perspective The green cloud and the scribble, for example,
should be in line with the phenomenological me- tend to be reprimanded for escaping from custo-
thodology, which invites the psychotherapist to mary norms, which have direct implications on

E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s
exercise of apprehending the child based on this the child’s unique and creative expression since
perspective, to the detriment of possible miscon- they denounce a kind of exploitation or subver-
ceptions resulting from personal interpretations of sion (Derdyk, 2015). The rectangular field of pa-
the professional (Aguiar, 2014). per, adds the author, gives the drawing its poten-
tiality as an instrument of reflection, abstraction
and conceptualization insofar as it becomes the
Phenomenological reading of children‘s field of possibility, reverie, invention, the concre-
drawing tization of its needs and desires - phenomena for
which psychotherapy is interested.
Phenomenology (translated from the Greek Some children feel embarrassed, and claim
“study of the phenomenon”) is a philosophical to have no skill with drawings, opinions often de-
school, whose father and master is Edmund Hus- rived from external judgments that can generate
serl, and began in Germany in the late nineteenth resistance to this experience. Therefore, the use
century (Bello, 2006). Pray for the phenomenon as of this resource is not always given spontaneou-
that which appears “before me”, not “in me” (Ho- sly, and it may occur through an invitation from
landa, 2014), and contemplates consciousness as the psychotherapist. Faced with this resistance, it
intentional. Unlike the sense of intention as a vo- is opportune to differentiate some alternatives of
litional act, the intentionality of consciousness re- the psychotherapist’s conducts in relation to the
client: to praise, to manipulate and to encoura-

fers to the dialectical relation that conceives cons-

ciousness as the capture of the world, directing ge the child. Praise may come with professional
statements that try to convince that the child is
A r t i g o s

towards the object, essential correlation without

which there would be neither consciousness nor capable, which invalidates its feeling (that is not
object, since this is what gives it meaning (Andra- good), and therefore breaks with the psychothe-
de, 2007). rapeutic principle of confirmation. Manipulating,

217 Phenomenological Studies - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica - XXIV(2): 215-225, mai-ago, 2018
Mariana Vieira Pajaro; Celana Cardoso Andrade

in a clear or veiled way, happens when the child case study is useful to investigate new concepts
is directed, independently of its will, to do what as well as to verify how elements of a theory are
the psychotherapist proposed using a bargain, in applied and used in practice (Yin, 2009). To do
order to meet a personal need and not of its client. so, we will use seven drawings, made in different
Unlike the previous ones, to encourage the child is sessions, and the psychotherapist’s record book
an act that welcomes its perception while inviting containing the records of attendance, that is, the
it to try to go beyond, propitiating contact with the textual reports of the professional on the work per-
new one through a supportive relation. Thus, the formed at each visit of the child.
psychotherapist clarifies in his/her call that there
is no right or only way to draw, that this is not
what matters in that context, but the freedom to do Participant
it as you want and achieve. With this encourage-
ment, some children are encouraged, others keep Peter (fictitious name) began the process of
the same decision: whatever the choice, you have psychotherapy at the age of six, shortly after the
to respect and move on. murder of his father in the exercise of his work as
The phenomenological reading makes possi- a police officer - a complaint referred to by the per-
ble the understanding of the drawing through its son in guardian. In the new family configuration,
description, which can only be done by the author he lived with her mother and his 10-year-old bro-
itself. Aguiar (2014) corroborates that this form of ther. With considerable repercussion of the case
work allows the child to gradually construct the in the press, the sudden death of the father was
meaning of its material. The psychotherapist will the predominant theme of his attendance, highli-
be able to help with interventions that can broa- ghting games that often involved losing/winning
den its perception, taking care that the questions antagonism. His maternal family, with which he
do not come to an interrogation that will not make had more coexistence, is of Japanese origin and
sense. This is contrary to the behavior of the pro- was characterized by a restrained expression. The
fessional who blindly imposes his/her own chil- mother, in particular, clearly reported her diffi-
dhood image when interpreting children’s drawin- culty in showing her children her suffering, and
gs (Derdyk, 2015). It is intended, in the clinical consequently habitually chose not to talk about it.
care in Gestalt-therapy, using the phenomenologi- Psychotherapy lasted for one year and ten months,
cal method, the exercise and the constant search totaling 49 sessions.
for the subject of the experience, for its experience
lived as it perceives it.
Results and Discussion
Method Next, we will present some drawings of Pe-
dro, followed by description, and reflections on
This is a case study from a documentary, the phenomenological method as contribution of
descriptive ex post facto research, with the des- the illustrated psychotherapeutic process. The
cription of free drawings of a child with a finished starting point of a graphic production is the des-
psychotherapy process. The ex post facto research cription, that is to say, the child is asked to tell
E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s

is characterized by the data being used after the how it “lives” that experience, feelings and, by ex-
occurrence of the event, in this case after the end tension, its drawing - Aguiar (2004). The author
of the client’s psychotherapy. The documentary affirms that only in this way will it be possible,
character refers to the use of such drawings as a in the presence of the psychotherapist (and with
source of scattered information that can be reorga- him/her), to achieve the co-constituted single mea-
nized, giving them a new importance as a source nings and senses, an inexorably possibility articu-
of consultation (Prodanov & Freitas, 2013). The au- lated to the word. The phenomenological premise
thors complement: outlined here rests on the prospect of going to the
same things, apprehending the world as it is, by
We understand by document any record means of a “naive” look and before any reflection
that can be used as a source of information, (Holanda, 2014). In view of the risk of misappro-
through investigation, which includes: ob- priating Phenomenology as a philosophy, the idea
servation (critical in the data of the work); of possible transposition to Psychology concerns
reading (criticism of the guarantee, interpre- the phenomenological method in terms of metho-
tation, internal value of the work); reflection dology, not of technique. In other words, as des-
(criticism of the process and content of the cribed by Holanda (2014), it concerns the use of
work); criticism (reasoned judgment on the Phenomenology as a method to understand the
value of the material usable for scientific psychic phenomenon.
work. (p. 56)

Pedro comes to psychotherapy brought by his

mother a few days after the loss of the father that
The choice for the case study comes from the
A r t i g o s

occurred in an unexpected and tragic way when

need to understand the human phenomenon in a being shot to death at work as a police officer. At
holistic perspective, in which there is no control the time, she explains the emergence of psycho-
of the researcher about the events involved. The logical counseling for her son who, even present,

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Case Study in Gestalt therapy: Phenomenological Readings of Children’s Drawing

remains silent and head down in the face of his cess. Faced with the sensations referred to by the
mother’s emotional reports. At the end of this first psychotherapist, the supervisor warned her that
contact, the child was consulted about his inte- talking openly about her father’s death seemed not
rest in returning to the psychotherapist office and to be the current need of Pedro. Accompanying
agreed. In his first individual sessions, Pedro did the spontaneous emergence of the child required
not speak spontaneously on the subject of his fa- the professional to work with her own anxiety and
ther’s death, nor was he receptive to the approa- expectations resulting from the encounter with
ches of the psychotherapist. Gestalt-therapy, in this client. Unlike what she expected, at that mo-
its clinical posture, is guided by respect for the ment, Pedro “only” wanted to play. Although it
client’s choice, giving him the decision on what to seems simple and unpretentious, it is “by playing
address or do in the session - which also applies to that the child comes into contact with its pain, its
the child’s context. fears, its anger, its emotion, its affection, its love;
The child who comes to psychological assis- is a laboratory of its life” (Zanella, 2004).
tance, brings with it a sacred ground and comple- In his ninth session, Pedro, in constructing a
tely unknown to the professional who receives it, scenario with building blocks and human figures,
source of curiosity and, fundamentally, of respect. he identifies the father and finds it inside his hou-
In view of this, the psychotherapeutic bond can be se, telling the psychotherapist how much he per-
compromised as soon as the psychologist expects ceives him in that place. From this time on, it was
the child to address the same complaint referred possible to identify the beginning of a cyclical mo-
to by those guardians, which may interfere with vement of gradual approximation and withdrawal
and hamper its authentic manifestation. On the of this theme that had been repeated throughout
contrary, for the most part (and for different rea- its psychotherapeutic process: if in a session the
sons), they come with other interests and themes child approached his present experience in rela-
for the session. Such discrepancy may relate, for tion to the loss of the father, especially through
example, to a difference in need and/or percep- drawings, at the next meeting, he chose any other
tion among members of the same family; in other activity that did not make a direct reference to
cases, it may indicate a difficulty in approaching grief - and so on.
the demand that is sometimes a source of exces- In the psychotherapeutic process of Pedro,
sive suffering for the client. In this case, getting drawing proved to be a possible mode of access
away from the subject may translate what Hycner to the experience of the father’s death. Drawing is
(1995) calls “wisdom of resistance”, that is, when understood as the result of an activity that emer-
a person feels for some reason that do not have su- ges from the imaginary, from the perceived and
fficient support to deal with a particular situation the real, which becomes the object of investigation
and therefore stay away from it as an organismic and exploration (Ferreira, 1998), therefore, a star-
attempt to protect itself. Perls (1977) corroborates ting point for descriptions and perceptions arising
this understanding by proposing the idea that not from them. Given its breadth, it is not merely a te-
all coping is healthy, not all escape is unhealthy - chnique, which would imply a reductionist view,
if considered the best possible way to be at a given but a revealing activity of human experience (in
moment. any age group) that can be used in the psychothe-
The first plays of Pedro remained uninteres- rapeutic context from a theoretical-methodologi-

E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s
ting and, notoriously, did not include the psycho- cal framework consistent with the practice estab-
therapist. It is fundamental that the professional lished. The Phenomenology, the basic philosophy
knows how to tolerate the time, silence and anxie- in Gestalt-therapy’s foundation, understands that,
ty of the child of “not knowing what to do” in this contrary to the traditional explanatory perspecti-
new context (Aguiar, 2011), or even its non-availa- ve, characterized by an aprioristic attitude in whi-
bility to the relationship at any given time. Gestalt- ch one considers the understanding of the pheno-
-therapy understands that there is no correct or ex- mena from something given and put before, to do
pected mode in relation to the child’s behavior in Phenomenology is the exercise of continuous and
psychotherapy, which refers to the distressing and uninterrupted questioning of appearances (Holan-
necessary exercise of the psychologist: to accept da, 2014), in the endless search for the understan-
the authenticity of the child in its infinity of ma- ding of the subject of experience.
nifestations. It requires, therefore, a human ope- The descriptive mode of investigation, di-
ning from which facilitates the emergence of the fferent from the deductive one, postulates that
client’s being (Holanda, 2014), although this pos- the phenomenon shows up by itself and will be
ture involves relative discomfort in the psychothe- known by such a way, without assuming that there
rapist. In this phase of the visits, the professional is something behind what is shown (Feijoo, 2010).
reports in the records of the case her distress for In this logic, the phenomenological methodology
not addressing the issue of the death of Pedro’s fa- removes the psychotherapist from the place of the
ther, given the impact of this theme on her and her supposed-knowledge subject, holder of the truth

willingness to help him. about the client. In relation to drawing, this means
In situations where there is a real difficulty recognizing the child’s place as an idealizer and,
A r t i g o s

in attending, the assistance of a more experien- consequently, a better interpreter of its creation,
ced professional to guide and supervise the case repositioning it in an active role in its production
becomes fundamental for the progress of the pro- (Aguiar, 2004).

219 Phenomenological Studies - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica - XXIV(2): 215-225, mai-ago, 2018
Mariana Vieira Pajaro; Celana Cardoso Andrade

From the tenth session, the first drawings of sed that her client freely use a sheet of paper to
Pedro begin to appear. Realizing his difficulty in express what he was feeling at that moment. In
expressing himself through speech (a common drawing 1, Pedro speaks of the feelings of missing
characteristic among children, especially in the and sadness for the lack of the father. In parallel,
context of tragedies), the psychotherapist propo- he says he feels happy when he remembers they

Drawing 1

playing soccer, when his father handed him the vement), thus being relative to the way the child
ball so he could score the goal - he describes. captures and perceives the world of which it is part
Talking about the drawing, starting from his des- and is in relation. Although one of these modes can
cription, new feelings were manifested, as when be contemplated at a given moment, such contact
he tells of his fear of losing others he loves. experiences involve, fundamentally, being touched,
When polarities appear in the same drawing, that is, contact as a form of touch (Polster & Polster,
as in the example of sadness and happiness, it is 2001). In the Gestalt-therapy perspective, contact
essential that both be welcomed in their legitimacy, has to do with “relating to, encountering with one-
as the total experience lived and perceived. Thus, self and with others, without ever losing sight of
the psychotherapist does not privilege one or the everything happening in the world” (Ribeiro, 2006,
other feeling, instead he/she can make readings that p. 91).
explain this totality or suggest experiments that In the following sessions, the psychothera-
“put them to talk”, such as asking what one feeling pist and the client talked and played with diffe-
has to say to the other. In addition, he/she can ask rent feelings, so that Pedro became familiar with
the child to choose one of them to try to dialogue, human emotions - as he initially showed some of
color, locate in the body where it concentrates, ex- them to be unaware of and have difficulty naming
E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s

press with a body movement, etc. The child is then them. He could, by means of another drawing, try
invited to do the same with the polar feeling. All to locate them in the body and give color to each
these options, and many others that allow creativi- one of them: he painted the miss of his dad with
ty to emerge in the psychotherapeutic context, are black and located it in the heart. In this direction,
playful ways of exploring the functions of contact Derdyk (2015) describes that through investigation
(sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, speech and mo- and experimentation new meanings arise between
A r t i g o s

Drawing 2

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Case Study in Gestalt therapy: Phenomenological Readings of Children’s Drawing

the child and the adult. In drawing 2, when invited immediately draws him in the corner of the page,
to draw his family, Pedro chooses to represent res- linking it with a line to him, to his mother and
pectively his mother, brother, uncles, grandparents brother. To facilitate the child’s contact with itself,
and cousins - as he narrates in pointing and naming it is essential to work with its senses in order to
each one of them. expand and integrate its perceptions. At this mo-
After describing who the people were, one by ment, the child is invited by the psychotherapist
one, the psychotherapist realized that the father to touch the line drawn and pay attention to what
had not been represented in the drawing, nor men- he feels as he does so. After passing his hand over
tioned among the relatives named: it was the first the line a few times, he describes that the line that
time that he was not concretely present. The no- connects them is nostalgia. This proposal eviden-
velty experienced in the paper and captured by the ces the invitation to recover the willingness to see
professional was reported to the child due to the and touch and feel the effects of this look (Polster
update outlined graphically. The psychotherapeu- & Polster, 2001).
tic intervention is marked by the possibility of fa- In the following drawing, after some sessions,
voring the opportunity of new understandings and Pedro describes his father in the sky, above the
experiments, which foments the confrontation of clouds, and his family underneath. The dotted line,
the new (Fernandes, 2016, Aguiar, 2014). When according to him, is his father’s way back: he tells
Pedro realizes that he had not illustrated it, he of having watched in a movie that after people die,

Drawing 3

they come back. Drawing reveals a person’s intro- behaviors give room to new ones, not always ac-

E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s
jections and beliefs that are often not directly ac- cepted and welcomed by context, given the arran-
cessed by his speech. The psychotherapist is only gement of these new configurations articulated by
a facilitator in this process of investigation and un- the child. At this stage of the process, the mother
derstanding (Soares, 2009). informs the psychologist of her discomfort in the
Developing the child’s expression and liste- face of the child’s new manifestations of discontent,
ning to it with acceptance is a task of the gestal- described by her as “tantrum”. Creative adjustment
t-therapist that must be shared with the family. refers to how a person can organize around his or
This means that the more she experiences and risks her experience, and may be considered dysfunc-
showing herself in a secure relationship and con- tional when it becomes a generalization in the face
text, the more likely it is that she will surpass the of different contexts (Aguiar, 2014, Antony, 2010,
therapeutic setting. In the care of Pedro, some ses- Fernandes, 2016). In one of his subsequent atten-
sions were aimed at the mother’s guidance, with the dances, Peter begins to realize that his shouts and
aim of favoring a welcoming posture with respect to tantrums are the way he found to be heard and seen
her son’s pain. In this sense, the sessions with the by people - which can be easily understood if consi-
guardians are intended to listen to them and talk dered his family context governed by silence. From
about issues related to the child that are pertinent then on, evidencing its necessity, it became possi-
to the progress of the process (Aguiar, 2005). Such ble to approach new ways - more effective for him
meetings hold within the rich possibility of the psy- - to show and be seen by those who wish, as well as

chotherapist to know the functioning of the family to increase the understanding of the functioning of
and its belief system, essential aspects in the beha- the family field. Pedro finishes this service saying
A r t i g o s

vioral breakdowns presented by the child. that what he learned in this session is that “every
In the course of the visits, and in the conti- day we feel”. By prioritizing a greater awareness of
nuous follow-up with the family, new demands the child, psychotherapy in the gestaltic approach
emerge in psychotherapy. This means that old aims to foster new possibilities of being and being

221 Phenomenological Studies - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica - XXIV(2): 215-225, mai-ago, 2018
Mariana Vieira Pajaro; Celana Cardoso Andrade

in the world (Aguiar, 2014). This means making not knowing how to handle the commemorations
clients aware of what they are doing, how they are of the date. The view of the school is fundamental
doing and how they can transform themselves (Yon- as it complements the client’s history and provi-
tef, 1998), favoring an integrative self-perception at des relevant information to a better understanding
the affective, cognitive and motor-sensory levels, of its reality, which requires an efficient exchange
whereby a person can “realize” itself in the world. between these two contexts (Aguiar, 2014; Zanella,
Near the father’s day, the school and the fa- 2010). In this session, when informed about this
mily requested support of the psychotherapy, for concern, Pedro is invited to draw what he imagi-

Drawing 4

nes of the father’s day party that will happen in placed on the floor by the psychotherapist, in the
the school. In drawing 4, describing his fantasy, he order in which they were performed. The mosaic
narrates the scene with children singing, a table of formed by his productions graphically illustrated
souvenirs, another with the sound, and the space of the process of lived psychotherapy. Looking at it,
the parents: his father’s chair is empty. Pedro enters in deep silence, moved. This model of
Making contact with his sadness, Pedro asks intervention can be applied in situations in which
that his grandfather to not participate in the cel- it is necessary to highlight the trajectory of the child
ebration representing his father (proposal of the psychotherapeutic process in a concrete way, and
mother) and, finally, decides not to attend the party. may include the different productions of the client;
When communicated by the child about his will, allowing a clear view of its walk.
E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s

the mother can support him with a welcoming and The child in psychological counseling signals
understanding attitude, which reveals significant in different ways when the natural end of its pro-
steps of her personal process carefully covered cess approaches, we must be alert to signs that in-
throughout the care. This illustrates the breadth of dicate the term. The family that searches for child
child psychotherapeutic work that extends to the psychotherapy brings with it a complaint that,
family as a possibility to support the child’s new ex- when welcomed and worked among its members,
periences. It is important that psychotherapy helps usually gives rise to new demands that demand
to identify needs and the search for their satisfac- attention. Nevertheless, confusions can affect pro-
tion. By self-managing, the child begins to respect fessionals who have mistaken expectations about
itself, strengthening its self, which will give it sup- the duration of such follow-up, such as when they
port to face events perceived as negative (Antony, relate efficiency to time or even when they discredit
2010). According to the author, self-nutrition makes the self-support of the child and the family to walk
the child able to take care of itself, by being able to without their help. The fact is that each system has
integrate denied parts to the total experience. its necessity and its rhythm which, when contem-
With the passage of time, visits began to have plated, naturally leads to the end. Some signs of
new configurations, in which grief no longer ap- termination are related to fluidity and flexibility in
peared as a figure. New games and plays arose and, the way the child is placed, in the new solutions
at the same time, some faults. Pedro seemed not to it encounters for everyday issues, remission of the
be interested in new subjects, showing a decreasing initial symptoms, reduced enthusiasm with the ses-

energy in the attendances and gradual disinterest sion, faults, interest in other activities at the same
for the sessions. The psychotherapist, in her super- time of the meetings (Aguiar, 2014; Antony, 2010;
A r t i g o s

vision, is alerted to possible signs of the end of the Fernandes, 2016). Once the possibility of conclu-
process of Pedro. At the 40th session, all drawings sion is identified, it is essential to pay particular
made and stored with the client’s permission are attention to works on terms and separations (Agu-

Phenomenological Studies - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica - XXIV(2): 215-225, mai-ago, 2018 222
Case Study in Gestalt therapy: Phenomenological Readings of Children’s Drawing

iar, 2014). rent living beings. Then, at the request of the psy-
The playful alternative of closing this assis- chotherapist, he was able to identify the moments
tance was based on the analogy with the natural he spent in psychotherapy and to locate himself in
development of life: to be born, to grow and to die the here-now. In drawing 5, he represented with
in correlation with the process of initiating, de- an “X” the steps he perceived as completed, and
veloping and finalizing sessions. Drawing on this with “√” his current moment in the process: “I am
metaphor, Pedro drew the development of diffe- entering the end”. In the children’s world, drawing

Drawing 5

promotes the realization of the experience, so ne- being able to “say goodbye” to her and her care. At
cessary to the understanding of younger children, that moment he asks: “I want 22 sessions to say
facilitating their perception. “Art does not imita- goodbye” - request accepted by the psychothera-
te the visible, it makes visible” (Klee, 1977, apud pist. Not by chance, after six sessions, Pedro closes
Derdyk, 2015). the appointments, by choice. He finishes with 2
Talking about separation, loss, farewell, are drawings: one on the father (drawing 6), and the
indispensable care behaviors to a closure (Antony, other on the most important moment for him in
2010). As an end is evident, which refers to the the meetings (drawing 7). In drawing 6, he des-
impossibility of Pedro to say goodbye to his father cribes his father in heaven, beside God looking at
- the central theme of his process - the psycholo- his family, who still lives a storm. In drawing 7, he

E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s
gist assures him in this context the possibility of depicts the day we made the visit a movie session,

A r t i g o s

Drawing 6

223 Phenomenological Studies - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica - XXIV(2): 215-225, mai-ago, 2018
Mariana Vieira Pajaro; Celana Cardoso Andrade

Drawing 7

with the presence of his brother, at which time, al- to provide methods for children to express their
though the theme of the father’s loss had not been feelings, since often children coming to psychothe-
explicitly worked, they watched the film “Up”, rapy do not know how to do it. This confirms the
suggested by the psychotherapist, which makes relevance of this professional being committed to
mention of death. the constant questioning of the drawing, since its
Pedro, therefore, reproduces as a milestone openness is fundamental to work with this type of
in his process a situation in which, instead of ex- language - when this is the client’s choice.
plicitly approaching pain, they lived a playful mo- Psychotherapy has the role of accompanying
ment. The suggestion of the movie, the fruit of in- the child in its construction of meanings and per-
tersubjective perception, reaffirms the relevance of ception of the world and in the world. Thus, it is
the dialogical dimension in Gestalt-therapy. In such expected that the child psychologist works, not in
a way, “the therapist should not only be friendly, an ideal of “cure”, but focused on contributing to
but must be willing to effectively contribute with the free flow of the child in its larger context. This
his/her own self to the encounter” (Hycner, 1995, p. means recognizing in the graphic elaboration the
113), whatever the possible formats for it to happen. subject of production and all its intrinsic tempora-
This reiterates the premise that there is no more or lity in this manifestation. The phenomenological
less effective technique, a stiff format common to exercise is to read behind the rationalities, in the
children cases: the creativity of the psychotherapist constant search for the singularities and connec-
and the child, combined, must be in the service of tions of the child with the world.
the present need, which involves, in all probability, This study was able to explain the psychothe-
the capacity to perceive the other. The evidence of rapeutic process of a child, highlighting some of the
E s t u d o s Te ó r i c o s o u H i s t ó r i c o s

the encounter with the human transcends (or shou- endless possibilities of intervention. It is not inten-
ld!) theories and technicalities. ded here to exhaust them, but to reaffirm the in-
vitation to reflection that involves foundation and
practice. The limits of the study are concerned with
Final Considerations displaying a case in which drawing was fundamen-
tal to the process, which obviously is not unanimi-
Children’s drawing is a “trigger” feature throu- ty. It was concluded that drawing was a favorable
gh which the child’s experience is revealed. Althou- expression path in this case study by the affinity of
gh not all children have proximity and opt for this the child and the psychotherapist with this form of
resource, when adopted, it can facilitate the expres- work. Therefore, we suggest studies that can reveal
sion and promote awareness, corroborating to the the scope and limits of other resources based on
purpose of this approach. The phenomenological existing (or not) compatibility with psychotherapis-
readings express the impossibility of deduction or ts and their clients.
interpretation by the psychotherapist of the mate-
rial produced, since they are subject to the rigor of
this descriptive methodology of the subject. References
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225 Phenomenological Studies - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica - XXIV(2): 215-225, mai-ago, 2018

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