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How does your product engage with the audience and how would they be
distributed as real media products?

In these past 2 years, I have come to know about the importance of audience in media text. It is
vital to know of a media texts potential target audience as not only it helps in marketing but it
also helps in making a media text that helps to fit the wants and needs of the target audience as
without an audience to receive a media text, there is no benefit for the creator.

In our pre-production there was a task of handing our surveys to our potential target audience
to gather information about their choice of genre, age range, and what kind of media text they
would be drawn to. Our survey consisted of both open ended and closed ended questions to
gather as much data from audience as possible.
We distributed our surveys in school and shared online as well. Our survey provided other
Information such as the preference of genre, style of music video and whether they too have
experienced eating disorder or body shamming.

These surveys helped us decide which genre of music video we should produce and since
majority voted to produce conceptual, narrative and performance based, we went with it.

It also helped us to see whether people think colorism is a big issue or not in our society,
majority voted to end colorism. We were then confident in producing our music video as we got
an overwhelming response through the surveys.

In these 2 years we have studied a number of audience theories of famous theorists such as
Marc Prensky, David Gauntlett and many more. These theories helped me understand the ever
changing audience. The audience theories suggest the recent change in audiences and the
generation of prosumers. With an audience which expects a much more interactive and
interesting media text than ever before, we had to keep this in mind before making any
decisions as it impacts marketing. Through internet the world has become a global village and
media texts are shared all over the world in a matter of seconds, so an artist in Pakistan should
focus on producing a media text that will appeal to an international audience. We named our
artist in english in his logo so that not only local but international audience is also appealed.
Websites such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook enable an interactive platform
between producers and audience of media. With the ability to comment on photos and videos
as well as sending private messages, audiences feel more connected to stars. Our main media
product, the music video, highlights an issue to which not much importance is given in the
world especially in Pakistan. Our main aim is to make issue like eating disorder and self-
rejection as important as sexual harassment. We want people to generate a conversation
regarding this issue which may be done in the comment section of YouTube, on Twitter or in
comments of photos posted in Instagram.

The album will be released on a number of streaming sites such as YouTube, Patari, Pandora,
Spotify, SoundCloud and Saavn, which will attract not only the target audience of the song but
also other audiences of these streaming sites.
It will also be streamed on local radio stations such as City FM 89, FM 101 which are one of the
best radio stations in Pakistan.

In these 2 years I learned the importance of timing while studying media studies which is why,
our release date for the album is 8th March which is also the date of the Women’s Day. Since
our video promotes self-acceptance we thought that it would be best to release our music
video on women’s day as most of our actors are female.

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