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Wildlife PP reserves A Far Side Collection by Gary Larson ‘The Far Side is distributed internationally by Universal Press Syndicate. Wildlife Preserves copyright © 1989 FetWorks, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America, No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews. For information write Andrews and ‘McMeel, a Universal Press Syndicate Company, 4900 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64112. ISBN: 0-8362-1842-6 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 88-83867 First Printing, March 1989 Fourth Printing, September 1993 Printed on recycled paper. Life in the primordial soup ye done everything we can; now we can only wait 1 pulls through... If she doesn't, however, got dibs on these ribs right here.” a ele Pog ea ae ee Pe ee po ee - “So then [says to Borg, ‘You know, as longas we're under siege, one of us oughta moon these Saxon dogs.” Ha. Kall of Bacte- \ddenly; Dr: Morrissey’s own creation, 2 hideous creature ‘nine feet tall and bearing the heads of the Brady Bunch, ‘turns against him, Early setters of Beverly Hills Micepeces trout her crggcl ce han okca, re species iout their ecological ni is utile behavior naturals have dseribed as “ballooning?” 12 ‘Anatidaephobia: The fear that somewhere, somehow, ‘Tethercat aduck is watching you. “Just look at this room —body segments everywhere!” on Gee i pngea e é a | arin the jo) ‘Eat it, Zok! Fab if Zapp Lat it, Zok! Eat if Zoky Primitive fraternities 19 “Yo! Everyone down there! Thisis the jackal! I'm tired of slinking around ia the shadows! ...I'm coming down to the kill! Tsthat gonna be cool with everyone! [don’t want trouble!” 4.) ‘Raymond: Sout fee on yao bods a “Leell you've had it! ..1'm not climbing into that getup one gq Toretime until yo tell me why Falvey the back en” “Drive, Ted! We've stumbled into some cowiown.” 23 “Sure it's true! .. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a sharp ‘The Potatoheadsin Brazil ‘chunk of obsidian in my eye.” 4 9 paea ees 25 AP eked my antenna... \ So I blated him. ‘Bombardier beetles at home “We understand your concern, ma'am — but thisjustisn’t ‘enough for us to go on. Now, you find the other half of your husband, and then we've got a case.” m can Package fer you Gel put the Swamp here! How the human egg is often deceived. Frog pioneers 29 “Aha! The murderer's footprin *Course, weall leave tracks like this” years! And hey— you've still got that thing growin’ outta your head that looks like a Buick” “Good heavens, Bernie! We've got company’. ‘Ona clear day, Eugene rose and looked around him and, ‘And you're never going to catch that stupid squirrel anyway!” regrettably, saw who he was. 31 32 33 “Oh, good heavens, no, Gladys—not for me. Nonunion wagon masters ‘Late my young just an hour ago.” 34 “Ooovooweeeeee! This thing's been here a looooooooong time. ‘Well, thank God for ketchup?” 38 &’ “OK, when Isay ‘draw/ we draw, «Ready? “Now remember, Cory, show us that you can three STRAW... OK, just checkin take good care of these litle fellowsand maybe next year three— CLAWI... OK, DRAWbridge!...” 56 we'll get you that puppy” Howe aa.#5 Salattoadwith site. ond karting excitedly Neandnthale one Aapicted. proceild Ler cane ip Thai foarte Kilt, the “ Weare eee” ee Weiiitirn . Ww. \ Witte 37 t fe relat eirned igh Tetey 2 ise kusk Ee Poa SA Ss, eess| oS 82y oe Sy ‘Dr Verlucci zene from Retum of the Nose of Se Hell's Cafeteria 38 fey! Buddy? Mowe that thi “What? You're just going to throw the tail away? Lineecetanedmaaue ye? Paw aa OG when hak ‘Sucker fish at home Ge He sZasacatt itch tthe sep charchal Land, and tailed hawks hung mritionlisa in the destih 1 4 “Lcan’t believe it! Thisis impossible! Nothing here but —wait! Wait! Isee something! . Yest There they are—granola bars! a2 "Why thankyon ~~ Thank you very mi “Hold it right there, young lady! Before you go out, ‘you take off some of that makeup and wash off that sallon of pheromones!” 5 1005 sh Styrofoam) ” Carl issent to “Sleep with the humans.” EU See! “Lbuile the forms around him just yesterday afternoon when “Pretty cool, Dewey... Hey! Shake the jar he fell asleep, and by early evening | was able to mix and pour.” and sce if they'll fight!” 46 HAYWIRE HHAYWIRE a & SUPPLIES, A suites pe i oT i Ss sh “Mr. Cummings? This is Frank Dunham in Production... ‘We've got some problems. Machine No. 5 has jammed, several of the largerspooks have gone off rack, the generator'sblown, 47 ‘and, well, everythingscems to be you-know-what?” Aug,l\1957: Tite Reente (aus: loses the beat ee Ella Fitegeratd hits note Sept.4, 194g Dizzy Gillespie cant Find Bb Taly 41974: 6 74. sc Peletstn fgets ‘ve chords 43 "Heart ar Soul” Infamous moments in jazz “Well, hank God we all made it out in time. “Hley, Bob... did Iscare you or what?” =’ Course, now we're equally screwed.” a vende pies : Toad at io Today ahldes seis Hummingbieds on vacation 5t , Fruitcakes of the World Buteerfly yearbooks 52. 33 Primitive think tanks, “Oh, for heaven's sake, Miss Carlisle! ‘They're only cartoon animals!” Fly travelogues. ‘Her answer off by miles, Sheila’ “cow sense” was always a targetof: 55 Goldfish laundry days 58 “Yeah, yeah, buddy, I've heard it all before: You've just ‘metamorphosed and you've got 24+hou breed before you die... “Allright! Hand me the tongs Frank... ‘We yotusa bigden of rattiershete.” ry 3) (pa ‘| Cnet And nthe Bly in atte a ‘Aladdin's lamp, end table,and sofa Monster jobs 6 “You and Fred have such afovely web, Edna — and [love what you've done with those fly wings.” oe . “The wench, you idiot! Bring me the wench!” c, gradually succumbs 1g back i to the early stages of nonculture shock. Professor Feldman, travelin 63 ‘The world was going down the tubes. They needed a_ scapegoat. They found Wayne. 65 di! There's a car across the el, the Sullivans are outon theie tre again.’ yo ‘you weren't followed, Mary?” s 2 = “Well! No wonder! ... Look who's been “And this report justin. .. Apparently, the grass loose the whole evening!” is greener on the other side!” or ‘The toaster divers of Pago Pago BEN & VERAS ee) ‘The untold ending of D.B. Cooper Robby works his ant farm, Woanarbuossnaptane lalla stantennearetae ‘your brother off the rack this instant2” An instant later, both Professor Waxman and his time machine are obliterated, leaving the cold-blooded warm-blooded dinosaur debate still unresolved. 2 Watch those Flesh tones, Son they're to yellow...How much; they payin’ you for this? g Back in my clay werd finish @ celling Twice His big in less than a week! Course, jin those days we had ta ‘make cur own brushes! Michelangelo’ father Saloon seenesonother planes “a When you start getting angry, l put iedown, Tl “Now relax... Just like last week, Pm going to hold the ‘cape up for the count of 10 6 z 2 g 5 : a es Edgar Allan Poe in a moment of writer's block ‘The elephant man meets a buffalo gal. 76 Vampives! The vampires, ‘are everywhere! Listen to me! Everyone must beware! Vampires! a \ Young Victor Frankenstein stays after school. ‘Morty! You're pulling me int “Well, it’s cold again”? fou're pulling me in!” 8I ay a} a = eee a te sisi noeeg) Wena “What the? .. This is lemonade! Where's my culture of amoebic dysentery?” “Man, this is havin’ no effect. ... Buti the boss wants this vvarmint dragged through the desert, Lain’t gonna argue.” “Well, well —another blond hair. ... Conducting allitle more. ‘research’ with that Jane Goodall ramp?” jon take “his gan ‘out oe up rot tar re and proably dates abn, Sh, Be say early Tay, Early archaeologists 87 5 oar recone umneys of destiny Johnny Appleseed and Tring Ragweed nod “helo.” “Telli again, Gramps! The one about being caught in the ‘hark frenzy off the Great Barrier Reef?” 5 Fhan! Ste til > Oman, baddy--ZF i/ Youre carrying ary “Accountantstreet gangs ‘The fake McCoys a Sy Ml =n yg HA ww Rh on “Zelda! Cool it! ... The Rothenbergs hear the can opener!” 93 Inexplicably, Bob's porcupine goes flat. ‘trying to scare these kids, not erack ‘em up” eee Killer bees are generally described ‘The spitting cobras at home as starting out as larvae delinquents. 95 L oom iad chem all removed last week and, boy, do I feel great.” 1or's hammer, screwdriver, and crescent wrenel aN te “Letter from Lonso. ...And he sounds pretty lone! ‘How many days now this trail dust?” Stephen King’s childhood antfarm_ “Egadt les

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