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Lesson Plan 

Vocabulary Lesson- ​Seedfolks 

​By: Jim Waters 

1. Subject(s): English Language Arts 
2. Topic or Unit of Study: ​Seedfolks​ Vocabulary lesson 
3. Grade/Level: 5th Grade  
4. Time Allotment: 40-45 mins (whole period) 
5. Teaching space: Classroom 
6. Objective: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to research, describe 
and pantomime each of the selected vocabulary terms. 
7. Assessment:   

Reading Rainbow Tip:​ ​Think about how you will INSPIRE your students and consider what 
you want them to take away from today’s lesson plan. 

Learning Context and DPI Standards 

(DPI)(CCSS) RL.5.4. Craft and Structure

4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative language such as metaphors and similes.

(DPI)(CCSS) L.5.4. Vocabulary acquisition and Use

4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
c. Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both
print and digital, to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise
meaning of key words and phrases.
Cross-cutting Concepts 
Drama Based Instruction (DBI) 
Performance Indicators: Artistic Process, Performance Art 
Standard 2 - PERFORM: Students will analyze, develop, and convey meaning through 
the presentation of artistic work. 
TP.P.7.i: Nonverbal Communication Use gestures, facial expressions, and movement 
to develop a character in an improvised or scripted work. (In our case Vocabulary 
terms from Scripted Work: ​Seedfolks)​  

a. Anticipatory Set:​ Have all the vocabulary words written on the board in a 4x14 grid for our 
word wall ​without​ the definitions or synonyms and antonyms. Or you could also use a 
blank template and have the students come up with the vocabulary words as a class 
(Template on final page). As well as, a short bulleted schedule on the smart board for the 
class period. (Develop Definitions Discussion, Break into groups, Ask for examples given 
from the book to help with our definition development, Research Definitions on 
Smartbooks, Develop Definitions as a group, Research synonyms/ Antonyms, Fill in our 
Word wall, Paired Pantomiming, Group Pantomiming, If time left discuss how the activity 
went). Be sure to leave 3 mins. at the end to prep for tomorrow's lesson.   

b. Direct Instruction/ Guided Practice:​ Ask the students to give you possible definitions for 
each one of the vocabulary terms and encourage them to find examples of where and 
how these words were used within the book ​Seedfolks​. (does not have to be in order).  

(transition) I will then have the students count off 1-4 to determine groups. After which 
group 1 will come up to retrieve their smart books, then group 2 and so on. Each group 
will be instructed to find a comfortable space within the classroom to work. Once all the 
groups have found a place to work, each group will be given 2-3 words to examine and 
find examples within ​Seedfolks​. 

(Transition) While I allow students time to discuss possible definitions with their neighbors, 
I will be playing some light music in the background. To regain focus, I will turn off the 
music and wait 2 minutes then say, “Clap once if you can hear me!! Clap twice if you can 
hear me!!” (can be altered to snapping fingers so it’s not as loud as clapping) 

Once they have found their examples from within the book (page ranges for words, will 
be supplied along with the words they are given, for time sake) they will then attempt to 
define the words that were selected, based on the context of which the vocabulary word 
was used, tol try to fill in our word wall. After we have filled in as many possible definitions 
as the students may have already known or have an idea about from how the word was 
used within ​Seedfolks​, (Transition) I will then instruct the students to now utilize their 
smartbooks to research these words. I will first model how to research these words on the 
smartboard using the vocabulary term “concentration camp” (as to avoid the students 
researching this term on their own and having overwhelming imagery pop-up). After I 
have modeled how to appropriately research definitions, it will be their turn. 

(transition) During this time I will turn the music back on. After about 10-15 minutes I will 
turn the music off. After 2 minutes I will say “clap once if you can hear me, clap twice if 
you can hear me.”  

Then we will come back together as a group to discuss our definitions and which ones we 
like better and which ones we need to fix or change.  

c. Check for Understanding 

I will then ask the students to break back down into their groups and discuss some 
possible synonyms and antonyms. (Turn on Music / Turn off wait 2 mins. / Clap once.. Clap 
Twice..) Then have the students give some examples of possible synonyms and 
antonyms. Once again, break down into formulated groups and search the internet for 
possible synonyms and antonyms utilizing the same resources. (Play music / Turn off wait 
2 mins. / Clap once.. Clap twice…) Come back together and decide what we can keep and 
what we need to fix or change on our word wall.  

e. Independent Practice 

Next, the students will each be given one of these vocabulary words at random and 
discretely. They will NOT share these words with their neighbors, but instead attempt to 
pantomime these vocabulary words (appropriately) with a partner. In which they are to try 
and guess which word the other person has (like charades). (Play music/ Turn off music 
2min. Wait / Clap once.. Clap twice). We will then come together as a group and have 
each one perform their pantomime as we all guess which word they were given.  

f. Closing 

We will end by opening up the floor for discussions, questions, and reflections on how the 
activity went (what did you like, what didn’t you like, what can be improved, etc.). We can 
talk about how the students will use the lesson to expand their knowledge outside of our 
classroom, perhaps in another subject or topic. This is also when I would give an overview 
of what to expect for the following day and/or address any upcoming assignments.   
Differentiated Instruction 
Reading Rainbow Tip:​ ​Try to keep in mind that children learn in many different ways. By 
consciously thinking about this, you’ll be able to use different teaching techniques to reach as 
many children as possible in your classroom! 

a. Visual Learners -​ This activity meets this need (Physical representation and written 
b. Auditory Learners -​ This activity meets this need (in depth explanations and directions 
are given verbally as a group)  
c. Kinesthetic Learners -​ This activity meets this need (Physical representation, surfing the 
web and pantomiming) 
d. ESL Students -​ Written signs and directions in multiple languages if applicable. Verbal 
directions, group work, peer support. Google translate for vocabulary words in both 
languages for comprehension.  
e. At-risk Students -​ Whole group exercises like this tend to defer a majority of disruptive 
behaviors. However, you should always implement preventive classroom management 
techniques to ensure an active learning environment for all students (applicable transition 
time, calming room, IEP fulfillments, Independent Practice may be more suitable if 
f. Advanced Learners -​ Ask how you could employ these vocabulary words in other subject 
areas and/or everyday speech. from one one place to another. (Have vocabulary 
crossword puzzle builder link on hand if they finish early to differentiate instruction and 
Independent Practice may be more suitable for these students as well, based on their 
personal preference). ​Vocab Crossword Link (Click Here)​, 

Materials & Resources 

Reading Rainbow Tip:​ ​When choosing supplementary materials and resources for your lesson 
plan (books, videos, etc.), try to put yourself in the shoes of your students. Find resources that 
ENHANCE your lesson and make your instruction an inviting learning experience for your class! 

a. Instructional Materials​: Word Wall Grid and Word Wall Handout, Smart Books, Music, 
Adequate Space for Pantomiming (moving desks), ​Vocab Crossword Link (Click Here)​, 
Assessment sheet and this lesson plan 
b. Resources:​ ​Seedfolks, ​DPI, CCSS, Google Translate, ​Webster's Dictionary , G
​ oogle 
Translate Link (Click Here)​ (Anecdotal Record Template) 
Anecdotal Record

(Vocabulary Words and Word Wall Template Below) 


Vocabulary List and ​Webster’s Dictionary​ Definitions

Stern (adj)- ​(of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of 
authority and exercise of discipline. 
"a smile transformed his stern face" 

Strict (verb)- ​demanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed and observed. 
"my father was very strict" 

Abandon (Verb)​- ​cease to support or look after (someone); desert. 

"her natural mother had abandoned her at an early age" 

Obituary (noun)-​ ​a notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, typically including a brief 

biography of the deceased person. 
"an obituary notice" 

Precious (adj)- ​(of an object, substance, or resource) of great value; not to be wasted or treated 
"precious works of art" 

Pacifism (noun)-​ ​the belief that any violence, including war, is unjustifiable under any 
circumstances, and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means. 
"there remains a powerful undercurrent of pacifism" 

Coincidence (Noun)-​ ​a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent 

causal connection. 
"they met by coincidence"

Decisively (adj)-​ ​in a manner that settles an issue convincingly or produces a definite result. 
"I want the person who wins the election to win decisively 

Concentration (noun)-​the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort. 

"frowning in concentration" 
a close gathering of people or things. 
"the largest concentration of Canada geese on earth" 
Concentration Camp (noun)- ​a place where large numbers of people, especially political 
prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small 
area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. 

Refuge (noun)-​ ​a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble. 
"he was forced to take refuge in the French embassy" 

Disgrace (noun)-​ ​loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action. 

"she left her job in disgrace"

Vocabulary Word Definition Synonyms Antonyms

Disgrace (noun) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Strict (verb) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Abandon (Verb) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Obituary (noun) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Precious (adj) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Pacifism (noun) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Coincidence (Noun) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Decisively (adj) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Concentration (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

(noun) group) group) group)
Concentration (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a
Camp (noun) group) group) group)

Stern (adj) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

Refuge (noun) (Develop as a (Develop as a (Develop as a

group) group) group)

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