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31266 – Introduction to Information Systems

Assessment 1 – Individual assignment

Information Systems in Business, organization and society

General Instructions:

These instructions are to complement the assessment information provided in the subject outline.


This is an individual assessment. Students are advised to attempt all answers with an academic
perspective, so that they attain maximum benefit from the feedback provided. Students are also
advised to be proactive in reading and researching beyond and in advance of the weekly topics.
This assessment will include two parts: (1) Descriptive questions and (2) case study question. A
soft-copy assignment questions and Answer Sheet template will be provided on UTSOnline.

Due Date:

Turnitin Submission (soft copy): Wednesday 22 April 2020 at 23:59

Subject Objectives and Graduate Attributes:

This assessment is constructively aligned with the subjects objectives and graduate attributes,
particularly: Objectives: 1, 2, 5, and 6 and Attributes: A.1, A.2, A.3, A.5, B.2 and B.4.

Suggested Preparation Time:

It is expected that an average student will spend about 20 hours in preparing this assessment.
This figure could vary depending on the student’s language proficiency, skills, and academic
abilities and aptitude.

Submission Instructions:

A soft copy assignment template contains case studies, questions and Answer Sheet will be made
available on UTSOnline for students to download and complete.

Students should type answers in the Answer Sheet with 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font
style and single line spacing. Students are to use Harvard referencing for both in-text citations
and the reference list. One Answer Sheet is to be submitted per person.

The assignment Answer Sheet should be saved as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) and
submitted through Turnitin software (UTSOnline, Assignment 1, Turnitin) by Wednesday 22
April 2020 at 23:59.

Use the following format in naming the assignment Answer Sheet: Student surname + Student
number + Assg1. For example, a student called John Smith with the student ID 12345678 will
have the following name for their assignment file: Smith12345678Assg1.docx.

Students need to keep multiple backups as non-submission or late submission due to lost or
corrupt files will attract penalties as detailed in the subject outline.

To maintain assessment process equity and fairness, the tutors and lectures will not comment on
students output prior to submission. The instructors may be able to provide generic advice on
theoretical issues, structure, and expectations. Students are advised to raise any generic questions
with the lecturer and tutors during class time so that answers are provided to all students in an
equitable and transparent manner.

Students having difficulties with their comprehension and writing should seek immediate
assistance from university support services such as HELPS well in advance of the due date.

Marks and Feedback:

This assessment will be marked out of 25 marks which is the allocated weight for the assignment
in the subject outline. The tutors will endeavor to return marked assessments and provide written
feedback within three teaching weeks of assessment submission. General feedback will also be
discussed in the class

Assessments that do not comply with the submission instructions will attract a 10% penalty of
the maximum possible mark (not the student’s achieved mark) per offence. Late submission of

an assessment, either online or in hard copy will attract a 10% penalty of the maximum
possible mark (not the student’s achieved mark) per day or part thereof. More than seven
days late the assignment will receive zero. Any issues effecting timely submission should be
raised with the subject coordinator well in advance of the submission due date and time.

Referencing Guidelines

Students should refer to the Harvard (UTS) Reference Guide available in UTS Online. Students
may also find the following UTS library webpages useful:
 Study Skills 
 Referencing 
 Reading, Writing and Speaking 

You must provide suitable references to source of information (Journal papers, Books,
Electronic Sources] utilized in your answers. Minimum two references.

Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct:

Plagiarism means representing the creative work of another as your own original work without
appropriate acknowledgement of the author of the work or the source. The need to acknowledge
the work of another arises out of a set of rights provided for in the Copyright Act 1968 known as
'moral rights'. These include the right to attribution and the right to object to derogatory
treatment of the work. Advice on what constitutes plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarism, and how
to reference is available here:

Students are directed to adequately reference any material they use, not to share their
work with others, and not to leave their work on common storage media that others could
retrieve with or without their knowledge or consent. Students should therefore take full
responsibility of their work as copying and plagiarism with or without their knowledge or
consent still attracts severe penalties.

Criteria Feedback

 Correct identification and explanation.

 correct application of theoretical knowledge
relevant to the case.
 Grammar
Late submission
- 10% per day
Other Penalties as per instructions
-10% (e.g. font, size, spacing, references)

Total Mark out of 25


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