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How are ayurvedic products made?

Ayurvedic medicines are based on plants, animals extract and minerals

both in single-ingredient drugs and compound formulations, however,
Ayurveda does not rule out any substances from being used as a potential
source of medicine. ​Ayurvedic medicines are prepared according to the
Prakruthi of a person and the therapeutic effect needed. The constituents
that make up the medicine are obtained from nature and made ready with
great care. The main advantage of Ayurvedic medicine is that it does not
contain any harmful ingredients and can be used safely.

In Ayurvedic preparations, the part of an herb is chosen and used

depending on where its medicinal value lies and its curative effects on the
body. Some examples are listed below:

Turmeric, Ginger, Velvet Leaf, Rhubarb: Roots

Chaste Tree, Coriander, Aloe Vera: Leaves
Black Pepper, Gooseberry, Indian Gall Nut: Fruit
Neem Tree, Ashoka Tree, Sandalwood: Bark
Cardamom, Coriander, Cowhage Plant: Seeds

Different herbs have different healing powers. Here are a few


Aloe Vera, Sandalwood, Turmeric, Shatavari- Antiseptic (Protects against


Turmeric, Echinacea- Antibiotic (Fights against viral and bacterial

Cinnamon, Yarrow, Jasmine, Sandalwood- Astringent (heals tissues)
Cardamom, Coriander- Appetizer (Induces appetite)
Chamomile, Chrysanthemum, Basil, Ginger- Carminative (Helps in proper
Preparing the Herbs

There are mainly five types of preparations in Ayurveda, collectively known

as Pancha Kashaya Kalpa

Svarasa - The juice of the plant, which is the strongest of all, is extracted by
pounding or grinding it in a blender.
Kalka - The herbs are crushed and made into a pulp form in the required
consistency by adding sufficient water.
Kvatha - It is prepared by boiling the herbs in water until the preparation is
reduced to one-fourth of the original amount.
Phant - Hot infusion is obtained by immersing the herbs in hot water for
some time.
Hima - The herbs are soaked in cold water overnight for preparing a cold
China and India are the two largest producers of medicinal plants and
account for 40% of global biodiversity. However, China has established
itself as the major exporter of traditional herbal medicines in the world
market, with exports to the tune of US$ 5 billion per year, as against US$
around 240 million by India.
Importing ayurvedic products is not common in India because it is one of
the homes and major growings sports of Ayurveda in the world.
The current valuation of the Indian herbal market is rs. 5000 crore with an
annual growth of 14 percent.
The most successful companies of this export business are Himalaya drug
company(HDC), Emani, Ashwini, Ayur, Dabur that have patented ayurvedic
products in India and abroad
India exports ayurvedic products to the USA, Australia, Japan and
Singapore, and the new emerging markets are Brazil, Argentina, Mexico,
China, and Indonesia.
Ayurvedic products that are homemade.

Ayurvedic products for knee pain

50g methi seeds
50g ajwain
50g kalijeeri
Roast all these 3 and make powder and take one teaspoon with hot water
in the morning and have it this is good for knee pain.

Ayurvedic products for liver

One tablespoon of jeera and kokum flower and soak it in one glass of water
in the night and then warm it and drink it in the morning.

Ayurvedic medicines for cold and cough

Take one cup of milk and put half teaspoon of haldi powder nad kesar boil
it and drink it hot.

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