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Necessity is the root of all inventions. Those inventions were mad

through the help of research. Without research human being will never have the

answers and solutions for the basic needs and wants of human kind as well as

environment. Research needs to be accurate and reliable. It serves as a guide

for inventions. But what will happen if people do not have the capabilities to do a

good and effective research? In this generation, teenagers are still not prepared

to conduct their own research. They always think twice whether they are

knowledgeable enough or capable to conduct a research to help the society.

What would be the effect if they are incapable or unequipped to make a

research? Instead of providing answers, they will just worsen the situation and

affect other factors. We all know that research investigates systematically. It is a

systematic investigation into a study of materials and sources in order to

establish facts and reach new conclusions. Research capabilities enhances and

provides an opportunity for students to gain mastery of and advanced body of

knowledge and advanced research skills in areas of research practice which

have been identified as relevant to their research project but are not covered

elsewhere in the year one program. Capability is a power or an ability of a

student to have a level of independence and flexibility on negotiating with the

academic supervisor how they evidence their learning.

The purpose of research is to inform action. Thus, your study should seek

to contextualize its findings within the larger body of research. Research must

always be of high quality in order to produce knowledge that is applicable outside

of the research setting. Furthermore, the results of your study may have

implications for policy and future project implementation.

One problem that often plagues progress in global health is the slow

translation of research into practice. Often, a disconnection exists between those

who conduct research and those who are positioned to implement the research

findings. The underlying problem is that the production of evidence is organized

institutionally with highly centralized mechanisms, whereas the application of that

science is highly decentralized. This social distance prevails because scientists

are more oriented to the international audiences of other scientists for which they

publish than to the needs of practitioners, policy makers, or the local public.

Thus, as researchers, it is imperative to take steps to overcome this

barrier. Publishing your study may be one initial step to make your research

known to the global community. Other proactive measures can be taken to

encourage the uptake of evidence-based interventions. For example, you can

present your research findings at various venues, such as Unite for Sight’s

Global Health and Innovation Conference. Furthermore, you can send the results

of your study to local officials, policy-makers, and community leaders.

There are relatively few published studies about eye care in developing

countries, and Unite for Sight encourages all volunteers to consider developing a

research study to contribute important knowledge to the eye care community on

a global scale. Pursuing a research project will be a challenging and rewarding

experience, and this opportunity enables you to pursue an in-depth original study

about a topic of interest. Well-conducted research is vital to the success of global

heath endeavors. Not only does research form the foundation of program

development and policies all over the world, but it can also be translated into

effective global health programs. Research draws its power from the fact that it is

empirical: rather than merely theorizing about what might be effective or what

could work, researchers go out into the field and design studies that give

policymakers hard data on which they can base their decisions. Furthermore,

good research utilizes methodologies that can be replicated, produces results

that are examinable by peers, and creates knowledge that can be applied to real-

world situations. Researchers work as a team to enhance our knowledge of how

to best address the world’s problems (unite for sight, 2009).

In view of the paucity of research in Philippine higher education institutions

(HEIs), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has provided policies and

mandates that are largely geared towards the improvement of research

productivity. The HEIs in the country have responded in varied ways to the call

for a stronger research orientation among the universities. In this context, this

paper aimed at understanding the prevailing research culture in Philippine HEIs,

as viewed by the university faculty. A conceptual framework of research culture

was developed in order to analyze the dynamics of the interaction of the policies

and mandates of the CHED, the practices of HEIs in relation to developing a

research orientation in their institutions, and the perspectives of faculty who are

tasked to do research along with their other functions (i.e., teaching and

community service). Forty faculty members from 14 universities and colleges in

the country responded to a survey questionnaire and 10 were interviewed using

open-ended questions. The study found that the faculty did not consider any of

the aspects of research culture in their institutions as being strong. They deemed

the following indicators of research culture as present only to a moderate extent:

(a) the impact of research, (b) administrative practices, (c) inter-institutional

collaboration, (d) institutional research strategy, (e) financial reward system, (f)

infrastructure, (g) the presence of ethical policies, and (h) the availability of

research funding. The faculty further perceive that factors necessary for

improving research productivity include: time, strong belief in research endeavor,

faculty involvement, positive group climate, working conditions and organizational

communication, decentralized research policy, research funding, and clear

institutional policy for research benefits and incentives. As a result of these

findings, the study recommends that developing a research culture should take

into account the dynamics of the interaction of the trifocal function of HEIs, the

researcher's mind, and the body of institutional policy (Clemena, 2018).

In Davao City, Philippines, a key official from Mindanao underscored the

importance of investing in research and development to improve the

competitiveness of ASEAN economies in pursuit of the objectives of the ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC).

At the recently concluded 5th International Conference on Public Organization

(ICONPO) held at the Ateneo de Davao University, Undersecretary Janet Lopoz,

executive director of the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) said there is

strong correlation between the growth and level of economic maturity of economies

in ASEAN and their investments in research and development and innovation.

Undersecretary Janet Lopoz also stated that based on studies conducted by

the Asian Development Bank and the Japan International Cooperation Agency,

research and development play major roles in the creation of development plans

that will drive the growth among ASEAN economies.

Lopoz also stated that research and development will lead to innovations that

will improve the implementation of strategies in infrastructure and investments.

Lopoz added that we should look into how research and our teachings can

trigger more innovation so that we can increase productivity and improve economic

opportunities for the larger part of the population.

In a bid to boost research and development in Mindanao, MinDA established

the Mindanao Knowledge, Research and Policy Center, which is a network of the

pool of knowledge and information from the island's higher education institutions

(HEIs), research institutions, training institutions, and service providers.

Lopoz stated the context is that we now have to empower the HEIs and research

institutions in building their capacities to prepare human resources and bridge the

gap between industry, research institutions, and academe.

Lopoz said the network is established with the aim to trigger more innovative

ideas and researches that will power the industries and economies of Mindanao

(Mindanao Development Authority,2014).

Rationale of the Study

The researchers chose this study of the “Capabilities of the senior high school

students in SPCT towards Research”. The researchers chose this study because

they are interested to know how well the senior high school students in terms of

conducting a research are. They chose the senior high school students as the

respondents in the research because they are more experienced in calculations.

They are better in handling in hard and difficult subjects especially research.

The researchers decided to conduct this Non-Experimental Research in order to

know the capacity and the ability of the Senior high school Student’s in doing their

research correctly through giving survey guides. The researchers searched

thoroughly in order to get the correct information.

The students can benefit this research because it will motivate them to give their

best in doing research. It can provide an action or response on whatever their

performance is in research.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the capabilities of the senior high school students of

Saint Peters College of Toril towards research. Specifically, this study would like to

answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profiles of the senior high school students of Saint

Peters College of Toril in terms of:

1.1Year level


2. What is the level of capabilities of the senior high school students of Saint Peters

College of Toril towards research in terms of:

2.1 research tool

2.2 referencing

2.3 research presentation

2.4 proposal

2.5 gathering data

2.6 data analysis

3. Is there a significant difference between the capabilities of Grade 11 and Grade

12 students in Saint Peter’s College of Toril towards research?



There is no significant difference between the capabilities of Grade 11 and

Grade 12 students in Saint Peter’s College of Toril towards research.


There is a significant difference between the capabilities of Grade 11 and

Grade 12 students in Saint Peter’s College of Toril towards research. Review of

Related Literature.

Review of Related Literature

In this Chapter, the researchers discussed the related literature in their

research. They included the following themes: purpose of research, awareness

towards research and complications of research.

Purpose of Research

As we already apprehend, there are several reasons why research is

completed. But, what are its purposes? Why trouble with all the various designs,

techniques, experiments and measurements? Why did the

primary sailors, those before Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan, get on their very

little canoes and paddle out? Humans naturally explore the planet around

them, eager to find out about the planet we've labeled Earth. Why did medical

practitioner and anatomist examine and write the maladies of man? The

necessity to explain and perceive our world is found in even the youngest youths.

Why did we tend to develop a complete cluster of sciences to grasp humans? As a

result of what sensible is being human if you can't justify why we tend to do one

thing. The aim of scientific discipline is to explore, to explain and to clarify on what

someone thinks, feels and acts (Kowalczyk, 2018).

The purpose of analysis or research are often an advanced issue and

varies across completely different scientific fields and disciplines. Making an

attempt to grasp however the universe operates. Its concern is to look

for what's already there with none bigger purpose of analysis than the reason itself.

It is an immediate descendent of philosophy, wherever philosophers and

scientists try and perceive the underlying principles of existence (Shuttleworth,


There are six functions of research. First, it generates new information wherein

research provides new knowledge and intelligence to its informants. Second is to

Review and manufacture existing information, research helps in reviewing and

manufacturing existing information in order to prove whether a certain problem or

issue is a fact in order to prove it that it really does exist or just made up. Research

function is also about Constructing and creating new procedures and systems

because through conducting research you can come up new ways in order to solve

a problem since you had already encountered it. Research also make a case

for new development, you find new issues which is not commonly tackled in your

community and you conduct research about it in order to have a development

about it or to solve it. Second to the last, research Investigate existing situations

and issues. Lastly, research offer solutions, suggestions and recommendation

to drawback after having a conclusion and after conducting research (Abdilahi,


Definition of research is outlined as a careful thought of study relating to a

selected concern or problem.

According to the American social scientist Earl Henry M. Robert Babbie,

“Research could be a systematic inquiry to explain, predict and manage

development. Research involves inductive and deductive strategies.” Inductive

research analyzes the ascertained development whereas, deductive strategies

verify the ascertained development. Measure a lot of unremarkably related

to quantitative analysis. One of all the foremost vital aspects of research is

the statistics related to it, conclusion or result which is regarding the “thought” that

goes behind the analysis. Research is conducted with a purpose to understand:

For example, what do organizations or businesses really need to search out? *

What square measure the processes that require to be followed to chase thought

or the concept What square measure of arguments that require to

be engineered around a concept? What’s the proof which will be needed that folks

believe the idea or concept? Reasons that may drive one to appreciate research

and engage in it. First, Research is a tool for Building Knowledge and Efficient

Learning Research is required not just for students and academics, but for all

professionals. It is also important for budding and veteran writers, both offline and

online. The Brain Research Trust acknowledges the importance of research.

Undoubtedly, it is crucial to finding possible cures for diseases, as well as how to

prevent them.

Thus, research becomes a must to ascertain if one’s ideas are supported by

previous studies or if these ideas still need proof to be considered as knowledge. A

myriad of research ideas likewise awaits the attention of avid scholars and

inquisitive writers. Indeed, research is instrumental in building and improving

knowledge, as well as in facilitating learning. Next is that Research means to

Understand Various Issues, Television shows and movies ooze with research -

both on the part of the writer(s) and the actors. Though there are hosts who rely on

their researchers, there are also those who exert effort to do their own research.

This helps them get information that hired researchers missed, build a good

rapport with the interviewee, and conduct a good interview in the process. As what

Terry Freedman says in "The Importance of Research for ICT Teachers" (2011):

"Research can shed light on issues we didn’t even know existed, and can raise

questions we hadn’t realized even needed asking." Thus, almost all writers of

imaginary and non-fictive tales also do research, for doing so helps them create a

good story and/or achieve strong credibility as an academic. The Role of Research

is to fuel Market Economies. Research and development (R&D) plays a crucial role

in business success and in a thriving national economy. Research is also an Aid to

Business Success, research benefits business. Many successful companies, such

as those producing consumer goods or mass-market items, invest in research and

development because it is critical to product innovation and to improving services.

Research also helps secure a vantage point over competitors. Finding out

how to make things happen and what could differentiate them from others that offer

similar products and services can raise the company’s market value. Certainly,

having relevant knowledge in achieving a good commercial image through sound

business strategies like investing in research can boost its profitability. Research is

a way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths, Scientists also deal with research to

test the validity and reliability of their claims or those of other scientists'. Their

integrity and competence depend on the quality - and not just quantity - of their

research. Nonetheless, not everything scientists come up with get accepted or

learned by everyone, especially when factors like religion, state suppression, and

access to resources and social services. With the use of internet technology and

social media, pseudo journalism has become a social concern. Fake news took

center stage during the 2016 presidential campaign period in the United States.

For instance,, a rumor research site, debunked the following "scoops"

posted online: Fact-checking to know the truth is integral to the process of

research, for it is fueled by an inquisitive and critical mind. Murray, Social News

and UGC Hub (2016) suggest that before news readers share information on social

media, they need to assess the integrity of the news source and check for similar

news on legitimate media outlets. Genuine journalists do not rely on imagination for

their news reports nor do they avoid doing research. They eschew propaganda and

have no intention of misleading the public. They are messengers of truth, not lies.

Make Reading Books a Habit, Even with the Internet, reading books remains

important to doing research. A Seed to Love Reading,

Writing, Analyzing, and Sharing Valuable Information. Research entails both

reading and writing. These two literacy functions help enable computation and

comprehension. Without these skills, it is less likely for anyone to appreciate and

get involved in research. Reading opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge,

while writing helps a reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a

more concrete idea that s/he understands. Next is that it’s a Nourishment and

Exercise for the Mind, Curiosity may kill not just the cat, but the human as well.

Yet, it is the same curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers. Several studies

have shown that mentally stimulating activities like doing research can contribute to

brain health. In "Educating the Brain to Avoid Dementia: Can Mental Exercise

Prevent Alzheimer Disease?", Margaret Gatz (2005) enumerated research findings

that support such position. However, she also noted that there may be other

factors involved in averting said mental problem. One of these is intelligence. A

study involving 11 year-old pupils in Scotland in 2000, for instance, pointed to

intelligence quotient (IQ) scores as "predictive of future dementia risk". Gatz opined

that clinical trials are needed and that "conclusions must be based on large

samples, followed over a long period of time." She further posited:"...we have little

evidence that mental practice will help prevent the development of dementia. We

have better evidence that good brain health is multiply determined, that brain

development early in life matters, and that genetic influences are of great

importance in accounting for individual differences in cognitive reserve and in

explaining who develops Alzheimer disease and who does not...Indeed, research

and doing research encourage people to explore possibilities, to understand

existing issues, and to disclose truths and fabricated ones. Without research,

technological advancement and other developments could have remained a

fantasy. Reading, writing, observing, analyzing, and social interaction facilitate an

inquisitive mind's quest for knowledge, learning, and wisdom. Research serves as

a bridge to achieve that goal (Zarah, 2018).

The most tangible evidence of research contributing to student learning can

be found in the textbooks. Almost all of the knowledge, models, processes, and

theories derive either directly or indirectly from research. Research exposes

students to current practices, shows them how the theories and models in their

textbooks have evolved, and demonstrates applications. Seeing the application

and extension of textbook materials often brings that knowledge to life in ways that

assignments, exams, and class discussions simply can’t accomplish. Another

advantage of being an active researcher is engagement with current tools and

technology. Students graduating from college today have available physical tools,

such as tablet computers, and new software that was unheard of only a few years

ago, much less a decade ago. In less than a decade popular software may evolve

through several generations, changing the look, applications, and abilities. Its

important point out that it is not only theoretical, academic research that improves

student learning. Professors who work with industry, either as consultants or in

research partnerships, also contribute to improving student learning. Industry holds

research to different standards than academic journals, primarily the standard of

return on investment.

Exposing students to this research process gives them a different

perspective than simply presenting theories from textbooks, or even research from

academic journals. Even better, involving classes or student projects in industry

research exposes students to real world environments and expectations (Dr.John

Story, 2013).

Awareness towards Research

Medical analysis has influence greatly in several developing

countries throughout the recent decade, actuated by the necessity to

enhance health in these countries. Since medical analysis involves human

participants, such analysis must be target-

hunting by elementary moral principles to make sure the protection of their rights

and welfare.  International standards mandate the review

of analysis by analysis ethics committees (RECs)

However research laws don't exist in several developing countries, and

commentators have expressed issues concerning the extent of individual and

institutional analysis, ethics capability, together with the existence of functioning

ethics review systems.

Accordingly, many studies have no doubt that analysis ethics

review isn't favorable within the developing world, together with the center. These

results demonstrating below optimum individual and

institutional analysis ethics capability is also explained by the relative novelty

of analysis ethics laws and therefore the recent demand of ethics review

of analysis within the developing world, together with the center East.

As such, very little is additionally glorious concerning academics'

attitudes towards RECs, their practices in analysis ethics (e.g., educated consent),

and coaching opportunities in analysis ethics. Recently, Asem and colleagues

assessed the data and attitudes of the college at Cairo University

towards analysis consent. Their results showed that lecturers lacked

in coaching research ethics which their attitudes towards several practices within

the analysis setting weren't favorable.

However, these investigators conjointly showed acceptance of the

college towards the institution of RECs and a need for instructional programs

in research ethics. The field of medical specialty is committed

to current analysis investigation the causes and treatment of dental diseases and

adheres to an equivalent moral standards embraced by the fields of drugs.

However, very little analysis has investigated the attitudes of

dental college towards ideas of analysis ethics, together

with the acceptableness of RECs and their need for coaching in analysis ethics.

Recently, commentators have expressed issues in

dental analysis relating to aspects of scientific misconduct. Consequently,

objectives were to assess the data,awareness, and attitudes of

dental college concerning RECs and coaching in analysis ethics, additionally as

potential freelance variables related to our findings. Our

results can facilitate institutional officers perceive higher, RECs accepted in

their establishments and conjointly facilitate them develop

relevant instructional programs in analysis ethics directed towards dental college

(PubMed, 2010).

The analysis course in nursing is enclosed in the majority nursing

curricula in national and international scales. The Purpose

of research regarding nursing is to check awareness and attitudes of Turkish

nursing students towards research and development in nursing. The study had

descriptive and cross-sectional analysis style. The analysis sampling is consisted

of 390 senior students learning throughout the year 2013–2014 in six faculties of

health in six different places in Turkey. The private identification type and Nursing

Students' Attitudes and Awareness of Research and Development at

intervals Nursing Scale were used in knowledge assortment.

It was determined that there is a distinction between awareness

and angle lots of nursing students from six  different faculties towards research and

development in nursing in step with their faculties and background .It will

be instructed that initiatives to extend awareness of scholars at

nursing faculties towards research course should be planned


Evaluation to the data and barriers toward research among bioscience students

Plans to extend the role of scholars in health analysis need knowledge on

students’ data and views of analysis. The aim of the study was to judge these

factors toward research among bioscience students. A Conclusion was made that

Students showed favorable data of analysis, however their angle to the sector was

inadequate. A lot of attention should be placed on these parameters within

the program to boost student interest in health analysis.

The impact of barrier factors on analysis demonstrates that there's a

requirement for bigger accessibility of knowledge so as to unravel the issues and

alter ways for analysis (Asia Pacific family practice, 2015).

Complications of Research

According to Maya Valentine (2017), she works with a data collection application

and she caters researchers in all fields. One disadvantage that she came across

both in general and while working, is that research is never truly finished. Things

are always changing and new discoveries are being made every day. Of course,

there can be pride in accomplishing a major research project, but it comes with a

humility that is associated with the understanding that your work may not exist in a

state of finality. (Valentine, 2017).

These are disadvantages of research being numerated by Harry Sodhi

(2017). According to him Participants or subjects may not be truthful or may not

behave naturally when they know they are being observed. Confidentiality can be

an issue. Researcher bias may play a role in many ways. For example, the choice

and wording of questions for the questionnaire may be influenced the bias of the

researcher. The researcher may also make subjective choice about which

information to record and emphasize in the findings. No variables are manipulated,

therefore statistical analysis is not possible. Because of this, some scientists

regard descriptive studies as unreliable and unscientific.

Research is meant to search out new information and develop higher treatments,

there will be disadvantages to taking part. If you’re on a treatment trial, you would

possibly experience some surprising side-effects. The treatment might not work

any higher than this one or might not be as effective. You can’t make certain of

what would possibly happen. You might not fancy the role you have got .You may

got to take additional blood tests or have additional hospital visits than traditional.

You might realize that additional commitment is required than you expected.

Researchers are already probably to own a concept of what the result can be and

can have done everything doable to make sure your safety. If you’re concerned in

a very treatment trial and there are any signs that it's going to be unsafe, the trial

are going to be stopped forthwith. If you are doing have a negative expertise, don’t

let it place you off within the future. There are many alternative stuff you will do,

and generally telling a scientist a few negative expertise will facilitate to enhance

the method they conduct their studies and therefore the experiences for

consecutive individuals they work with. (Arthritis Research UK, 2017)

There are List of Disadvantages of Experimental Research, first is that

you can’t always do experiments from several issues such as ethical or practical

reasons can hinder an experiment from ever getting started. Second is that it

creates artificial situations. Experimental research also means controlling irrelevant

variables on certain occasions. As such, this creates a situation that is somewhat


Third, it is a subject to human error Researchers are human too and

they can commit mistakes. However, whether the error was made by machine or

man, one thing remains certain: it will affect the results of a study. Fourth is that

participants can be influenced by environment those who participate in trials may

be influenced by the environment around them. As such, they might give answers

not based on how they truly feel but on what they think the researcher wants to

hear. Fifth is that manipulation of variables isn’t seen as completely objective.

Experimental research mainly involves the manipulation of variables, a practice

that isn’t seen as being objective. As mentioned earlier, researchers are actively

trying to influence variable so that they can observe the consequences. (Green

Garage, 2015)

According to Brooke (2014) No one actually enjoys doing research, you

end up in the library for long periods of time, searching through tons of books to

turn around and not finding the exact book that you need, and when you do find the

perfect book its either checked out or lost. He had already ran into this problem

multiple times when searching for the ‘perfect book’. When he finally found 5 books

the day after his class in their library and figured out that it would work well to back

up his original topic and then he thought it was good to go. He found his books and

knew about his topic, he was ready to write his paper. Then he was informed that

his topic was no longer valid and all his research was a potential waste of time.

Culture of Research

In today’s world, one of the criteria of progress in United States of America is

research. In our school, as an alternative of paying to the study, interest is given to

college students about the practices and education of human resources. These

targets to check out student’s consciousness in the direction of research. In our

study, there are insignificant differences between the variables of age, gender and

stage of education and the attitude of college students toward research.

Capabilities closer to the usefulness of search for jobs and careers, anxiety,

relationship with everyday existence and lookup trouble was once positive.

Significance of research and its vital function in the increase and improvement of

us is an integral and closer, hence, recognizing the barriers and lookup

performance in order to improve satisfactory and extent of looking up is of

particular importance. It caught to be cited that one of the essential duties of the

instructional institutions is research mission and it requires substantial and in-depth

evaluation and analysis of the factors, barriers, attitudes and focus of the research.

A lifestyle of research requires institutional and unit primarily based leaders to set

clear lookup desires and communicate them effectively.

A lifestyle of research requires institutional and unit primary based leaders to set

clear lookup desires and communicate them effectively. The desires need to be a

well-defined sketch of lookup success evaluation as properly as any

accompanying changes in compensation. Administrations have to also adjust job

descriptions to include statements of lookup and teaching expectations.

Institutions wishing to develop a lifestyle of research must discover good

sized sources for faculty training and support. Faculty with minimal scholarship

manufacturing experience will probable want coaching and personal support to

end up proficiently. Institutions may also improve persevering with schooling

publications ar aid offerings in research practices, supply writing,

and furnish management. These applications is either a centralized or discipline-

specific lookup center. A growing subculture of lookup requires open and a

collaborative non-public relationship amongst faculty members. agreeable

relationship amongst initiative. Two mentorship stand to be

an important component of subculture establishment. Personal

ties among faculty are also likely to foster collaborative lookup efforts, which are a

hallmark of lookup culture success. two Implementing a cultural

change, administrators must be organized to tailor aid allocations primarily

based on college participants present day motivations and abilities.

Once changed policies have been

accepted, directors should be prepared to meet continuing challenges, such

as keeping lookup funding, creating partnerships with backyard

institutions to expand lookup opportunities, and confronting institutional changes.

Plans for a tradition of lookup need to encompass consideration

of scholar involvement (Hanover Research, 2014).

Conceptual Framework

I.What are the demographic
profiles of the senior high
school students of Saint
Peters College of Toril in
terms of:
*Year level
II.What is the level of
capabilities of the senior Output
high school students of Process
Saint Peters College of
Toril towards research in * Survey *Conclusions
terms of: * analysis & Interpretation *Recommendation
*research tool of gathered data
*proposals *results and
*gathering data discussion
*data analysis
*presentation of research
*conclusion and

Figure1. Conceptual Framework



Research design

The research design that is appropriate in the study of Capabilities of Senior

High School student of St. Peter’s College of Toril towards research is the research

Descriptive Analysis. This experimental research because it evaluates the given

set of datas. Descriptive analysis describes or summarizes features of a collection

of information. This is appropriate in this research because through this, it can get

the true data or answers to this research. Therefore, Descriptive analysis is being

chosen in our study.

The research design which is Descriptive Analysis was chosen in this

research. As a researcher, the design that can help this study must be chosen

properly. Descriptive Analysis is the one that can help. Therefore, Descriptive

analysis is truly appropriate.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Saint Peters College of Toril. Saint Peter’s

College of Toril is a private, Catholic educational institution based in Toril, Davao

City. Founded in 1948, the school is owned and managed by the Presentation of

the Mary Sisters. The school was established provide a formal religious instruction

program for the youth of Toril and its neighboring districts. SPCT offers a

comprehensive basic education program which is from kindergarten to senior high

school. Its senior high school program, in particular, includes all strands under the

academic track. Moreover, the school also offers a wide variety of college

programs. Students who intend to study in this school can major in disciplines like

Education, Information Technology, and Business Administration. In connection to

the study capabilities of high school students towards research, the researchers

choose Saint Peter's College of Toril to know if the petreans are capable in terms

of handling research, if students has enough prior knowledge in using research tool

to conduct research and prior knowledge about its uses in research. In research

proposal student must justify their assign topic and need to practice research

problems and must be present in practical way. Student must gather information to

measure the targeted variables and established in a systematic way. The

researcher must conduct a survey for them to determine the trends and its

relationship among the student’s capabilities towards research. And if the students

has present the topic fluently enough for the judges to understand the topic.

Research respondents

The respondents of the research study were the senior high school students

of Saint Peters College of Toril. They were tasked to answer the questions given to

them sincerely and truthfully. The researchers chose the senior high school

students as the respondents because they have prior knowledge in handling

research subjects.

Research instrument

This study is conducted at Saint Peter’s College of Toril that intended’s to

measure the capabilities of senior high students towards research. We, the

researchers designed a questionnaire as one of the data collections instrument for

this study. There were given legends together with the corresponding numbers to

represent the ideas of the respondents. The respondents were tasked to put a

checked on the numbers as the answers to the different questions.

Data gathering procedure

The data gathering procedure is a portion in a research paper that would

discuss the ways on how the researchers gather data and information from the

area and respondents they chose. In this part, processes are included for the

researchers to have an easy collection and synthesis of the data.

First, the researchers will make a proposal for the institution. They will ask

permission from the department that they are going to survey. Second, they will

disseminate the survey questionnaires to the respondents which are the grade 11

and 12 students. Third, they will collect the survey questionnaires. Fourth, they will

categorize the answered survey questionnaires according to grade level and sex.

Fifth, they will use Microsoft excel to tabulate the gathered information. Sixth, they

will analyze and interpret the result of tabulation

Data analysis

Data analysis is the most crucial part of any research that summarizes the

collected data. It involves the interpretation of data gathered through the use of

analytical and logical reasoning to determine patterns, relationships or trends. Data

analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data

with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and

supporting decision-making. Since the study is a descriptive analysis, the

researchers decided to use a descriptive statistics which is the Measure of Central

Tendency in which it is the best and suitable for analyzing the data they will gather.

Using the Measure of Central Tendency, the "Mean" was used as the category of

the data. Mean was the basis of the study on what are the implications of students

in terms of their level of capabilities towards research. Computing the mean helps

to determine the average value or score of all the items that is provided by the

statement of the problem which was the level of capabilities towards research. It

equals to the sum of all the values divided by the numbers of observations. It is the

most popular measure of central tendency, especially when the data set does not

have an outlier. After computing the mean, identifying the “Standard deviation” is

the next to do because it shows how much variation the value of the mean that

implies on the level of capabilities towards research in each problem of the study.

The t-test is being utilized to know on what are the significant difference on the

level of capabilities of the student towards research.


Results and discussion

Chapter presents the analysis and its interpretation regarding the

collected data. It includes the information of the respondents of the selected

senior high school students of Saint Peter’s College of Toril. It also shows the

scores obtained by each individual from the test that has been administered; this

chapter, the researchers presented the results and discussion of the study,

including the profile of the respondents and the level of differences in terms of

the capabilities of students towards research. The results of the study were given

emphasis and translated in this chapter. The succeeding discussions were

anchored on the theory and related literatures.

Sex Frequency %
Male 21 42
Female 29 58
Profile of the Respondents

Table 1. demographic profile of the respondents

The researchers were able to gather data from a total of 50

respondents for the students, consisted of the selected senior high school

students of Saint Peter’s College of Toril. The researchers spent the 1 st semester

to obtain data and responses from the selected respondents of the senior high

school studentThe researchers had 50 questionnaires and 50 respondents;

Furthermore, the table above shows the socio-demographic of the

respondents. There are 21 male student respondents with a 42.0% and 29

female student respondents with a 58.0%. This shows that there are more

female student respondent than male.

Grade level Gender Frequency %

Grade 11 Male 12 48.0%
female 13 52.0%
Grade 12 Male 9 36.0%
female 16 64.0%

Table 2. Respondents of the study

The table above shows the distribution of respondents from various

grade levels and gender in senior high. Respondents came from Senior high

School student of Saint Peter’s College of Toril, such as: in grade 11 male had

12 respondents and has 48.0%,

Grade 11 Female had 13 respondents and has 52.0%. In grade 12

curriculum in male had 9 and has 36.0%, in Female had 16 respondents and has


Statement Mean SD Interpretation
1Statement Mean
2.96 0.70SD Interpretation
1 2 2.86 2.92 0.78 0.80 Agree
2 3 2.94 2.84 0.68 0.82 Agree
3 4 2.94 2.78 0.68 0.76 AgreeAgree
4 5 3.08 3.04 0.53 0.81 Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
5 Overall 2.88 2.88 0.72 0.08 Agree
Overall 2.94 0.09 Agree

Table 3. Capabilities towards research in terms of proposal

The table above shows the mean and standard deviation

with its corresponding interpretation for the statements under the

capabilities towards research in terms of proposal, from a total of 50

respondents. The statement no.1 has a mean of 2.86 and the

standard deviation is 0.78 and interpreted as agree.In statement

number 2, the mean is 2.94 and the standard deviation is 0.68 and

interpreted as agree. In Statement number 3, the mean is 2.94 and the

standard deviation is 0.68 and interpreted as agree. In statement

number 4, the mean is 3.08 and the standard deviation is 0.53 and

interpreted as strongly agree. In statement number 5, the mean is 2.88

and the standard deviation is 0.72 and interpreted as agree. In the

overall data gathered, the mean is 2.94 and the standard deviation is

0.09 and interpreted as agree.

Statement Mean SD Interpretation
1 3.12 0.72 Strongly Agree
2 2.76 0.74 Agree
3 2.9 0.71 Agree
4 2.94 0.77 Agree
5 2.94 0.74 Agree
Overall 2.93 0.15 Agree

Table 4. Capabilities towards research in terms of research tool

The table above shows the mean and standard deviation with its

corresponding interpretation for the statements under the capabilities towards

research in terms of research tool, from a total of 50 respondents. In statement

number 1, the mean is 2.96 and the standard deviation is 0.70 and interpreted as

agree. In the statement number 2, the mean is 2.92 and the standard deviation is

0.80 and interpreted as agree. In statement number 3, the mean is 2.84 and the

standard deviation is 0.82 and interpreted as agree. In statement number 4, the

mean is 2.78 and the standard deviation is 0.76 and interpreted as agree. In

statement number 5,

the mean is 3.04 and the standard deviation is 0.81 and interpreted as strongly

agree. The overall mean of the data gathered is 2.88 and the standard deviation

is 0.08 and interpreted as agree.

Table 5. Capabilities towards research in terms of data gathering

Statement Mean SD Interpretation
1 2.98 0.77 Agree
2 2.96 0.70 Agree
3 2.84 0.84 Agree
4 2.82 0.75 Agree

Overall 2.9 0.08 Agree

The table above shows the mean and standard deviation with its corresponding

interpretation for the statements under the capabilities towards research in terms

of data gathering, from a total of 50 respondents. In statement number 1, the

mean is 3.12 and the standard deviation is 0.72 and interpreted as strongly

agree. In statement number 2, the mean is 2.76 and the standard deviation is

0.74 and interpreted as agree. In statement number 3, the mean is 2.9 and the

standard deviation is 0.71 and interpreted as agree. In statement number 4, the

mean is 2.94 and the

standard deviation is 0.77 and interpreted as agree. In statement number 5, the

mean is 2.94 and the standard deviation is 0.74 and interpreted as agree. The

mean of the overall data is 2.93 and the standard deviation is 0.15 and

interpreted as agree.

Table 6. Capabilities towards research in terms of data analysis

Statement Mean SD Interpretation
1 3.08 0.70 Strongly Agree
2 3 0.67 Strongly Agree
3 2.92 0.83 Agree
4 3 0.86 Strongly Agree
5 2.94 0.62 Agree
Overall 3 0.07 Strongly Agree

The table above shows the mean and standard deviation with its

corresponding interpretation for the statements under the capabilities towards

research in terms of data analysis, from a total of 50 respondents. In statement

number 1, the mean is 2.98 and the standard deviation is 0.77 and interpreted as

agree. In the statement number 2, the mean is 2.96 and the standard deviation is

0.70 and interpreted as agree. In the statement number 3, the mean is 2.84 and

the standard deviation is 0.84 and interpreted as agree. In statement number 4,

the mean is 2.82 and the standard deviation is 0.75 and interpreted as agree.

The mean of the overall data is 2.9 and the standard deviation is 0.08 and

interpreted as agree.

Table 7. Capabilities towards research in terms of

conclusion and recommendation

Statement Mean SD Interpretation
1 3.22 0.65 Strongly Agree
2 3.18 0.75 Strongly Agree
3 3.2 0.86 Strongly Agree
4 3.18 0.72 Strongly Agree
5 3.08 0.78 Strongly Agree
Overall 3.17 0.02 Strongly Agree

The table above shows the mean and standard deviation with its

corresponding interpretation for the statements under the capabilities towards

research in terms of conclusion and recommendation, from a total of 50

respondents. In statement number 1, the mean is 3.08 and the standard

deviation is 0.70 and interpreted as strongly agree. In statement number 2, the

mean is 3 and the standard deviation is 0.67 and interpreted as strongly agree. In

statement number 3, the mean is 2.92 and the standard deviation is 0.83 and

interpreted as agree. In statement number 4, the mean is 3 and the standard

deviation is 0.86 and interpreted as strongly agree. In statement number 5, the

mean is 2.94 and the standard deviation is 0.62 and interpreted as agree. The

mean of the overall data is 3 and the standard deviation is 0.07 and interpreted

as strongly agree.

Table 8. Capabilities towards research in terms of referencing

Statement Mean SD Interpretation
1 3.02 0.62 Strongly Agree
2 2.96 0.64 Agree
3 2.9 0.74 Agree
4 2.78 0.86 Agree
Overall 2.92 0.10 Agree

The table above shows the mean and standard deviation with its

corresponding interpretation for the statements under the capabilities towards

research in terms of referencing, from a total of 50 respondents. In statement

number 1, the mean is 3.22 and the standard deviation is 0.65 and interpreted as

strongly agree. In statement number 2, the mean is 3.18 and the standard


is 0.75 and interpreted as strongly agree. In statement number

3, the mean is 3.2 and the standard deviation is 0.86 and interpreted as strongly

agree. In statement number 4, the mean is 3.18 and the standard deviation is

0.72 and interpreted as strongly agree. In statement number 5, the mean is 3.08

and the standard deviation is 0.78 and interpreted as strongly agree. The mean

of the overall data is 3.17 and the standard deviation is 0.02 and interpreted as

strongly agree.

Table 9. Capabilities towards research in terms of research


The table above shows the mean and standard deviation with its

corresponding interpretation for the statements under the capabilities towards

research in terms of research presentation, from a total of 50 respondents. In

statement number 1, the mean is 3. 02 and the standard deviation is 0.62 and

interpreted as strongly agree. In the statement number 2, the mean is 2.96 and

the standard deviation is 0.64 and interpreted as agree. In the statement number

3, the mean is 2.9 and the standard deviation is 0.74 and interpreted as agree. In

the statement number 4, the mean is 2.78 and the standard deviation is 0.86 and

interpreted as agree. The mean of the total data is 2.92 and the standard

deviation is 0.10 and interpreted as agree.


Descript Descri Descript
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
ion ption ion

2.8068 0.506314 2.8689 0.61009 2.9379310 0.55575

Female 803 Agree 5688 Agree 8036 Agree
96552 65517 34

3.1238 0.417455 Strongly 2.9619 0.50047 2.9238095 0.53842

Male 394 5964 8047
09524 agree 04762 Agree 24 Agree

Grade 0.382448 Strongly 0.55075 0.49638

3.072 2.88 2.984
11 254 agree 7055 Agree 6946 Agree

Grade 0.543077 0.58514 0.59160

2.808 2.936 2.88
12 649 9554 Agree 7978 Agree

Table 10. In terms of Proposal, Research tool and Data Gathering

The table above presents the mean and the standard deviation

of research in terms of proposal, research tool and data gathering

procedure with its corresponding description according to sex and

grade level. In terms of proposal, female respondents has a mean of

2.81 and standard deviation of 0.51 and the description is Agree.

While male respondents has a mean of 3.12 and standard deviation

of 0.42 and the description is Strongly Agree. The Grade 11 students

has a mean of 3.07 and standard deviation of 0.38 and the

description is Strongly Agree. While the Grade 12 students has a

mean of 2.81 and standard deviation of 0.54 and the description is

Agree. In terms of research tool, female respondents has a mean of

2.87 and standard deviation of 0.61 and the description is Agree.

While male respondents has a mean of 2.96 and standard deviation of

0.50 and the description is Agree. The Grade 11 students has a mean

of 2.88 and standard deviation of 0.55 and the description is Agree.

While Grade 12 students has a mean of 2.94 and standard deviation

of 0.58 and the description is Agree. In terms of Data Gathering,

female respondents has a mean of 2.94 and standard deviation of

0.56 and the description is Agree. While male respondents has a

mean of 2.92 and standard deviation of 0.54 and the description is

Agree. The Grade 11 students has a mean of 2.98 and standard

deviation of 0.50 and the description is Agree. While Grade 12

students has a mean of 2.88 and standard deviation of 0.59 and the

description is Agree. Overall, the respondents or the senior high school students

has a high capability towards research in terms of Proposal, Research Tool and

Data Gathering Procedure.

Descrip Descrip
Respond Mean SD riptio Mean SD Mean SD
tion tion
ents n
0.5724859 2.951 0.6271 3.131 0.6933
2.84482 Strongly
37 Agree 7241 36742 Agree 0344 88908
7586 agree
Female 38 83
0.6369103 3.038 0.4409 Strongly 3.228 0.4828
25 Agree 0952 94547 agree 5714 4869 Strongly
Male 38 29 agree
0.5543389 0.4657 Strongly 0.4261 Strongly
2.95 3.088 3.408
Grade 11 46 Agree 61026 agree 45515 agree
0.6454972 0.6220
2.85 2 2.888 2.936 0.68
Grade 12 Agree 39656 Agree Agree

Table 11.In terms of Data Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendation and


The table above presents the mean and the standard deviation of research in

terms of Data Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendation and Referencing with

its corresponding description according to sex and grade level. In terms of Data

Analysis, female respondents has a mean of 2.84 and standard deviation of 0.57

and the description is Agree. While male respondents has a mean of 2.98 and

standard deviation of 0.64 and the description is Agree. The Grade 11 students

has a mean of 2.95 and standard deviation of 0.55 and the description is

Agree.While the Grade 12 students has a mean of 2.85 and standard deviation of

0.65 and the description is Agree. In terms of Conclusion and Recommendation,

female respondents has a mean of 2.95 and standard deviation of 0.63 and the

description is Agree. While male respondents has a mean of 3.04 and standard

deviation of 0.44 and the description is Strongly Agree. The Grade 11 students

has a mean of 3.09 and standard deviation of 0.47 and the description is Strongly

Agree. While Grade 12 students has a mean of 2.89 and standard deviation of

0.62 and the description is Agree. In terms of Referencing, female respondents

has a mean of 3.13 and standard deviation of 0.69 and the description is Strongly

Agree. While male respondents has a mean of 3.23 and standard deviation of

0.48 and the description is Strongly Agree. The Grade 11 students has a mean of

3.41 and standard deviation of 0.43 and the description is Strongly Agree. While

Grade 12 students has a mean of 2.94 and standard deviation of 0.68 and the

description is Agree. Overall, the respondents or the senior high school students

has a High capability towards research in terms of Data Analysis, Conclusion and

Recommendation and Referencing .

Respondents Mean SD Description
44 Agree
77 Strongly agree
Grade 11 66 Agree
Grade 12 71 Agree

Table 12. In terms of Research Presentation

The table above presents the mean and the standard deviation of research in

terms of Research Presentation with its corresponding description according to

sex and grade level. female respondents has a mean of 2.78 and standard

deviation of 0.52 and the description is Agree. While male respondents has a

mean of 3.10 and standard deviation of 0.58 and the description is Strongly

Agree. The Grade 11 students has a mean of 2.94 and standard deviation of

0.61 and the description is Agree.While the Grade 12 students has a mean of

2.89 and standard deviation of 0.52 and the description is Agree. Overall, the

respondents or the senior high school students has a High capability towards

research in terms of Research Presentation.

PROPOSAL Interpretation RESEACH TOOL Interpretation DATA

M 0.02 THERE IS A 0.58 THERE IS NO 0.92

F 0.02 THERE IS A 0.58 THERE IS NO 0.92
P-critical value 0.02 THERE IS A 0.58 THERE IS NO 0.92
G11 0.053 THERE IS NO 0.73 THERE IS NO 0.50
G12 0.053 THERE IS NO 0.73 THERE IS NO 0.50

DATA Interpreta CONCLUSIO Interpretatio REFERENCIN Interpretatio RESE


M 0.46 There is 0.57 There is no 0.56 There is no 0.06

no significant significant
significant difference difference
F 0.46 There is 0.57 There is no 0.56 There is no 0.06
no significant significant
significant difference difference
p- There is 0.57 There is no 0.56 There is no 0.06
critical 0.46 no significant significant
value significant difference difference
Grade 0.56 There is 0.20 There is no 0.01 There is a 0.76
11 no significant significant
significant difference difference
Grade 0.56 There is 0.20 There is no 0.01 There is a 0.76
12 no significant significant
significant difference difference
p- 0.56 There is 0.20 There is no 0.01 There is a 0.76
critical no significant significant
value significant difference difference


Chapter 4

Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion

The researchers used a constructed survey questionnaire answered

by 50 respondents that are selected using purposive sampling. The study was

made to determine the Capabilities of of students towards research, Senior High

School Students towards their mastery in terms of making a research paper in

High School Students in Selected Private High Schools in Davao City. Moreover,

it was in line with the issue about their capabilities of high school students, which

has a great impact towards the study if they don’t have enough knowledge about

how to construct a research paper .


Based from the research problem, it suggests that there is no

significant difference between the capabilities of Grade 11 and Grade 12

students towards research. In this study, the result shows that in terms of

proposal, the p-value is greater than the level of significance equal to 0.05. This

suggests that there is no significant difference. In this study, the result shows that

in terms of research tool the p-value is greater than the level of significance equal

to 0.05. This suggests that there is no significant difference.

In this study, the result shows that in terms of data gathering, the p-value is

greater than the level of significance equal to 0.05. This suggests that there is no

significant difference. In this study, the result shows that in terms of data

analysis, the p-value is greater than the level of significance equal to 0.05. This

suggests that there is no significant difference. In this study, the result shows that

in terms of conclusion and recommendation the p-value is greater than the level

of significance equal to 0.05. This suggests that there is no significant difference.

In this study, the result shows that in terms of referencing, the p-value is less

than the level of significance equal to 0.05. This suggests that there is a

significant difference. In this study, the result shows that in terms of research

presentation, the p-value is greater than the level of significance equal to 0.05.

This suggests that there is no significant difference. This suggest that there is no

significant difference between the capabilities of grade 11 and grade 12 towards



Based on the findings and conclusions, the following

recommendations are forwarded. It is beneficial in the further depth of the study

to add up additional factors and variables in the socio-demographic profiles of the

respondents, as well as to determine the capabilities students towards research

in terms of proposal, research tool, data gathering, data analysis, conclusion and

recommendation, referencing, and research presentation.

We recommend that the institution should hire more qualified research

teachers to guide the students since based from the result, the capabilities of

senior high school students towards research is high, they should also have

symposium and seminar for the students to be well informed. For the students,

we recommend that they should take the research subject seriously since they

are capable, they should enhance their skills so that they will have a successful



The research widens their knowledge and awareness towards research that will

give them a clear understanding about the capabilities in doing research


The research assists each educator’s understanding and knowledge about the

student’s about capabilities towards research that will help them in making


School administration:

The research assists the administration that they must hire research teacher that

has a capability to teach and knows how to handle the class. Also knowledgeable

about research and knows how to manage time.

Future Researchers:

The research provides relevant data and information for future research in

connection with the study. It will also serve as a baseline in which we can better

understand the balance between promoting practical and realistic expectations of

emerging students towards their capabilities towards research.


Accurate. Implies fidelity to fact or truth and exact measurements.
Alternative Hypothesis. This is a statement that there exists a significant difference
between a parameter and a specific phenomena.
Alzheimer's disease. Progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old
age, due to generalized degeneration of the brain. It is the commonest cause of
premature senility.
Analysis. Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.
Conceptual framework. An analytical tool with several variations and contexts.
Conclusion. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have
raised in your paper, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of
your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject.
Contextual. Depending on or relating to the circumstances that form the setting for an
event, statement, or idea.
Critical. Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements.
Data Analysis. Is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical
techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.
Dementia. It's an overall term that describes a group of symptoms associated with a
decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person's ability to
perform everyday activities.
Demographic. This are quantifiable characteristics of a given population.
Descriptive. Serving or seeking to describe, describing or classifying in an objective
and non-judgemental way.
Endeavor. Is an attempt to do something, especially something new or original.
Empirical. Originating in or based on observation or experience.
Ethical. It means relating to beliefs about right and wrong .
Hypothesis. This is a tentative statement or explanation of a phenomenon. It is a
conjecture or assertion about a parameter.
Inter institutional. Characterized by the blandness, drabness, uniformity, and lack of
individualized attention attributed to large institutions that serve many people.
Mean. The average of the numbers: a calculated "central" value of a set of numbers.
Methodology. It is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a
field of study.
Myriad. A countless or extremely great number of people or things, (chiefly in
classical history) a unit of ten thousand.

Necessity. The state or fact of being required.
Null Hypothesis. This expresses that there is no significant difference between a
parameter and a specific phenomena.
Paucity. The presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or
amounts; scarcity.
Perceive. To become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses.
Plagues. Is a serious bacterial infection that can be deadly.
Policy maker. Is someone who creates ideas and plans, especially those carried out
by a business or government.
Practical. Of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with
theory and ideas.
Profile. An outline of something, especially a person's face, as seen from one side.
Pseudo journalism. Involves impersonation of journalistic manners, sometimes with
comical pedantry.
Quantitative Research. Is the systematic
empirical investigation of observable
phenomena via statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques.
Reliable. A consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
Research Locale. It is a term that refers to a specified area and/or subject that is
being studied in a research project.
Socio-demographic. It refers to a group defined by its sociological anddemographic
Standard deviation. It is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or
dispersion of a set of data values.
Statistics. Is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, organization,
analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.
Synthesis. The combining of the constituent elements of separate material or abstract
entities into a single or unified entity.
Systematic. Something that is done in a
systematic way is done according to a fixed plan, in a thorough and
efficient way.
Theoretical. Based on the ideas that relate to a subject, not the practical uses of that
Trifocals. Are eyeglasses with lenses that have three regions which correct for
distance, intermediate (arm's length), and near vision.
Unequipped. Means not provided with what is needed.


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Appendix A

Name (optional): Grade level:


Instruction: The following statements refer to come some educational research.

Please answer all question sincerely.

-During your practical research studies, kindly asses your capabilities towards

research by checking (√ ) your choice base on what you feel towards the


Kindly refer to the table below in choosing your answer.


Rating Description Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree -strong positive belief toward the


3 Agree -positive belief toward the question

2 Disagree -negative belief toward the question

1 Strongly Disagree -strong negative belief toward the question

Proposal 4 3 2 1
I can create a good and detailed research proposal.
I can gather an optional amount of literature for my topic.
I can ensure that my research proposal will lead to greater understanding of the topic
being investigated.

I can propose a study that is relevant to the field of discipline that I am investigating.
I am capable of proposing a study that would be appealing to finding agencies.

Research Tool
I can identify the appropriate variables to be measured.
I can compute the sample size based from standard formula.
I am capable of creating the research tool.
I can determine the correct statistical treatment.
I can easily revise my questionnaire based on the suggestions of my validators.

Data Gathering
I am capable of gathering the needed data.
I can handle the pressure in collecting the Data.
I am able to determine the scope and the delamination of the data I’ am gathering.
I can ensure the ethical consideration is observed during data gathering.
I am capable of gathering data myself even if it is outside the academe.
Data Analysis
I am capable of using any statistical software.
I can interpret the results of my data.
I am capable of using basic statistical treatment.
I can analyze the data manually and make use of other applications.

Conclusion and Recommendations

I am capable of finishing the objectives of my study.
I always make sure that the discussions in my conclusion are anchored in the resu
of my study.

I make use of transitional phrases to connect my ideas coherently.
I can make practical recommendations based on the results of my study.
I am capable of drawing reasonable conclusion as a summation of the details I hav

I am capable of citing the author of my related literature.
I am capable in using referencing styles.
I am capable of determining the author of the book I am reading.
I am capable in determining the source of the article I have read online.
I always acknowledge ideas or points I have drawn picked up from my reading.

Research Presentation
I am capable of articulating my ideas when I am speaking.
I can interact with the audience while I am presenting my study.
I am capable of answering questions from the panel.
I am capable of speaking in front of a large crowd to disseminate my research finding


Consent Agreement Form

Title of the Study: “Capabilities of Senior High School Students of Saint Peter’s
College of Toril towards Research


Real Anne Diagonon

Mikaela Suarez
Eduard M. Suico
Karlo Yutig
Lady j Loyola
Angela Sarmiento
Francis Joel T. Buot


Description of the Study:

Thank you very much for participating in an interview for my research. Your
participation is completely voluntary. You can choose not to participate at any time or
change your mind, and you can stop answering questions at any time.
Your participation will be very helpful in providing information about a group that
is often marginalized and whose experiences are not often heard. I’m interested in
hearing about your experiences with mobility experiences on hand. I will ask you
series of questions of open-ended interview questions. The entire interview should
take about forty-five minutes.
Risk and Benefits
Some of my questions may be personal, and may focus on your feelings about
your lived experiences in the Catholic Higher Educational Institutions as well as other
personal experiences. There is a risk that you may experience feelings of anxiety,
anger, or sadness as you answer some of the questions. I encourage you to seek
counselling if this interview brings out issues that you would like to someone about and
therefore, you will be provided with a list of counselling resources. You may request a
break at any time or refuse to answer question at any time.

All of the information that you share is confidential. I will never include your name
or any of your identification information with the information that I receive from you. I
will keep notes and recordings from our entire interview on a secure laptop with
privacy control settings to ensure confidentiality.
All identifying material, including this signed consent form will be stored
separately in a locked filed cabinet. Other than myself, my advisor, who is overseeing
my project, will have access to these records.
If you do not wish to be tape recorded, I will take handwritten notes that will not
be shown to anyone else. Records will be kept confidential to the extent provided by
the republic of the Philippines or local law.
However, the School of Teacher Education of HCDC and or the government
officials responsible for monitoring this study may inspect the records. One copy of this
document will be kept together with research records of this study. Also, you will be
given a copy to keep.

You will not incur any financial cost due to your participation in this study. As a
thank you for participating in this study, you will receive a gift certificate as well as
intangible benefit for sharing your story.

Contact information
If you have questions or comments about this study, you may contact the primary
investigator, Michaela Suarez at any time. Her hand phone number is 09218743523.
You may contact also my advisor in the School of Teacher Education, Saint
Peter’s College of Toril Davao Campus, Davao City 8000. Graduate School Office

Study Participation
I have read [or been informed] of the information given. _______________ has
offered to answer questions I may have concerning the study. I hereby consent to
participate in the study.
Name and Signature Date


Please put a check mark on the box provided before the statement.
□ I am willing to have this interview tape-recorded.
□I am willing to have the interview recorded in handwritten notes.

Name and Signature Date


Please put a check mark on the box provided before the statement.
□ I am willing to have this interview documented through photo shots.
□ I am willing to have the interview documented but photo shots are silhouette or
the back portion only.
Name and Signature Date

Appendix C

Request Letter for Validation

Saint Peter’s College of Toril

Mc Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City

S.Y. 2018- 2019

September 19, 2018

Dear Sir/ Ma’am;

Greetings of Peace and Prosperity!

The undersigned is a Grade 12 student from Saint Peter class of Saint

Peter’s College of Toril undertaking a research entitled Capabilities of Senior
High School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril towards Research.

With your expertise, I am humbly asking your permission to validate

the attached self- made questionnaire, for the study using the attached tool.

I am looking forward that my request would merit your positive

response.Thank you and more power.

Respectfully yours,

Michaela P. Suarez

Group Leader
Noted by:

Research Adviser

Capabilities of Senior High School Students in St. Peter’s College of
Toril towards Research.

Directions: This tool asks for your evaluation of the questionnaire to be used in the data
gathering for the investigation stated above, to establish its validity. You are requested to give
your honest assessment using the criteria stated below, please check ( ) only one from the

Scale Description Interpretation

Very High Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for the
investigation, allowing 0-5% error.
High Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for the
investigation, allowing 8-10% error.
Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for the
investigation, allowing 11-15% error.
Less Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for the
investigation, allowing 16-20% error.
Not Valid at all The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for the
investigation, allowing 21-25% error.

Indicators Ratings
5 4 3 2 1

The indicators in the questionnaire consistently and accurately measure each

variables of the investigation.
The questionnaire fits with the variables under investigation, thus measuring
what it tends to measure.
The questionnaire has the ability to distinguish the characteristics or the
properties if different attributes of the subject under study
The questionnaire has the ability to gather factual data, eliminating bases and
The questionnaire has the capability to measure items of variables within a
given time frame.
Quick and complete data can be generated by the questionnaire within the
time frame allowed to obtain the data.
The questionnaire has no influence on the variables being measured.
The questionnaire is framed in a clear, simple, in order to avoid risk of error.
The questionnaire is capable of generating data that will be of value and
practical use to the sectors concerned in the investigation.

Comments and Suggestions:

Appendix D

Appendix E

Name: Real Anne Alo Diagonon

Age: 18

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date of Birth: September 4, 2000

Address: Doña Rosa Phase 1 Garnet Street Blk. 11 Lot 3 Toril, Davao


Contributions: Introduction, Data gathering, Review of Related

Literature, Surveyor, Chapter 3 Results and Discussions, Background

of the Study, Chapter 4 Recommendations, Insights, Proofread

Affiliations: Class beadle, STEM club treasurer, Senior Red Cross

Youth Member

Name: Lady J-Anne Loyola

Age: 17

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date of Birth: December 26,2000

Address: Lipadas DaliaoToril, Davao city

Contribution: Survey Questionnaire, Research Respondents,

Surveyor, References

Affiliations: Class Secretary, Senior Red Cross Youth Member,


Name: Michaela P. Suarez

Age: 17

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date of Birth: May 18, 2001

Address: Prudential Village Daliao Toril, Davao City

Contribution: Review of Related Literature, Research Design, Survey

Conductor, Background of Study

Affiliations: Class Vice President, EMPAC, Club Photographer, Vice

President of STEM club

Name: Karlo Yutig

Age: 18

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date of Birth: July 23, 2000

Address: Bohol Avenue Soyuz St. Toril Davao City

Contribution: Typing the Introduction, Review of Related Literature ,

Local Study, Typing the Questionnaire, Surveyor

Affiliations: Young Artist club Member, SPCT Choir Member

Name: Angelika Sarmiento

Age: 17

Status: Single

Religion: Romann Catholic

Date of Birth: November 19, 2001

Address: Inawayan, Sta. Cruz, Davao Del Sur

Contribution: Data Analysis, Survey Questionnaire, Surveyor,



Name: Eduard Johnielle M. Suico

Age: 17

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date of Birth: November 20, 2000

Address: Doña Rosa Subd. Phase 2 Toril, Davo City

Contribution: Surveyor, Research Locale, Acknowledgement,

Background of the Study, Insights, Review of Related Literature

Affiliations: Petrean Indak Gr. 12 Representative

Name: Francis Joel T. Buot

Age: 18

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date of Birth: February 25, 200

Address: Don Lorenzo Sub. Upper Piedad Toril Davao City

Contribution: Tabulations, Research Instrument, T-Test Tabulation,

Review of Related Literature Editing the Paper

Affiliations: Media Photography Arts Club

Appendix F

Mr. Eduard Johnielle M. Suico

During our previous discussions, i learned many things, especially in

making our research paper. I felt tired and exhausted because i have to balance

my time on other subjects just to help in our conducted research. I spent a

semester just to formulate our chapters 1 and 2. I learned a lot about the types of

research such as quantitative research which deals with numberd and statistical

tools; basic research that talks about laws, library research which talks about the

history, laboratory research which can be considered as experimental and many


Ms. Real Anne A. Diagonon

A semester was given as the limited time for us to do our research. In

doing our research chapters 1 & 2, as a group we had our ups and downs. For

me, having those 2 chapters was never easy. I had a moment in which i got so

tired and i wanted to quit. Doing the 2 chapters made me unmotivated. But then

even if there were struggles in our group, there were also times in which we had

fun despite the pressure and expectations. But among those hardships, the most

difficult part were the chapter defense. I was so scared because i got a lot of

what if's and but's in my mind. I was so nervous upon answering the questions

being thrown to me and as well as to my groupmates. As a synthesis of my

experience, i can say that making a research paper was never easy but then it

feels fulfilling in the end.

Ms. Michaela P. Suarez

Throughout my journey with my groupmates in research,we realized and

learned many things.As I work and do my best to finish my task in doing

research,I can totally say that it is really hard.Research is not just a simple

thing,but it is a thing that needs a lot more emphasizing and critical and efficient

thinking.Research made me stress all throughout this semester.Doing research

is stressful and difficult sometimes but doing it with my groupmates is fun and

much more easier.We cooperate and we tease each other during in making our

tasks.It is really fun! I hope we can make memories together all

throughout.Research is fun!

Ms. Lady J-Anne M. Loyola

In doing our research paper there are a lot of hardships that I

encountered. I struggled a lot during our defense since i am not a good speaker

in front of many people.It is really true that doing or conducting a research study

is not an easy one it takes a lot patience,unity,money,effort,time,passion and

willingness to finish the study.I felt tired and almost gave up in finding all the

needed informations in our study. Indeed research needs your logical and critical

thinking but while doing it we still enjoy each others company

Karlo Yutig

I have learned that we must value each time for us to pass it on time.

The importance of the S. O. p in the research that will be utilized in the

questionnaire. In scope and limitation, making APA citation for the RRL and we

should use first, second, and third person in making a research. I learned also on

how to cite where is the dependent and independent variables. In conceptual

framework I have learned that there is non-experimental which has three parts,

the input, where put the problem, the process which will be the survey ,then the

output where we put the recommendations. While the experimental uses

variables. Then the research background which includes the local, national, and

international study. Also in the RRL which is process that determines the

similarities and differences of the findings of the study.

Angelika Sarmiento

Research is like a maze that when you turn into a wrong way there's a

possibility on getting lost. Sometimes we need to be sure on what way that we

will be going to chose. We need to be aware on what are the consequences we

need to face on each way. As well as on research that is so complicated that's

why we need to consider those challenge and overcome it. When we were

making the chapter 1 and 2 of our research, at first for me it is difficult because

my knowledge about research are just limited and I don't have any deepen

understandings about it. During the discussion in research while having the

groupings and formulating the study, I learned a lot because the discussion was

being interpreted in actual. Recently I feel anxious because sometimes research

for me is like a stressor but I know and I realize that it can help me to become a

more knowledgeable about the research paper that I can use when I become a

professional. I just need to widen my understanding so that I will become a more

productive student and so I can easily absorb the topic and bare it into my mind.

When it comes on defesing our study, I just need to improve my speaking skill

and my vocabulary so that I can easily express my thoughts and opinions using

the universal language. In this world that full of innovated and newly invented

technologies, there's a lot of things that the new generation need to discover.

With a high capability on research there's a lot of new learnings that we can get

and add it into the body of knowledge.

Francis Joel T. Buot

Conducting research is hard but we got no choice but to do it plus it

has its merits by knowing what do to and not to do when conduction research

and yeah so we students know the know how to do research and possibly in the

near future we or I will not be as confused as I am now in conduction another

research for collage. Chapters one, two, three, four, were hard but we pulled it

thru because of my active group mate’s participation we all had a part and we all

did our part not just individually but as a group working together.


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