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development of Motion Pictures in the Philippines Action Pictures Here are the historical events

that influenced the development of January t, 1897- Philippine cinema was said to have been
introduced in chef Philippines by the Spaniards, a year after the Lumpier brothers initially
showed their cinematographer (French word), The Spanish equivalent of cinematographer is
cronofotografo which was later changed to cancmatografo and was later shortened to cine. Four
films were shown on a 60 mm Diemen-Gourmont chronophotographe projector at the Salon de
Portiere at no, 12 Escalate, and Manila, where the Pullman Jewelry Shop was formerly situated.
Businessmen Lealman and Perutz were the persons who installed the allippine cinema, projector.
The Glum show was dubbed as the "Spectacular Scientific del Barriers" (Portiere Science Show)
after Senior Francisco Portiere a Spanish businessman who imported the motion picture devices.
The four films were Un Home Au Chapeau (Man with a Hat), One Scene de Dunes faponaise
(Scenes from a Japanese Dance), Les Boxers (The Boxers), and La Place de Lopper (The Place
Opera). January 2, 1897 carried the announcements of the film - Local newspapers screening.
They were El Comedic, Dario de Manila, La Vex Espanola, and El Espanola. The films lasted no
more than 45 seconds each. Viewers were charged 50 centavos for cushioned seats, and 3o
centavos for lunettes or benches. January 29, 1897- Patronage to the film show began to decline
resulting in the lowering of admission prices until Salon de Portiere finally closed down. August
(1st week) 1897 Antonio Ramos, a Spanish Army officer imported a Lumpier cinematographer
along thirty films. Lumbered brothers
an 18th model of the Demény-Gaurmont chronophotograptie August 31, 1897- Messes. Lealman
and Perutz opened another movie hall in Escalate. Among the filmstrips was the Czar's carriage
passing the Place de la Concorde. Admission price was higher, with Lineman and Perutz
charging one Mexican dollar for seat preferences-and half a dollar for general entrance. The pair
billed their entertainment fare as "Cinematograph," shortened to "cine." November t897-The
term "cine" became the generic name for movies in the vernacular. However, Lealman and
Perutz closed down their movie hall in November, 1897 when patronage began to decline.
September 1898– Antonio Ramos made the following films: P.morama de Manila (Manila
Landscape), Fiesta de Quip (Quip Fiesta), Parented de Espuma (Bridge of Spain), and Eczemas
Calaveras (Street Scenes). FNT Na. 12 Salon Portiere located at Interior Escalate, comer Marini
St., when the first lour films were shown in January 1, 1897. Development of Performing Arts in
the Happiness
July 1909 - Two ninja developments spurred in local cinema: the establishment of Manila film
studios and the mushrooming of movie theatres due to abundant lilt supply August S, 1909 -
There was a quick proliferation of movie theater Cine And had its inaugural screening. Between
1909-1911-Other movie houses were opened like Paz, Cabinda, Empire, Majestic, Comedies,
Apollo, Ideal, Luz, and Gaiety Zarzuela, open and vaudeville presentations were performed.
Aiming these were theater Gorilla and the Grand Opera House. Movie houses also sprouted in
the provinces which had electricity. Early part of 1912 – Harry Brown and Meyer Gross, whose
stage play La Vida de Rizal (The Life of Rizal) had been a commercial success, collaborated and
produced the first local full-length film Deli-Bracken. To make the film a sure success, Brown,
as director, engaged his wife. Treaty Molina played the role Josephine Bracken. . August 24,
1912 – Albert Yeardley, manager of Oriental Film Company and owner of Empire and Majestic
Theatre decided to produce his own Rizal film. Hale beat the Brown-Gross team by a day when
he showed his film before the screening body at Grand Opera House. Between 1910-1915 –
Numerous forcing-owned film companies established their firms in the Philippines. This ensured
steady film production. In another development, taxes on film were imposed. In the process,
short films ceased or are the format and the age of feature films soon flourished. They became
the source of entertainment, as new and sophisticated film equipment arrived from the West.
Commercial film from Hollywood and Europe were manufactured with prescribed formulas and
geared for mass consumption by an expanding American market. *1917 - Jose Nepomuceno, the
Father of the Philippine Movies together with his brother, organized the film studio Malayan
Movies. His first Teague film was Damaging Booked (Country Maiden), a stage play adapted
into film. Albert Yeardley and Gross, two Englishmen constructed the Majestic and Gorilla
theatres along the narrow lane of Azcarruga (now C. M. Recto Ave). Yeardley did the lengthy
motion picture lecturing the Life of Rizal “wherein the role of Leonor Rivera was portrayed by
the first Filipina loadstar Treaty Molina. Epomuceno s to Be Eructation
1g-Sepouiucend directed neither the Tam nor the Arrange de la Rama 1920 – Fire swept the
place tillage utter was forced la ell equipment. Faustino Lichaucostarel filming Yesterday Today
and Tomorrow" but stopped filming halfway Chula Emote an Ricardo Marceline quarreled on
the set of "Piping Saks Mule Witness) that resulted in the shelving of the film. Vicente
Salumbides revived filmmaking in "Miracles of Love which starred Herm genes I lagan. Jose
Nepomuceno made ran other films "Nag Tat long Hambog" and the "Miracles of Antipodal
These pictures were made already with talkies. 1927 – Manuel Silos made a 16 mm slant film
calentures Sangamon (The Three Tramps). 1930 - Nolin Me Tangier (Touch Me Not) was hailed
as Nepomuceno's masterpiece. 1932 -The firs Sound movie of Nepomuceno was Plural and
Grunt (Golden Dagger) from the novel of Antonio Semipro. 1937- Pedro Vera of Sampaguita
Pictures started filming Biting Mari kit and Medaling Are 1938 – Don Ramon Amanita founded
Excelsior Pictures and filmed Nag Maya 1939 – Dona Narcissi "Sizing" de Leon founded LVN
and showed the film Girl Kop directed by Carlos Vander Tools. Pundit a Bambina was also
filmed by Nepomuceno. At the end of 1939, other films were shown. Among these were
Gregorio Fernandez's Ababa at Kabana, Ramon Estella’s Banyan at Pag-ibig, Gerardo "Gerry"
De Leon's Belay Kubo, and Lambert Avellino’s Sake. The growth of films gave birth to new
stars which included, Rosa Del Rosario, Carmen Rosales, Elsa Orica, Lucite Guyana, Rosario
Romero, Mila Del Sol, Rogelio de la Rosa, Angel Esmeralda, Fernando Poe Sr., and Rudy
Concepcion. 1953 - The National Media Production Center (NMPC) was created to produce and
disseminate international and educational films. Larry Alcala made an animation film. 1958
Lambert Avellino’s E/ Legato (The Legislator) won the Coned de Foxe Award in the Cremate
International de Cine Documental Iberia-Americano y Filipino in Bilbao, Spain. Then, after two
years, he capped the same award with his till La Cam puma de Bluer (The Bell of Baler). 1961-
The Grey Menace filmed in 1955 was cited in West Germany's Asian Film Week. This film was
directed by Jesse Ramos and produced by the Department of Agriculture. 2 Development of
Perfuming Arts in the Philippines
1903 - Brave Little Island, a short film about Corregidor, won a Certificate of Acceptance in the
San Francisco Film Festival Soul of Fortress and Mangandingay won the Rotary Award for
Service to Mankind in the Asian Film Festival, - Avellino’s The Survivor was awarded the Prix
D' Honker a Cambodia. This film re-enacted the life of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo. 107- The Land
of the Sun Returning, a color documentary film garnered the Golden Award in the United States.
1973-Kasaysayan nag Labia (Story of a Race) became the Philippine entry in the sty
International Cinema Festival in USSR. . 1980's -a number of award-giving bodies started to
entail tracks of the Film Academy for Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences (FAMAS). Michael
Parsons, an American residing in the Philippines, and Virgilian Avado were honored as pioneer’s
experimental filmmaking in the Philippines. Currently, the Movie, Television Review and
Classification Board MTRCB), classifies motion pictures and television shows according to the
reality of content to the audience. GP (General Patronage) - Admission is open to 1ll PG
(Parental Guidance open) - Admission is open to persons below 15 yrs, old but must be
accompanied by an adult. PG-15 (Parental Guidance) - Admission is open only to 15 years ages.
Of age and above. R-18 (restricted) - Admission is open only to adults 18 yrs: old and above. X-
Movie or show is not for public viewing.

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