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Teaching English Speaking with Pleasing Way Using Family

Cards Method


NPM : 171101010541






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study...............................................................................1

1.2 Scope of the Study.........................................................................................3

1.3 Research Question..........................................................................................4

1.4 Purposes of the Study.....................................................................................4

1.5 Significance of the Study................................................................................4

1.5.1 Practically..............................................................................................4

1.5.2 Theoretically..........................................................................................5

1.6 Definition of Terminology..............................................................................5

1.7 Organization of the Paper...............................................................................5

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................7

2.1 Curriculum......................................................................................................7

2.1.1 Definition of Curriculum........................................................................7

2.1.2 2013 Curriculum....................................................................................8

2.2 Scientific Approach......................................................................................10

2.2.1 Nature of Scientific Approach..............................................................10

2.2.2 Principles of Scientific Approach.........................................................11

2.2.3 Steps of Scientific Approach...............................................................12

2.2.4 Scientific Approach in 2013 Curriculum ............................................13

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY........................................................................18

3.1 Research Design...........................................................................................18

1.1.1 Planning...............................................................................................19

1.1.2 Acting..................................................................................................20

1.1.3 Observing............................................................................................20

1.1.4 Reflecting.............................................................................................21

3.2 Research Site and Participants.....................................................................21

3.3 Data Collection.............................................................................................21

3.4 Data Analysis................................................................................................22



RESEARCH SCHEDULE.....................................................................................30



1.1 Background of the Study

Language is the important part in communication. Language is being the way to

transfer an idea, thinking, opinion and feeling. In the world, there are so many
languages and English is an important language to be learned because it becomes
an international language. English influences our daily life; many sectors need
English as the prerequisites. For example, English is widely used in mass media and
oral communication as means of exchanging information including science,
education and technology reasons. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign
language. It is taught from elementary school as an alternative subject until high
school as one of the compulsory subjects. It means that English has an important
position so the Indonesian students need to learn English as well as possible. There
are four important skills that students have to master in English. They are speaking,
reading, listening and writing. Furthermore, the students have to master English
components such as vocabulary, grammar, spelling and pronunciation. But in
reality, there are so many students are not able to speak English well. Commonly,
elementary students only have capability in listening, reading or writing. It is
because English is not spoken in society, so the accuracy and fluency to speak
English is difficult for the students. Moreover, the use of conventional teaching
techniques which only use the same way for each section of teaching English
becomes the second reason of the problem in speaking English. Setiyadi (2006: 21)
states that “speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. It likes the other
skills, is more complicated that it seems at first and involves more than
pronouncing words". Based on the statements above, the researcher knows that
the fluency in speaking becomes the problem in learning English. Here, the using of
appropriate techniques in teaching and learning English is one of the ways to solve
the problem. It is needed in order to make the students be motivated in speaking
English in the classroom and out of classroom. There are many techniques to make
English teaching especially speaking is fun, interesting and active. So the students
are encouraged to expose themselves to speak English. One of the techniques
which can be used in English speaking is cooperative learning technique, so the

teachers have to analyze the most appropriate technique to teach English in their
class. Cooperative learning has so many techniques which can be a good
alternative to be applied in teaching English and it can make an interesting teaching
and learning for the students. Based on the backgrounds above, the researcher will
conduct a study in the form of Classroom Action Research entitled "Teaching
English Speaking with Pleasing Way Using Family Cards Method at SDN 2
Tonjong in academic year 2018/2019".

1.2 Scope of the Study

It is important to find solutions to this research problem so that it remains focused

and has clear objectives. In this study, researchers focused on the problems faced
by teachers in applying the Approach to students in a fun learning method and it is
hoped that students will understand the material provided by the teacher and how
the methods provided are optimal in teaching English to elementary school in

1.3 Research Question

Based on the background of this research, the research questions to be addressed


1.3.1 How is the implementation of Teaching English Speaking with Pleasing Way

Using Family Cards Method?

1.3.2 How effective is the method in the process of understanding students'

speaking ability in English?

1.4 Purposes of the Study

Considering the questions above, the aims that are expected to achieve from this

research are mentioned below:

1.4.1 To know what are the problem faced in implementing the method and

learning activity steps.

1.4.2 To know what strategies or solution for the problem and implementing the

method well in the class.

1.5 Significance of the Study

However, the researcher hopes that this paper has two benefits in teaching and

language learning as presented below:

1.5.1 Practically

a. Student

Students is expected to be more active participate and understand about the

materials in the class.

b. Teacher
This research also provides additional information for teachers about

applying the approach to students in a fun and active way in the teaching and

learning process in class.

1.5.2 Theoretically

The results of this study can be used as a reference for those who want to conduct

research and activities in teaching English, especially about approaches and

methods in teaching English in ways that attract students.

1.6 Definition of Terminology

1.6.1 Teaching Speaking : Paul (2003: 77) lists several principles that teachers

need to consider in preparing students to communicate in English:

1. introducing and practicing patterns in ways that feel meaningful to he children,

such as in games, in situation where the children genuinely want to express

themselves, and through personalization.

2. practicing new patterns in combination with the other patterns the children have

learned, so the children can internalize them more easily.

3. giving the children many opportunities to guess how to use the patterns flexibly

in novel situation.

4. giving the children confidence to speak out in front of others by talking

independently with other children and the whole class.

5. building the children’s inner strength to deal with confusing and novel situations,

by presenting them with puzzles to overcome and solve, and making sure they are

finally successful.

6. focusing on the question forms of new patterns, so the children can ask about

things they do not know. They can learn Who is it? before or at the same time as

learning, It’s a cat, and, What’s she doing? before or at the same time as learning

She’s sleeping.

1.6.2 Cards Game : There are many types of language games that can be used in

connection with the Langua ge teaching, such as pictures games, psychology

games, cards, board games, guessing games, and so on. The essential rule of this

game is that someone knows something and others must find out what it is (Wright

et al.,1984)

1.7 Organization of the Paper

To get a clearer explanation of the matters discussed in this paper, the writing is
divided into 3 (three) chapters which are divided as follows: Chapter I, is an

introductory chapter that describes the background, scope of research, research
questions, the purpose of study, research significance, definition of terms and
organization of this paper. Chapter II, Contains literature review including
theoretical theories / theoretical frameworks and theoretical frameworks and brings
up the underlying frameworks. Chapter III, Suggests research methods that include
research design, location and research participants, data collection, and data



2.1 Speaking

2.1.1 Definition of Speaking

Speaking is the way of people to communicate ideas to each others by orally.

According to Gert and Hans in Efrizal (2012: 127), speaking is speech or

utterances produced by the speaker with an intention of being known and then, the

listener processes the sayings in order to know the speaker’s intention. Irawati

(2014: 26) defines speaking as an activity to produce sayings in the form of words

and sentences orally in order to communicate with others. Meanwhile,

Khorashadyzadeh (2014: 12) states that speaking needs not only the learners’

understanding about the way to produce the linguistic competence such as

grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary but also comprehension about

sociolinguistic competence such as when, why , and how to speak. Bahadorfar and

Omidvar (2015: 9) say that speaking skills can be categorized as good speaking

skill when the listener can understand the words produced by the speaker.

Additionally, Ur in Akhyak and Indramawan (2013: 20) says that the successful

speaking activity has the characteristics as follows:

1. The language learners talk so much

2. All the participants of speaking activity get the opportunity to

3. The language learners are highly motivated and have interest in the speaking.

2.1.2 Teaching English Speaking

English is an international language which is very important to be mastered well.

Everybody may speak English every time and everywhere. To communicate with

foreigner, it is impossible to use Indonesian language. We must use English for

communication with them. Therefore English is an international language used to

communicate with people from other countries. So, that is why people have to

learn English moreover to speak out. One of language skill is speaking. Speaking is

the most effective and common way, used by people when they want to interact

with others.

Speaking is the key of active communication. Speaking is used by the general

people to measure how well someone’s ability in acquiring second language,

moreover for the professional English teacher or candidate of teacher, speaking has

become more important skill to overview ability in second language. Thus foreign

language learners must have good competence in spoken language to understand

the information perfectly. It is supported by Finochiaro (1974:5), he says that

“communication through spoken language means understanding and reacting to

what someone says may be a statement, to ask question, to agree, or to negative

with a long answer or with short answer”.

Mastering English well in speaking skill is very useful. As we know, speaking is

the indicator of mastering the language. It means that people need such kind of

teaching speaking activities to be able to speak up well. The activities of teaching

speaking can give the influence for our speaking because indirectly it makes us

practice more often than before.

2.2 Card Games Media

2.2.1 Media

There two kinds of media, “nontechnical” and “technical” media, Donna M

Britton (as cited in Marianne Celce Murcia, 1991). Nontechnical media presents

obvious advantages in settings where electricity is unreliable, technical resources

are scarce, or funding is limited for example, blackboard, flashcards/index card,

wall charts, posters, maps, etc. Technical media are costlier and less friendly than

the nontechnical media, they carry with them a larger degree of “psychological

reality” in that they can bring the outside world in all its complexities into the

classroom for example, radio, television, multimedia lab, overhead projector, etc.

2.2.2 The Technique to Using Card Games

There are many types of language games that can be used in connection with the

Langua ge teaching, such as pictures games, psychology games, cards, board

games, guessing games, and so on (Wright et al., 1984) In this proposal, there are

only 2 (two) suggested activities of using card games by guessing in teaching

speaking skill namely twenty questions and stick a card word guessing game. There

is a picture on the card and students are asked to describe things, people and places

at the end of the game.

a. Twenty Questions (Harmer,2001)

“Twenty questions” is one kind of guessing games. The essential rule of this game

is that someone knows something and others must find out what it is (Wright et

al.,1984). This game is a useful teaching technique since it can create a true

communicative situation and combine the language practice in fun and excitement



Students are divided in two teams. Each team which consists of two students who

will pick the cards on the table providing by teacher, there is a picture of an object

on the card. The object could be a thing, place, or a famous person or a

combination of two or three of these.

b. Stick a Card-Word Guessing Game

Guessing game is one of many techniques which can be applied in speaking class.

„Guessing game can be used to develop and reinforce concept, to add diversion to

regular activities or just to break the ice. The most important function is to give

practice in communication,‟ (Richard-Amato, 1988). Here, the pictures hold the

main role in conducting the games and pictures can cue responses to questions or

cue substitution through controlled practice.Using pictures on the cards still plays

role for the following game. The following game is developed from Wright‟s idea

but in different technique.


With this game the teacher splits the class into two teams and calls up student a

student from one team to the front of the class. The teacher sticks a card or word

on the student‟s back. Make sure the other students sitting down know what is on

the student‟s back, but not the student standing. The student standing has to ask

the others many questions to guess what is stuck on his/her back. Needless to say

that other the students can‟t tell the student directly, what the word is. Also,

discourage the use of the mother tongue in helping the student guess. Any student

looses a point if they try and tell the students directly or use the mother tongue.

Students can help him/her guess the word by giving him/her only verbal clues.

2.2.3 The Effectiveness of Card Games

Games can be a good way in practicing the target language that being learned by

the children, since they are able to provide a model of language on

what the learners will use in the real life Zdybiewska (as cited in Uberman,2002).

Related to that statement, Kim (1995:35) presents six advantages of using the

language games in the classroom, which are:

1. games are motivating and challenging.

2. games are as a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class.

3. games help the students to make and sustain the effort of learning.

4. games provide language practice in the various and integrated language skills.

5. games encourage students to interact and communicate to each other.

6. games create a meaningful context for language that is being learned by the


In line with Kim, Mei and Yu jing (2000) also believe that through playing games,

students can learn English as the way the children learn and say their mother

language without being aware they are studying; thus without stres,the students

can learn a lot in learning the target language. While Wright et al.(1984) write that

games can help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and

meaningful. The learners who want to take part in the activities, must understand

what others are saying or or have written, and in order to do so, the students then

must speak or write in expressing their own point of views or give information.

The researcher will bring the materials based on the content, or the resarcher

will ask students to find an authentic material, it can be photos, videos, postcards,

restaurant menus, newspaper, etc.



3.1 Research Design

The researcher is going to use classroom action research design to observe, analyse

and apply the method in classroom, from those the step of observing and

questioning can be well implemented. Salahudin (2015) in Hasanah (2016)

proposed that classroom action research is the name given to a reflective and

collective research undertaken by a researcher in a social situation to improve the

rationality in their own social or educational practices.The researcher use this kind

of research because of classroom action research is a systematic procedures done

by teacher to gather information about, and subsequently improve, the ways their

particular educational setting operates, their teaching, and their students learning.

Action research also provides an opportunity for educators to reflect on their own

practices (Creswell, 2012).

Specifically, the researcher rather focuses on classroom problems than the

individual teacher problem. So, practical action research is used for this study

because the researcher seek to focus on problems in the classroom so that they can

improve the students learning and professional performance. The researcher uses

practical action research because it involves a small-scale research project,

narrowly fouses on a secific problem or issue, and is undertaken by individual

teachers or teams within a school or school district (Creswell, 2012).

In this study, the researcher will use the procedure of research method from

Kemmis and Mc Taggart in Nurvasari (2017). This method consists of four steps,

those are planning, acting, observing and reflecting.

3.1.1 Planning

The researcher choose that school because there is far from uptown and that might
be the implementation of English learning are less. After observing to private
school in city and remote area, the researcher conclude that self-efficacy students
in remote are still low. It is proven when the researcher sit in at class to look at the
situation. The researcher created a rpp or lesson plan, a 2013 curriculum. The
lesson plan includes the core competency; it is:
1. Menerima dan menjalankan perbedaan sesama teman.
2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, santun, peduli, dan
percaya diri dalam berinteraksi dengan keluarga, teman, guru dan tetangga.
3. Memahami pengetahuan faktual dengan cara mengamati (mendengar,
melihat, membaca) dan menanya berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu
tentang dirinya, makhluk ciptaan Tuhan dan kegiatannya, dan benda-
benda yang dijumpainya di rumah dan di sekolah.
4. Menyajikan pengetahuan faktual dalam bahasa yang jelas, sistematis
dan logis, dalam karya yang estetis, dalam gerakan yang
mencerminkan anak sehat, dan dalam tindakan yang mencerminkan
perilaku anak beriman dan berakhlak mulia.
and basic competency; it is:
3.4 Memahami kata dan frasa yang berkaitan dengan Family.

The reasearcher will use a pleasing way, using "family card" and added a song
about family can help effectiveness the learning process.The researcher planned to
use "family card" as a tool to get attention from students because as well as we
know that elementary students like to play games. The family cards made from
printed photo of family members (father, mother, brother, and sister) on A4 paper.
The researcher also prepared the teaching media and any related materials. The
school gave the researcher 45 minutes on that day. The researcher planned to do a
test as instrument to collect the data before the pleasing learning implemented to
know about their speaking skills. The researcher chose Mega Hamengku as her

observer to observe the activities done by teacher and students based on lesson
plan and a cameraman to record the classroom situation.

3.1.2 Acting

The researcher tought the class started from 7.30 am to 9.15 am, at one hour first,
the researcher greeted students at first and start to ask the material, such as who
are family members in English and how to speak the names of family member in
English. The researcher teach the material about 20 minutes and asked the students
to sing a family song together. The researcher implemented the method when she
divided 4 groups based on range of seats. She gave one card family for one group.
The researcher asked them to sing a song and overed the card to another member
group (estafet) at the same time. After doing that method, the researcher asked
who is student get the card and ask them who is family member on that card. The
researcher look at how they speak and pronounciation. The researcher gave the
material and the task for students, the task is matched the picture about what the
activity usually did family members in the worksheet that the researcher gave. After
the material has implemented, the researcher ended the material with mini game,
the game is researcher asked students who wants to sing a family song in front of
the class and gave them rewards .

3.1.3 Observing

In this research the researcher as a participant observer, Creswell (2012) stated

that participant observer is an observational role adopted byresearcher when they

take part in activities in the setting they observed. As a participant, you assume the

role of an “inside” observer who actually engages in activities at the study site. So,

the researcher observes all activities in teaching and learning process, and observes

how the processes happens. In this step, the researcher also monitors the progress

of learning and write down the student responses.

3.1.4 Reflecting

After conducting the action phase, the researcher doing a reflection by analyzing

the data during the observation, and documentation.

3.2 Research Site and Participants

The site of this study was one of the senior high schools grade X in Bogor. It is

important that the selection of site and participants is not taken for granted, but

decided on purpose to provide appropriate data embracing the research problems

under examination (Creswell, 2007).

3.3 Data Collection

In this research, the researcher is going to implement observation and document:

1. Observation
According to Creswell (2012), Observation is the process of gathering open-

ended, first hand information by observing people and places at a research. To

get the data, researcher will be a participant observer. So researcher will take a

part in activities in the setting researchers observe. The researcher will

participate in the activities or will teach the students in the class and record the

data at the same time. The researcher also record the reflective fieldnotes to

record the participants thoughts during observation. Observation plays a

crucial role not only in classroom research, but also more generally in

supporting the professional growth of teachers and in the process of school

2. Documentation
In this research, the researcher as a participant-observer, so the researcher will

make diary journal before and after doing teaching and learning process during

the research study. To strengthen those diary journal, the researcher also take a

pictures while they observed and record while they asking a question.

3.4 Data Analysis

The researcher is going to use some steps in analyzing qualitative data according to

Creswell, 2012

1. Organize data
At an early stage in qualitative analysis, you organize data into file folders

or computer files. Organizing the materials by type, all journal diary, all

photos, and all recording.

2. Transcribe data
Creswell (2012) define transcriptions the process of converting audiotape

recordings or fieldnotes into text data. The researcher will transcribe the

data from journal diary, and through a recording.

3. Analyze by hand
After all the data has been transcribed. Then, It will analyze by hand. The

hand analysis of qualitative data means that researchers read the data, mark

it by hand, and divide it into parts.

4. Code the data

According to Cresswell (2012) Coding is the process of segmenting and

labeling text to form descriptions and broad themes in the data.the

researcher will code the data to get the findings. The coding process is to

make sense out of text data, divide it into text or image segments, label the

segments with codes, examine codes for overlap and redundancy, and

collapse these codes into broad themes.


Paul, D. (2003). Teaching English to children in Asia. Hong Kong: Pearson

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Wright, Andrew et al. 1984. Games for Language Learning. Cambridge University

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Kim McDonough, Alison Mackey. (2013). Second Language Interaction in

Diverse Educational Contexts. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John
Publishing Company.

Brown G. & Yule G. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Harmer, J. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th ed.).

London: Pearson Longman.

Vilar, E. (2003). Roles of teachers a case study based on: Diary of a

language teacher. Retrieved from

Leu, E. (2005). The role of teachers, schools and Communities in Quality of

Education: A review of the Literature. Washington, DC: Global
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R M. Harden & J. Crosby. (2000). The good teacher is more than a lecturer the
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Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Essex:
Longman Press.



Students and class situations
Yes No
Teaching English Speaking

Students pay attention to the

teachers instruction
Students observed the object very

Students participate actively in

teaching process
Students got something new from

the learning
Students asking question
Students listen to and pay attention

to their friends question

They can answer of their friends

They participate actively in asking


The problems in

implementing SA


Items May June July Aug
1. Preparation

a. Observation
b. Identification of Research Area
a. Submission of Topic Paper
b. Proposal Arrangement
2. Implementation

a. Proposal Seminar
b. Data Collection
3. Approval Report

a. Report Arrangement
b. Thesis Defence


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