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ISSN 1120-6721
Eur J Ophthalmol 2015; 25 (4): 280-285
DOI: 10.5301/ejo.5000571


How can we prevent myopia progression?

Thomas Chassine1, Max Villain1, Christian P. Hamel1-5, Vincent Daien1,4,6
Department of Ophthalmology, Gui De Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier - France
Genetics of Sensory Diseases, Gui De Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier - France
INSERM U1051, Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier, Hôpital Saint Eloi, Montpellier - France
Université Montpellier 1, Montpellier - France
Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier - France
INSERM U1061, Epidemiology, Montpellier - France

Purpose: Myopia has increased worldwide during recent years and is becoming a serious public health problem.
In East Asia, the prevalence can reach 80% of the population. The focus for screening and interventions should be
on early life during childhood when myopia progression is faster.
Methods: Review and discussion of the recent literature on potential interventions for preventing the develop-
ment of myopia or slowing its progression.
Results: Increased time spent outdoors is a protective factor for myopia progression. Undercorrection increased
myopia progression and optimal correction is mandatory. The use of progressive or bifocal lenses (spectacles or
contact lenses) may yield a slowing of myopia by limiting eye accommodation. Rigid gas permeable contact lenses
were found to have few effects on myopic eye growth. A marked slowing of myopia was observed with orthokera-
tology by temporarily changing the curvature radius of the cornea. The largest positive effects for slowing myopia
progression were observed with atropine eyedrops with an interesting dose effect. The benefit of surgical scleral
reinforcement is reserved for severe and progressive myopia.
Conclusions: In this review, we discuss optical and pharmacologic interventions that can be used in myopia
Keywords: Atropine, Contact lenses, Myopia, Orthokeratology, Prevention, Scleral reinforcement

Introduction equivalent -0.5 D, but other studies use ≤-0.25 or ≤-0.75 D.

High-grade myopia has been defined as <-6 D (4).
Myopia is a serious public health problem. Indeed, the prev- The increased prevalence of higher myopia is associated
alence of myopia has increased significantly in many industrial- with comorbidities such as retinal detachment, subretinal neo-
ized countries (1). In particular, myopia has increased in many vascularization, early cataract, and glaucoma. These patholo-
Asian countries. In Singapore, the myopia prevalence was 26%, gies are major causes of visual impairment and blindness. As
43%, 66%, and 83% in 1970, 1980, the mid-1990s, and the late the population ages in Western countries, myopia could de-
1990s, respectively (2). In the United States, the prevalence crease disability-free life expectancy in later life. Furthermore,
of myopia in individuals aged 12 to 54 years increased from this could lead to important cost burdens to our societies.
25% to 41.6% between 1971 and 2004 (p<0.001), more among The past decade has seen a greater understanding of the mo-
Caucasians (26.3% to 43%, respectively, p<0.001) than African lecular biological mechanisms that determine refractive error,
Americans (13% to 33.5%, respectively, p<0.001) (3). giving further support to the belief that myopia is the result
Importantly, there is a lack of general consensus in the cri- of a complex interaction between genetic predisposition and
teria to define myopia. Many studies are based on a spherical environmental exposures (5). The focus for screening and pre-
vention should be at early life during childhood when myopia
progression is faster.
Accepted: January 11, 2015 In this review, we discuss all potential interventions for
Published online: February 3, 2015 preventing the development of myopia or slowing its progres-
sion, including time spent outdoors, atropine, bifocal lenses
Corresponding author: (eyeglasses or contact lenses), orthokeratology, and surgical
Vincent Daien scleral reinforcement.
Service d’Ophtalmologie
Hôpital Gui de Chauliac
CHU de Montpellier Methods
80, Avenue Augustin Fliche
34295 Montpellier cedex 5, France We performed a literature search of Medline and Google scholar databases for articles published in English or French

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from 1966 to December 2014 using the search terms myopia, some side effects: allergic conjunctivitis, dermatitis, and pupil
epidemiology, time outdoors, atropine, lenses, glasses, con- dilation. In the ATOM 2 study, allergic conjunctivitis occurred
tact lenses, orthokeratology, and surgery. We also included in none of the 0.01% atropine group, 4% of the 0.1% atropine
articles found from references in previous articles. We exclud- group, and 4% of the 0.5% atropine group (12); dermatitis in-
ed articles with inadequate documentation of the method- volving eyelids occurred in none of the 0.01% atropine group,
ology, treatment, or clinical course. We identified 36 articles 1% of the 0.1% atropine group, and 2% of the 0.5% atropine
with sufficient relevance to improve knowledge for slowing group (12); the loss of distance best-corrected visual acuity
myopia progression. >1 line occurred in 13% of the 0.01% atropine group, 13% of
the 0.1% atropine group, and 8% of the 0.5% atropine group
Results (12). Near visual acuity was not significantly impaired in the
0.01% group, whereas deficiencies were noted in the 0.1%
Spending more time outdoors protects against myopia and 0.5% groups (p<0.001). Atropine at 0.01% seems to be
development and progression the best compromise, with a significant reduction in progres-
sion of myopia and few side effects (12).
Time spent outdoors and reduced need for close vision The ATOM 1 and 2 studies were followed by the ATOM
work may be important in myopia. In a cohort of 863 Australian 3 study, which allowed for studying the reaction of the eye
children (6 years old, on average), myopic children spent 16.3 after atropine was stopped. A rebound effect occurred and
hours per week outdoors versus 21.0 hours for nonmyopic chil- myopia progressed. In the 12 months after atropine treat-
dren (p<0.0001) (6). ment 0.5%, 0.1%, and 0.01% was stopped, myopia increased
In a 2013 study of 681 children conducted in China, more by -0.87 ± 0.52 D (0.35 ± 0.20 axial length), -0.68 ± 0.45 D
time spent outside was associated with a lower prevalence (0.33 ± 0.18 axial length), and -0.28 ± 0.33 D (0.19 ± 0.13 axial
of myopia (odds ratio [OR] 0.32, 95% confidence interval length), respectively. The rebound effect was substantial with
[CI] 0.21-0.48) (7). Indeed, a comparison of 124 Australian 0.5% and 0.1% but moderate with 0.01% treatment (13). The
children and 628 children from Singapore showed that the use of 0.01% atropine seemed to be the best option.
myopia prevalence was less for Australian than Singapore In a meta-analysis of 4 randomized controlled studies
children even though the former children spent more time and 7 cohorts, the overall population was 1850 children 5 to
reading and enjoying activities involving near vision (3.3% 15 years old with myopia from -0.5 to -9.75 D for 22 months
vs 29.1%, p<0.001). The only major difference was the time (range 12-36 months). Progression of myopia differed for
spent outdoors: Australian children spent more time out- children receiving and not receiving atropine. For the 4 ran-
doors than Singapore children (13.8 vs 3.1 hours per week) domized studies, the use of atropine was effective in reduc-
(8). A 2006 study of 1209 adolescents in Singapore showed ing myopia progression as compared with placebo (OR 6.73,
that physical activity outside appears to be a protective 95% CI 2.45-18.50; p<0.001). The cohort studies had similar
factor for myopia development in disease progression (p = results (OR 22.10, 95% CI 7.09-68.81; p<0.001). The results
0.008) but not sports practiced indoors (p = 0.16) (9). In a did not differ by concentration of atropine (14) (Tab. I).
meta-analysis from 7 studies, the pooled OR for myopia in-
dicated a 2% reduced odds of myopia per additional hour of Optimal spectacles correction vs undercorrection prevents
time spent outdoors per week (10) (Tab. I). myopia progression

Atropine An undercorrection of myopia could lead to myopia

progression. Patients from 11 to 33 years old were followed
Atropine could slow myopia progression possibly by pre- for 6 to 8 years: 125 underwent full correction and 22 un-
venting the eye's accommodation. However, other factors are dercorrection of -0.12 D, 63 undercorrection of -0.25 D,
probably involved. Atropine is a muscarinic receptor antago- 21 undercorrection of -0.37 D, and 44 undercorrection of
nist acting on receptors localized in the sclera, thus inhibit- -0.5 D. The degree of undercorrection was associated with
ing the elongation of the eye. Furthermore, atropine causes progression of myopia: -0.20 D for the optimal correction,
mydriasis, which allows more ultraviolet light to reach the -0.28 D for -0.12 D correction, -0.29 D for -0.25 D correc-
retina. tion, -0.29 D for -0.37 D correction, and -0.49 D for -0.50 D
In the Atropine in the Treatment of Myopia (ATOM) 1 study, correction (p = 0.006) (15). A 2002 study of 94 patients in
conducted in Singapore and including 346 children (mean age Malaysia included a control group (fully corrected) and
9.2 years), the use of 1% atropine for 2 years in one eye re- patients with undercorrected myopia of -0.75 D. Myopia
duced the progression of myopia. In the control group treated progression was higher in the undercorrected group; after
with placebo, myopia evolved -1.20 ± 0.69 D and axial length 2 years, the disease progression was -1.00 D and -0.77 D for
increased 0.38 ± 0.38 mm, whereas in the group treated with the control group (p<0.01) (16) (Tab. I).
1% atropine, the increase in myopia was -0.28 ± 0.92 D and
the axial length was stable: -0.02 ± 0.35 mm (11). Bifocal or bifocal and prismatic spectacles
In the ATOM 2 study, lower doses of atropine were used:
0.5%, 0.1%, and 0.01%. The progression of myopia was -0.30 Bifocal or bifocal and prismatic spectacles appear to af-
± 0.60 D (0.27 ± 0.25 axial length), -0.38 ± 0.60 D (0.28 ± 0.28 fect the progression of myopia. Bifocal spectacles are de-
axial length), and -0.49 ± 0.63 D (0.41 ± 0.32 for axial length), signed to reduce eye accommodation with near vision and
respectively. Hence, atropine has a dose effect. Atropine has prismatic lenses to reduce convergence in near vision. This

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282 Slowing myopia progression

TABLE I - Review of studies

Potential protective Myopia progression or prevalence during the study period No. of participants/ Study Ref
factor setting duration, y

Time spent outside 16.3 h/wk for myopic children 863/Australia 5 6

21.0 h/wk for nonmyopic children
Australian, prevalence myopia: 3.3%, 13.8 h/wk outside 124/Australia - 8
Singaporian, prevalence myopia: 29.1%, 3.1 h/wk outside 628/Singapore
Lower prevalence of myopia associated with time spent outside, 681/China - 7
odds ratio = 0.32
The total outdoor activity (h/day) was significantly associated with 1209/Singapore 1 9
myopia, odds ratio = 0.90
In a meta-analysis, pooled odds ratio for myopia indicated a 2% - 10
reduced odds of myopia per additional hour of time spent
outdoors per week
Atropine Placebo, myopia progression: -1.20 D 346/Singapore 2 11
1% Atropine, myopia progression: -0.28 D
0.5% Atropine, myopia progression: -0.30 ± 0.60 D 400/Singapore 2 12
0.1% Atropine, myopia progression: -0.38 ± 0.60 D
0.01% Atropine, myopia progression: -0.49 ± 0.63 D
Myopic rebound after atropine stopped
In a meta-analysis, the use of atropine was effective in reducing - 14
myopia progression as compared with placebo: odds ratio 6.73
Optimal correction vs. Full correction: progression : -0.20 D 275/USA 1 15
Undercorrection of -0.25 D, progression: -0.29 D
Undercorrection of -0.5D, progression: -0.49 D
Full correction, myopia progression: -1.00 D 141/Malaysia 2 16
Undercorrection of 0.75 D, myopia progression: -0.77 D
Bifocal or bifocal and Monofocal spectacles, myopia progression: -2.06 D 135/Canada 3 17
prismatic spectacles
Bifocal spectacles, myopia progression: -1.25 D
Both bifocal and prismatic spectacles, progression: -1.01 D
Monofocal spectacles, myopia progression: -1.23 D 90/China 2 18
Progressive spectacle +1.50, myopia progression: -0.76 D
Progressive spectacle +2.00 D, myopia progression: -0.66 D
Monofocal spectacles, myopia progression: -1.48 D 469/USA 3 19
Progressive spectacle +1.50, myopia progression: -1.28 D
Contact lens materials Hydrogel, myopia progression: +0.02 D 284/USA 3 22
Silicone hydrogel, myopia progression : -0.41 D
Rigid contact lenses, myopia progression: -1.56 D 116/USA 3 23
Soft contact lenses, myopia progression: -2.19 D
Multifocal soft contact Monofocal lenses, myopia progression: -0.40 D 221/China 2 25
Multifocal soft contact lenses, myopia progression: -0.30 D
Monofocal lens in one eye, myopia progression: -0.69 D 40/New Zealand 1 26
Multifocal lens in the other eye, myopia progression: -0.44 D
To be Continued

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TABLE I - Continued

Potential protective Myopia progression or prevalence during the study period No. of participants/ Study Ref
factor setting duration, y

Orthokeratology Orthokeratology, myopia progression: -0.28 D 210/China 3 27

Atropine 0.125%, myopia progression: -0.34 D
Orthokeratology, myopia progression: 0.31 mm 57/China 2 28
Spectacles, myopia progression: 0.64 mm
Orthokeratology, myopia progression: 0.04 mm 26/Australia 1 29
Rigid contact lenses, myopia progression: 0.09 mm
Surgical methods Sub-Tenon injection, myopia stabilization: 52.9% 182/Russia 9 33
Control group (spectacles), myopia stabilization: 11.1%
Scleral reinforcement surgery, myopia progression: 0.75 mm 30/China 3 34
Contralateral eye, myopia progression: 0.94 mm
Scleral reinforcement surgery, myopia progression: -1.5 D 41/China 5 35
Control group (spectacles), myopia progression: -3.02 D

correction could have a beneficial effect for children practic- contact lenses. Wearing soft contact lenses was associated
ing an activity such as reading for a long time. In one study, with a greater progression of myopia than wearing glasses:
control children wore monofocal lenses and other children -0.74 and -0.25 D for the contact and bifocal lens groups, re-
wore bifocal spectacles or both bifocal and prismatic spec- spectively. However, some patients switched from progres-
tacles: progression of myopia was -2.06, -1.25, and -1.01 D, sive glasses to monofocal lenses, which could have influenced
respectively (p<0.001). The axial length increased by 0.82, the results (21) (Tab. I).
0.57, and 0.54 mm, respectively. Wearing bifocal and pris-
matic spectacles may thus reduce eye accommodation and Silicone hydrogel and rigid contact lens materials may affect
myopia progression (17). the progression of myopia
A 1999 study in Hong Kong found similar results. The use
of progressive lenses with +1.50 or +2.00 D may reduce the Silicone hydrogel appears to stabilize myopia more than
progression of myopia. Children aged 9 to 12 years and fol- hydrogel materials. A 3-year study in the United States of 54
lowed for 2 years were divided into 3 groups: wearing mono- patients wearing hydrogel lenses and 230 wearing silicone hy-
focal or progressive spectacles with +1.5 D or +2.00 D. The drogel lenses showed less progression of myopia with the use
progression of myopia was -1.23, -0.76, and -0.66 D, respec- of silicone hydrogel lenses than hydrogel +0.02 and -0.41, re-
tively. The progression of myopia may be reduced by the use spectively (p<0.001) (22). Wearing rigid contact lenses seems
of progressive lenses. The addition of +2.00 D seems to give to reduce myopia progression as compared with soft lenses.
the best results and suggests a dose effect (18). A 3-year study of 116 patients found less progression of myo-
A study of data from the Correction of Myopia Evaluation pia in patients wearing rigid contact lenses as compared with
Trial (COMET) of 469 children with a follow-up of 3 years found soft contact lenses: the change was -1.56 ± 0.95 and -2.19
the same results. Children from 9 to 12 years old were divided ± 0.89 D, respectively (p<0.001). However, the difference in
into 2 groups, wearing monofocal glasses or progressive lens- axial length was not significant (p = 0.57) (23).
es. The progression of myopia was -1.28 ± 0.06 and -1.48 ± Adverse effects of contact lens wear on the cornea have
0.06 D, respectively. Wearing bifocals may reduce the progres- been documented by several studies. The incidence rates for
sion of myopia by reducing eye accommodation (19) (Tab. I). bacterial microbial keratitis range from approximately 2/10,000
per year for rigid contact lens to 2.2 to 4.1/10,000 per year for
Wearing hydrogel soft contact lens may not be effective for daily-wear soft contact lens and 13.3 to 20.9/10,000 per year
preventing progression of myopia for extended-wear soft contact lenses. The most significant risk
factors are overnight wear, smoking, male sex, and socioeco-
A 3-year study found no significant difference between nomic status (24) (Tab. I).
wearing contact lenses and glasses on myopia progression.
The increase was -1.07 ± 0.10 and -0.91 ± 0.10 D in the lens- Multifocal soft contact lenses may be more effective for pre-
and glass-wearing groups, respectively (20). Moreover, a venting myopia progression than monofocal soft contact
change from wearing glasses to contact lenses may result in lenses
progression of myopia. In a 1998 study for the use of bifocal
lenses in the development of myopia, patients could contin- A 2-year randomized controlled trial of 221 children from
ue to wear glasses or change to monofocal or multifocal soft 8 to 13 years old conducted in China showed that wearing

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284 Slowing myopia progression

multifocal soft contact lenses with a +2.5 D addition reduced In a study performed in China among 30 patients with
myopia progression. The progression was 25% slower with a mean age of 7.5 years between 2004 and 2008, posteri-
multifocal contact lenses than simple lenses (-0.30 vs -0.40 D or scleral reinforcement surgery performed on one eye re-
per year, p = 0.03). Moreover, the progression in axial length duced the progression of elongation of the eye as compared
was reduced (0.13 vs 0.18 mm/year, p = 0.009 (25). In an- with the contralateral eye: 0.75 and 0.94 mm, respectively
other study conducted for 1 year, children from 11 to 14 years (p<0.0001) (34). In another study with a 3-year follow-
old wore a conventional soft contact lens in one eye and a up, myopia increased by 1.5 ± 1.44 and 3.02 ± 1.57 D with
multifocal contact lens in the other. Progression was -0.69 ± scleral reinforcement and control treatment (spectacles), re-
0.38 and -0.44 ± 0.33 D (p<0.001) with the monofocal and spectively (1.27 ± 0.54 and 2.05 ± 0.91 mm increase in axial
multifocal lenses, respectively (26) (Tab. I). length, respectively) (35). No serious complications of poste-
rior scleral reinforcement surgery were reported by the au-
Orthokeratology thors of 2 studies (34, 35). However, classical complications
of posterior scleral reinforcement surgery include chemosis,
Orthokeratology allows for temporarily changing the cur- choroidal edema or hemorrhage, damage to the vortex vein,
vature radius of the cornea by applying a rigid lens with a and motility problems (36) (Tab. I).
particular geometry worn at night. The aim is to apply slight
compression on the cornea through the meniscus tears. In the Conclusions
morning, the lens is removed and the cornea can return to its
original shape. Orthokeratology was found to have an impact The prevalence of myopia has increased markedly in the
on the prevention of myopia. Its effectiveness was significant world. Time spent outdoors is important in preventing the
but lower than the atropine 0.125% treatment in limiting the progression of myopia, and time spent inside on close vision
progression of myopia. In a 3-year follow-up study comparing work seems to be an aggravating factor. The use of atropine,
atropine versus orthokeratology, the progression of myopia orthokeratology, and bifocal devices (glasses or contact lens-
was -0.28 D versus -0.34 D, respectively (p = 0.001), and the ax- es) could slow myopia progression. The benefit of surgical
ial length increase was 0.28 and 0.38 mm per year, respectively scleral reinforcement is reserved for severe and progressive
(p<0.001) (27). A 2-year study in Hong Kong of 80 children from myopia. In this literature review, we report optical and phar-
6 to 12 years old showed a marked slowing of myopia with or- macologic interventions for preventing the development of
thokeratology, with a decrease in progression of axial length: myopia or slowing its progression, which require further vali-
0.31 ± 0.27 and 0.64 ± 0.31 mm (p<0.001) for the orthokeratol- dation and larger studies.
ogy and control groups, respectively (28). In a recent random-
ized study, overnight orthokeratology lenses inhibited axial eye Disclosures
growth and myopia progression compared with conventional
Financial support: No financial support was received for this submis-
gas permeable lenses during a 1-year follow-up: -0.04 ± 0.08 sion.
mm and 0.09 ± 0.09 mm, respectively (29). Conflict of interest: None of the authors has conflict of interest with
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