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Pressures in Saphir

There are several pressure parameters in Saphir (and we do not talk about gauge
pressures), which are either calculated or entered manually.

We can have in Saphir the following single value pressures:


Pav (or P )

Following is an explanation what these different pressures mean and how they are

For a flowing and build-up survey this is the last flowing pressure before the build-up
under analysis (or the first build-up pressure if there are no flowing pressures) and is
used to calculate the dP for the log-log plot.
A wrong value will distort the log-log plot. In a standard test both the dP and the
derivative overlay and are straight 45° lines. If a wrong pressure for p@Δt=0 is used,
both lines are not straight anymore but concave or convex.
This pressure is the reference pressure for the analysis (see also Pi)
This value can also be entered manually.
In a multiple build-up survey the value is from the reference build-up.

This is initial reservoir pressure, e.g. the pressure at T=0, which is the start of the test.
This is not the same as the virgin reservoir pressure, as the flow history might not be
from the start of reservoir production and there might be other wells producing from the
same reservoir..
The value can be set or calculated:

• In a standard analysis of a transient test the value is calculated using the model and
the value for the P@Δt=0. The calculation path is as follows: the reservoir model is
determined by analyzing and matching the dP of the transient. Then the complete
flow history starting from T=0 is simulated using this model and finally the Pi is varied
until the model matches the P@Δt=0

• If the impose Pi option is active, the value can be set manually and there is no
matching on P@Δt=0

Please note that in a good match both the log-log as well as the history data are
matched correctly. In case of an initial test of an exploration well in a virgin reservoir, the
rate history in Saphir is most likely the complete flow history of that reservoir. In that
case the Pi is the should be the initial virgin reservoir pressure. This value can therefore
be compared with the pressure from for instance obtained by a wireline pressure logging
tool and can be a very important calibration and matching parameter. Just ensure that
the pressures are corrected to same datum level.

The calculation will be a little different for gas and condensate tests, as the simulation is
then done using pseudo-pressures m(p). Pi will then be the pressure, so that, starting
the simulation from m(pi), the simulated m(pΔt=0) is the same as m(pΔt=0) from the
measured pressure.

This is the average reservoir pressure and is therefore only applicable if the model is
bounded. There are two methods this value can be calculated:
1. Generalized Steady/Pseudo-steady state inflow equation. Average pressure is
calculated from the last flowing pressure and the flow-rate for that period using a
(Dietz) shape factor and a drainage area.
2. Material balance from Pi (closed system). It uses the calculated Pi and drainage
area from the model and the entered flow history. The pressures can be made
visible on the history plot if the <show p-average> box is being ticked.

This is an extrapolated pressure value from the semi-log superposition plot. It is the
intercept of a straight line and the Y axis. Normally this straight line is created by a
regression of a straight section of the plot, indicative for Infinite Acting Radial Flow. The
P* is the pressure that the well will reach after waiting an infinite time (the superposition
time is going to 0 if t goes to ∞) and being in IARF.

P* can be the same as the initial reservoir pressure Pi if:

• the well is in IARF, now and forever
• the reservoir is infinite.
In reservoirs with a very high kh/μ value, the difference between Pi and P* can be very
small as the build-up is often very flat, even if the pressure profile deviates from IARF at
a later time.
In tight reservoirs the build-up is often very slow and the pressures are extrapolated over
a relative large distance. Therefore the uncertainty in the P* can be high.

In the old days the P* was often derived from the Horner plot. The conditions for this
analysis are the same as above, assuming that the Horner method is valid: a 2 rate
superposition (single flow and build-up or single injection and fall-off).

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