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Monday, March 14, 2005

"God knows, you know, this is my first day note. You also know, I promise I will
fill the first page with someone who means a lot. I've found it a long time ago,
God. But, I only have time now to tell you about him. I was introduced to him
from birth. Ever since you opened your eyes in the world you gave me. But, I only
really realized his presence shortly after you called my parents, things that
started to take me into a small part of many parts of his life. Maybe I just became
a speck of coloring in the middle of millions of colors in his life, but he, he gave a
lot of color to the walls of my days. He was in my time of sorrow and happiness.
My tears and smile. He is in my health and illness. He is in my calm and anger. In
fact, he who sometimes makes the wounds and anger, but he also did not forget
to be a drug and absorbers. Thank you, God for his presence. All right, who will
fill the second page with? We'll see about that, Lord! "

Thursday, April 20, 2006

"God the Most Merciful, even after a year or so I have not found anyone more
meaningful than him. This second page was filled again by him. No problem,
absolutely no problem, God. Thank you for his presence! "

Saturday, April 5, 2008

"My God, it's been a long time since I opened this note. Ah yes, the last two years I
was very busy, now I've been sitting in grade 3 junior high, does not feel, huh! My
God, I'm so happy, tomorrow is my last exam day in grade 3. You know, I'm not
afraid at all, I always remember his words: "If you are afraid, take a deep breath,
let go and then smile at that fear. Hopefully, that fear will be embarrassed and
stay away from you! "
My Lord, I don't know what else to say besides thank you for being there! "

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"I'm still in school. But, you know, God? I can not wait to get home quickly and
shouted with excitement at him: "Brother, I graduated !!!"

Because, all this I did not do myself, he made me able to do this, Lord. Certainly
also for your love. Once again, thank you!"

Friday, July 4, 2008

"God, somehow I feel, after today I will be busier. I think I will rarely open this
note again, I will be very busy in my current school. Therefore, I want to write
many things tonight. Even though I say ‘many things’, it's just him. Yes, only he
can write me, Lord.

Him, I don't know the best word that can represent him. Not because I judge him
too well, but do you ever know that we often lose words to describe the good
figure that is around us, because he has dictated a lot of good vocabulary in our
minds so that there is no more left for us to choose new vocabulary words for
him . That's why I have difficulty writing his figure. All I know is that he was and
will always be a part of the heroic stories in my book. (Ah, I speak as if I am a
famous novel writer!). If it's true that someday I become a writer, then he too will
be my hero, move my hands to start writing. Because the first book I wrote was
about it.

God, my hero, he only sleeps 3 hours a day. At 00.00 his eyes closed and re-
opened when the alarm clock grumbled at 03.00 in the morning. He would open
the door of my room, not to wake me up, just stare at me for a long time, then
smile while stroking my hair warmly. Full of love. I don't know, he just smiled,
but I'm sure there are millions of prayers stored in his smile. At 6:00 am I was
ready to go to school, and again he took me to the school gate with just a smile.
Still the same, I'm still sure there are millions more prayers in his smile. From
morning to evening to evening and morning came again, which he did everything
for my sake.

Brother, you are my hero who is always there for me. Oh, dear God, he has
delivered me to many things that I was afraid of. I don't ask for much, Lord. But, I
want him to drive me until my life ends in this world. After that, let us be
together again in Your hereafter. That's all, God. Can I? Can I!

For my beautiful sister, one day I want to see you walking side by side with
someone — that's not me, and you live happily with her forever! I always love
you, Sis! "

,Best Love

Your younger sister

I could only sob as I finished reading the diary — which, despite its diary name, I
only wrote about once every few years. Notes that I started 7 years ago. Moments
when the figure I called the older brother worked hard in front of the office
computer, racking his brain for each letter he typed. I know, writing is not at all
his choice. He did it for me, he did it because of me, once again he did this for my
sake. For the sake of all the ideals that I always wanted to realize. He does
everything just because he wants to make me believe that he can, I can, anyone
can be the greatest, even though the paths are not the same. Sometimes a person
must be someone else to be able to do the greatest. He chose it. He didn't hesitate
to be someone else just so I was great without having to be someone else.

God, tomorrow is my wedding day. Then, why didn't you wake up yet, God? Why
didn't you wake up as fast as before, before the call to prayer rose and he had
finished preparing everything for me? Why are you still silent here in this room?
In a room crowded with medicinal scents? I want him to prepare everything,
Lord. Decorations, wedding dresses, makeup, everything. But why, why is he still
silent and lying on that bed, Lord?
All right, I can't be angry or blame you, right? Because you didn't fulfill my last
request in the note. All right, but this time I will beg again, Lord. Tomorrow, I will
be very scared, will you strengthen me even if you don't wake me up for me?
Tomorrow, I will be very nervous, will you calm me down even if you don't wake
me up for me? Tomorrow, I will be a wife, will you replace me to look after
brother after that, Lord? Will you avenge everything he gave me? In fact, I
haven't had the chance to return his last smile when I left college. Will you tell
him, Lord, that: although his eyes are now closed, he will always live in my soul,
he is my hero, whose story will never die.

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