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How to Swim:

By: Jason Ling 11F
Body Position:
›  Body starts parallel to the water: Prone
›  Arms are pointed forward: Wider
than shoulder width
›  Head should be facing
downwards: looking at the
›  When you initiate the stroke:
the body should bend and flex
like a dolphin ~ in a
‘S’ shape
›  Similar to doing 2 Freestyle Pulls
›  Both hands extend in front of you
when you enter the water – they
have to enter simultaneously
›  When pulling: Bend the elbow so
fingers point towards the pool bottom,
arm angle should be about 150
›  Position remains the same until past
the hips, where you straighten out the arms

* ‘S’ Shape of the arms for more pulling

as it increases amount of water pulled
just like in Front - crawl [diagram]
›  Thumbs face downward
›  Keep your thumbs [thus your arms] just above the surface of the
water – this will decrease the rate of fatigue
›  All this will require a full extension of the arms
›  If you need to breath; do it during this period: Arch your body
slightly up so your chin comes out of the water ~ remember to
duck your head back in the water before your hands come over
your head into the pool [try to stay as low as possible]
›  Kicking comes from the core of the body: the center
›  Butterfly kick is done as 1 leg: keep the legs close to each other
›  1st Step: Press the body down [the chest] onto the water
›  2nd Step: Allow the body to follow through: Like a whip that
extends all the way to the end of the foot [the knees can bend
slightly – do not overdo it]
›  3rd Step: Timing: 2 Kicks done per ‘cycle’ Kick 1 – Hand first enters
the water [gentle kick], Kick 2 – During the midsection of the
hands [strong kick]

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