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Higher cortex

can take over the rational

Reptilian brain has the highest

priority and can take control over
all the time
Reptilian brain has the highest priority
and can take control over all the time
It is in control of our innate and
automatic self-preserving
behaviour patterns, which
ensure our survival and that of
our species.
Reptilian brain has animal
instincts like: dominance
aggression, sex, rigidity,
obsessiveness, compulsiveness,
worship, fear, submission and
These are all very limiting and harmful things. It is exactly what happens when
somebody insult you. You go into a heat argument where the angrier you
get, the less neocortex you are using and the higher power reptilian
brain or (Lizard brain) has over you.
It controls your whole life.
It’s also in charge of:
Feeding, Fighting, Fleeing,
Sex (The advertising industry
knows that human beings
are almost always ruled by
the reptilian brain when
deciding on one product or
another. one of the reasons
you see girls in every other
Many people think
The exact part of
that it has nothing to
the brain, which
do with business!!!
silently whispers,
But it is the part of that new ideas will
the brain that is get you fired or
keeping you from bankrupt, the girl
trying anything new, will not like you,
risky or great, project will be
failure or starting
basically, keeping
your own business
you from success!!!
will ruin your life!
Limbic system is
collectively the
centre for emotional
motivation, memory
formation and
integration, and
olfaction. (injury
associated with
’s disease).
The amygdala decides where each
memory should be stored in the brain and
the hippocampus sends it there.
It detects and relies on Forget about your
information from our senses, cortex follow your Am I
emotions right!
such as smell, touch, and
vision, and influences on
higher cortical centres also
produces multiple chemical
messengers and neural
outputs that affect our sad, happy,
behaviour, body physiology angry,
and attitude. loved,
Red, orange and yellow are Warm
colors often evoke feelings of
happiness, optimism and energy.
Red can also increase a person’s
Cool colors include green,
blue, and purple. Cool colors Yellow, red and orange can
have an attention grabbing
are usually calming
effect and signal danger or
make you take action (think
stop signs, hazard warnings
and barrier tape).
Sensory Visual effects
Heat map for 700 volunteers
“Perception of these emotion-triggered
bodily changes may play a key role in Emotions presented by facial impressions
generating consciously felt emotions.”
Company like Coca-Cola
using this against us by
very special ways, for
example, with their
slogan “Taste the
feeling”. When people
teach you strategies of
how to influence human
emotions, or target
their emotional side,
this is the part of the
brain they are talking
It’s the newest part of the brain, It’s rational and
logical part of the brain responsible for higher
level thinking. It’s also the part of the brain for
language, imagination and where ideas are
born. The cortex is “the mother of invention and
father of abstract thought”. In Man the
neocortex takes up two thirds of the total brain
It is the part of the brain, that should be turn on
when you calculate risks, making decisions and
evaluating problems. The challenge here is to
basically realize what part of the brain is currently in
Most of the time, your job will be to find methods how you can turn your survival mode off,
and turn neocortex on, to think more rationally.

How Brain Chemicals Influence Mood and Health

Serotonin; known for its role in sleep and in depression, but also plays a major role in many
functions, including appetite, arousal, and positive mood. Interestingly, Serotonin is
stimulated by the status aspect of love, when you are the desired individual, receiving
admiration from others, that triggers serotonin too.
Dopamine controls many functions, including behaviour, emotion, and cognition. Also
associated with pleasure and reward. On the positive side, it helps motivate you to work
toward achieving a reward.
Oxytocin is the neurochemical that has allowed us to become social creatures. Oxytocin is
stimulated by touch, and by social trust. In humans, oxytocin is stimulated by everything
from holding hands to feeling supported to orgasm. Childbirth triggers a huge oxytocin
spurt, both in mother and child. Friendship bonds stimulate oxytocin,
Its primary role is part of your body’s stress response. It works with the
hormone adrenaline to create the “fight-or-flight” feeling.
Glutamate, this is the most common excitatory neurotransmitter,
Glutamate has many essential functions, including early brain
development, cognition, learning, and memory.
Cortisol is a hormone released when you’re stressed. It’s helpful at times,
but too much of it for too long can cause memory loss as you age.
Maintaining a balance in these brain chemicals and hormones
is key to feeling a balanced mood. You can help maintain this
health to some extent through a balanced diet, limited stress,
and exercise.

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