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BY: ____________

Based on my experience during the process as I

made my Performance task for the integrated
subjects of TLE, MAPEH, and Values is that at first,
I expected that the performance task, given by my
teacher in TLE, would be very difficult and arduous
to do and I thought that it might be burdensome for
me. Mainly because of the reason that coincidentally,
the particular week that my teacher had given and
had assigned the deadline of our performance task
should be our summative week, not to mention that
our exam days would be the week after that day. So,
what I did is that I first studied my lessons and
consequently, I had taken my summative tests and
then right after that, I immediately made my
performance task with the help of my mommy who
videoed me, and my daddy who holds my laptop for
my script. But unfortunately, I wasn’t able to finish
my performance task at that particular day because I
remembered that we still have another set of
summative tests for the next day, so I still need to
study and review my lessons. Nonetheless, I have
finally finished and passed my performance task in
TLE on September 17, 2021, Friday night; which is
the day before the given deadline. And the
realizations and lessons that I have perceived from
my experience in making my performance task is
that I have learned that I should first have the
initiative to start my work so that I could be able to
get it done before the set deadline, and because I
believe in the saying that you shouldn’t wait for
yourself to be prepared for something, because you
will never be ready; and instead, start planning and
doing that right away because there will be a great
possibility that you’ll end up procrastinating your
work. And I have learned that it is alright if I cannot
finish all of my tasks in one hour/day, especially if
the particular task is big and has an enough given
time to do the work, but it doesn’t mean that we
should tolerate our shortcomings; instead, we should
first realize that if we will start making our tasks,
then little by little, we are making progress on our
work and which means that we are achieving
something rather than wasting our time, day, or week
procrastinating. Because, that is better than making
my performance task or our particular tasks the
day/hour before the set deadline. Which in most
cases, certain people would end up cramping and
will eventually cause the production of the bad kind
of stress which is also called as the distress. Which is
bad for my age especially that I am still a teenager,
which means that my body is still in the process of
growing and changing itself that could affect my

physical and mental health, and as well as, distress
could also affect our immune system. But at the end
of the week, after I have finished and passed my
performance task, I am glad that I have submitted my
performance task before the set deadline and I feel
relieved and thankful to our Lord God because He
had granted me the strength to do and finish all of
my tasks in that particular week. And thus, by that I
will proudly say that I have done and overcome my
sufferings from my determination in my studies
through the help of Christ, the Lord, who strengthens
me. And also, from my experience of making my
performance task in TLE, MAPEH, and Values is
that, I have learned and realized to trust God in
everything that I will do, because there was a certain
night wherein I really wanted to sleep but I couldn’t
because I was thinking the whole night about on how
was I going to handle and do all of my tasks, in
which at that point were already bombarded, because
I have to take all of our summative tests on both
major and minor subjects at that particular week, and
to add insult to injury, the exams are upcoming, and
so as I was deeply thinking at that night, I realized
that there is a powerful and an omnipotent God of
ours Who would help me in everything that I will do
and that because I strongly believe that He will never
leave me nor forsake me in everything that I will do
as long as I am doing the right thing. And I also
realized and experienced that if you keep on praying
to the Almighty Father God saying that He may
guide you in everything that you will do

today/tomorrow and that you may be able to finish
and pass your tasks today/tomorrow, but if you don’t
have the perseverance and the hard work to do the
specific tasks that you are required to do, then no
matter how devoted you are on your prayer, your
prayer will never work because it would obviously
require our determination and perseverance in doing
our tasks so that we can be able to finish our tasks,
and because as the saying goes by that “We will do
our best and God will do the rest”. So therefore,
above all, I will reflect my whole experience in doing
my performance task for the integrated subjects of
MAPEH, TLE, and Values to this bible verse in
Romans 5:3-5 which says that “More than that, we
rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering
produces endurance, and endurance produces
character, and character produces hope, and hope
does not put us to shame, because God's love has
been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit
who has been given to us.”

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