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The role of the freedom of speech

I belive the most important freedom in the first amendment is the freedom of speech. It allows
us to express our opinion and speak freely is much needed to bring about change in the world. I
believe free speech has always been important because we used this freedom for a fight for
change. This ability to speak but also to hear other voices to. Josie Timms states that “Freedom
of speech is one of the most precious and important human rights. A free society depends on
the free exchange of ideas.

Nearly all ideas are capable of giving offence to someone. Many of the most important,
profound ideas in human history, such as those of Galileo Galilei and Charles Darwin, caused
great religious offence in their time.” To me this quote is important because without this
freedom America wouldn't be a free country .That the most important ideas that came from
people used this freedom to say those kinds of words. If you look back in history you will see

people like MLK or malcolm X say speeches to make a change to things like equal rights for non
white people. The biggest belief that the founding fathers had was that a guarantee of free

speech to the people would result in a bunch of ideas in which the best ideas stood out from

others. Free speech is the only way to get knowledge about the world. Maybe the greatest

discovery in human history.


In a article called Why is Freedom of Speech important? An Insightful Discussion on Free

Speech states “To truly appreciate the protection of these beliefs, we have to consider a time

when citizens never had them. Imagine yourself living in Soviet Russia during Stalin’s rain in

power. During this time, all course of dissent from citizens was punished brutally. From purges
to death camps, anyone that disagreed with the Soviets was quickly silenced.” To me this quote

is important because it shows us about the freedoms in some countries where you don’t get the
opportunity like us to speak freely about the government or any freedom that is given to us that
they can’t have is important to understand .Freedom of speech gives us the ability to write, to
research, and to disagree with any type of government in the United States.

Freedom of speech allows everyone the ability, and the motivation to challenge all beliefs. It
presents the building block of every other human right we have. If we lose this important
freedom, we will lose much more than just freedom of speech. We will lose our humanity.

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