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Soon Yong Jeong ∗ Yun Jong Choi ∗

PooGyeon Park ∗ Seung Gap Choi ∗∗

Div. of Electrical and Computer Eng., Pohang University
of Science and Technology, Pohang, 790-784, Korea
POSCO Technical Research Lab., Pohang, 790-785,

Abstract: Trapezoidal velocity profiles are no longer sufficient for recent high speed
industrial robots involved in precision works. Most of the recently developed trajec-
tory generation algorithms have adopted jerk limited profiles, where computation
of the coefficients is intricate. The previous algorithms have attempted either to
obtain suboptimal solutions or to solve the problem in an iterative manner which
complicates on-line implementation. This paper presents analytic solutions to the
computational problem. The solutions presented are derived from the simultaneous
equations for displacement condition and peak velocity condition, where jerk,
acceleration and velocity constraints are resolved. By including only the low-order
polynomial equations that can be evaluated analytically, the proposed algorithm
is readily implementable on the fly. Copyright ° 2005 IFAC

Keywords: robot, trajectory, jerk, velocity profile

1. INTRODUCTION To solve these problems, a significant amount of

effort has been devoted to developing new algo-
rithms that provide smooth trajectories. Butler
Modern industrial robots operating in high-speed et al. (Butler et al., 1988) have recommended
with precision require very smooth trajectory gen- the modification of the feedrate profile for a
eration because small discontinuities in the ref- given path of second order continuity to avoid
erence trajectory may result in undesirable high actuator saturations. Weck and Ye (Weck and
frequency harmonics, which end up in exciting the Ye, 1990) introduced low-pass to remove the
natural modes of the robotic system. However, a high frequency components of reference trajec-
typical joint system of industrial robots actuated tories. Wang and Yang (Wang and Yang, 1993)
with electrical AC servo motors has several phys- have implemented trajectory generation via cu-
ical limits. Jerk is limited because the current in bic and quintic splines. Simon and Isik (Simon
the motor cannot be changed instantly. Acceler- and Isik, 1991) have proposed an algorithm using
ation and deceleration is limited because of the trigonometric splines.
inertia of the mechanical system as well as the
controller dynamics. Furthermore, velocity is also Recently, Erkorkmaz and Altintas (Erkorkmaz
limited by kinetic friction or has to be reduced for and Altintas, 2001) have proposed a noticeable
safe operation. algorithm using a fifth order resampling technique
with a jerk limited speed control, where the pro- and velocities. For second order continuity of a
posed structure is ready for generation of jerk lim- profile, the boundary conditions for acceleration
ited time-optimal trajectory along the specified are required, but they are excluded because the
tool path. Although noticeable, their algorithm boundary conditions for position and velocity are
involves iterative steps in deciding the coefficients sufficient when field applications are considered.
of jerk limited speed profile. Besides, their coeffi- Since it is almost impossible to measure the exact
cient decision algorithm is limited to use of speed accelerations, and especially since boundary con-
profile only. ditions of accelerations result in a very complex
algorithm for profile generation, the boundary
This paper presents an algorithm that can deter-
conditions of accelerations will be considered as
mine the coefficients of jerk limited profiles with-
zero. Viewed from these two different aspects, we
out these defects. Since the proposed algorithm
have the following problems.
does not have non-negative velocity and displace-
ment constraints, it can be used to generate veloc- Problem 2.1. (time-optimal profile). For a set of
ity profiles for point-to-point motion trajectories given constraints {p0 , pf , v0 , vf , V , A, D, J},
as well as speed profiles for path motion trajec- find the profile p(t) that minimizes the traveling
tories. For example, time-optimal point-to-point period T while satisfying the following boundary
trajectory can be generated with the following conditions and limit constraints (2).
Step 1. Generate jerk limited time-optimal trajec- ( (
tory for each joint. p(0) = p0 , p(T ) = pf , −V ≤ ṗ(t) ≤ V
Step 2. Determine the optimal traveling period T ∗ ṗ(0) = v0 , ṗ(T ) = vf , , −D ≤ p̈(t) ≤ A (2)
free from quantization errors using (1), where tL p̈(0) = 0, p̈(T ) = 0 −J ≤ p(3) (t) ≤ J
denotes the longest traveling period among the
joints and ∆t denotes sampling time. Problem 2.2. (time-fixed profile). For a set of given
l m
tL constraints {p0 , pf , v0 , vf , V , A, D, J, T }, find a
T ∗ = ∆t (1)
∆t profile p(t) that satisfies the boundary conditions
Step 3. Generate jerk limited time-fixed trajec- and the limit constraints (2), provided that T is
tory for each joint with traveling period constraint longer than the traveling period of the jerk limited
T ∗. time-optimal profile under the same constraints
excluding T .
The proposed algorithm offers analytic solutions
to determine the coefficients of jerk limited ve-
locity profiles for time-optimal cases as well as We follow the Erkorkmaz and Altintas’s formula-
time-fixed cases. Consequently, as trajectories are tions in (Erkorkmaz and Altintas, 2001) for profile
generated analytically rather than iteratively, the description. In (Erkorkmaz and Altintas, 2001),
proposed algorithm is readily implementable on- they generated jerk limited feedrate profiles for
line. smooth trajectories of CNC machine tools. Al-
though their algorithm for feedrate profiles can
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: not be used for the velocity profiles of joint tra-
Problem formulation is explained in Section 2. jectories because the feedrate and travel length
Section 3 presents solutions to jerk limited time- of CNC machines are always positive while both
optimal velocity profile problem, and Section 4 of them can be negative in joint trajectories, the
presents solutions to time-fixed problem. The formulations are still valid for the velocity profiles.
Conclusions are summarized in Section 5.
Erkorkmaz and Altintas formulated jerk limited
profiles as piecewise polynomials. Figure 1 shows
2. PROBLEM FORMULATIONS a typical example of jerk limited profile. Equation
(3) is the formulation of acceleration, velocity, and
Since the paper considers jerk limited velocity pro- position profile, denoted as p̈(t), ṗ(t), and p(t),
files only, the modifier jerk limited velocity for pro- respectively. In the equation, each time point t0 ,
files will be omitted except for special purposes. t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 , t6 , t7 denotes the time point of
It is notable how the velocity profile generation the beginning acceleration region, the ending of
problem is related with the physical joint sys- the constant acceleration region, the beginning of
tems. The problems are obtained by investigat- the constant velocity, the ending of the constant
ing joint systems from the two points of view: velocity region, the beginning of the constant
dynamics constraints and boundary conditions. deceleration region, the ending of the constant
The dynamics constraints are the limits imposed deceleration, and the ending of profile, where,
on the maximum jerk, acceleration, deceleration, without loss of generality, t0 is assumed to be zero.
and velocity by the physical properties of the joint pk and vk denote the position and the velocity at
actuators and robot dynamics. The boundary con- each time point, while τk and Tk are defined as
ditions are the initial and final values of positions τk = t − tk−1 , Tk = tk − tk−1 .
Fact 1. (Properties of AFP and DFP). An AFP
P (t) under the constraint set {p0 , pf , v0 , vf , V ,
A, D, J} satisfies the followings.
1. Average velocity is greater than the mean
value of the initial and final velocities.
(pf − p0 )/T ≥ (v0 + vf )/2 (4)

2. If Q(t) is a DFP whose constraint set is {−p0 ,

−pf , −v0 , −vf , V , D, A, J}, Q(t) has the
following relations with P (t).
Q(t) = −P (t), Q̇(t) = −Ṗ (t), Q̈(t) = −P̈ (t) (5)

3. If p0f − p00 ≥ pf − p0 ,there is an AFP solution

under a new constraint set {p00 , p0f , v0 , vf , V ,
A, D, J}.
4. If there is not an AFP solution under a given
constraint set, there is a DFP solution under
Fig. 1. A typical example of jerk-limited profile the same constraint set.

The profile generation problems are to decide the

Eventually, we will solve DFP problems after
time intervals of each region Tk or each time
converting them to AFP problems using this.
point tk while adjusting the actual limits of jerk,
acceleration, and deceleration.

  v + 0.5Jτ 2 3. TIME OPTIMAL SOLUTION

 Jτ1  0 1

 A 
 v1 + Aτ2

 
 This section develops analytic solutions to Prob-
 A − Jτ3  v2 + Aτ3 − 0.5Jτ32
p̈(t) = 0 , ṗ(t) = v3 lem 2.1. The solutions are developed for AFP

 −Jτ 
 v4 − 0.5Jτ52 problems only since AFP problems and DFP

 5 

 −D 
 v5 − Dτ6 problems can be transformed into each other. The
 −D + Jτ 7 v6 − Dτ7 + 0.5Jτ72
3 (3) method of deciding if the given problem is AFP

 p0 + v0 τ1 + Jτ1 /6, t0 ≤ t < t1
or not is explained in Subsection 3.1.

 p1 + v1 τ2 + 0.5Aτ22 , t1 ≤ t < t2

 p2 + v2 τ3 + 0.5Aτ32 − Jτ33 /6, t2 ≤ t < t3 We divide the time intervals of an AFP into three
p(t) = p3 + v3 τ3 , t3 ≤ t < t4

 p4 + v4 τ5 − Jτ53 /6, t4 ≤ t < t5
regions: acceleration region, constant velocity re-

 gion, and deceleration region, where the period

 p5 + v5 τ6 − 0.5Dτ62 , t5 ≤ t < t6
 of each region is denoted as x = T1 + T2 +
p6 + v6 τ7 − 0.5Dτ72 + Jτ73 /6, t6 ≤ t < t7
T3 , x̂ = T4 , x̄ = T5 + T6 + T7 . Because the ac-
celeration profile of each region is symmetric, we
In the above equations, pk and vk are defined as can determine all the time points t1 , · · · , t7 using
the periods x, x̂, x̄ and the peak velocity, denoted
 p = p + v T + JT 3 /6 as vp , at the constant velocity region.

1 0 0 1 1
 v1 = v0 + 0.5JT12 In order to find x, x̂, x̄, we establish the simultane-

 p2 = p1 + v1 T2 + 0.5AT22 

 p3 = p2 + v2 T3 
 v2 = v1 + AT2 ous equations of displacement condition and peak
v3 = v2 + AT3 − 0.5JT32 velocity condition. The displacement condition is
+0.5AT32 − JT33 /6 ,

 p4 = p3 + v3 T4 
 v4 = v3 given as follows:

 
 v5 = v4 − 0.5JT52
 p
 5 = p 4 + v T
4 5 − JT5
/6 
2 v6 = v5 − DT5 L = 0.5(v0 + vp )x + 0.5(vp + vf )x̄ + vp x̂ (6)
p6 = p5 + v5 T6 − 0.5DT6
The peak velocity condition is so complicated
We introduce the terminology for simpler for- that it will be explained later via divide-and-
mulation. Profiles are classified into two groups conquer approach.
on the basis of whether or not the acceleration When the proper values of x, x̂, x̄, and vp are ac-
regions precede the deceleration regions. Profiles quired, they enable us to determine the coefficient
whose acceleration regions precede the deceler- of profile following the steps below.
ation regions are denoted as AFP(acceleration-
first-profile), and the others as DFP(deceleration- First, readjust the acceleration and deceleration
limits using (7), if the constant acceleration or
first-profile). The following fact is useful in decid- deceleration region does not exist.
ing if the resultant profile is AFP or DFP under
a given constraint set. A ← 0.5Jx, if vp − v0 > 0.25Jx2 (no const. acc.)
D ← 0.5J x̄, if vp − vf > 0.25J x̄2 (no const. dec.)
Next, with the adjusted limits, determine the CASE ( T4 = 0, T2 > 0, T6 > 0 )
periods T1 , · · · , T7 using (8).
A2 D2
T1 = A/J, T2 = x − 2T1 , T3 = T1 , T4 = x̂, vp = v0 − + Ax = vf − + Dx̄ (11)
(8) J J
T5 = D/J, T6 = x̄ − 2T5 , T7 = T5 A 1
A( + 1)x2 + (A + D)(AD − 2A2 + 2v0 J)x
1 A2 A2 − D2
−2L − (v0 + vf − )(vf − v0 + )=0
3.1 Decision if AFP or DFP 2A 2D
x≥ , x̄ ≥ (13)
In the case of a DFP problem, we need to trans- CASE ( T4 = 0, T2 = 0, T6 > 0 )
form it into an AFP problem after deciding AFP
1 2 D2
or DFP. The transformation can be performed us- vp = v0 +
Jx = vf −
+ Dx̄ (14)
ing Fact 1, where the third and fourth properties J2 4 1 1 Jv0
of Fact 1 are used for decision since T is not known x + Jx3 + (2 + D)x2 +
16D 4 4 D (15)
at the point of deciding. The decision procedure 1 D2
2v0 x − 2L + (v0 + vf )(v0 − vf + )=0
is explained below. D J
2A 2D
0≤x< , x̄ ≥ (16)
First, we need to find the minimum time Tm to J J
change velocity from v0 to vf under the given CASE ( T4 = 0, T2 > 0, T6 = 0 )
constraints A, D, and J, where the consequent
profile is denoted as Pm (t). Pm (t) is either an A2 1
vp = v0 − + Ax = vf + J x̄2 (17)
acceleration only profile or a deceleration only J 4
profile. Depending on whether Pm (t) is acceler- J2 4 1 3 1 Jvf 2
x̄ + J x̄ + (2 + A)x̄ +
ation profile or deceleration one, and depending 16A 4 4 A (18)
on whether a constant acceleration or deceleration 1 A2
2vf x̄ − 2L + (vf + v0 )(vf − v0 + )=0
region exists in it, Tm is computed in four cases. A J
 p 2 x≥
, 0 ≤ x̄ <

 2 (vf − v0 )/J, if v0 ≤ vf , vf − v0 ≤ AJ J J
 2
(vf − v0 )/A + A/J, if v0 ≤ vf , vf − v0 > AJ
Tm = p D2
CASE ( T4 = 0, T2 = 0, T6 = 0 )

 2 (v0 − vf )/J, if v0 > vf , v0 − vf ≤ J
 D2 1 2 1
(v0 − vf )/D + D/J, if v0 > vf , v0 − vf > J vp = v0 + Jx = vf + J x̄2 (20)
(9) 4 4
Then, we can decide if the time-optimal profile is 1
(vf − v0 )Jx4 + JLx3 − (vf − v0 )2 x2
AFP or not by evaluating the following conditions, 4 (21)
v +v +8v0 Lx − 4{L2 + (v0 + vf )2 (vf − v0 )} = 0
where Lm = 0 2 f Tm means displacement of J
Pm (t) during 0 ≤ t ≤ Tm . 0≤x<
, 0 ≤ x̄ <
AFP : (v0 ≤ vf , Lm ≤ L) or (v0 > vf , Lm < L)
DFP : (v0 ≤ vf , Lm > L) or (v0 > vf , Lm ≥ L)

Cases of constant velocity region

3.2 Evaluation of periods In the case of a constant velocity region, the
peak velocity vp is V and x̂ ≥ 0. The validation
Equations for x, x̂, x̄ are presented in this subsec- inequalities are the same as those for the cases
tion using the simulations equations of the dis- of no constant velocity region except for the
placement and the peak velocity condition. The additional equation of (23), hence, omitted.
peak velocity condition is roughly divided into two 2L − (v0 + V )x − (V + vf )x̄
x̂ = ≥0 (23)
cases according to whether or not the constant 2V
velocity region exists. Each case is again subdi-
vided into four cases according to the existence CASE ( T4 > 0, T2 > 0, T6 > 0 )
of constant acceleration region T2 or deceleration
region T6 . Since we cannot assert to which case A2 D2
V = v0 − + Ax = vf − + Dx̄ (24)
the time-optimal profile belongs at this point, V − v0 A V − vf D
we need to evaluate equations and validate the x= + , x̄ = + (25)
corresponding assumptions one by one until the
CASE ( T4 > 0, T2 = 0, T6 > 0 )
valid solution is found.
1 2 D2
V = v0 + Jx = vf − + Dx̄ (26)
r 4 J
Case of no constant velocity region V − v0 V − vf D
x=2 , x̄ = + (27)
The peak velocity condition and the resultant so-
lution of simultaneous equations are arranged to- CASE ( T4 > 0, T2 > 0, T6 = 0 )
gether with validation inequalities for x, x̄, which A2 1
come from the assumptions of each case. V = v0 − + Ax = vf + J x̄2 (28)
J 4
V − v0 A V − vf the equation for γ. The validating equations are
x= + , x̄ = 2 (29) omitted since they are very similar to those in
the time-optimal solutions, and since they can be
CASE ( T4 > 0, T2 = 0, T6 = 0 ) obtained by replacing J of those with γJ.
1 2 1 CASE ( T4 = 0, T2 > 0, T6 > 0 )
V = v0 + Jx = vf + J x̄2 (30)
4 4
r r A2 D2
V − v0 V − vf vp = v0 − + Ax = vf − + Dx̄ (34)
x=2 , x̄ = 2 (31) γJ γJ
J J ³ 2 ´
A (v0 −vf −DT )

 + v0 + vf T − 2L
 D 2 −A2
¡ A2 ¢ , A 6= D
x= + A T + v0 − vf

 D−A
 1 (v − v0 + AT ) ,A = D

 (35)
 D2 − A2
While a time-optimal problem always has a sin- − , A 6= D
J{(A + D)x + v0 − vf − DT }
gle solution that minimizes the traveling period γ= 2

 ,A = D
T , any profile that satisfies the boundary con- J{(v0 + vf )T + (v0 − vf + AT )x − 2L}
ditions (p0 , pf , v0 , vf ) and the limit constraints (36)
(V, A, D, J) becomes a solution of the problem as CASE ( T4 = 0, T2 = 0, T6 > 0 )
long as its traveling period is T . In other words,
1 D2
additional criteria are required for choosing a so- vp = v0 + γJx2 = vf − + Dx̄ (37)
4 γJ
lution. The jerk-minimizing criterion is proposed
C2 x2 + C1 x + C0 = 0, where
in this paper, because, as jerk becomes smaller, DT 2
acceleration profile becomes smoother. Symbol γ C2 = (v0 − vf − )
is introduced to demonstrate the relation between C1 = −2vf T (DT + 2vf ) + T (v0 + vf )2 + 4L(vf − v0 ) + 2LDT
C0 = {2L − (v0 + vf )T }{2L − T (2vf + DT )}
a given jerk limit J and the effective jerk limit Je ,
where Je = γJ. 1 2 2 D2
Jx γ + (v0 − vf − Dx̄)γ + =0 (39)
The procedure to find a time-fixed solution is 4 J
similar to that of time-optimal solution. First,
CASE ( T4 = 0, T2 > 0, T6 = 0 )
determine whether the resultant profile is AFP
or DFP. Since the traveling period T is given, A2 1
one can simply decide it using (4). If the profile vp = v0 − + Ax = vf + γJ x̄2 (40)
γJ 4
is DFP, transform the problem into the corre-
sponding AFP problem. Second, by evaluating C2 x̄2 + C1 x̄ + C0 = 0, where
the simultaneous equations of the displacement AT 2
C2 = (vf − v0 − )
condition and the peak velocity condition, find 2
C1 = −2v0 T (AT + 2v0 ) + T (v0 + vf )2 + 4L(v0 − vf ) + 2LAT
x, x̄ and γ. The detailed procedure is described
C0 = {2L − (v0 + vf )T }{2L − T (2v0 + AT )}
later. In any case, x, x̄ and γ should satisfy (6),
(32a), and (32b).
1 2 2 A2
J x̄ γ + (vf − v0 − Ax)γ + =0 (42)
4 J
0 ≤ x, x̄, T − x − x̄ ≤ T, (32a)
CASE ( T4 = 0, T2 = 0, T6 = 0 )
0<γ≤1 (32b)
1 1
vp = v0 + γJx2 = vf + γJ x̄2 (43)
Third, readjust the acceleration, deceleration, 4 4
and jerk limits using equations (33a)∼(33c), if (v0 −vf )x2 +{(3vf +v0 )T −4L}x+{2L−(v0 +vf )T }T = 0
needed.  (44)
 4(v f − v 0 )
, vf 6= v0
2A γ= J(x2 − x̄2 ) (45)
A ← 0.5Jx, if x < (no const. acc.) (33a)  4(L/x − 2v0 ) , v = v0
γJ f
D ← 0.5J x̄, if x̄ < (no const. dec.) (33b)
J = Je ← γJ (33c)
Cases of constant velocity region
Finally, determine each time interval using (8)
with the adjusted A, D, J.
When the constant velocity region exists, vp be-
comes V for AFP problem. Provided that the ini-
tial or final velocity is given by V , the solutions of
Cases of no constant velocity region
x and γ are simply found. Therefore we subdivide
the condition into 7 cases instead of 4 cases.
With the similar approaches used for time-optimal
solutions, we divide the peak velocity condition CASE ( T4 > 0, T2 > 0, T6 > 0, v0 6= V, vf 6= V )
into four cases. For each case, we arrange the peak A2 D2
velocity condition, the equation for x or x̂, and V = v0 − + Ax = vf − + Dx̄ (46)
γJ γJ
³ ´
v0 − V + (vf − V ) x + 2V T − 2L
solution may not exist because the displacement
A µ ¶ condition and the limit constraints for jerk and
1 D2 (47)
+ (vf − V ) (v0 − V ) − v f + V =0 acceleration may contradict with one another.
D A2
Actually, when both v0 and vf are positive and the
A2 time-optimal solution is AFP, or when both v0 and
γ= (48)
J(Ax + v0 − V ) vf are negative and the time-optimal solution is
CASE ( T4 > 0, T2 = 0, T6 > 0, v0 6= V, vf 6= V ) DFP, time-fixed solutions do not exist for certain
values of T . Such cases should be avoided.
1 D2
V = v0 + γJx2 = vf − + Dx̄ (49)
4 γJ
D(vf − V ) 2 1
x + (v0 − V )x + 2V T − 2L − (vf − V )2 = 0 5. CONCLUSIONS
4(V − v0 ) D
4(V − v0 ) Operation of robots for precision works at high
γ= (51)
Jx2 speed requires not only high-performance feed-
CASE ( T4 > 0, T2 > 0, T6 = 0, v0 6= V, vf 6= V )
back controllers but also smooth reference pro-
file generation. Trajectories for industrial robots
A2 1 need continuous position, velocity, and accelera-
V = v0 − + Ax = vf + γJ x̄2 (52)
γJ 4 tion profiles with their derivative limits imposed
A(v0 − V ) 2 1 by the physical property of the actuators. More-
x̄ + (vf − V )x̄ + 2V T − 2L − (v0 − V )2 = 0
4(V − vf ) A over, they often require real-time implementation.
4(V − vf ) In jerk limited trajectory generation, jerk limited
γ= (54)
J x̄2 velocity profile plays a very important role for
CASE ( T4 > 0, T2 = 0, T6 = 0, v0 6= V, vf 6= V ) both path motions and point-to-point motions.
1 1
However, jerk limited velocity profile generation
v = v0 + γJx2 = vf + γJ x̄2 (55) is an intricate problem, and no analytic solutions
4 4
µ 3
¶ are found in the previous works.
(vf − V )
(v0 − V )2 − x2
(v0 − V ) (56) In this paper we developed analytic solutions to
−4(L − V T )(v0 − V )x + 4(L − V T )2 = 0 the jerk limited profile generation problem by
4(V − v0 ) dividing the problems into several cases using
γ= (57)
Jx2 the displacement conditions and the peak velocity
CASE ( T4 > 0, v0 = vf = V ) conditions. Since no iterative methods are used for
Since there are no acceleration and deceleration regions, solutions, the proposed solutions are essentially
the jerk scaling γ is meaningless, and we have the following. ready for real-time implementation.
x = x̄ = 0, x̂ = T (58)

CASE ( T4 > 0, v0 = V, vf 6= V ) REFERENCES

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2(L − V T )
x̄ =
V − vf
(59) nated motion of a two axis system. Sym-
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V − v0 Wang, F.-C. and D.C.H. Yang (1993). Nearly
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 4(V − v0 ) ,
2(V − v0 )

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