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Name: _______________________________________ Grade 9- : ________________ Score: ________

Directions: Analyze the questions and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. During what month of the year does the Fire Prevention Month usually celebrate?
a. January b. February c. March d. April
2. What is the root cause of fire break out?
a. Exposure to electrical wiring c. Carelessness
b. Lack of discipline d. Indifference
3. Aside from indifference, what is the common cause of fire break out?
a. Carelessness b. Arson c. Lack of discipline d. exposure to electricity
4. Why do we need to know about Fire Prevention?
a. To warn everyone c. To see the and effect
b. To give advice d. To alert everyone to the need to make extra
5. What does this line mean “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”?
a. There is a definite amount for prevention of cure.
b. Preventing a problem from happening is better then treating it.
c. To cure a problem is better then preventing it from happening.
d. Be precise is from giving solution to a problem.
6. Which of the following statements best explain the quotations?“ If you can wait. And not be
tired of waiting.”
a. You must learn to fall in line and wait for your turn.
b. Patience is a good virtue to develop.
c. While waiting, you must sit down so you won’t get tired.
d. Learn to wait for the blessings.

Reading & Literature

Please read the text
Poverty and inequality have been recurrent challenges in the Philippines and have
again come to the fore in the wake of the current global financial crisis and rising food, fuel
and commodity prices experiences in 2008. The production of households living below the
official poverty line has declined very slowly and unevenly in the pass four decades, and
poverty reduction has been much slower than in neighbouring countries. The growth of the
economy has been characterized by boom and bust cycles, and current episodes of
moderate economic expansion have had limited impact on poverty reduction. Other
reasons for the relatively moderate poverty decline include the high rate of inequality
across income brackets, regions, and sectors and high population growth.
After years of recognition poverty as a key development problem and devising
various strategies and programs for its reduction, the government is still confronting high
levels of poverty and hunger among its citizens. Long and persistent periods of high
poverty may harm a country’s development path as poverty itself becomes a drag to
economic growth. (Asian Development Bank, 2009). According to ADB(2009), it is possible
that the impact of poverty on economic growth and development of the Philippines may
constrain economic expansion. Official poverty statistics from the National Statistics
Coordination Board(2011) shows that the reduction in poverty over the past two decades
has been quite dismal from 385 in 1988 to 26% in 2009 or less than one percent reduction
per year.

For numbers 7-11, please answer the question based on the reading text
7. The following are the causes of poverty in the Philippines except:
a. Rise of food cost c. population explosion
b. fuel cost increase d. current global financial crisis
8. According to this agency, it is possible that the impact of poverty on economic growth may
constrain economic expansion
a. National Statistics Office c. Department of Interior and Local Government
b. Asian Development Bank d. Department of Social Welfare and
9. As mentioned in the text, what is characterized by boom and bust cycles, and current
episodes of moderate economic expansion?
a. The growth of the economy c. The challenges in our lives
b. The problems in the society d. The plans of the government
10. Based on the selection, which agency provided the rate of poverty over the past two
a. Department of Foreign Affairs c. National Statistical Coordination Board
b. Department of Trade and Industry d. Social Weather Stations
11. What is the purpose of the writer in the selection?
a. To persuade b. To explain c. To entertain d. To narrate

For numbers 12-13, please answer the question based on the reading text

Mankind saw a new hope, a new light after Hitler’s end. But until now, Hitler’s
shadow lives on! Yes, I see Hitler all around me… in a small neighbourhood quarrel, in
simple argument between two people, even in the littlest acts of selfishness and of trying
to prove one’s worth by stepping on another’s head. We may hate to admit, but we all
possess the same kind of selfishness and crooked philosophy that threatened and almost
put an end to mankind. We all have inside each and everyone of us part of Hitler’s wicked
12. What is the purpose of the speaker?
a. To remind his readers of evil deed of Hitler
b. To tell the reader that Hitler is just around the corner.
c. To. tell readers that despite Hitler’s death, his evil philosophies still live on
d. To relate the personality and philosophy of Hitler with everyday situation he sees
13. What does the line, “We all have inside each and every one of us a part Hitler’s wicked
ambition” mean?
a. We are all descendants of Hitler c. We possess certain characteristics of Hitler.
b. Hitler’s life is legacy for all of us. d. Hitler has greatly influenced our way
of thinking.

For numbers 14-16, read the excerpt from Romeo & Juliet by. William Shakespeare

“Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.”
Excerpt from Romeo & Juliet
By William Shakespeare

14. Based on the prologue, where does the play take place?
a. Italy b. Verona c. London d. Paris
15. According to the prologue, what happens at the very end of the play?
a. the parents end their feud c. The families continue to feud.
b. Romeo and Juliet kill themselves d. Verona falls
16. Which line from the prologue begins to introduce the conflict in the story?
a. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny c. From forth and fatal loins of these two
b. Where civil blood makes hands unclean d. A pair of star-crossed lovers
their life.
17. What is the tone conveyed in the letter below?

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your recent letter regarding our refund policy. We are taking your
suggestion quite seriously and truly appreciate your concern.

a. Sincere b. cheerful c. indifferent d. complimentary

18. Reading of script done by actors who have not previously reviewed the play.
a. Cold reading b. dress rehearsal c. pacing d. tech rehearsal
19. It means it happens when technical elements such as sound and lighting are added to the
a. Cold reading b. dress rehearsal c. pacing d. tech rehearsal
20. It refers to the conversation between or among the characters in a drama
a. dialogue b. playbill c. setting d. plot
21. it is a play or presentation that involves a significant setting, well-defined characters, and a
clear plot.
a. Theatre b. playbill c. melodrama d. stage decoration
22. When working through the script analysis process, which of the following goals should a
director set for the first reading?
a. Marking the major beats of each scene
b. Determine how the structure is used to develop the main idea
c. Developing a list of the play’s technical demands
d. Nothing general impression and feelings that the play evokes
23. Which of the following questions is most essential for a director to consider when selecting
a play to direct?
a. Will the audiences have a good time at the plays?
b. Does the play address contemporary issues?
c. Do I have a strong connection to the material in the play?
d. Has this play been previously produced?

For numbers 24-28, identify whether the verb in each sentence is in the active or passive voice.
24. He was praised by the teacher.
25. An earthquake destroyed the town.
26. The manager will give you ticket.
27. We will be blamed by everyone.
28. The choreographer trained his dancers last Saturday.

For numbers 29-32, choose the correct active or passive form in each sentence.
29. Everybody welcomed her.
a. She welcomes everybody. c. She is welcomed by everybody.
b. She welcomed everybody. d. She was welcomed by everybody.
30. Cancellation of classes was announced by the Principal.
a. The principal announces cancellation of classes.
b. The principal announced cancellation of classes.
c. The principal is announcing cancellation of classes.
d. The principal was announcing cancellation of classes.
31. The mechanic is testing the DVD set now.
a. The DVD set is tested by the mechanic now.
b. The DVD set was tested by the mechanic now.
c. The DVD set is being tested by the mechanic now.
d. The DVD set was being tested by the mechanic now.
32. Which of the following sentence is not a passive voice.
a. I have watched that movie.
b. The job has been finished by Marie Claire.
c. An essay will be written by the students.
d. The books had been read by Mark before he saw the film.

For numbers 33-37, choose the correct modal from the choices below.
a. must b. should c. can d. have to
33. Jayson ____ climb that mountain in 5 minutes.
34. Pedestrians ____ look both ways before they cross the streets.
35. Waiters ___ be pleasant to customers.
36. Professional singers ____ sing impromptu.
37. You ____ be here at 10:00 in the morning tomorrow for the meeting.

38. Which of the following sentences is incorrect in terms of the use of modals?
a. Mae Ann should take a rest.
b. Jherry must sing in the party.
c. It's late. I really have to go now.
d. That girl ought to join the contest. She has a very good voice.
39. Which of the following sentences is correct in terms of the use of modals?
a. Jordan has to see his doctor.
b. I could take the examination to pass.
c. We must study to pass the Mathematics test.
d. You have to audition in the competition.
40. Which of the following sentences is incorrect interms of the use of modals?
a. I shall return. c. The students must be polite all the time.
b. The baby can sleep now. d. No one should blame me from doing the right thing.
41. Which of the following is not true about modals?
a. they are used as verbs
b. they are auxiliary verbs
c. they have same uses in sentences
d. is used to express:ability, possibility, permission or obligation

For numbers 42-50, identify whether the underlined word is a direct object or indirect object.
a. direct object b. indirect object
42. Leah took the paper.
43. Justin gave his girlfriend a diamond ring.
44. Mandy told her sister a joke.
45. He threw Billy the football.
46. The store was handing customers free samples.
47. John sent me a letter.
48. Becky handed me the telephone.
49. We gave Mike an award for winning the race.
50. Romel brought me a flower.

Prepared by:


Noted by;

Head Teacher III

Approved by;

Principal II
Answer key
4th Prelim test - English 9

1. a
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. b
7. c
8. b
9. a
10. c
11. b
12. c
13. a
14. b
15. b
16. d
17. c
18. a
19. d
20. a
21. a
22. d
23. c
24. b
25. a
26. a
27. b
28. a
29. d
30. b
31. c
32. a
33. c
34. a
35. b
36. c
37. d
38. b
39. c
40. b
41. c
42. a
43. b
44. b
45. a
46. b
47. a
48. a
49. b
50. b

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