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Technology has been an exceptional force in our lives ever since it appeared and continues to

affect it, changing the way we live. The Internet connection is one of the great revolutions that are
shaping the world of the 21st century.

Technology has created countless possibilities with endless resources that have practically
changed the way things work.

Technology has simplified our lives in several ways including providing on-the-go services,
easy access to information, improved entertainment services and advanced communication
tools. It is easier to contact our friends when and where we want instead of having to wait until the
next day to see them. 

Moreover, technology has led to the creation of jobs and has bridged the gap between the job
seekers and interviewers. Organizing, mobilizing, collaborating, planning, exchanging,
informing : all these everyday initiatives seem easier than ever.

In conclusion, what is and will be decisive for the common future of technology and man is that
technology does not lose the identity of people and does not give rise to a phenomenon of
dehumanization and manipulation.

Moreover, technology has led to the creation of jobs and has bridged the gap between the job
seekers and interviewers, it has enhanced communication so that people can connect digitally
with the world through platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Google etc. in
addition,online banking and learning process has been expanded to a great extent with
immediate and efficient results.

Now we use the advanced technology in the most sophisticated ways.

The way you live:  Technology is a big part of our lives. We have great access to it and we now use it
for everything. We use it at school, home, work, etc. It makes things like learning and homework a lot
easier.  Technology makes it easier to contact our friends when and where we want instead of having
to wait until the next day to see them.  There are apps on our devices that could help us such as
calculator and other school/ learning apps. There are apps that keep us entertained in boring situations
like long trips.  We can log onto our computers and have everything ready to work on. 

L’humanité entière a migré en ligne. S’organiser, mobiliser, agir, collaborer, innover, planifier,

échanger, mesurer, s’informer, produire : toutes ces initiatives du quotidien semblent
devenues plus faciles que jamais. De fait, la connexion est une des grandes révolutions qui
pétrissent le monde du 21e siècle.

Ce qui est et sera déterminant pour l’avenir commun de la technologie et de l’homme est
que la technologie ne fasse pas perdre l’identité des gens et ne donne pas lieu à un
phénomène de déshumanisation et de manipulation.
Depuis quelques années, de nombreux supports sont dématérialisés au profit des nouvelles
Prenons l’exemple des journaux d’informations, qui ont vu leurs ventes chuter avec l’arrivée
des formats numériques. Les journaux, les cartes routières, les GPS et bien d’autres
supports sont dématérialisés de leur support premier, comme la musique par exemple.
Nous avons tous connus les baladeurs CD et même « K7 ». 
Une autre nouvelle technologie qui évolue constamment et nous surprend un peu plus
chaque jour : les smartphones bien sûr !
On commence avec l’arrivée révolutionnaire des téléphones tactiles, vient ensuite l’internet,
la connectivité permanente aux mails et la venue de nombreuses applications qui nous
permettent de rester connectés en permanence, notamment sur les réseaux sociaux.
D’autres inventions comme la reconnaissance vocale pour écrire des messages, se localiser,
chercher des renseignements…, la montre connectée à un smartphone, un appareil photo
haute définition avec des pages internet qui se lisent toutes seules en fonction du regard du
lecteur …  A quand les écrans transparents, flexibles ou même 3D ? Ils vont arriver plus vite
que ce que l’on pense.
Des nouveautés plus ou moins utiles mais qui ont révolutionné notre quotidien.

Soyez prêt à voir toutes ces nouvelles technologies et inventions entrer dans votre vie, elles
arrivent à la vitesse de la lumière, de la fibre.

In recent years, many media are dematerialized in favor of new technologies.

Let's take the example of news newspapers, which saw their sales drop with the arrival of
digital formats. Newspapers, road maps, GPS and many other media are dematerialized
from their primary support, such as music for example.We all knew CD players and even

With the arrival of Deezer, Spotify, Itunes, the music becomes accessible with a simple
internet connection on his computer or smartphone. Since 2007, record sales have fallen by

Another new technology that is constantly evolving and surprises us a little more every day:
smartphones of course!

We start with the revolutionary arrival of touch phones, comes next the internet, the
permanent connectivity to the mails and the arrival of many applications that allow us to
remain permanently connected, especially on social networks. Other inventions such as
voice recognition for writing messages, locating, searching for information ..., the watch
connected to a smartphone, a high-definition camera with internet pages that read by
themselves according to the reader's gaze ... when the screens transparent, flexible or even
3D? They will arrive faster than we think.

Novelties more or less useful but which have revolutionized our daily life.

Be ready to see all these new technologies and inventions enter your life, they arrive at the
speed of light, fiber.

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