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NDC responds to claims by the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives on

fraudulent 1V1D Projects

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has taken note of a response from the
Ministry of Special Development Initiatives to our Moment of Truth press conference
on government’s fraudulent 1Village 1Dam projects.

We are not in the least surprised by the farcical response from the Ministry of Special
Development Initiatives because President Nana Akufo-Addo and his appointees have
demonstrated time and again that they have no respect for truth and for the people of

The penchant of the Akufo-Addo government to openly lie and spread falsehood even
in the face of overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence is very well-known by

We wish to state emphatically that claims in the press statement from the Ministry of
Special Development Initiatives are nothing but barefaced lies and a desperate attempt
to cover their shame relative to the fraudulent implementation of their much vaunted
1V1D programme.

For the avoidance of doubt, the 1V1D sites we visited, in the company of journalists, in
the Adibo and Nakpachie communities in the Yendi constituency, are all completed
1V1D projects.

Contrary to government’s claims, these so-called dams, which are part of several poorly
constructed dugouts by government, harvested and retained water during the 2019
rainy season but quickly dried-up at the early stage of the dry season. This was
confirmed by members of the two (2) communities.

The NDC will in the coming days release additional evidence to buttress this fact, as well
as evidence of several other completed but dried-up 1V1D projects in the five (5)
northern regions of Ghana.

We wish to place on record that the Akufo-Addo government has not constructed a
single meaningful small-scale irrigation dam anywhere in Ghana such as the ones
constructed by President John Mahama and his government in areas such as Sakpe and
Zakpasi, just to mention a few.
This fact is amply buttressed by the Minister of Special Initiatives Development, Hawa
Koomson’s own confession that, the amount of GH256,000.00 allocated by government
for each 1V1D project is woefully inadequate to construct “any meaningful Dam”.

In the spirit of promoting a facts-driven and evidence-based public discourse on this

important subject, the NDC demands that:

1. Government explains the basis of its claim that the 1V1D projects in the
Nakpachie and Adibo communities are uncompleted. Government must tell the
good people of Ghana in very specific terms, what makes the said 1V1D projects
incomplete. Simply put, government must explain to Ghanaians, what specific
features these (2) projects lack and how different they are from completed 1V1D

2. In line with the principle of transparency and accountability, the Akufo-Addo

government should publish the full list of their so-called completed 1V1D
projects so that the opposition, the media and Ghanaians at large can fact-check
and ascertain the veracity of the claims being made by the Ministry.

It is an indisputable fact that President Akufo-Addo is serving the people of the North
with poorly constructed dugouts instead of the small-scale irrigation dams he promised.
The NDC maintains that President Akufo-Addo’s 1V1D promise is the biggest scam ever
to be perpetrated by any government on the people of the North. The poorly
constructed dugouts he has so-far delivered have failed to serve their intended purpose
and have occasioned a huge financial loss to the state, for which reason the next NDC
government will ensure that all those responsible for this stinking scam are prosecuted.

Sammy Gyamfi
National Communications Officer
Thursday March 12, 2020.

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