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18 IMachine Foundation 1&1 INTRODUCTION All machine foundations, except for very small ones, require special attention. This is primarily due to the fact that in addition to the static loads due to the weight of the machine and the foundation itself, the machine foundations are subjected to dynamic loads. The nature of the dynamic load depends upon the type of machine. ‘2 general, machines can be grouped into the following three categories: Reciprocating machines: These machines produce periodic, unbalanced force, e.g., reciprocating engines 24 compressors. The unbalanced force in such machines varies sinusoidally. The operating speeds af such achines are usually less than 600 rpm. Impact machines: Machines that produce impact loads, e.g., forge hammers, can be classified in this group. such machines, the dynamic load builds up in a very short period of time and then dies out completely. The ‘peed of operation of such machines is 60 to 150 blows per minute | Rotary machines: Medium and high speed machines, e.g., turbo-generators and rotary compressors with ‘geeds from 1500 to 10000 rpm can be grouped in this category. The type of foundation that is suitable fora machine depends on the type of machine. For the reciprocating “achines, a block foundation [Fig. 18.1(a)] is usually provided. A block foundation consists of a pedestal “iegrated with the footing. A block foundation has a large mass and hence a smaller natural frequency. If a “atively lighter foundation is preferred (as the mass of the foundation reduces, its natural frequency increases), box or a caisson type of foundation may be provided (Fig. 18.1(b)]. Foundations for steam turbines are usually $Suipiex. These founaations consist of a system ot wall columns and beam slabs (Fig. 18.1 (c)]. Each element such a foundation is quite flexible. } The analysis of a block foundation is different from those of other foundations. Simple design principles ; a block foundation are discussed in the following sections. | 82 TERMINOLOGY | Time dependent, repeating motion of translational or rotational type of any body possessing mass and elasticity ls med as vibration. The vibratory motion of a body can be of three types, namely, periodic, random or _{ Bhsient. Some of the terminology in vogue in the dynamic analysis of foundations can now be introduced + * plitude: The maximum displacement of a vibrating body from its mean position or position of static SQuilibrium. Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics Machine rot (oH Motor Motor A oo Lose f A (a) Block foundation (b) Box or caisson foundation Machine | | Zz ZZZZ] Beam o slab wall and column 2 Base slab (c) Wall foundation Fig. 18.1. Types of machine foundations Period: The time period in which the motion repeats itself. Cycle: The motion completed in one period is the cycle of motion. Damping: Itis the resistance to motion due to friction and/or other causes. Viscous damping: When the damping force is proportional to the velocity of the system. Degree of freedom: Number of independent coordinates required to define a vibratory system. Free vibration: Vibration of a system when it is displaced from its equilibrium position and left free to vibrst® Forced vibration: Vibration of a system, when an external force, generally periodic, is impressed on the syste Frequency: The rate at which a motion is repeated in a vibrating system, expressed in radians/second cycles/second (also called Hertz or Hz) or revolutions/min, Natural frequency: The frequency at which a system vibrates under the effect of forces inherent in the system. Operating frequency: The frequency at which a machine is operating. Resonant frequency: The frequency at which the maximum response occurs in a system subjected (© steady state, forced vibrations. Frequency ratio: The ratio of the operating frequency to the natural frequency of a system. F ee " He Mode of vibration: A characteristic pattern assumed by a system in which the motion of every particles Si"? harmonic; with the same frequency. fachine Foundations 6a eriodic: When the system in motion crosses the equilibrium position at definite intervals of time stem in crossing its equity sady stare: When a system is under a sinusoidal forced vibrati inusoidal. A during mviion, tion and the response of the system is also ient: When a system is subjected to a sudden velocity. sonance: When the frequency of the exciting force (operating frequency of the machine) equals the natural Bequency of the foundation-soil system, the condition of resonance is reached. At resonance, the amplitude of gvibcating system is the maximum. DESIGN CRITERIA FOR SATISFACTORY ACTION OF A MACHINE FOUNDATION satisfactory performance of a machine foundation, the foundation should satisfy the following criteria: ler Static Loads: 1. The foundation should be safe against shear failure of soil. 2. The foundation should not settle more than a certain permissible value. r Dynamic Loads: 1. There should be no resonance, i. e., the natural frequency of the foundation-soil ‘system should either be larger than or smaller than the operating frequency of the machine. The amplitudes of vibration under the operating frequency of the machine should be within permissible limits. w . The vibrations should not be annoying to the persons or detrimental to other machines and structures. Richart (1962) developed some criteria for vertical vibrations, which can be taken as a guide for determining permissible limits of frequency and amplitude. : 2974 (Part I)-1982 also provides guidelines for preliminary design. | THEORY OF LINEAR WELGHTLESS SPRING Degree Freedom System - FreeVibration spring-mass systém (Fig. 18.2) with mass m and spring stiffness k, if the mass is displaced by a distance force acting on the mass is kz . Considering downward displacement and force as positive, the equation fon can be written as E forces = mass x acceleration ag.1) mz+kz=0 (18.2) solution of Eq. 18.2 be z=Asin (@,t+ ct) (18.3) ‘A and © are constants of integration and @, is the circular natural frequency (radians/s). From Eq. 18.3, : Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics + AINE frsinat Fig. 18.2. Spring—mass system de dt A@, COS (yt +) (is) é — A ag sin (t+ 0) (185) 7 (185) Substituting the value of z and Z in Eq. 18.2 and simplifying, mosk (18.6) - _. (st If f, is the natural frequency in cycles per second, (3s The natural period, T, is given by * ass Single Degree of Freedom System — Forced Vibration If the spring-mass system is acted upon by an exciting force, F,, sin cr, the equation of motion will be 3.10) mi+kz=F,sinor ce Let =A, sin or mics Machine Foundations Substituting the value of 2 and = 643 Ey. 18.10, om Upon simplification, Eq. 18.11 can be written as (8.11) | Substituting F,/k by 8,, ce, the static deflection if the force F,, were to be applied statically and * = w? (from Eq. 18.7), (18.12) : A Replacing ae by r that is, frequency ratio and * by N, that is, magnification factor, Eq. 18.12 can be writ cen as (18.13) Here, the effect of damping has not been considered. Hence, Eq. 18.13 holds good, where no damping ‘kes place. For different values of r, the corresponding values of N can be worked out and plotted (Fig. 18.3) fect of damping Let viscous damping be present in the free vibration of a single degree freedom system such that the damping Sore F; is given by Eq. 18.14, Fyacz (18.14) here c is the damping coefficient. The equation of motion is mi+cz+kz=0 (18.15) The solution of Eq. 18.15 is (18.16) Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics 30} +A | = 20) 19 Magnification factor, N Zone of resonance fale — ee 3.0 ° 1.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 Frequency ratio, r Fig. 18.3 Frequency ratio versus magnification plot for zero damping where A and © are constants to be determined from initial boundary conditions. The circular natural frequency in the damped case, Ona is given by Eq. 18.17 Og = 0, 1-2 (18.17) where & = damping coefficient, the ratio of actual damping to critical damping. Critical damping If in a system, the amount of damping is increased, it stops oscillating and comes to rest after some HRS Damping corresponding to the case when the system returns to its equilibrium position without osciliation i? -a minimum time, is defined as critical damping, C,. In a single degree freedom system, C.=2Vkm 18.18) =2ma, as Taking into account damping in a forced vibration system, the equation for magnification factor, N 4. 18.13) gets modified to 20) Nee eos aT Glan Gay ag} | Machine Foundations 645 T T aa | | Dandie ls 7 | | P 3.0} I i | | i i | z | | | ‘ 5 20 s = 0.50 2 10 t = 10 0 Q 10 20 3.0 40 5.0 Frequency ratio, r Fig. 18.4 Frequency ratio versus magnification factor for different magnitudes of damping factor ig. 18.4 shows the frequency ratio r vs. magnification factor N plotted for different values of damping factor, Comparing Fig. 18.4 with Fig. 18.3, it is seen that at resonance (r =1), the amplitudes become finite even ith 2 very small amount of damping. Further away from resonance, damping reduces the amplitude of Vibration by only a small amount. Simple continuous system can be represented by an equivalent spring, 8S METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF A BLOCK FOUNDATION ‘ere are basically nwo different methods of analysis of a machine foundation, (@) Method based on linear-elastic-weightless spring. (b) Method based on linear theory of elasticity (elastic half-space). ._In the first method, the soil mass is replaced by elastic springs. Equation for natural frequencies can “written and compared with operating frequency. To avoid resonance, the frequency ratio should be ‘er less than 0.5 or greater than 1.5. The influence of damping can be introduced in the solution of lations. However, as discussed earlier, the effect of damping on amplitude computed at operating Squency is small as compared to that at resonance. The method is simple, though a proper evaluation of constants is rather difficult. The method based on theory of elasticity is more rational but relatively plicated. ‘The method based on linear-clastic-weightless spring is discussed in the following sections. Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics 18.6 SOIL SPRING CONSTS A spring constant is defined as the force causing unit deformation, For the analysis of a block foundation, one of the approaches is to consider the soil as weightless-clastic spring. When the block foundation undergoes vertical oscillations, compression is induced at the base of the footing. On the contrary, if the block undergoes Translation about X or Y-axis, shear stresses are induced at the base of the foundation block. The nature of the equivalent spring stiffness will be different in each of the different modes of vibration. As X and Y axes are interchangeable, ¢ asically four different iypes of equivalent soil-spring constants which are of interest for the purpose of anaiysis. These are: | 7 | (a) Coefficient of elastic uniform compression (C,): It is the ratio of external uniform pressure to the clastic part of the settlement. (b) Coefficient of elastic uniform sheur (Cy. Ti is the vativ of average shear sitess at the foundaiiv: contact area to the elastic part of the displacement in sliding (c) Coefficient of elastic non-uniform shear (Cy): Itis the ratio of the external moment applied to the vertical axis to the product of polar moment of inertia of contact area of base of foundation and the angle of rotation of the foundation, (d) Coefficient of elastic non-uniform compression (C4): It is the ratio of external moment about a d horizontal axis to the product of moment of inertia of contact area of base of foundation about the sane axis and the corresponding angle of rotation of the foundation uniform pressure to the: tm part of the settlement. ‘ 18.7 DETERMINATION OF SOIL—SPRING CONSTANTS Soil spring constants can be estimated from several in situ and laboratory tests. However, in situ tests are preferred. IS: 5249 (1992) provides details of tests for the determination of dynamic properties of soil. The following methods are used for in situ determination of the dynamic properties of si (a) Cyclic plate load test (&) Block vibration test (©) Free vibration test (d) Wave propagation test The more commonly adopted tests, namely, the cyclic plate load test and the block vibration, ‘cussed below. For other tests, reference may be made to 1S: $249-1992. “Cyclic Plate Load Test magnitude of load is maintained constant till the settlement of the test plate is complete. The.lo: released to zero and the plate allowed to rebound. The reading of final settlement is taken. The lo increased to next higher magnitude of loading and maintained constant till the settlement is complete Jy again is recorded. The load is then reduced to zero and the settlement reading taken. The next increme load is then applied. The cycles of loadin, I , unloading and reloading are continued till the required Fi is reached. From the load settlement data,-a graph is plotted between load intensity p andel: Ge Se. The slope of the load intensity-seitlement data is the coefficient of elastic uniform compressiOn.| thine Foundations 647 £ (18.21) load intensity in or kef/em? elastic rebound corresponding to p, in m or em Cy_ is expressed in KN/m? units or kgfVem> Kk Vibration Test the block vibration test, a concrete block 1.5 mx 0.75 m x 0.70 m (height) is cast in a pit (Fig. 18.5) at proposed depth of foundation. Foundation bolts for fix ing oscillator and motor as: sembly are embedded the concrete block at the time of casting the block. The motor and oscillator assembly is mounted on block. Vertical vibration test: The mechanical oscillator is mounted on the block such that it generates purely ical sinusoidal vibrations and the line of action of vibratory force passes through the centre of gravity the block. Two acceleration pick-ups, duly calibrated, are mounted on the block such that they sense ical motion of the block. Choosing a suitable value of angle of setting of eccentric masses, the oscillator ade to run ata constant frequency. The signals of acceleration pick-ups are recorded through amplifiers Pen-recorders or any other suitable recording/indicating device. The frequency of the oscillator is then 'ased and the process repeated. The same process is continued for other eccentricity settings. Ina forced vertical vibration test, the amplitude of vibration, A, ata given frequency, f, is given by: (18.22) acceleration in the vertical direction. Amplitude vs. frequency curve is then plotted for each eccentricity value to obtain the natural frequency il-block system. The coefficient of elastic uniform compression, Cy is given by 4m A (18.23) = natural frequency of vibration of soil-block system m = mass of block, oscillator and motor contact area of block with soil » " wation 18.23 is obtained by substituting spring stiffness k by C, A in Eq. 18.8. The value of C, varies fe contact area of the base. Hence, the value of C,, obtained from the test needs a correction due to contact arkan (1962) suggested that the values of C, for area upto approximately 10 sq. m can be extrapolated }. 18.24, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics = Motor oscillator | Soncrste / assembly Acceleration | Proposed pick-ups | foundation } depth tw 3.5m Im min ap 075m ia 275m i Sef immin 4 = kK 15m —4 Ip | 2 where C,, and C,2 correspond to base areas A, and A, respectively. IS: 5249 (1992) recommends that for areas larger than 10 m2, the value obtained for an area of 10 my be used, conducting a horizontal vibration test. ‘The mechanical oscillator is mounted on the block such that it generates horizontal sinusoidal vibrat the block, one each at top, bottom and middle, along the vertical central line of the transverse face of t no . (Fig. 18.5) so as to sense the horizontal vibrations. The oscillator is excited in steps, starting from ‘aT condition. The signal from each pick-up is amplified and recorded. Further, the same procedure that W! for vertical vibrations is adopted. ‘The amplitude of horizontal vibrations, A, is obtained from equation & ane @, = horizontal acceleration in the direction under consideration where f = frequency in cps vibrationsis determined. Further. the amp! + ai ihn naiutal frequency of the system are obtained from the pick-ups at the three locations and plotted against the height of the block, as shown in Fig. 18.6. If the plot corresponds to Fig, 28.6 a, the natural frequency corresponds to the first mode or the lower natural frequency, whereas the frequency corresponds to second mode or the higher natural frequency if it corresponds Machine Foundations 649 The amplitude-frequency plot is obtained from these observations, and the natural frequency of horizontal to Fig. 18.6 b. : entre of aoe \ -—_ / We of 7 \ ‘block y ——. — i : \ b + J» ee / ja \ $8 SB fy Base of, oo os Base of tee'\ \peq/ 38 #2 je ead ae = f F — \ \/ / “— E G__Centre of s rotation . (a) First mode (b) Second mode Fig. 18.6 Determination of mode of vibration ‘The coefficient of elastic uniform shear of the soil is given by the equation ie 81 y fa Go 1)+NG, + Ly = 47A, Ty cea Mn year (18.27) r 0 horizontal resonant frequency of block-soi! system A, = 9 = A/m (18.28) 3.46! (18.29) through the centre of ‘gravity of block and prependicular to the direction of vibration Mmo = mass moment of inertia of the block, oscillator and motor about the horizontal axis passing through the centre of contact area of the block and soil and perpendicular to the direction My = mass moment of inertia of the block, oscillator and motor about the horizontal axis passing of vibration Bayic and Applied Soil Mechanics 1 = moment of inertia of the foundation contact area about the horizontal axis passing through the cenire of gravity of the area and prependicular to the direction of vibrations. Positive sign is used when f,, is the second natural frequency and negative sign when f,, is the first natural frequency. The coefficient of elastic uniform shear Cy, for the actual base contact area of the foundation, Ay is given by the equation (8.30) Asin the case of C, (Eq. 18.24), Eq. 18.30 is valid for small values of base area of the foundation and may be used for areas upto 10 m*. For areas larger than 10 m?, the value of C, obtained for 10 m* should be used. 1S:5249 (1992) recommends the following correlations between the elastic constants, coefficient of elastic uniform compression C,, coefficient of elastic uniform shear C}, coefficient of elastic non-uniform compres- sion Cp and the coefficient of elastic non-uniform shear Cy: C, = 1.51020, (18.312) Cy = 3.46, (18.31) Cy = 0.756, (18.31¢) Note: The relationship between C, , C,, Cy and Cy depends on the elastic properties of the medium, that is, the soil, the size and shape of contact area and the rigidity of the foundation. The values given by Eq. 18.31 may be taken as average values. Itis advisable to obtain values of constants for the site from test results. However, for a preliminary design, the values of C, recommended by Barkan (1962) can be adopted (Table 18.1). 7 Table 18.1 Recommended Design Values of Coefficient of Elastic Uniform Compression, C, for 10 m? Area Allowable soil pressure Coefficient of elastic Category Soil group under static load uniform compression, Cy 1 Weak soils (clays and silty clays with Upto 15000 kN/m? Upto 3000 kN/m? sand in a plastic state, clayey and silly (1.5 kgffem?) (GBkgficem’) sands, also soils of categories I and III ‘with laminae of organic silts and of peat) ~ T__ Soils of edium strength (clays and silty 15000 - 35000 kN/m? 30000 - $0000 kN/m* clays with sand close to the plastic limit, (1.5-3.5 keffem) (3-5 kgffem?) sand) UM Strong soils (clays and silty clays with 35000 - 50000 kN/m? 50000 - 00000 kN/m? sand of hard consistency, gravels and (3.5 - 5.0 kgticm’) (5-10 kgffem’) gravelly sands, loess and loessial soils) IV Rocks > $0000 kN/m? > 100000 N/m? (Skgtfem’) (10 kgffem*) Machine Foundations 651 188 DAMPING Damping in the soil-foundation system affects the response in the inverse proportion’ at resonance but is on-tesonant range of machine speeds. Therefore, itassumes importance insition period where the machine speed has to pass through one or more of the resonant (natural) quencies Of vibration of the system during starting/shut down of the machine. In the case of block foundations, damping is contributed almost entirely by the soil so that its value depends much on the embedment of the foundation. Damping in framed foundations also increases onsiderably due to participa 1¢ Soil. Experiments on various foundations have shown that damping goes not vary tow much with the type of foundation, that is, block or frame foundation or with the material Of construction. The raft and pile foundations also do not show too much difference in damping. It is erefore, usual to consider a damping coefficient of about 6.5% (log decrement = 0.4) in the design of chine foundations. Twovmethods of determination of the damping factor & of the soil are given in IS: 5249-1992 - one. don the forced vibration test and the other on the free vibration test. In the first method, the ‘placement amplitude versus the excitation frequency curve has to be established (Fig. 18.5) by exciting block or the foundation by a mechanical oscillator driven by a motor as discussed earlier. The width of resonant peak, in terms of frequency difference (fj ~f2), at 0.707 of the peak amptitude of displacement the resonant frequency f,, are determined. The damping factor is then obtained by Eq. 18.32 f-fh re fz and fi are two frequencies at which amptitude is equal to (X/V2) , Xm is the maximum amptitude if. is the frequency at which the amplitude is maximum (resonant frequency) (Fig. 18.7). (18.32) Ske z 2 Real amp! Frequency, cps - Fig. 18.7 Determination of damping factor from forced vibration test the second method, the block/foundation is pulled and released suddenly and the free vibration record ined by means of a suitable recording/acquisition system. The amplitude decay curve is then plotted 8.8). Ratio of the successive peak, X of the amptitude record is then a measure of the damping as given 18.33. (18.33) Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics where X,, and X,, X(mat) atmo) = wgt Amplitude of vibration (xX) ° |x wg = Damped natural frequency of system Fig. 18.8 Determination of damping from free vibration test 18.9 DEGREES OF FREEDOM OF A BLOCK FOUNDATION The number of independent coordinates required to describe the vibratory motion of a system is termed as the degree of freedom of the system. We may have a single degree of freedom system, a two degree of freedom system or even an infinite degree of freedom system. For a block foundation, under the action of unbalanced forces, the rigid block may undergo displacements or oscillations as below: (i) Translation along Z-axis (ji) Translation along X-axis (ii) Translation along Y-axis (iv) Rotation about Z-axis-Yawing (v) Rotation about X axis-Pitching (vi) Rotation about ¥-axis-Rocking jsplacement The rigid body displacements of the block can be resolved into the six independent aise a8 indicated above. A rigid block thus has six degrees of freedom. Out of these six types of mouon geal) along the vertical axis (Z-axis) and also rotation about the vertical axis (Z-axis) can occur indSPET are of any other motion whereas translation about X-axis (or Y-axis) and rotation about Y-axis (OF ET ng coupled motions. Thus, the analysis of a block foundation requires consideration of four {yPes © tachine Fours 633 Fig. 18.9 Modes of vibration of a block foundation of these, two motions are independent and two are coupled. For estimating the natural frequencies of Sration in the coupled modes, the natural frequency of the system in pure translation and pure rocking "sd to be determined. Further, as the state of stress below the foundation block in the different modes is he corresponding spring constant has to be used. .10 VERTICAL VIBRATIONS OF A BLOCK FOUNDATION asider a foundation block of base contact area A embedded upto a depth Dy below the ground level “8.18.10 a). The block is acted upon by a vertical unbalanced force P, given by P. =P, sin ot (18.34) For simplicity of analysis, it is assumed that the block is located at the ground level such that there is no “Sedment, that is, D;= 0. Further, the subsoil is assumed to be replaced by an equivalent spring with spring \k.. The simplified system is represented by Fig. 18.105. Thus, iive machine foundation-soil system is gous to the spring-mass system shown in Fig. 18.10 c. Assuming that an unbalanced force acts through the centre of gravity of the block and by neglecting Ping, the equation of motion of the system is mz +k, z= P, sin wt (18.35) a 3 0 mass of the foundation block including machine = equivalent spring constant of the soil in the vertical direction for the base area of foundation block A (= C, A) coefficient of elastic uniform compression Basic and Apphed Soil Mechanics | BSinat ' 4 £ ao 5 Block | rel m | f@) 2" ™m TPosin wt tc) Fig. 18.10 Block foundation under vertical vibration The natural frequency, faz of the system is l "i aL 18.36) Frc 29 and the amplitude of motion, A, is given by P,sinwt —_P, sin wt 3? (CA-ma’) m(w?,- 0") ‘The maximum amplitude of motion is given by —- (18.38) Ae— Pe © (Ge 0) The small value of damping has, practically, negligible effect on the natural frequency 18.11 ROCKING VIBRATIONS OF A BLOCK FOUNDATION out the A block foundation (area A) resting on the ground surface is acted upon by a moment My = M, sin OF Lis s. Y-axis in X-Z plane (Fig. 18.11). The foundation block is assumed to be symmetrical about the Y-2 further assumed that the centre of inertia of the mass of the machine and foundation and the centroid © base area lie on a vertical line through the centre of rocking vibrations, O. a9 Ithas been noted earlier that rocking of the foundation is always accompanied by translation along X-axis. However, if the translation of the foundation block is restrained, the displaced position of block is determined by only one independent variable, 9. Such a system would thus possesses only 0" of freedom the foundation degree My=MoSin ot Pst Fay a +r (b) Fig. 18.11 Block foundation under rocking vibrations Considering all moments about the centre of rotation of the block, the moments acting on the foundation block (Fig. 18.11 b) are: Moment due 10 soil reaction, Mp Consider a small area dA at a distance / from the centre of rotation of block (Fig. 18.11 b). Let dR be the soil taction acting on the area dA. Thus, moment due to soil reaction, Mg ei 1dR dA (18.39) A Assuming that the soil reaction dR at any point is proportional to the displacement / @ at that point, aRalo or aR= Cold here C. = constant of proportionality Thus, J Cy Po dA Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics == Cee HH Oe hS £18.49) where J = moment of inertia of the contact area about an axis passing through the centroid of base contact area Moment due sd position of the centre of gravity of the block, Mu. Mo = WL (sai acting in the clockwise direction. Externally applied moment, My My=M, sin ot (18.42) The equation of motion about the centre of rotation can thus be written as: Myo =2M (18.43) where M,,, = mass moment of inertia of the machine and foundation block about the axis of rotation = angular acceleration of the block Thus, M, sin ot — Cy 1 + WL = Myo ao or Mino > + 9 (Cyl - WL) = M, sin wt (18.44) ‘The natural frequency Wag of the system is given by Cyl- WL oe ee (18.45) and the maximum displacement A is given by: —— (18.46) Mio (Ong - O ) Usually, in practice, Col is much greater than WL. Hence, Eq. 18.45 may be written as: Oy =\ (18.47 8) Cyl or iy BV (18.47) If the dimensions of the foundation block at the base are a and b in X and Y directions respectively, =a 12 Thus o -V& a’ (18.48) 1 Mino 12 Machine Foune: 657 (18.48 by Mo ve linear dimension ot the contact area of the foundation block perpendicular major influence on the natural frequency in rocking vibrations as compared te the other dimension. Further, with the change in the natural frequency, the maximum amplitude of motion (Eq. 18.46) also gets altered. This principle is sometimes used in proportioning the sides of a foundation block undergoin; rocking vibrations, to the axis o: The am 5 of the edge of the foundation block is A= Say M, = ee (18.49 Mn (Ong ~ 0") Ifthe foundation block is undergoing vertical oscillations along with rocking, the total amplitude Aroot = A +A, (18.50) where A, is determined from Eq. 18.38 1812 PURE SLIDING OF A BLOCK FOUNDATION Usually, in block foundations, sliding and rocking occur simultaneously. However, if the vibrations of Sundations are such that rocking can be neglected, only a horizontal displacement of the foundation block of uta 4 will occur under an exciting force P, sin «wt. The vibrations of foundation are analogous to vertical “ibrations with soil constant &, = C, A, The equation of motion becomes: mi +k,x= P,sin ot (18.51) alte [GA Thus, On= VE aV (18.52) 14{GA Deseo Nie (18.53) (18.54) “Se maximum amplitude, “re fae = natural frequency in pure sli A, = maximum amplitude in pure sliding S13 YAWING OF A BLOCK FOUNDATION the block foundation is subjected to yawing due to the torsional moment M, in X-Y plane (Fig. 18.12), the uation of motion is Myz Wi + Cy J, W = M, sin wt (18.55) Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics y Fig. 18.12 Block foundation under yawing vibrations where mass moment of inertia of the machine and foundation block about the axis of rotation (Z-axis) e = polar moment of inertia of foundation base area y= angle of rotation of foundation about Z-axis, - GQ coefficient of elastic non-uniform shear The natural frequency fay and the maximum angular displacements Wm are given by the equations at foe 1358), Fou ON ; M, 5 and Vea => (18.57) Mz (@ng ~ ©") 2 1814 SIMULTANEOUS ROCKING, SLIDING AND VERTICAL VIBRATIONS rer» OF A BLOCK FOUNDATION A block foundation is acted upon by the following oscillatory loads (Fig. 18.13). Vertical force, P,(t) = Horizontal force, Py Moment, M(1) It is assumed that all the loads are acting at the combined centre of gravity, G of the machit foundation. Further, it is assumed that the centre of gravity of the contact area, that of the mi block foundation lie on one vertical line. The following displacements of foundation will occur: u M, sin (i) Displacement in vertical direction, z (ii) Displacement in the horizontal direction, x, and (iii) Rotation of the base, 6. 659 Fig. 18.13 Block foundation under the simultaneous action of oscillatory vertical and horizontal forces and moment Three equations of motion, namely, in the Z-direction, in the X-direction and in the rotational mode, need written. For a detailed analysis, reference may be made to Prakash, Ranjan and Saran (1979). The 'y equation is, however, given below: ot, + 2 2, we, cof — See Pas 62, Oro On (18.58) Y Y 29 and @,, are given by Eqs. 18.45 and 18.52 respectively and M, I 18.59) ™ ¢ ) = a " mass moment of inertia of the machine and foundation-about its c.g. Mme = mass moment of inertia of the foundation and machine about an axis passing through the centroid of the base area and perpendicular to the plane of vibration M,.=M,,+ m1? } 18.58 will have two positive roots «,1 and @,2 corresponding to the two natural frequencies of the . It can be proved that the smaller of the two natural frequencies @,1 (0,2 > @y1) is smaller than either ‘two limiting natural frequencies @,, and Wng and the larger natural frequency @,2 is always greater than One amplitudes of motion for particular cases can be computed from equations given below: P,(0) = P, sin ae only: ae [daiomacestioagall 860) a Awe J Basir and Applied Soil Mechanies (18.61) Due to M() = My sin wr only (18.62) 48.63) where A(@?) = mM,, (03 0°) (Wha - 0°) (18.64) 48.15 INDIAN STANDARD ON DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF FOUNDATIONS FOR RECIPROCATING MACHINES: ‘The IS code on foundations for reciprocating machines was first issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards in 1964 (1S: 2974-Part 1). This was later revised in 1969 and then in 1982. Salient provisions of the code of practice are described in the following sections: Necessary Data (a) Data to be provided by machine manufacturer (General information about the machine, particularly a description of driving and driven machinery, operating speed with ranges, number and arrangement of cylinders, maximum rated output, operating temperatures, etc. Gi) Detailed loading diagram showing details of transfer of the loads and their points of application (ii) Details of all unbalanced forces and couples (Gv) Mass moments of inertia of driving and driven machines about the principal axes (v) Additional information, ¢.g., loads due to sudden stoppage, short circuiting, necessity of anti-vibration mountings (b) Data on ground and site conditions (Soil profile and soil characteristics upto a depth of atleast three times the expected mean dimensions of the foundation plan Gi) Soil investigation: so the extent necessary in accordance with IS: 1892-1992 and for the determination of dynamic properties of soil in accordance with IS: 5249-1992 sib (iii) The relative position of water table below ground level at different times of the year Design Criteria (a) General (i) The machine foundation should be isolated at all levels from the main building foundations as far as possible. (ii) Overhanging cantilevers, if unavoidable, should be designed to ensure rigidity agains ind from other” 7 3 1 vibrations, Machine Foundations 661 (iii) All machine foundations should satisfy the following two fundamental criteria: Resonance does not occur between the frequencies of pulsating loads and natural frequency of foundation—soil system and The amplitude of vibration does not exceed the safe limits. Design criteria based on frequency and amplitude limits can be classified as follows: Limits set by the possibility of damage or uneconomic wear to machinery or associated equipment or both: Tuts set by the possibility of damage to building structures Limits of structure—bome vibrations to ensure comfort to persons Limits set by the possibility of disturbance of ground resulting in unacceptable settlement of foundation (b) Frequency Ratio: rever possible, the natural frequency of the foundation—soil system should be higher than the highest isturbing frequency. The frequency ratio should not be normally less than 0.4. Where this is not possible, the tural frequency of the foundation soil system should be kept lower than the lowest disturbing frequency. The ency ratio in such a case should not be lower than 1.5. While the above criteria should be applied to all ible modes of vibration, one may be permitted to operate a machine closer to resonance in certain modes vibration, provided the resulting amplitude does riot exceed the permissible limit. Note: Even though a machine may be balanced, minor disturbing forces can occur due to manufac- turing tolerances and other causes. For sensitive installations, the frequencies arising from these may have to be considered. [c) Permissible Amplitudes: @) Limitations of vibration amplitude to avoid damage to-machinery—This should be specified by the manufacturer and should in no case be exceeded. Where no specific limit has been stated by the manufacturer, it may be taken that foundation satisfying the following amplitude criteria would provide a satisfactory base for machinery. (ii) Limitation of vibration amplitude to avoid damage to neighbouring buildings—The damage in neighbouring buildings due to resonance will be negligible, if the amplitude and vibration of the foundation is less than 200 microns at frequencies below 20 Hz. Where the disturbing frequency excéeds 20 Hz, a lower amplitude may be necessary for certain instaliations, when a° value corresponding to the frequency may be read from line ADD’ of Fig. 18.14 (iti) Limitation of vibration amplitude to avoid discomfort to persons—For low speed machines, it is unlikely that foundations which satisfy criteria (ii) above will produce vibrations of sufficient amplitude to be disturbing to persons. In special cases, where there are particular reasons to avoid discomfort to personnel, a low permissible amplitude corresponding to operating frequency of machine can be read off from Fig. 18.14. (iv) Limitations of amplitude to avoid settlement—For most soil types, foundations for low speed machines designed to a limiting amplitude of 200 microns will not suffer undue settlement due to dynamic loads For some soils, like loose sands and silts in conjunction with a higher water table Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics Amplitude of vibrations (Microme tres (+) : ‘ i 2 4 0.50] edie ozs 3. 5 10 2030 50 0 160 (Hz) Disturbing frequency I Line ADD’ limit to avoid damage to buildings Line ACC’ limit to avoid serious discomfort to persons Line ABB’ limit toensure reasonable comfort to person Note-These limits do not include any factor of safety Fig. 18.14 Amplitude limits of foundation block condition, there is a possibility of significant settlement occurring. In all such cases, it is preferable to consolidate the soil underneath the foundation. & Concrete Foundation Design - (a) General Conditions Normally, concrete block foundations are designed for reciprocating machines. Both the foundations machines are usually taken as a single body resting on an elastic bed (subsoil or resilient mount! foundation is subject to oscillations at determinable frequencies in six degrees of freedom. Pile foundations may be used in cases where the soil conditions are unsuitable to support a block’ fou or when the natural frequency of the block foundation has to be increased under situations where itisil to alter dimensions or when amplitudes or settlement or both need to be reduced. Cellular foundations may be used in special cases where itis necessary to maintain the rigidity of foundation together with reducing the mass of concrete. Whenever possible, provision should be Machine Foundations 663 cellular foundations to add mass by filling the voids to adjust the natural frequency of foundation block, provided this does not result in additional settlement, (b) Dimensions of concrete foundation blocks For initial dimensioning of the concrete foundation blocks, the following empirical rules may be followed: (i) Mass of the foundation shall be greater than that of the machine. (ii) The eccentricity dation system along avis VV or YY shal! not exceed 5 per cent of the length of the corresponding side of the contact area, In addition, centre of gravity of the machine and foundation should, if possible, be below the top of foundation block, (iii) To ensure reasonable stability in the case of vertical machines, the total width of the foundation (measured at right angles to the shaft) shall at least be equal to the distance from the centre of the shaft to the bottom of the foundation, For horizontal machines, where cylinders are arranged laterally, the width shall be greater. (iv) The proportion of foundation block shall be such as to ensure stability. (c) Stresses Il value of permissible stresses for steel and concrete as specified in IS: 456-1978 can be allowed if dynamic are considered in detailed design by applying suitable dynamic and fatigue factors. ‘The bearing pressure below the foundations should not exceed 80 per cent of the allowable bearing pressure ‘under static loading, determined in accordance with IS: 6403-1987. When seismic forces are considered, the fallowable pressure in the soil should be increased as specified in IS: 1893-1984. EXAMPLES Example 18.1 A cyclic plate load test was carried out on a deposit of silty sand to estimate the elastic ‘cients for the design of a compressor foundation. The test was carrried out at a depth of 3 m, using a cm x 30 cm test plate. The data obtained was: Loadintensity 25 0 50 0 75 0 100 0 150 0 200 0 250 0 (kNim") Settlement 0.50 0.40 0.95 0.80 1.60 1.25 250 190 3.60 260 480 380 6.70 4.90 (mm) the stress versus elastic settlement relationship and determine the values of C, , C, and C, for 10 m? base the data, the values of elastic settlement for different load intensities are tabulated. Load intensity 2s 50 75 100 150 200 250 (kN/m’) ic settlement 0.10 0.15 0.35 0.60 1.0 1.0 1.80 (mm) Basic and Applied Suit Mechanies ‘The plot of load intensity, p versus ct tic settlement, S, is shown in Fig. 18.15. From the Figure, slope of the straight line plot = 15 x 10° KN /m} (15 kgf/em?) 00 7 | 1 | | i . CUO | | ' : 200 “7 t ec | € z 2 3 8 3 100 . . Cus 15 «104 kN/m? 0 0 1 2 3 Elastic settlement (mm) Fig. 18.15 Load versus elastic settlement plot from cyclic plate load test—Example 18.1 ‘The area of plate used = 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.09 m? Thus, for 10 m? base area, 15 x 10° ve x 1.42 x 10° (42 x10" KN/m} (1.42 kgf/cm’) 7.1.x 10° kKN/m? (0.71 kgf/em') 1.73 C, = 1.73 x 1.42 x 10° = 2.46 x 10° KN/m* (2.46 kgf/cm’) Machine Foundations 665 Example 18.2 The following data refers to a vertical resonance test carried out on a 1.5 mx 0.75 Im x 0.70 m (high) concrete block for estimating dynamic elastic constants for the design of a forge hammer foundation Frequency 20 25 30 35 45 teps) Amplitude 0.018 0.030 0.068, 0.120 0.138 0.130 The test was carried out at a depth of 6 m below the ground surface. The soil at the site was clay of low intermediate compressibility. The weight of oscillator motor is 2.1 KN. Draw the amplitude-frequency plot \d determine the value of C, , Cz and Co for 10 m” base area. If the weight of the block and oscillator assembly ns 22 KN and maximum dynamic force of oscillator (eccentricity @ = 140°) at 50 Hz frequency is 5.0 KN, termine the damping factor. tion: ig. 18.16 shows the frequency-amplitude plot. From the frequency-amplitude plot, the natural frequency of block, fx. = 43 cps. Assuming unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m? Weight of block = 1.50.75 x0.7 x24 = 18.9kN Weight of block+motor and oscillator = 18.9 + 2.1 = 21.0kN Contact area of block = 1.5 x 0.75 = 1.125? 4x fm A 412 x (43)? x 21.0 ~ 1.125 «9.81 base area = 10 m?, CG, = 139x ot VES 13.9 x 10* KN/m? (13.9 kgf/cm?) 66 x 10* N/m? (4.66 kgf/cm?) 1 1 Ce 5 Cua 7X 4.66% 10* = 2.33 x 10* KN/m? (2.33 kgf/cm’) Cy = 1.73 C,= 1.73 x 4.66 x 1 06 x 10* KN/m? (8.06 kgf/cm?) Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics 0.06 Amplitude, Apk (mm) 0.04] 0.02! Frequency ,f (c ps) 30 Fig. 18.16 Frequency versus amplitude plots for vertical block resonance test—Example 18.2 Further, resonant amplitude of vibration of the block is 0.14 mm at a frequency of 43 Hz when the eccentricity of the oscillator unbalanced mass, 6 is 140°. Thus, 4,=0.14mm; On mg 2m x 43 = 86 mrad/s 22kN, Hence, the soil stiffness, given by spring constant, k = m@, = (22/9.8) (86x) x 10° = 163.9? kN/mm " 667 The amptinsce of vibe esonance is given by The dynamic fore P., at resonant frequency af 43 Hz is. P= 8.0 ;a3/30Y = 3 Thus the damping factor & is odtaine ~ 33 163.9 0.14 = 080 Example 18.3 The successive peaks from a free vibration record obtained from initial displacement (sudden release) test on a block resting on soil are tabulated below: Time (s) 0 002 008 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 os Peak amplitude (mm) 16 -12 8 a 4 3 2 “15 Time (s) 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 Peak amplitude (mm) 1.0 ~0.75 05 0.38 025 0.19 0.13 0.10 Compute the naturai frequency of vibration ot the block and also the damping in the foundation. Solution: Interval between positive (or negative) peaks = 0.04 sec Time period of vibration of block, T= 0.04 sec Natural frequency of vibration of block, f = I/t = 25 Hz Amplitude ratio between successive peaks of same sign, xy/x2 = 2.0 x Damping coefficient, & = log. (x) . an (an) 1 2m log, 2.0 = 0.110 The damping in the foundation block is thus 11.0% of critical viscous damping PROBLEMS 1. Acyclic plate load test on 60 cm x plate was carried out at a depth of 3 m in a deposit of silty sand. The data obtained is given below: Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics 80 12.5 2.31 10°KN/m?; C, = 2.33 « 10°kKN/ foundation) The following data reters to a vertical resonance test carried out on a 1.5m x 0.75m x 0.70m high (M 150) concrete block. f 1s 18 20 2 23 24 26 2 29 (eps) . Amp. 0.03 0.05 0.08 = OIS 020 022 © 0.18 016 = 013 (mm) Make a frequency-amplitude plot and compute the coefficient of elastic uniform compression C, and damping factor of the soil at site (f= 24 mm ; C, = 4.1 x 10*KN/m? ; = 0.1), 3. The resonance of a block foundation, excited by an oscillator was noted at 20 cps. The amplitude of vibration at resonance was 1.0 mm, The dynamic force magnitude of the oscillator at 20 cps is. 5.0 KN. If the total weight of block and oscillator is 20 KN, calculate the damping factor associated with the system. 4. Amachine weighing 10 kN is provided with a foundation block with a base area of 2m’ and a weight of 20 KN. The coefficient of elastic uniform compression for the subsoil and damping ratio are respectively 2.5 kg/cm? and 0.15. Determine (i) the response curve, (ii) the natural frequency of the system, (iii) the maximum amplitude of the system and (iv) the maximum force transmitted to the soil if the force of excitation is vertical and given by F = 0.006 «* sin ant (kgf). REFERENCES ype we ao Barkan, D. D. (1962), Dynamics of Bases and Foundations, McGraw-Hill, New York. LS. 1892 (1979), ‘Code of Practice for Subsurface Investigations for Foundations’. 1S. 2974 (Part I) (1982), ‘Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Machine Foundations Part | Foundation for reciprocating machines. 1. $. 1893 (1984), ‘Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures’ 1S. 6403 (1987), ‘Code of Practice for Determination of Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation’. IS: $249 (1992), ‘Indian Standard on Determination of in situ Dynamic Properties of soils’ Prakash, S.,Gopal Ranjan and Swami Saran (1979), Analysis and Design of Foundation and Retaining Structures. Sarita Prakashan, Meerut. Richart, F. E. (Jr) (1962), ‘Foundation Vibrations’, Transactions ASCE, Vol. 127, Part I. pp. 863-898.

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