Quiz On Abuse

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Quiz # 5

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: ____________________

Date: _____________________________________________ Section: ___________________

Instructions: Kindly identify the correct answer by placing the letter of your choice on the space
provided before the number and then justify your answer by providing a simple rationalization
on the space provided below the choices. If your answer matched or is closely similar to the
rationalization given by the proctor, you automatically get 2 points. Erasures and
superimpositions are considered wrong! If you have questions, ask the proctor and not your
seatmate. If someone will be caught cheating, a SUPERLONG quiz will be given on the next
lecture day as a punishment!

_____1. Geramia, an anxious teenage girl is brought to the interviewing room of a crisis shelter, sobbing
and saying that she thinks she is pregnant but does not know what to do. Which of the following nursing
interventions is most appropriate at this time?
a) Ask the client about the type of things that she had thought of doing
b) Give the client some ideas about what to expect to happen next
c) Recommend a pregnancy test after acknowledging the client’s distress
d) Question the client about her feelings and possible parental reactions
R: ______________________________________________________________________________

Prepared By: Prince Rener Velasco Pera, RN

_____2. Maribelle, a potentially pregnant 12-year old girl says that she and her boyfriend Von Jovi have
engaged in “ mostly heavy petting and necking.” Which of the following responses by the nurse is best
a) “ You mean you have had sexual intercourse?”
b) “Describe what you mean by heavy petting and necking.”
c) “I think we need to talk about what’s involved in sexual intercourse.”
d) “ All you have been doing with your boyfriend is heavy petting and necking.”
R: _______________________________________________________________________________
_____3. Avelina, a 40 year old client who is quite anxious says that she would “rather die than to be
pregnant.” Which of the following responses by the nurse is most helpful?
a) “ Try not to worry until after the pregnancy test.”
b) “ You know, pregnancy is a normal event.”
c) “ You’re only 40 years old and not too old to have a baby.”
d) “ I see you’re upset. Take some deep breath to relax a little.”
R: ________________________________________________________________________________
_____4. After The results of a pregnancy test for Nizza Jane, a 15 year old client found to be negative, the
nurse teaches her about sexual intercourse and contraception. At the end of the teaching session, the
client states, “ No more fooling around me!” Which of the following replies by the nurse is most
a) “ Just in case, why don’t you try the pills for a while?”
b) “ The last person who said that ended up having a baby”
c) “ Its your decision, but if you changed your mind, we’re here to help you.”
d) “ Aren’t you being a little bit overconfident about it, as attractive as you are?”
R: __________________________________________________________________________________
_____5. On the crisis shelter hotline, the nurse talks to two 11 year old boys who think a friend sniffs
glue. They say that his breath sometimes smells like glue and he acts drunk. They say they are afraid to
tell their parents about the friend. When formulating a reply, the nurse would consider which of the
a) The boys probably fear punishment
b) Sniffing glue is illegal
c) the boy’s observations could be wrong
d) Glue sniffing is a minor form of substance abuse

R: _________________________________________________________________________________
_____6. Niki, a married client has been transferred to the mental health center because she is
depressed. The nurse notices bruises on her upper arms and asks about them. After denying the
problem, the client starts to cry and says, “ He didn’t really mean to hurt me, but i hate for the kids to
see this. I’m so worried about them.” Which of the following is the most crucial information for the nurse
to determine?
a) The type and extent of abuse occurring in the family
b) The potential of immediate danger to the client and her children
c) The resources available to the client
d) Whether the client wants to be separated from her husband
R: _________________________________________________________________________________
_____7. Shanygne, a client with suspected abuse describes her husband Sirena as a good man who
works hard and provides well for his family. She does not work outside the home and states that she is
proud to be a wife and mother just like her own mother. The nurse interprets the family pattern
described by Shanygne as best illustrating which of the following as characteristic of abusive families?
a) Tight, impermeable boundaries
b) Unbalanced power ratio
c) Role Stereotyping
d) Dysfunctional feeling tone
R: _________________________________________________________________________
_____8. When planning the care for a client who is being abused, which of the following measures is

Prepared By: Prince Rener Velasco Pera, RN

most important to include?
a) being compassionate and empathetic
b) teaching the client about abuse and the cycle of violence
c) explaining to the client her personal and legal rights
d) helping the client develop a safety plan
R: __________________________________________________________________________
_____9. A nurse is assessing a client who is being abused. The nurse should assess the client for which
a) Self Blame c) Alcohol Abuse
b) Assertiveness d) All of the above
R: __________________________________________________________________________
_____10. Milbert, a Philippine Navy who was injured 2 days ago in Libya is admitted after a serious
suicide attempt. He is medically stable and has signed a no harm contract. During a talk with a nurse, he
says, “ Terrorism and war are holding me and the whole world hostage. It’s so unfair. I’d rather be dead
that live alone in constant fear. “ All the following nursing interventions is the most crucial in the next
few days, EXCEPT?
a) Discussing effective ways to express justifiable anger
b) teaching stress management and relaxation techniques
c) identifying community groups for relatives of navy personnel
d) recommending an anti-war advocacy group
R: ________________________________________________________________________________
_____11. Mercy, a 9 year old girl reveals to the nurse that her uncle, a young adult who began
babysitting her last month, has been touching her “privates” and fondling her breasts. The nurse
should intervene based on what fact about perpetrators of sexual abuse, EXCEPT?
a) Perpetrators choose children in order to in control because difficulty with equal, same
age gender sexual relationships.
b) Perpetrators choose children especially relatives , to introduce them to sex to gentle
c) Perpetrators tell the child sexual behaviour is normal and initially persuade rather than
threatens the child to maintain “ secrecy”

d) Perpetuators may reverse roles & expect the child they abuse to love and nurture them.
R: __________________________________________________________________________
_____12. A mother of a 4 year-old preschool child is 6 months pregnant. The 4 year old is
curious about the changes in the mother’s body. The child alternately displays anxiety and
jealousy, and either acts out or is withdrawn. She asks her mother to quit work. At school, the
child does not want to talk to her male preschool teacher or be alone with him. The nurse
should counsel the mother that her daughter may be:
a) Having trouble adjusting to the pregnancy and impending birth of a sibling
b) demonstrating signs of possible sexual abuse
c) responding appropriately to the pregnancy for her developmental age
d) demonstrating signs of ADHD
R: _________________________________________________________________________
_____13. A 12 year old boy is admitted due to depression and post-trauma response. Bantay
bata reports that the boy’s father is now in jail for molesting him from ages 6-9. Given the
typical reactions of incest victims, the nurse should expect all behaviour EXCEPT:
a) Sexualized play
b) aggression
c) isolation at home
d) running away

Prepared By: Prince Rener Velasco Pera, RN

R: __________________________________________________________________________
_____14. A 16 year old was raped by an acquaintance. After the Emergency department staff
examine her and collect evidence, the client says, “ I don’t want him to do that to anyone else,
but i don’t know if i want to prosecute him.” Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?
a) “ As long as we have the evidences collected, you might as well prosecute.”
b) “ Prosecuting him is the best way of making sure he doesn’t do it again.”
c) “ Unless you can handle going through a trial, I’d suggest thinking twice about it.”
d) “ You can make that decision after you talk with our sexual assault advocate.”
R: ___________________________________________________________________________
_____15. A 19 year old male calls the psychiatric hotline and says he was raped about 3 months
ago by 3 gang members . He reports that he can’t sleep because of nightmares about it. He also
says, “ I’m suspicious of everyone, afraid to go out of my apartment except for work, and i’ve
lost 20 lbs.” He denies having suicidal or homicidal thoughts. Which response by the nurse is
most appropriate?
a) “Come to the hospital and be admitted”
b) “Give yourself a few more months to recover “
c) “i can give you the phone number for a sexual assault advocate”
d) “ i think it would help to ask your family physician for a sleeping medicine”

R: ______________________________________________________________________________


The purpose of LIFE is not to WIN but to GROW & to SHARE.

When you look back on all that you have done in your life, you will get more SATISFACTION
from the PLEASURE you’ve brought into other people’s LIVES
than the times you OUTDID & DEFEATED them.



Situation: Mr. Gian Carlo Rossi, a 55-year-old businessman had excessive sleepiness since age 21, which
he had described to his new family physician, who then referred him to a sleep specialist. Typically, he
slept regularly from 10:15 A.M., and 1:30 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. and 8:30 P.M. When napping at work, on his
office floor, he deferred all calls. He woke temporarily refreshed. Delay of his naps caused overwhelming
fatigue. He had no sudden loss of muscle tone or other symptoms suggesting a Breathing-Related Sleep
The patient owned a television station in Makati. He was spared obligatory hard work as his staff
could run the operation. He would take a longer afternoon nap in anticipation of any evening activity,
which he always left early in favor of his regular bedtime.
During childhood the patient had had some nightmares, but no other sleep problem. He had
been athletic and spontaneously ran along his paper route.
The patient drank about two beers a week, but avoided additional alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs.
Previous physical exams had revealed good health, with a resting heart rate maintained in the 50s, blood
pressures that ran around 110/70 to 105/70 mm Hg, normal thyroid function, and normal fasting blood

1. What do you think is the diagnosis of the patient? Defend your contention? (5 points)
2. Define Circadian Rhythm? What Circadian Rhythm related disorder does Mr. Rossi suffer from?(5
3. Enumerate the 5 factors that regulate sleep? (5 points)

Prepared By: Prince Rener Velasco Pera, RN

Situation: Mark Zuriel Pacquaio, a 36-year-old real estate agent sought assistance for difficulty with his
anger. He was quite competent at his job, although he frequently lost clients when he became enraged
over their indecisiveness. On a number of occasions, he became verbally abusive, leading clients to find
ways out of escrow closings. The impulsive aggression also led to termination of multiple relationships
because sudden angry outbursts contained demeaning accusations toward his girlfriends. This occurred
frequently in the absence of any clear conflict. Between episodes, he was a kind and likable individual
with many friends. He enjoyed drinking on the weekends and had a history of two arrests for driving
while intoxicated.

Mental status examination revealed a generally cooperative patient. However, he became quite
defensive when questioned about his anger and easily felt accused and blamed by the interviewer for his
past behaviors.

1. With the situation above, kindly disclose the answers to the following questions:
a) Diagnosis of Mark Zuriel Pacquiao?(1 Point)
b) Define B.A.D., 3 Character traits of the patient? (3 points)
c) Treatment Modality. (1 point)
2. Enumerate the 10 Impulse Control Disorders and give a short definition to each? (10 points)

Dear Everyone,

It was indeed a fun-filled, super hilarious, mega gelastic and insanely comical learning psychiatric
nursing with all of you. I will always laugh just remembering those moments. We are now immuned from
depression because we have accumulated a homogonous pile of jokes and songs up our sleeves to
counter the effects of depression and we can always laugh our way out of mental illnesses.
I won’t wait for the final examination to give you this, so always be happy, study further, don’t be
contented with the status quo and always pray to the good Lord for more blessings! I guess, this will be
the hardest quiz you’ll have, but as what I always reiterate to you, you will never be used to what’s hard
if we’ll not start them now! Do not complain, pause for a while & internalize, ask yourself with this
question, “Have I really done my best to pass this quiz?”


Prepared By: Prince Rener Velasco Pera, RN

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