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Neurocrit Care (2008) 8:293–300

DOI 10.1007/s12028-007-9021-3


A Critical Review of the Pathophysiology of Dysautonomia

Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Ian J. Baguley Æ Roxana E. Heriseanu Æ
Ian D. Cameron Æ Melissa T. Nott Æ Shameran Slewa-Younan

Published online: 30 October 2007

Ó Humana Press Inc. 2007

Abstract The management of Dysautonomia following EIR Model more readily explains pathophysiological and
severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains problematic, treatment data compared to conventional disconnection
primarily due to an inadequate understanding of the path- models. In particular, the EIR Model provides an explan-
ophysiology of the condition. While the original theories atory model that encompasses other acute autonomic
inferred an epileptogenic source, there is greater support emergency syndromes, accommodates ‘triggering’ of par-
for disconnection theories in the literature. Disconnection oxysms and provides a rationale for all known medication
theories suggest that Dysautonomia follows the release of effects.
one or more excitatory centres from higher centre control.
Conventional disconnection theories suggest excitatory Keywords Traumatic brain injury  Dysautonomia 
centre/s located in the upper brainstem and diencephalon ANS  Overactivity  Pathophysiology  Review
drive paroxysms. Another disconnection theory, the
Excitatory:Inhibitory Ratio (EIR) Model, suggests the
causative brainstem/diencephalic centres are inhibitory in Introduction
nature, with damage releasing excitatory spinal cord pro-
cesses. Review of the available data suggests that Patients with Dysautonomia following severe traumatic
Dysautonomia follows structural and/or functional (for brain injury (TBI) display dramatic paroxysmal autonomic
example raised intracerebral pressure or neurotransmitter nervous system (ANS) and muscle overactivity [1]. The
blockade) abnormalities, with the tendency to develop natural history of the syndrome suggests it consists of three
Dysautonomic paroxysms being more closely associated phases, the second of which commences with the with-
with mesencephalic rather than diencephalic damage. drawal of sedation [1] and bears a striking resemblance to a
Many reports suggest that paroxysmal episodes can be range of other acute ANS overactivity syndromes, such as
triggered by environmental events and minimised by var- Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) and Serotonin
ious but predictable neurotransmitter effects. This article Syndrome (SS), which have recognised mortality rates and
presents a critical review of the competing theories against are treated as medical emergencies [2]. In keeping with
the available observational, clinical and neurotransmitter this, there are good reasons, though largely anecdotal, to
evidence. Following this process, it is suggested that the believe that untreated Dysautonomia increases morbidity
through prolonged hyperthermia, excessive catabolism,
high catecholamine levels and spasticity/dystonia [1, 3–5].
I. J. Baguley (&)  R. E. Heriseanu  M. T. Nott  However, despite a growing awareness of the syndrome, it
S. Slewa-Younan
Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service, Westmead Hospital,
remains under-recognised and lacks an adequate literature
Westmead, PO Box 533, Wentworthville, NSW 2145, Australia base to guide treatment.
e-mail: One of the difficulties experienced in advancing the
knowledge base for Dysautonomia treatment has been the
I. D. Cameron  S. Slewa-Younan
Rehabilitation Studies Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of
limited understanding of its pathophysiology. To date, two
Sydney, Sydney, Australia main hypotheses have been put forward inferring either an
294 Neurocrit Care (2008) 8:293–300

epileptogenic cause or some form of cerebral/brainstem primary area of damage associated with disconnection
disconnection syndrome. While seizure activity was first theories of Dysautonomia [22, 23, 26].
put forward to explain the syndrome [6], a subsequent These structural disconnection theories of Dysautono-
review of the case suggested that some paroxysms were mia suggest damage to extensive and variable areas of the
related to acutely increased intracerebral pressure (ICP) brain ranging from the cerebral cortex down through the
[7]. Furthermore, multiple attempts to either identify or diencephalon to the upper brainstem and medulla. Complex
treat epilepsy in Dysautonomic patients have produced mixtures of focal injury and diffuse axonal injury (DAI) are
negative results [8–15]. This is not to say that epilepsy typical in TBI [27], making such diverse injury patterns
cannot alter ANS function. Metz et al. reported a patient possible in Dysautonomic subjects. These disconnection
with high catecholamines, elevated heart rate and blood theories are similar (hereafter termed the conventional
pressure (but without sweating, cognitive changes or pos- disconnection theories) in suggesting that one or more
turing) whose clinical features were extinguished with separate sympathoexcitatory centres in the hypothalamus
carbamazepine [16]. Therefore, while it is not possible to and brainstem actively drive paroxysms once ‘released’
completely exclude an epileptogenic aetiology for all cases from higher control. There are two potential difficulties
of Dysautonomia [17], disconnection syndromes represent with this proposition that need to be considered. Firstly, for
a simpler and more probable explanation. the unidentified sympathoexcitatory centres to drive dy-
Disconnection syndromes following severe TBI have sautonomic paroxysms, the extent of damage caudal to this
generally been attributed to structural damage, with most excitatory centre should be minimal, as such damage would
authors hypothesising a loss of normal autonomic regula- have the capacity to prevent overactivity. Secondly, the
tory control mechanisms. The postulated sites of theories as presented do not make testable hypotheses to
dysfunction range from the upper brainstem and dien- assist researchers in moving the field forward.
cephalon through to the anterior hypothalamus and/or other Extending these propositions, the EIR Model [2] starts
cortical and subcortical centres [5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18–24]. with the observation that Dysautonomia is one of a number
Recently, the Excitatory:Inhibitory Ratio (EIR) Model [2] of overlapping acute emergency autonomic overactivity
was proposed as an alternative disconnection theory, where syndromes. These syndromes include NMS, SS [28],
paroxysms are driven by abnormal processing of afferent Dysautonomia, Parkinsonian-Hyperpyrexia Syndrome
stimuli within the spinal cord. Following a review of the (PHS) [29], intrathecal baclofen withdrawal, Autonomic
various disconnection theories, several converging lines of Dysreflexia, Malignant Catatonia [30], Malignant Hyper-
evidence for and against each theory/model are discussed. thermia [31], Stiff Man Syndrome and Irukandji Syndrome.
The EIR Model combines these syndromes under one
common mechanism by inferring a diencephalic/brainstem
Disconnection Theories inhibitory centre that normally controls afferent stimulus
processing in the spinal cord. In this model, the tendency
In 1987, Bullard postulated the syndrome represented ‘‘a towards developing paroxysmal overactivity is termed the
release phenomenon at the level of the upper brainstem and allodynic tendency [2]. By definition, allodynia refers to a
diencephalon secondary to loss of cortical/subcortical central sensitisation process occurring within the dorsal
control’’ [21, p. 611]. The association of severe paroxysmal horn of the spinal cord in which non-painful stimuli
activity with decerebrate posturing was taken to imply a become perceived as nociceptive [32]. In the EIR Model,
functional mesencephalic lesion. Subsequent authors have the allodynic tendency is normally controlled by tonic
reiterated this diencephalon-upper brainstem release con- inhibitory drive from diencephalic centre/s, and any pattern
cept [8, 9, 13, 25] although Pranzatelli et al. noted it was of damage through or distal to the inhibitory centre or
generally not possible to localise a single discrete lesion centres releases control of this process. The widespread
between these structures [9]. Kishner et al. proposed fur- development of allodynia causes an apparent over-reaction
ther details of the cortical (orbitofrontal, anterior temporal, to what would normally be perceived as minor stimuli,
insular) and subcortical (amygdala, periaqueductal grey, complicated by structural or functional links with the
nucleus of the tractus solitarius, cerebellar uvula and ver- sympathetic neurons of intermediolateral grey matter of
mis) regions involved in modulating hypothalamic control spinal cord. Summation of sufficient now-nociceptive
of ANS functions [5]. Boeve et al. proposed disruption of afferent stimuli then drives a positive feedback loop that
autonomic relay systems from anterior hypothalamic or produces the sympathetic overactivity of Dysautonomia.
medullary lesions resulting in activation or disinhibition of One advantage of the EIR Model is that it provides testable
central sympathoexcitatory regions in combination with an hypotheses across the full range of acute autonomic syn-
adrenal stress response [11]. Other authors have also sug- dromes. Of most relevance to this review, the theory
gested anterior hypothalamic or medullary lesions as the proposes that treatment efficacy will be greatest for
Neurocrit Care (2008) 8:293–300 295

medications that directly decrease the spinal allodynic paroxysms require both structural damage and a functional
tendency or increase brainstem inhibition. ‘trigger’ to occur is consistent with other studies. Physio-
logically, the co-existence of ANS paroxysms with
decerebrate posturing implies the presence of brainstem
Disconnection Theories and Observational Data lesions [21]. In a study examining paroxysmal decerebrate
rigidity, Klug et al. recorded ICP and vegetative signs in 25
Despite good inferential reasons to support disconnection patients (15 with severe TBI, 10 with acute cerebrovascular
hypotheses, there is limited direct pathophysiological evi- lesions) [19]. During paroxysms, their analysis revealed a
dence. Only a few Dysautonomia studies report autopsy relationship between muscle overactivity and increased
data, not all TBI-related. All Dysautonomic subjects in vegetative signs dependent on compression of the mesen-
Strich’s case series [33] exhibited spastic quadriparesis cephalon. While their study showed reproducible ICP
antemortem and at autopsy showed severe DAI, thalamic effects, other studies have noted both increases and
and brainstem damage with normal looking hypothalami. decreases in ICP around the onset of paroxysms [8, 11]. In
Bhigjee et al. reported a case with an intra-aqueductal another study, virtually all patients with muscle rigidity
abscess with normal cortical and sub-cortical structures had a breakdown of ANS function, with elevated cardiac
other than reduced periventricular white matter [14]. Pen- and respiratory rate, blood pressure, hyperthermia and
field’s original case report revealed a third ventricle sweating [47]. More recently, Dysautonomic subjects were
cholesteotoma and a normal hypothalamus at post-mortem found to have prolonged uncoupling of heart rate from
[6]. These findings do not provide a simple or direct answer heart rate variability (HRV) parameters compared to non-
regarding the various theories, other than suggesting that Dysautonomic severe TBI survivors and healthy controls
structural hypothalamic lesions are not necessary to pro- [24]. This finding suggested that a dysfunction of the
duce Dysautonomia. medullary heart rate control centres persisted for more than
More evidence has emerged from CT correlates of 12 months post-injury. This greatly exceeds the duration of
Dysautonomia, with studies identifying severe DAI [1, 11, observable ANS overactivity (average 2.5 months post-
12, 34], and/or brainstem injury [1, 20]. These observations injury) in an earlier case series of 35 Dysautonomic sub-
support the association of Dysautonomia with more severe jects [1].
injury. As the severity of DAI increases, damage penetrates Just as importantly, numerous authors have reported an
from subcortical white matter and the corpus callosum into association between the onset of dysautonomic paroxysms
deeper white matter tracts [27]. In severe DAI, axonal and various afferent stimuli, both noxious and non-noxious.
damage can extend into the pontine-mesencephalic junc- Such stimuli have included pain, endotracheal suctioning,
tion adjacent to the superior cerebellar peduncles [35]. passive movements such as turning, bathing and muscle
However, these CT findings are not universal, with Fer- stretching [1, 4, 11, 14, 15, 20, 34, 45, 48, 49], constipation
nandez-Ortega et al. suggesting focal lesions were more or a kinked catheter [20], emotional stimuli [14], as well as
prevalent than DAI in their case series [36]. It is worth environmental stimuli such as loud noises [50]. This over-
noting that the sensitivity and specificity of CT scans are reactivity to minor stimuli is mirrored in the response
poor in these anatomical locations, inferring that all these patterns of several acute autonomic overlap conditions, the
findings may incorporate a degree of type II error. most obvious of which is autonomic dysreflexia [2].
A complete analysis of structural disconnection theories ‘Triggering’ of dysautonomic paroxysms has not been
must also account for injury patterns seen in other acute factored into the conventional disconnection theories and
neurological events associated with Dysautonomia. These as such they do not adequately predict nor explain this
include spontaneous subarachnoid or intracerebral bleeds phenomenon. However, as the EIR Model proposes spinal
[8, 19, 37, 38], pressure from tumours [3, 6, 8, 9, 39–41], cord over-reactivity in response to ordinarily benign stim-
intra-aqueductal abscess [14], hydrocephalus [8, 38, 42] uli, this ‘triggering’ is fundamental to explaining
(occasionally in survivors of severe TBI) [12, 43] and from Dysautonomia.
cerebral hypoxia in the absence of other trauma [9, 10, 21, In summary, the combined anatomical and physiological
25, 33, 44, 45]. Similar short-lived ANS changes are also evidence suggests that Dysautonomic paroxysms are more
seen in electroconvulsive therapy [46]. Interestingly, in consistently associated with mesencephalic rather than
some of these situations, the condition was reversible upon diencephalic lesions, while HRV data suggests functional
removal of the precipitating event, for example, reducing deficits around the medulla. Conventional disconnection
intracerebral pressure [6, 42]. theories conceptualise paroxysms being driven by sym-
This latter finding suggests that structural damage may pathoexcitatory centre/s. Being excitatory, the centre and
be a pre-requisite for dysautonomic paroxysms but is not a its efferent pathways must be intact. The simplest and most
sufficient explanation by itself. The observation that reliable way to achieve this is for the centre to be located
296 Neurocrit Care (2008) 8:293–300

caudally to the lesion or lesions. However, the anatomical/ in another patient [8]. Russo and O’Flaherty [48] and
physiological evidence would suggest the highest level for Thorley et al. [13] published single case reports of post-
this excitatory centre would be the mesencephalon (or TBI Dysautonomia with positive responses to bromocrip-
possibly the medulla). Furthermore, the stimulus data tine, while Scott et al. reported greater treatment success
suggest that this proposed excitatory centre would need to with carbidopa/levodopa [3]. However, other cases report
receive summated afferent information from both central that bromocriptine failed to produce an observable effect
and peripheral sources. While these concepts are not taken [9, 10, 15, 24].
into account with the conventional theories, the EIR Model There is evidence for increased sympathetic hormone
accommodates these findings by proposing an inhibitory levels in Dysautonomia [18, 20]. Both alpha agonists and
centre rostral to the mesencephalon. In the absence of betablockers have been utilised as treatments, with the two
inhibition, each additional afferent stimulus increases the most common agents being clonidine and propanolol.
spinal allodynic tendency and therefore potentiates parox- Clonidine, an alpha2 adrenoceptor agonist, should be
ysmal activity. Furthermore, the clear association between effective through actions at several of the centres involved
paroxysms and various stimuli (as detailed above) suggests in conventional disconnection theories. Clonidine acts both
a functional, and hence potentially reversible or manage- centrally (blocking stimulatory adrenergic influences of the
able component to paroxysms. Consequently, the inducible hypothalamus and rostral ventrolateral medulla and acti-
nature of paroxysms also suggests a rationale for the vating a sympathoinhibitory brainstem centre) as well as
mechanism of action of pharmaceutical interventions peripherally [16]. In a study of seven cases of severe TBI,
which will be discussed in the next section. clonidine reduced plasma catecholamines and decreased
heart rate without decreasing cerebral blood flow [51].
Despite this, studies show limited evidence for its efficacy
Observations Regarding Neurotransmitter Effects in Dysautonomia. In one study, clonidine controlled blood
pressure but did not obviously affect either the number of
Typically, the neurotransmitters involved in the aetiology Dysautonomic episodes or the subject’s temperature [48].
of Dysautonomia have been inferred from observations of In another study, clonidine reduced resting heart rate in two
treatment response. On this basis, Rossitch and Bullard Dysautonomic patients but did not influence paroxysmal
initially suggested that opiate and dopaminergic pathways over-responsiveness to afferent stimuli [52].
were involved [8]. Conversely, Lemke asserted that the Betablockers are sometimes promoted as a preferred
‘‘goal of therapy is to dampen sympathetic outflow or act treatment for Dysautonomia [53] as they reduce the
to enhance the parasympathetic system’’ [4, p. 7]. In a severity of paroxysms [9, 11, 12, 20, 26, 47]. In uncom-
review of published pharmacological treatments identified plicated TBI, propanolol decreases circulating
prior to 2004, the best available evidence for managing catecholamines [54], and reduces both cardiac work [55,
Dysautonomia was intravenous morphine, benzodiaze- 56] and catabolic drive [18, 57]. It is therefore unsurprising
pines, propranolol, bromocriptine and intrathecal baclofen that beta-blockers minimise the sympathetic overactivity of
(ITB) [49]. More recently, gabapentin has also been dysautonomic paroxysms. Do et al. [12] reported a single
identified as a promising agent [15]. While none of these case study where metoprolol (a selective b1 blocker) was
assertions have been tested in rigorous experiments, evi- ineffective while labetalol (an a1 and b1 & 2 blocker)
dence for each medication group will be discussed, controlled symptoms. They concluded that all three actions
especially as it pertains to insights into the pathophysi- are required, although the number of cases reporting the
ology of Dysautonomia. efficacy of propanolol argues against the need for a1
Morphine controls pain and modifies the extremes of activity. In addition, propanolol penetrates the blood brain
both the ANS changes and dystonic posturing [49] while barrier and blocks 5HT1A receptors [58], suggesting two
suppressing sympathetic outflow [18]. In some dysauto- other potential mechanisms for its reported effectiveness in
nomic subjects, morphine eliminated all episodes [11], Dysautonomia.
requiring doses up to 20 mg intravenously [8]. In another The GABA B agonist baclofen is administered intra-
study, morphine settled both hyperdynamic cardiac func- thecally for patients with severe spasticity where other
tion and posturing in severe TBI patients [47]. Morphine treatment options have failed [59]. ITB acts on inhibitory
appears to act in a dose-dependent fashion, with smaller interneurons in the spinal cord, avoiding the cerebral
doses producing reduced benefit [15]. effects seen with oral administration [60]. ITB has been
Dopaminergic agents have been reported to be variably reported to control ‘sympathetic storm’ phenomena in two
effective in reducing Dysautonomic paroxysms. Rossitch separate case series [34, 38]. Cuny et al. reported ITB
reported that bromocriptine decreased temperature and treatment in four Dysautonomic patients, finding that par-
sweating in three patients, while paroxysms ceased entirely oxysms ceased and recovery improved with relatively low
Neurocrit Care (2008) 8:293–300 297

doses (100–200 mcg/day) [34]. Becker et al. successfully mesencephalon (the area implicated to have maximal
treated four Dysautonomic patients with ITB after damage). This limitation is less evident in the EIR Model,
exhausting conventional options, with symptoms improv- where the inhibitory pathway only needs connections with
ing immediately in three patients [38]. Becker noted that, the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
despite the positive response, the anatomical and pharma- The role of dopamine in this context brings back the
cological basis of ITB’s effect was not fully understood. Of concept of the acute autonomic overlap syndromes, par-
interest, acute ITB withdrawal can exacerbate Dysautono- ticularly the aetiology of NMS (which is entirely
mia [34] or produce a condition identical to Dysautonomia neurotransmitter driven) and PHS (combining dopaminer-
in previously non-dysautonomic individuals [61]. gic neuron loss, dopamine blockade and over-
Gabapentin has recently been reported to minimise responsiveness to afferent stimuli) [65–67]. There are
Dysautonomic paroxysms. In a case series of six Dysau- multiple case reports suggestive of post-TBI NMS [13, 43,
tonomic subjects unresponsive to bromocriptine and 68–70]. Furthermore, in simplistic terms, serotonin and
metoprolol, gabapentin appeared to reduce the number and dopamine have a reciprocal relationship in the central
severity of paroxysms and allowed an overall reduction in nervous system [58, 71], thereby suggesting that serotonin
other medications, including ITB, without a recurrence of excess can mimic dopamine depletion [58]. This concept
symptoms [15]. While gabapentin was initially developed effectively ties SS, NMS, PHS and Dysautonomia together
as an anticonvulsant, its main clinical role is neuropathic into a similar entity within the EIR Model. Interestingly,
pain treatment via action at the alpha2delta subunit of the cases of post-TBI NMS following minor dopamine
voltage-dependent calcium channels in the dorsal horn of blockade suggest that the combination of subclinical
the spinal cord [62–64]. Consequently, gabapentin has the structural damage and relative dopamine blockade can
potential to directly modify Dysautonomia at either a produce the complete syndrome [24]. The acute autonomic
cerebral or spinal level. overlap conditions reinforce the likelihood that neuro-
While these data are anecdotal in nature, the relative transmitter abnormalities act in synergy with structural
efficacy of medications for Dysautonomia implies a damage [2, 24].
framework for the pathways controlling paroxysmal over- The difference between disconnection models is more
activity. Given that several of the medications act at both obvious when considering ITB. In contrast to dopaminergic
cerebral and spinal cord levels (morphine, sympathetic agents, ITB is believed to have negligible cerebral activity,
agents, gabapentin), this limits their ability to help differ- instead working at a spinal cord level. While this obser-
entiate between disconnection theories. However, as the vation does not invalidate conventional disconnection
dominant action of dopaminergic agonists/antagonists is models, they neither predict nor provide a rationale for this
cerebral whereas ITB acts on the spinal cord, these medi- effect. In contrast, the EIR Model accommodates the
cations may provide an opportunity to evaluate the known anti-nociceptive effects and site of action of ITB,
different disconnection theories. provides a mechanism for ITB’s previously unexplained
It has been postulated that the bromocriptine’s variable efficacy in Dysautonomia and suggests an explanation
efficacy in Dysautonomia management may be explained for the overlap between Dysautonomia and ITB
by variable patterns of damage resulting from TBI [2]. In withdrawal [2].
Dysautonomia, bromocriptine is presumed to act at the While gabapentin is active at both cerebral and spinal
hypothalamus and corpus striatum [48] and, under the levels, circumstantial evidence suggests the spinal effect
disconnection theories, to have an inhibitory effect on may be of greater importance in Dysautonomia. To achieve
sympathoexcitatory structures. Individuals with damage efficacy, gabapentin would need to inhibit activity at the
denervating this centre rostrally but with intact distal excitatory centre, wherever it is located. This requires
pathways could potentially respond to the medication. gabapentin to have brainstem or cerebral activity in con-
However, damage through or caudal to this centre would ventional models. Gabapentin could be acting as an
prevent any inhibitory action on excitatory structures. anticonvulsant, however, no other anticonvulsant has
While this is possible in both the conventional and EIR shown efficacy in Dysautonomia management. If gaba-
theories, it represents a more complex scenario under pentin has a separate cerebral effect, there is no clear
conventional theories. In this case, both the sympathoex- indication what this mechanism may be. Under the EIR
citatory and inhibitory centres need to be intact and have Model, gabapentin does not require intact cerebral path-
functional connecting pathways. To be consistent with the ways to work, as the effect can be explained solely by the
pathoanatomical data, the sympathoexcitatory centre/s are drug’s well-documented inhibitory action within the dorsal
most likely to be located below the mesencephalon. The horn of the spinal cord. Finally, a spinal mechanism of
presumed hypothalamic inhibitory centre now needs intact action readily explains the observed synergistic effects of
pathways running both rostrally and caudally through the gabapentin and ITB [15].
298 Neurocrit Care (2008) 8:293–300

Combining the Evidence variety of medications acting at cerebral and/or spinal

levels are effective in reducing clinical aspects of the
The limited understanding of the pathophysiology of syndrome. The EIR Model provides a readily applicable
Dysautonomia represents one of the barriers to developing rationale for the activity of each of the reported medica-
a rational protocol for management of the condition. Of the tions. Specifically, the model suggests that medications that
two main proposed aetiologies, there is a predominance of reduce the allodynic tendency (decreasing over-reactivity
evidence for disconnection rather than epileptogenic the- to afferent stimuli) produce a better response than those
ories. All of the disconnection theories suggest a release treating efferent pathways. This suggests that sympathetic
phenomenon, where an excitatory centre or centres agents may be treating the symptom rather than the disease.
becomes overactive and drives paroxysmal overactivity. [2] This contention is supported by preliminary clonidine
Conventional theories presume the excitatory centre/s data [48, 52] but has not been formally evaluated for be-
coordinate the generalised sympathetic overactivity from a tablockers. Conventional disconnection theories can
location somewhere between the upper brainstem and incorporate most of the observed medication effects with-
hypothalamus. In contrast, the EIR Model proposes that the out significant modification, but only once further
causative diencephalic centre/s are inhibitory in nature, and assumptions are made. In particular, conventional theories
that the ‘released’ excitatory centre is located along the do not provide a rationale explaining how spinally active
length of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The EIR model, ITB produces its effect.
however, does not preclude sympathoexcitatory centres
below the mesencephalon from exacerbating efferent
spinal overactivity. Conclusion of Mechanisms and Future Research
Evidence from Dysautonomia literature and a variety of
other conditions suggests that disconnection syndromes can In summary, there is little evidence to support the epilep-
result from structural and/or functional disconnection. togenic theory of Dysautonomia.
Structural damage incorporates the highly variable focal Of the two main disconnection theories, the EIR Model
and diffuse injury patterns seen in TBI, but also the quite more easily incorporates the available evidence when
different lesions observed in other acquired brain injuries compared to the conventional disconnection theories, with
producing the syndrome. In turn, functional disconnection the most significant difference deriving from evidence of
may follow temporary exacerbations of structural change lesion location. Conventional disconnection theories
(such as raised ICP) or neurotransmitter abnormalities. require an upper brainstem/diencephalic excitatory centre
Dysautonomia follows numerous acute neurological events or centres to remain undamaged and the caudal pathways to
and displays significant clinical similarities to a range of be intact to be able to effect the proposed mechanism of
other acute autonomic overactivity syndromes. The con- action. However, evidence suggesting an association
ventional disconnection theory can accommodate the between mesencephalic and brainstem damage and parox-
development of symptoms in the former group but cannot ysmal overactivity reduces the probability that such
be expanded to incorporate all of the overlap conditions. In pathways would be intact. In contrast, the causative
contrast, the EIR Model provides a single rationale for all brainstem/diencephalic centre is inhibitory in the EIR
of these syndromes. Most of the pathoanatomical and Model, meaning that the pattern of damage does not need
physiological data suggest an association between parox- to leave any particular structure or pathway intact within
ysms and mesencephalic/brainstem abnormalities. This is this region. Other advantages of EIR model include, firstly,
supported by autopsy and CT evidence of brainstem injury its ability to explain the association of paroxysms with
and severe DAI. The existence of lesions at and below the over-reactivity towards normally non-noxious afferent
mesencephalon pose difficulties in applying conventional stimuli. Secondly, it provides a rationale to explain the
models, as these models require intact and functioning observed efficacy of ITB and gabapentin in Dysautonomia.
excitatory centre/s, often postulated to be diencephalic. Finally, the EIR Model provides a relatively simple, inte-
Conversely, the EIR Model proposes an inhibitory centre grative framework that combines the pathogenesis of
or centres above this level, allowing a much wider range of Dysautonomia with a range of other acute autonomic
injury patterns to produce the syndrome. Finally, the EIR overactivity syndromes. While it remains possible to
Model predicts the association between paroxysms and modify the conventional disconnection syndromes to take
afferent stimuli, observations that are not readily explained these factors into account, this increases the complexity of
within conventional disconnection theories. the model and infers additional pathways.
The documented association of paroxysms with envi- There remains a significant amount of basic research
ronmental triggers supports treatment models that aim to that needs to be undertaken regarding the pathogenesis of
minimise [49] or pre-treat [4] noxious afferent stimuli. A Dysautonomia and its management. The principal barrier
Neurocrit Care (2008) 8:293–300 299

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