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ANIMAL AND HUMAN BIOLOGY (With emphasis on -commonly found on surfaces subject to

vertebrates and humans) abrasion (ex: outer skin, linings of the mouth,
anus, and vagina)


 As body dimensions increase, thicker skeletons are

required to maintain adequate support
 As bodies increase in size, the muscles required for
locomotion must represent an ever-larger fraction of the
total body mass
 At some point, mobility becomes limited

Exchange with the Environment

 Rate of exchange is proportional to membrane surface

area involved in exchange
 Amount of material that must be exchanged is
o Cuboidal Epithelium
proportional to the body volume
-specialized for secretion
 Simple organisms = amoeba, hydra, worms (flat
ex: kidney tubules, glands (salivary, thyroid)
morphology) -> high surface area for exchange
 More complex organisms: Rely on folds/branching that
increase surface area ex: lungs, small intestine
 Exchange between interstitial fluid and circulatory fluid
(ex: blood) enables cells to obtain nutrients and get rid of
 Benefits of complex system: maintain homeostasis;
maintain a relatively stable internal environment while o Simple Columnar Epithelium
living in a changeable external environment -often found where secretion or active
Hierarchical Organization of Body Plans absorption is important
Ex: lines intestines (secretes digestive juices,
absorbs nutrients)

o Simple Squamous Epithelium

Structure and Function of Animal Tissues -functions in the exchange of material by
 Epithelial Tissue
-thin and leaky
-Cover the outside of the body and line organs and
Ex: lines blood vessels, air sacs of the lungs
cavities within the body
(where diffusion of nutrients and gases is
-closely packed, often with tight junctions -> function as
barriers against mechanical injury, pathogens, and fluid
-also form active interfaces with the environment
o Stratified Squamous Epithelium
-multilayered and regenerates rapidly
o Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
-new cells formed by division near the basal
surface and pushed outward
-in vertebrates: ciliated cells form a mucous
membrane that lines portions of the respiratory
-beating cilia sweep the film of mucus along the

o Bone
-mineralized connective tissue
-osteoblasts: bone-forming cells; deposit a
 Connective Tissue matrix of collagen
-consists of a sparse population of cells scattered through -calcium + magnesium + phosphate = hard
an extracellular matrix mineral within the matrix
-matrix: generally consists of a web of fibers embedded -bone consists of repeating units called osteons
in a liquid, jellylike, or solid foundation -has concentric layers of the mineralized
-among the matrix are fibroblasts (secrete fiber proteins) matrix, deposited around a central canal
and macrophages (engulf foreign particles and any cell containing blood vessels and nerves
debris by phagocytosis)
-connective tissue fibers:
-Collagenous fibers – provide strength and flexibility
-Reticular fibers – join connective tissue to adjacent
-Elastic fibers – make tissues elastic
o Loose Connective Tissue
-most widespread connective tissue in the
vertebrate body
-binds epithelia to underlying tissues and holds o Blood
organs in place -has a liquid extracellular matrix called plasma
-includes all three connective tissue fibers (consists of water, salts, and dissolved proteins)
-found in the skin and throughout the body -suspended in plasma are erythrocytes (carry
oxygen), leukocytes (function in defense), and
platelets (cell fragments; aid in blood clotting)

o Fibrous Connective Tissue

-dense with collagenous fibers o Adipose Tissue
-found in tendons (attach muscles to bones) and -specialized loose connective tissue
in ligaments (connect bones at joints) -stores fat in adipose cells distributed
throughout its matrix
-pads and insulates the body and stores fuel as
fat molecules
o Cartilage
-contains collagenous fibers embedded in a
rubbery protein-carbohydrate complex called o Cardiac Muscle
chondroitin sulfate
-forms the contractile wall of the heart
-chondrocytes: secrete collagen and chondroitin
-has fibers that interconnect via intercalated
disks (relay signals from cell to cell and help
synchronize heart contraction)

 Muscle Tissue
-consist of filaments containing the proteins actin and
myosin -> enable muscle to contract  Nervous Tissue
o Skeletal Muscle -function in the receipt, processing, and transmission of
-also called striated muscle; responsible for information
voluntary movements -contains neurons (transmit nerve impulses) and glial
-consists of bundles of long cells called muscle cells (support cells)
fibers o Neurons
-skeletal muscle fibers form by the fusion of -basic units of the nervous system
many cells = multiple nuclei in each muscle fiber
-sarcomeres = contractile units
*building muscle increases the size, not the
number, of muscle fibers

o Glia
o Smooth Muscle -various types of glia help nourish, insulate, and
-lacks striations replenish neurons; in some cases, modulate
-found in the walls of the digestive tract, urinary neuron function
bladder, arteries, and other internal organs
-cells are spindle-shaped
-responsible for involuntary activities (ex:
churning of the stomach, constriction of
-maintenance of internal balance
-animals maintain a relatively constant internal environment
even when the external environment changes significantly
Ex: in humans, maintain:
-body temp of about 37 deg C
-blood pH within 0.1 pH unit of 7.4
-blood glucose conc. predominantly within 70-110
mg glucose per 100 mL blood

 Mechanisms of Homeostasis
Coordination and Control -an animal achieves homeostasis by maintaining a
variable (ex: body temp) at or near a particular value (set
-Endocrine and nervous system: two major systems for point)
coordinating and controlling responses to stimuli -fluctuation in the variable above or below the set point =
 Endocrine system – signaling molecules released in the stimulus, which is detected by a sensor, which then sends
bloodstream are carried to all locations in the body; a signal
adapted for coordinating gradual changes that affects the -a control center generates an output that triggers a
entire body (such as growth, development, reproduction, response – a physiological activity that returns the
etc.) variable to the set point
 Nervous system – neurons transmit signals along  Feedback Control in Homeostasis
dedicated routes connecting specific locations in the -negative feedback – a control mechanism that reduces,
body; adapted for directing immediate and rapid or damps, the stimulus
responses to the environment, such as reflexes -positive feedback – a control mechanism that amplifies
 Hormones – signaling molecules broadcast throughout rather than reduces the stimulus; help drive processes to
the body by the endocrine system completion
 Nerve impulses – travel to specific target cells along  Alterations in Homeostasis
communication lines consisting mainly of axons -regulated changes in the internal environment are
essential to normal body functions (ex: shift in hormone
CONCEPT 40.2 balance during puberty; cyclic = variation in hormone
levels during menstrual cycle)
Regulating and Conforming
-certain cyclic alterations in metabolism reflect a
 Regulator – if it uses internal mechanisms to control circadian rhythm (a set of physiological changes that
internal change in the face of external fluctuation occur roughly every 24 hours)
 Conformer – if it allows its internal condition to change in
accordance with external changes in the variable
-do not generate enough heat for thermoregulation
-many adjust their body temperature by behavioral
-generally need to consume less food than
endotherms of equivalent size (heat is from
environment, not metabolism)
-also usually tolerate larger fluctuations in their
internal temperature

Variation in Body Temperature

 Poikilotherm – an animal whose body temperature
varies with its environment
 Homeotherm – has a relatively constant body
*terms “warm-blooded” and “cold-blooded” are misleading,
and is therefore avoided

Balancing Heat Loss and Gain

-thermoregulation maintains a rate of heat gain that equals
the rate of heat loss
 Insulation
-major thermoregulatory adaptation in mammals and
-reduces the flow of heat between an animal’s body and
its environment
-many animals also adjust their insulating layers (ex:
reacting to cold by raising fur or feathers – traps a thicker
layer of air, secrete oil to repel water, etc.)
-particularly important in marine mammals; blubber –
-a biological clock maintains this rhythm even when very thick layer of insulating fat
variations in human activity, room temp, and light levels  Circulatory Adaptations
are minimized -animals alter the amount of blood flowing between their
-a circadian rhythm is intrinsic to the body, although the body core and their skin
biological clock is normally coordinated with the cycle of -vasodilation – blood flow in the skin increases -> warms
light and darkness in the environment the skin and increases the transfer of body heat to the
*suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) – a pair of structures in environment
the mammalian brain that control circadian rhythms -vasoconstriction – reduces blood flow and heat transfer
-acclimatization – one way in which homeostasis may be o Countercurrent Exchange
altered; the gradual process by which an animal adjusts -transfer of heat between fluids that are flowing
to changes in its external environment; temporary in opposite directions
change -arteries and veins are located adjacent to each
CONCEPT 40.3 -as warm blood moves from the body core, it
-Thermoregulation is the process by which animals maintain transfers heat to the colder blood returning
their body temp within a normal range from the extremities in the veins

Endothermy and Ectothermy

 Endothermic – warmed mostly by heat generated by
-can maintain a stable body temperature even in the
face of large fluctuations in the environmental
 Ectothermic – gain most of their heat from external
-“brown” because there is more mitochondria
than white adipose tissue

Acclimatization in Thermoregulation
-in birds and mammals, acclimatization to seasonal
temperature changes often includes adjusting insulation
-in ectotherms, often include adjustments at the cellular
-cells may produce variants of an enzyme – same
function but different optimal temp
 Cooling by Evaporative Heat Loss -proportion of saturated and unsaturated lipids in
-bathing or sweating cools the skin; sweat glands membranes may change (unsaturated keep
-panting membranes fluid at lower temp)
-production of “antifreeze” proteins that prevent ice
 Behavioral Responses
formation in cells
- (ectotherms) when cold, they seek warm places, orient
themselves toward heat sources, and expand portion of their
Physiological Thermostats and Fever
body surface exposed to heat source
-in hypothalamus – sensors for thermoregulation; also
-social behavior ex: honeybees – huddling in cold weather;
controls the circadian clock
fanning with their wings (promotes evaporation and
-contain a group of nerve cells that function as a
convection) in hot weather
 Adjusting Metabolic Heat Production
*the same blood vessel supplies the hypothalamus and the
Thermogenesis – heat production
-endotherms can vary heat production to match changing
-at body temp below normal range: thermostat inhibits heat
rates of heat loss
loss mechanisms while activating mechanisms that save heat
-thermogenesis is increased by muscle activity such as moving
(vasoconstriction) or generate heat (shivering)
or shivering
-in elevated body temp: thermostat shuts down heat
-small endotherms such as insects – capacity to elevate body
retention mechanisms and promotes cooling of the body
temperature depends on flight muscles, which generate heat
(vasodilation, sweating, panting)
when contracting

o Fever
-an elevated body temperature
-occurs only in endotherms

o Nonshivering Thermogenesis
-in mammals; when certain hormones cause the
mitochondria to increase metabolic activity and
produce heat instead of ATP
o Brown Fat CONCEPT 40.4
-in neck and between shoulders that is Bioenergetics – overall flow and transformation of energy in
specialized for rapid heat production an animal
-determines nutritional needs and is related to the animal’s -energy required to maintain each gram of body mass is
size, activity, and environment inversely related to body size (the smaller the animal, the
higher its metabolic rate per gram)
Energy Allocation and Use -requires a higher rate of oxygen delivery = higher
-autotrophs – harness light energy to build energy-rich breathing rate, blood volume, and heart rate
organic molecules
-heterotrophs – obtain chemical energy from food

Quantifying Energy Use

-metabolic rate – sum of all the energy an animal uses in a
given time interval
*1 kcal = 1000 calories = 4184 joules
-metabolic rate can be calculated using various methods:  Activity and Metabolic Rate
-by monitoring an animal’s rate of heat loss using a -maximum metabolic rate an animal can sustain is
calorimeter inversely related to the duration of activity
-amount of oxygen consumed
-amount of carbon dioxide produced by an animal’s Torpor and Energy Conservation
cellular respiration  Torpor – a physiological state of decreased activity and
-over longer periods: rate of food consumption, metabolism; enables animals to save energy
energy content of food, and chemical energy lost in -many small mammals and birds exhibit a daily
waste products torpor (ex: bats feed at night and go into torpor in
Minimum Metabolic Rate and Thermoregulation  Hibernation – long-term torpor that is an adaptation to
-Basal metabolic rate (BMR) – minimum metabolic rate of a winter cold and food scarcity
nongrowing endotherm that is at rest, has an empty -an animal’s body temp declines as its thermostat is
stomach, and is not experiencing stress turned down
-Standard metabolic rate (SMR) – metabolic rate of a fasting, -slow metabolism and inactivity of estivation
nonstressed ectotherm at rest at a particular temperature (summer torpor) enables animals to survive long periods
-ectotherms generally have a lower energetic requirement of high temp and scarce water
-regarding circadian rhythm and biological clock:
Influences on Metabolic Rate molecular components of the clock stopped oscillating
 Size and Metabolic Rate during hibernation (in European hamster)
-metabolic rate remains roughly proportional to body
mass to the three-quarter power (m 3/4) [p. 939 – Chapter 40 Chapter Review]
-vitamin A: incorporated into visual pigments of
the eye
-vitamin D: aids in calcium absorption and bone


-an animal’s diet must supply chemical energy (used to
produce ATP), organic molecules (organic carbon from sugar,
organic nitrogen from protein -> macromolecules), and
essential nutrients

Essential Nutrients
-preassembled organic molecules and minerals; cannot be
assembled by the animal from precursor materials
 Minerals
-inorganic nutrients (such as iron and sulfur) that are
usually required in small amounts
-have diverse functions in animal physiology
-iron: incorporated into hemoglobin and some
-sodium, potassium, and chloride: important in
functioning of nerves and muscles; maintaining
osmotic balance between cells and the surrounding
body fluid
-iodine: in vertebrates, incorporated into thyroid
*blue = four classes of essential nutrients hormone, which regulates metabolic rate
 Essential Amino Acids -calcium and phosphorus: for vertebrates, build and
-must be obtained from food in prefabricated form maintain bone
-for most animals, including adult humans; need eight:
-isoleucine -phenylalanine
-leucine -threonine
-lysine -tryptophan
-methionine -valine
-*histidine (human infants only)
-proteins in animal products are “complete”; most plant
proteins are “incomplete”
 Essential Fatty Acids
-some animals lack the enzymes to form the double
bonds found in certain fatty acids
-in mammals, example is linoleic acid Dietary Deficiencies
 Vitamins -malnutrition – failure to obtain adequate nutrition
-from Albert Szent-Gyorgyi <3: “a substance that makes  Deficiencies in Essential Nutrients
you ill if you don’t eat it” -can cause deformities, disease, and even death
-organic molecules that are required in the diet in very -animals obtain missing nutrients by consuming other
small amounts food sources (ex: certain tortoises ingest stones;
-13 vitamins for humans herbivores lick salt from exposed rock)
o Water-soluble -example of sickness: protein deficiency due to diet that
-B vitamins: generally act as coenzymes lacks essential amino acids
-vitamin C: required for the production of  Undernutrition
connective tissue -diet that fails to provide adequate sources of chemical
o Fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) energy
-results: body uses up stored carbohydrates and fat, then -alimentary canal – digestive tube extending between
begins breaking down proteins; muscles decrease in size; two openings (mouth and anus); complete digestive tract
brain may become protein-deficient

Assessing Nutritional Needs

-epidemiology – the study of human health and disease at
the population level

-stages of food processing: ingestion, digestion, absorption,
and elimination

Digestive Compartments
-digestive enzymes hydrolyze the same biological materials
that make up the animals; processing of food within
specialized intra/extracellular components prevent self-
*p. 947 – four main feeding mechanisms (filter feeding,
substrate feeding, fluid feeding, bulk feeding)
 Intracellular Digestion
-food vacuoles – cellular organelles in which hydrolytic
enzymes break down food
-intracellular digestion – hydrolysis of food inside
vacuoles after phagocytosis (cell engulfs solid food) or
pinocytosis (liquid food)
-food vacuoles fuse with lysosomes (organelles
containing hydrolytic enzymes)
 Extracellular Digestion
-breakdown of food in compartments that are
continuous with the outside of the animal’s body
-gastrovascular cavity – commonly found in animals with
relatively simple body plans; digestive compartment with
a single opening CONCEPT 41.3
-functions in digestion as well as the distribution of -in mammals: digestive system consists of the alimentary
nutrients throughout the body canal and various accessory glands (three pairs of salivary
-ex: hydras (*gastrodermis – tissue layer that lines glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder) that secrete digestive
the cavity); undigested materials that remain in its juices
gastrovascular cavity are eliminated through its mouth -peristalsis: pushes food along the alimentary canal using
alternating waves of contraction and relaxation in the smooth
-sphincters: ringlike valves found at some junctions between
specialized compartments; regulate the passage of material
*Human digestive system as model
The Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Esophagus -Chief cells – release pepsin into the lumen in an inactive
 Oral Cavity – ingestion and initial steps of digestion form called pepsinogen
-mechanical digestion by teeth -HCl converts pepsinogen to active pepsin
-salivary glands release saliva, which initiates -> Both HCl and pepsin are formed only in the lumen, not
chemical digestion while also protecting the oral within the cells of the gastric glands

-amylase found in saliva hydrolyzes starch

and glycogen
-protective effect of saliva due to mucus
(mixture of water, salts, cells, and
glycoproteins called mucins)
-also contain buffers (prevent tooth decay
by neutralizing acid) and antimicrobial
agents (lysozyme)
-tongue aids digestive processes by evaluating
ingested material
-tongue movements also manipulate the
mixture of saliva and food (shapes it into a
ball called bolus)
-tongue pushes the bolus towards the
 Pharynx
-opens to two passageways: the trachea (windpipe; leads
to the lungs) and esophagus

Digestion in the Stomach

-Stomach – stores food and begins digestion of proteins;
secretes gastric juice -HCl converts pepsinogen to pepsin -> pepsin is produced
*chyme – mixture of ingested food and gastric juice -> pepsin activates remaining pepsinogen -> generation of
 Chemical Digestion in the Stomach more pepsin activates more pepsinogen = positive
-carried out by HCl and pepsin feedback
o Hydrochloric acid  Stomach Dynamics
-disrupts the extracellular matrix that binds cells -chemical digestion by gastric juice is facilitated by the
together churning action of the stomach
-high acidity denatures proteins in foods, -most of the time, sphincters close off the stomach at
increasing exposure of peptide bonds both ends
o Pepsin *acid reflux – backflow of chyme from the stomach into
-a protease (protein-digesting enzyme) the lower end of the esophagus
-works best in a very acidic environment
- gastric juice vs stomach cells: components of gastric Digestion in the Small Intestine
juice are kept inactive until they are released into the -Duodenum – first 25 cm of the small intestine; where chyme
lumen (cavity) of the stomach mixes with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and
-Parietal cells – use an ATP-driven pump to expel gallbladder, as well as from gland cells of the intestinal wall
hydrogen ions into the lumen  Pancreatic Secretions
-at the same time, chloride ions diffuse into the -Pancreas – produces an alkaline solution rich in
lumen through membrane channels of parietal cells bicarbonate (+ several enzymes), which neutralizes the
-> H and Cl ions combine only in the lumen to form HCl acidity of chyme and acts as a buffer
-pancreatic enzymes: trypsin and chymotrypsin – Ex: Fructose
proteases secreted into the duodenum in inactive forms -moves by facilitated diffusion down its concentration
 Bile Production by the Liver gradient from the lumen of the small intestine into the
-bile – contains bile salts, which act as emulsifiers that epithelial cells
aid in digestion and absorption of lipids; stored and -then exits the basal surface and is absorbed into
concentrated in the gallbladder capillaries at the core of each villus
-bile production is also important in the destruction of Ex: Amino acids, small peptides, vitamins, and most
red blood cells that are no longer fully functional glucose
-the liver incorporates some pigments that are the -active transport
by-products of red blood cell disassembly, which are then -pumped against concentration gradients into the
eliminated with feces epithelial cells of the villus
 Secretions of the Small Intestine *active transport allows more absorption of nutrients
-the epithelial lining of the duodenum is the source of  Hepatic Portal Vein
several digestive enzymes -leads directly to the liver; where capillaries and veins
-most digestion is completed in the duodenum that carry nutrient-rich blood converge
-remaining sites (jejunum and ileum) are major sites for -from the liver, goes to the heart and other organs
absorption of nutrients -allows the liver to regulate the distribution of
nutrients to the rest of the body
-allows the liver to remove toxic substances before
the blood circulates
*liver = primary site of detoxification
 Fat digestion
-hydrolysis of fats by lipase in the small intestine
generates fatty acids and monoglycerides
-absorbed by epithelial cells and recombined into
-then coated with phospholipids, cholesterol, and
proteins -> chylomicrons – water soluble, can
dissolve in blood
-first transported from an epithelial cell into
a lacteal (vessel at the core of each villus
-part of the lymphatic system
-lymph containing the
Absorption in the Small Intestine
chylomicrons passes into the larger
-most of the absorption occurs at the highly folded surface of
vessels of the lymphatic system
the small intestine
and eventually into large veins that
-the intestine is lined with large folds, which have finger-like
return the blood to the heart.
projections called villi
-each epithelial cell of a villus has microscopic projections,
called microvilli, that are exposed to the intestinal lumen
(brush border)
-increased surface area of the folds, villi, and microvilli =
increased rate of nutrient absorption

 Transport Across Epithelial Cells

-may be passive or active
*filling of the stomach triggers a reflex that increases
the rate of contractions in the colon

-there are adaptations associated with the animal’s diet
Dental Adaptations
-Dentition – an animal’s assortment of teeth; nonmammalian
vertebrates generally have less specialized dentition
[in sea otters]
-sharp canine teeth to tear apart prey (ex: crabs)
-slightly rounded molars crush their shells
[venomous snakes]
-fangs, which are modified teeth that inject venom into the

Processing in the Large Intestine

Stomach and Intestinal Adaptations
-where the alimentary canal ends
-variations in the dimensions of digestive organs
-includes the colon, cecum, and rectum
 Junction with the Small Intestine
-Large, expendable stomachs in carnivorous vertebrates
-T-shaped junction
-they may wait a long time between meals, thus they
need to eat as much as they can in one instant
-Length of the digestive system
-in general, herbivores and omnivores have longer
alimentary canals relative to their body size than do
-plant matter is more difficult to digest than meat
(because it contains cell walls)
-longer digestive tract allows more time for digestion
and more surface area for the absorption of

-Colon – 1.5 m long leading to the rectum and anus

-completes the reabsorption of water that began in
the small intestine; remaining = feces
-feces = includes cellulose fiber (helps food
move along the alimentary canal
-Cecum – important for fermenting ingested material
-appendix – finger-like extension of the cecum
-Rectum – terminal portion of the large intestine; where
feces is stored until it can be eliminated
-Between the rectum and the anus are two sphincters:
inner is involuntary, outer is voluntary
-strong contractions of the colon create an urge to
Mutualistic Adaptations
Ex: in humans, humans and intestinal bacteria, which produce
vitamins such as vitamin K, biotin, and folic acid; intestinal
bacteria also regulate the development of the intestinal
epithelium and the function of the innate immune system
-microbiome – collection of bacteria
*H. pylori infection led to a near complete
from the stomach of all other bacterial species
 Mutualistic Adaptations in Herbivores
-animals do not produce enzymes that hydrolyze
cellulose (in plant cell walls)
-many vertebrates (+ termites) host large populations of
mutualistic bacteria and protists in fermentation
-have enzymes that can digest cellulose to simple
sugars and other compounds the animal can absorb
-in horses, koalas, and elephants: microorganisms
are stored in a large cecum
-in hoatzin (herbivorous bird): in large, muscular
crop (esophageal pouch)
-in rabbits and some rodents: in large intestine and
-nourishing by-products of fermentation by
bacteria in the large intestine are lost with the feces
-> these nutrients are recovered by coprophagy
(dung eating); rabbit “pellets” are not reingested – it
is the feces eliminated after passing the alimentary
canal twice
-cud-chewing animals that include deer, sheep, and
cattle = ruminants; most elaborate adaptations


[p 957]

Chapter 1 – Introduction
 Tail Shapes
o Homocercal tail – both lobes are equal in size;
- Found in teleost fishes, which have a
swim bladder (an air-filled sac that
provides buoyancy)
- Need not struggle to keep their vertical
position in the water
o Heterocercal tail – upper lobe is elongated;
commonly found in sharks
- Sharks do not have swim bladders ->
extended lobe of the heterocercal tail
provides lift during swimming to
counteract sinking tendencies

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