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A long time ago, there was a farmer and his wife who lived humbly and kindly.

They loved
helping people who needed their help.

One night, the farmer and his wife were resting, the farmer saw  a white centipede emerge
from the wife’s head. His wife was sleeping soundly. He was be shocked, but he didn’t kill it. He
even follow it. It dissappearedinto a small pond not far from their house.

In the morning, the wife told his husband that she had a scary dream the night before. She
saw a giant hedgehog which stared at her in like. She ran away immediatelly. After hearing the
story, the farmer went to the pond where the centipede disappeared. He saw an shinig object and
took it. It was a very beautiful golden hadgehog statue. The eyes were made of diamonds. The
farmer tokk it home.

At night, the farmer dreamt a giant hedgehog met him. It asked him to let it stay in the
house. In return, it would give the farmer everything he wanted. It asked the farner to caress its
head and utter his wish. It told the farmer that there were two kinds of words, one was to start the
wish and the second was to stop it.

The farmer told his wife about his dream. Then, he took the hadgehog statue and caressed it.
He asked for rice. Suddenely, rice came out from the mouthof the statue. The rice kept on
flowing until the farmer told it to stop. The farmer and his wife also asked for other gifts,
including jewelery and other necessary items. They got what they wanted. These made them
rich, but they remained kind and helping people. They didn’t realise that a thief watched them.

One day, the thief stole the hadgehog statue. He took it to the district area of Ngabang which
was in drought. He want the people sympathy in that he could give them water. Then he caressed
the hedgehog statue and uttered he wish. Water came out of the statue’s mouth. The people were
so happy. Unfortunatelly, the water kept on flowing and the thief didn’t know how to stop it.
Knowing this, the people ran away. However, the the thief couldn’t escape. He saw a giant
hedgehog holding both his legs. Water kept coming from the statue and slowly it became a river.
The thief drowned. People then named the river as Hedgehog River

35. Why was the man shocked?

A. He had scary dream.
B. A wild centipide almost bit him.
C. He shaw a white centipede chasing his wife.
D. He shaw a white centipede emerging from his wife’s head.
E. His wife screamed when a white centipede emeged from her head.
36. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A. The scary dream of the farmer’s wife.
B. What the hadgehog could do to the farmer.
C. The way to change the farmer’s life.
D. A kind and humble farmers and his wife.
E. A person who stole the hadgehog from the farmer.
37. Suppose you are the farmer, where should you keep the hadgehog?
A. In a very secret place.
B. In a wardrope.
C. Under a bad.
D. In a drawer.
E. On a table.
This text is for questions 38 to 44.
Do you agree that night patrols should be done by resident, not security guards? What are
the reasons?
First residents are familiar with each other. This is an advantage as people in big cities
rarely know each other.
Second, people have an equal sense of responbility for keeping their neighbourhood safe.
They will keep an eye on their neighbour’s house especially when the house is empty or the
owner of the house is old and alone.
Third, that the neighbourhood is still alive.
Fourth, each time residents go around the neighbourhood, they will see the conditions of
their neighbour’s lives. This activitywill increase the sense of social and solidarity among
Finally, residents so not need to spend their money to pay security guards. They can use
the money to fulfill other needs.
However, those whi disagree with this activity claim that night patrols will make them
sleepy the following all day, so night patrols are less optimal. They also argue that every
citizen should be responsible for their houses.
In my opinion, i agree that we should hold night patrols, without hiring security guards.
The importan thing is that we have equal responsibilities in keeping our neighbourhood safe.
38. What is discussed of the text?
A. The benefits if night patrols.
B. The description of night patrols in general.
C. Opinions about the implementation of night patrols by residents.
D. Opinions about the advantages of night patrols by security guards.
E. Opinions about persuading residents to help security guards do night patrols.
39. We can conclude from the text that people agree if they do night patrols themselves
A. Residents should be responsible for their own safety
B. They can sleep soundly after doing night patrols.
C. Night patrols are good only people on big cities.
D. They feel tired at night after working all day.
E. They can be more economical.
40. How can night patrols improve people’s solidarity?
A. They will talk about their neighbours duriing night patrols.
B. Night patrols will help people who are in trouble.
C. They can see their neighbour’s lives during night patrols.
D. People may collect money from their poor neighbours.
E. They will meet many people from different social backgrounds.

This text is for questions 41 and 42.

Famous backpack, the best choice

Do you want to be more confident with an exclusive backpack on your back? Do you
want everyone look at your outstanding backpack?

Famous backpack is your solution. We only make one design of each backpack, so this
is exclusive for you! You will look different among other students at school. Besides,
famous backpack is made from high quality and durable materials. Your book and other
belongings in the back will never get wet as the inner part is covered with synthetic leather

What are you waiting for? Visit our shop right away at jalan tanggul angin no. 1 sidoarjo,
east java. You can order online by clicking

Consumer’s satisfication is our priority!

41. What is the text called?

A. An advirtisement.
B. An announcement.
C. A welcome speech.
D. An invitation letter.
E. A greeting cards.
42. Who do you think will most likely pau attention to the next?
A. Civil servants.
B. Students.
C. Soldiers.
D. Teachers.
E. No one.

This text is for questions 41 and 42.

At the end of 2016 we will organize a huge activity which involves all workes, no
expection, called Family Gathering 2016. It will be held in puncak, 26th-28th December
2016. There will be many fun activities such as camping outbound, family games and
trekking. All activities aim at familiarising the families of our company.
Please enrol your family participation immediatelly, no later than 20th December 2016.
You’ll be sorry if you miss this delight moment.
See you at Family Gathering 2016!

Personal Manager
43. What is the announcement about?
A. Important meeting.
B. Worker’s movement.
C. Family Games 2016.
D. Family Gathering 2016.
E. Family participation in the company.
44. Based on the text we conclude that....
A. The announcement is issued by the production departement.
B. Participants may register after 20th December 2016.
C. Only employers will participate in the activity.
D. Participants will do two interesting activities.
E. The workers will gather for three days in puncak.

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