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ReputationDefender is the
As a high profile individual, your
leading online reputation
online image is of vital importance
management specialist, using
The reputation that you have worked so hard to
exclusive technology to help
build over the years can be damaged in an instant.
individuals, companies and Customers, investors, partners, employees - many of
brands to build a positive, them will naturally research you online. The results
they see will ultimately influence their perception
strong online presence,
and their decisions about you.
protecting it from attack.
How can we help?
Many of the issues we deal with are of an extremely
Have you researched
sensitive nature and often the solutions require a
yourself online recently? worldwide approach, which is why our services are
Do you see any of the tailored for the specific needs of each individual client.
Our goal is to put our clients in control of the material and
• Outdated and inflammatory search images that can be found about them online so that that
results the information reflects a true representation of them,
• Bloggers and online reviews that rather than a media shaped snapshot. This control is
reinforce negative content pivotal in creating a fair online image that lasts, protecting
their reputation into the future.
• Search suggestions that point
people towards negative content
• Media articles that reference
What is online reputation
historical personal or company management?
Online reputation management, or ORM as its known, is
• Recent good news stories the practice of making individuals, businesses or brands
and accomplishments being look their best on the Internet. To accomplish this, they
overshadowed must control their online search results as they frequently
contain inaccurate, misleading, or outdated material which
can adversely influence how web searchers view them.

Search result remediation Google Autocomplete remediation

It is the most commonly requested service and is often When a search term is typed into Google, the search engine
the keystone of a major project. Using our patented and will automatically offer alternative search suggestions.
industry pioneering technology, search result remediation Google Autocomplete remediation is designed to install
is designed to install positive sites that already index for positive suggestions directing web searchers to client
a given search term as well as specifically created content friendly sites rather than negative or controversial ones. As
at the top of the search results. The installation of these with image remediation, Google Autocomplete remediation
positive sites will subsequently suppress any negative adds strength to the client’s overall online profile.
sites, making them much more difficult to find and will
therefore reduce the amount of natural web traffic they
Wikipedia Monitoring
Wikipedia is the 7th most visited website in the world.
Image remediation It is considered a credible source of information and
information displayed is often taken as fact.
Image remediation uses client friendly images that are
linked to positive websites and are used to suppress Wikipedia pages have a strong page authority and in
negative images. Image remediation adds strength to the 90% of cases will immediately index within the top three
client’s online profile and reduces natural web traffic to search results for a person or company name. If you have
unfavourable websites. a personal or company page within Wikipedia, it is critical
that the information displayed is analysed and monitored
for future change.

By utilising the expertise established

from being the world’s largest and
leading Online Reputation Management
Specialist enables us to achieve
the best results possible for all our
clients, many of which include global
public figures, ultra-high net worth
individuals and their families, minsters
of government, entrepreneurs, company
chairmen and CEOs.

Repairing your reputation begins

immediately by replacing negative or
offending material with more positive
and appropriate content that offers a
fair and unbiased representation. Our
services also work towards preventing
newly published articles that reference
negative or past events from harming
your reputation in the future.

The importance of a positive online reputation cannot be underestimated. Contact one of our experienced
high-profile client account managers today and discover how ReputationDefender® can help you take control
of your online reputation.

Tel: +44 (0)800 131 0700 Email Address:

ReputationDefender’s terms of use govern the purchase of all reputation management products:
Copyright © 2019 ReputationDefender LLC. Patent

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