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I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.

1. It denotes an increase in physical size or quantitative change.

A. Growth C. Skills
B. Development D. Intellect
2. It denotes an increase in skills or the ability to perform.
A. Growth C. Temperament
B. Development D. Moral
3. According to Freud, infant sucks for enjoyment, relief of tension as well as for nourishment. He termed
this period as:
A. Oral stage C. Phallic stage
B. Anal stage D. Latency stage
4. Of the care rendered to the newborn, the immediate responsibility is to?
A. Maintain patency of airway C. promote adequate circulation
B. Maintain appropriate temperature D. initiate maternal and child relationship
5. Respiration of the newborn is described as?
A. irregular, abdominal, 30-60 breaths/ min C. regular, abdominal 25-30 breaths/ min
B. Regular, noisy, 35-45 30-60 breaths/ min D. Irregular, quite, 45-55 30-60 breaths/ min
6. Newborn’s Babinski reflex can be assessed by:
A. Touching the corner of the newborns mouth
B. placing the finger in the palm of the newborns hand
C. Changing the newborns equilibrium
D. Stroking the lateral aspect of the sole from heel upward and across the ball of the foot
7. The infant who weighs 7 lbs. at birth will weigh how many lbs at 6 months?
A. 10 lbs C.30 lbs
B. 14 lbs D. 21 lbs
8. APGAR score is done to determine?
A. how the newborn tolerated the labor C. Age of gestation
B. well tolerated the birth D. how will the newborn adopt to extra uterine life
9. According to Erik Erikson’s psychological development, infant develops trust by?
A. ignoring the behavior C. giving time to play with the baby
B. attending to infant’s needs D. kangaroo care during feeding
10. The site of gratification during infancy is?
A. Mouth C. Genital
B. Anus D. Skin
11. The proper positioning for burping the baby is:
A. over one shoulder and gently patting the back
B. holding the baby on sitting position on the lap
C. Lying the baby on a crib
D. both A and B
12. An instrument placed against a patient's chest to hear both lung and heart sounds.
A. Sphygmomanometer C. Otoscope
B. Stethoscope D. Telescope
13. Regulator of body temperature
A. medulla C. Hypothalamus
B. sebaceous gland D. Wernicke's area
14. Considered as the least accurate method of measuring temperature
A. axillary C. rectal
B. tympanic D. oral
15. The most appropriate definition of Vital Signs
A. signs and symptoms of a disease C. a part of human composition
B. an indication of basic body functioning D. physiology and anatomy
16. Disorder with inability to focus, unable to wait for turns, inattentive behavior, and impulsiveness
A. Autism C. Cerebral palsy
B. ADHD D. Dyslexia
17. First discovered by British scientist and is characterized by dysfunction in left hemisphere of the brain,
thus, a child has difficulty in comprehension and reading
A. Autism C. Cerebral palsy
B. ADHD D. Dyslexia
18. What causes cerebral palsy?
A. Brain damage of the part of the brain that controls the body’s muscles to an unborn or newly
born child.
B. Car accidents, head trauma, and accidentally dropping a new born child.
C. Nerve damage to an unborn or newly born child.
D. Leg damage to an unborn or newly born child.
19. A victim of a car accident has just vomited and now appears to be coughing up blood. He is breathing
very quickly and his pulse is weak and fast. What is most likely wrong?
A. He is having a seizure. C. He is having a heart attack.
B. He has internal bleeding D. He is having a diabetic emergency
20. Which would you do when caring for a seizure victim?
A. Remove nearby objects that might cause injury.
B. Place a small object, such as a rolled up piece of cloth, between the victim’s teeth.
C. Try to hold the person still.
D. All of the above
21. A first degree burn….
A. Involves only the top layer of skin. C. Destroys all layers of skin.
B. Is red and blistered. D. Is the most serious of burns.
22. The use of dressing and bandage include the following except:
A. To control bleeding and infection
B. To splint the injured part
C. Prevent further injury
D. For faster transportation of the victim to the hospital
23. As a caregiver with training in first aid, you should prioritize care and treatment first for a client with:
A. head injuries C. diabetes
B. fractured femur D. penetrating abdominal wound
24. While doing chest compression during CPR on an adult, you hear a cracking sound. The appropriate
response would be?
A. Stop chest compressions immediately and ventilate only
B. compress no more than 1.5 inch
C. Check for proper hand placement and continue
D. Have someone else who is not as strong as do compressions
25. The health provider knows that the proper technique for 2 person CPR includes:
A. Two full breaths followed by 5 chest compressions
B. a brief pause between rescue breathing and chest compressions
C. rescuers changing positions every 5 minutes to prevent fatigue
D. a slower rate than is used in one –person CPR
26. What would be a priority action in handling a client at the scene of automobile accident?
A. Remove the client from the car C. assess for level of consciousness
B. immobilize the neck D. start an Intravenous fluid
27. During a disaster, one of your primary functions is to perform triage. What do you do in triaging?
A. direct hospital personnel C. obtain assistance from personnel
B. counsel families in despair D. prioritize clients to be seen
28. With your knowledge you gain from first aid, which client should receive a highest priority?
A. a basketball player limping and complaining of pain at the right ankle
B. a middle age man, diaphoretic and complaining of severe chest pain radiating to his jaw
C. a mother with a five year old boy, who says her son has been complaining of nausea and
vomited once since noon.
D. an elderly woman complaining of loss of appetite since past weeks
29. When do we consider a delayed capillary refill time?
A. greater than 0.5 sec C. greater than 1.5 secs
B. greater than 1 sec D. greater than 2 secs
30. What assessment finding will you observe in the patient’s skin if there is insufficient oxygen in the
A. paleness C. redness
B. blueness D. yellowish
31. If the client manifests signs of weakness and numbness of the face, arm or leg, and often only one side
of the body. This client needs management on what common medical emergency?
A. stroke C. diabetes
B. seizure D. MI or heart attack
32. It is the most significant link in the chain of survival?
A. early access C. early defibrillation
B. early CPR D. early advanced life support
33. For a child in cardiac arrest, what should you do first?
A. call for emergency local number C. perform one minute rescue breathing
B. perform one minute CPR D. wait for the medical assistance
34. Indications for stopping CPR include:
A. Signs of breathing and circulation C. Rigor mortis
B. decapitation D. Pulseless
35. All are criteria for not starting CPR, EXCEPT:
A. decapitation C. dependent lividity
B. rigor mortis D. none of the above
36. A 54 year old client in need of CPR will have:
A. no signs of circulation and breathing C. rapid breathing with weak circulation
B. breathing and with signs of circulation D. low level of consciousness
37. When giving an abdominal thrust to a conscious pregnant client, how will you position your hands?
A. Just above the chest C. Below the stomach
B. Over the breastbone D. Between the navel and the xiphoid process
38. The opening of airway for a child with no cervical injury requires:
A. jaw thrust maneuver C. neutral position
B. maximum head tilt D. neutral plus position
39. Which of the following is a good characteristic of a good crutch:
A. 2 in. below the axilla and 12 in. apart at the toes of the feet.
B. 4 in. below the axilla and 12 in. apart at the toes of the feet
C. 2 in. below the axilla and 6 in. apart at the toes of the feet
D. 4 in. below the axilla and 6 in. apart at the toes of the feet
40. The first thing to know if the patient is ready for crutch walking is based on:
A. The gathered measurement of the crutch to be used
B. Any time after the cast has been removed from the extremity
C. The patient’s desire and the condition of the shoulder and arm muscle
D. The patient’s nutritional status
41. To fit the patient for a cane, the patient must be instructed to flex the elbow at a:
A. 15 degree angle C. 30 degree angle
B. 20 degree angle D. 60 degree angle
42. A patient going down the stairs with crutches must put:
A. good foot first C. bad foot last
B. bad foot first D. both crutches first
43. In crutch walking the patient must be instructed to carry his weight on:
A. affected foot C. palm
B. unaffected foot D. axilla.
44. All are true about the use of crutches when going upstairs except:
A. forward the weaker leg first
B. forward both crutches after the stronger leg
C. forward the stronger leg first
D. allow weight bearing at the stronger leg
45. Correct posture for crutch walking is observed when:
A. the patient placed the crutches 3 inches space from the toes and the elbows flexed at 30 degrees

B. the knees are slightly flexed in 30 degrees and the crutches are about 4 in. away from the toes
C. the patient’s crutches are touching the axilla and the elbows flexed at 30 degrees
D. the patient is standing straight with the crutches at least 4 in. spaced from the toes
46. In going down the stairs, crutches are moved first followed by the weaker leg to :
A. Give more weight bearing on the weaker leg
B. Bring more weight on the stronger leg
C. Give the stronger leg a share of load with the arms
D. Transfer full weight bearing to the crutches
47. In a four point gait walking the patient must be instructed to move the _____ first.
A. right crutch C. weaker leg
B. left foot D. strong leg
48. True about the use of cane if the patient has no extremity limitations:
A. the cane is made up of rubber material
B. the cane is held closely to the affected extremity
C. the cane is placed on the opposite side of the affected extremity
D. the cane must be held in front of the affected extremity
49. Padding are discourage on the crutches’ :
A. axillary bar C. tip of the crutch
B. Handle bar D. none of the above
50. What types of accidents usually happen among infants 0-4 months old?
A. Burns C. Poisoning
B. Suffocation D. Fall
God bless
Answer Key:

1. A. Growth
2. B. Development
3. A. Oral stage
4. A. Maintain patency of airway
5. A. irregular, abdominal, 30-60 breaths/ min
6. D. Stroking the lateral aspect of the sole from heel upward and across the ball of the foot
7. B. 14 lbs
8. D. how will the newborn adopt to extra uterine life
9. B. attending to infant’s needs
10. A. Mouth
11. D. both A and B
12. B. Stethoscope
13. A. medulla
14. A. axillary
15. B. an indication of basic body functioning
16. B. ADHD
17. D. Dyslexia
18. A. Brain damage of the part of the brain that controls the body’s muscles to an unborn or newly
born child.
19. B. He has internal bleeding
20. A. Remove nearby objects that might cause injury
21. A. Involves only the top layer of skin
22. D. For faster transportation of the victim to the hospital
23. A. head injuries
24. C. check for proper hand placement and continue
25. B. a brief pause between rescue breathing and chest compressions
26. B. immobilize the neck
27. D. prioritize clients to be seen
28. B. a middle age man, diaphoretic and complaining of severe chest pain radiating to his jaw
29. D. greater than 2 secs
30. B. blueness
31. A. stroke
32. C. early defibrillation
33. B. perform one minute CPR
34. A. Signs of breathing and circulation
35. D. none of the above
36. A. no signs of circulation and breathing
37. B. Over the breastbone
38. D. neutral plus position
39. C. 2 in. below the axilla and 6 in. apart at the toes of the feet
40. C. The patient’s desire and the condition of the shoulder and arm muscle
41. C. 30 degree angle
42. B. bad foot first
43. C. palm
44. A. forward the weaker leg first
45. D. the patient is standing straight with the crutches at least 4 in. spaced from the toes
46. C. give the stronger leg a share of load with the arms
47. A. right crutch
48. C. the cane is placed on the opposite side of the affected extremity
49. A. axillary bar
50. B. Suffocation

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