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CPHXXX10.1177/1715163517710958C P J / R P CC P J / R P C

Practice guidelines Peer-reviewed

Practice Guidelines * Peer-Reviewed

Guidelines for the management

of atopic dermatitis (eczema) for
Ian T. Y. Wong, BSc(Pharm); Ross T. Tsuyuki, BSc(Pharm), PharmD, MSc, FCSHP, FACC;
Amanda Cresswell-Melville, BA, BEd; Philip Doiron, MD, FRCPC;
Aaron M. Drucker, MD, FRCPC

Introduction detail different elements of AD assessment and

About atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (AD), commonly known as Understanding the burden of AD
eczema, is a chronic, pruritic inflammatory skin AD has a profound negative physical, psycho-
disease associated with a profound physical and social and economic impact on affected patients
psychosocial burden, which can contribute to a and their families, contributing to impaired
reduced quality of life.1 Prevalence of AD is as quality of life in children and adults.1,13,14 The
high as 20% in children and 10% in adults.2-4 AD itch associated with AD drives much of this bur-
usually begins in early childhood but can persist den, leading to discomfort and poor sleep. Other
into or begin in adulthood.5 It often fluctuates impacts of AD include bullying and embar-
between states of relative quiescence and flares, rassment related to the appearance of the skin,
although some patients have chronically active avoidance of specific activities such as sports
disease.6,7 AD is often found in individuals with and specific career choices.14 The self-reported
a personal or family history of atopy, including impact on quality of life has also been found to
allergic rhinitis, asthma and AD.1 be comparable to that experienced in families of
The etiology of AD is multifactorial. The cur- children with diabetes and or cystic fibrosis.15
rent understanding of AD’s pathophysiology The economic impact of AD is significant for
centres on skin barrier defects and the dysregu- individual patients and society. In 2004 in the
lation of the immune system on a genetically and United States, direct medical costs of AD (medical
environmentally susceptible background.1 The services and health products) were estimated to
interplay between these mechanisms leads to the be about $1 billion, costs due to lost productivity
signs and symptoms of AD: pruritus, dry skin, $619 million and costs attributable to quality-
edema, excoriations, lichenification and oozing. of-life impairment $2.6 billion.16 Those estimates
AD’s presentation may vary depending on the did not take into account the costs of over-the-
patient’s age, disease severity and chronicity.1 counter medications, which can be very expen-
AD treatment focuses first on the daily prac- sive for patients and their families.17 Given the
tice of basic skin care in addition to topical increasing prevalence of AD and rising health
anti-inflammatory agents, phototherapy and care costs in general, these numbers are likely to
systemic immunomodulators.8-10 Novel targeted have increased substantially since then.
therapeutic options are in the development
pipeline.1 The primary goals of AD management Role of community pharmacists
involve the treatment and prevention of AD Pharmacists, as primary care providers, are
flares and repair and maintenance of the skin in a prime position to support both patients © The Author(s) 2017
barrier.10-12 In these guidelines, we will discuss in and physicians as trusted and easily accessible DOI:10.1177/1715163517710958

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Practice guidelines

BOX 1  Pharmacists’ responsibilities for patients with atopic dermatitis

•  Improving adherence through patient education

  Atopic dermatitis (AD) patient-friendly education: highlight the appropriate use of AD
treatment, goals of therapy, AD triggers to avoid, when to see the physician and review of
myths and misunderstandings in AD management
 Safety of topical corticosteroid (TCS): reassure patients that appropriate use of TCS can
safely relieve symptoms without adverse effects
 Safety of topical calcineurin inhibitor (TCI): reassure patients that, to date, there is no sub-
stantial evidence to suggest TCIs are associated with increased cancer risk (including lym-
phomas) or systemic immunosuppression
 Basic skin care: reinforce the regular use of moisturizers and the avoidance of aggravating
 Pharmacists should work with their patients to create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attain-
able, Relevant and Time-based) goals as a means of providing patients with a structured
framework to set treatment objectives for themselves in managing their AD.
•  AD therapy optimization and monitoring
 Pharmacists should provide ongoing optimization and monitoring of prescribed AD ther-
apy’s safety, effectiveness, drug interactions and adherence to avoid potentially serious
complications and poor treatment outcomes.
•  Recommending appropriate moisturizer
 Pharmacists should tailor moisturizer recommendations based on patient and disease fac-
tors including tolerability, cost, mechanism of action, absence of sensitizing agents or fra-
grances, degree of AD severity and affected location.
• Improving communication of instructions between the prescriber and the patient: the finger-
tip unit system
 Pharmacists represent a key pillar in the health care delivery system and are prime candi-
dates to advocate for the integration of the fingertip unit measurement with topical medi-
cations as a means of accurately conveying how much product the prescribing physician
would like their patients to use and ensure dosing consistency.
•  Community health literacy
 Pharmacists should lead a variety of educational activities for community members, such
as hosting free educational talks within the pharmacy or at a community centre, geared
toward educating the public about the basics of AD care and destigmatizing AD within the
•  Connecting patients living with AD with patient-support organizations
  Pharmacists should connect patients to available community patient-support
organizations, such as the Eczema Society of Canada, where they can gain access to further
reputable, practical and patient-friendly information on AD.

members of the health care team in the man- prescribed AD therapy’s safety, effectiveness,
agement of AD (Box 1). Pharmacists are often drug interactions and adherence.
a first point of entry into the health care system,
as patients with AD may approach a pharmacist Diagnosis and assessment
first for nonprescription remedies. In addition, AD is a clinical diagnosis based on patient
pharmacists often have cultivated a long-standing history, associated clinical signs and the skin
rapport with their patients and thus can reas- lesion’s morphology and distribution.18 The skin
sess patients’ understanding of their disease lesions in eczema involve erythematous, xerotic
and treatment plan and reinforce nonpharma- (dry), scaly papules and plaques that can be
cologic measures and treatment compliance. excoriated, lichenified or oozing depending on
Pharmacists are trained in the management of the degree of pruritus, chronicity and presence
medication-related concerns and play a key role of a superimposed bacterial infection (Appendix
in the ongoing optimization and monitoring of 1, available in the online version of the article).

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The distribution of the lesions changes from absorb, retain and redistribute water content. In
childhood to adulthood. In infants, lesions tend the literature, emollients soften the skin and are
to affect the facial and extensor regions. In older often included in various moisturizer products.19
children, lesions tend to affect the flexor, peri- Moisturizers are formulated with varying
ocular and neck regions. In adults, lesions tend amounts of different active ingredients, includ-
to follow a similar distribution pattern to older ing occlusive agents, emollients and humec-
children, in addition to hand eczema being more tants. Moisturizers are categorized as occlusive
common.18 There may also be a personal or first- emollient moisturizers or humectants and are
degree family history of atopic disease including produced in various vehicles such as cream,
AD, asthma and allergic rhinitis.18 ointment and lotions.19
Looking closer at the active ingredients in
Management of AD: Daily skin care moisturizers, occlusive agents, such as petrola-
and prevention of AD flares tum, work by mitigating the loss of water from
Pharmacists should the stratum corneum with a layer of oil.19 Emol-
lient agents, such as ceramides and linoleic acid,
•• recommend appropriate moisturizers enhance the skin’s flexibility and suppleness by
based on patient and disease factors and filling in cracks and bolstering the structural
•• engage in AD therapy optimization and integrity in the affected skin. Humectants, such
monitoring. as urea and glycerine, work by drawing water
from the environment and concentrating water
General daily skin care for AD includes the over the area of application for water absorption
maintenance of the skin barrier with liberal use and redistribution.19
of emollients and avoidance of aggravating fac- The choice of occlusive or humectant mois-
tors.10,19 A defective skin barrier is increasingly turizer and type of vehicle are dependent on
recognized as a primary pathogenic factor in patient and disease factors including tolerability,
AD.1 A defective skin barrier allows moisture to cost, mechanism of action, absence of sensitizing
leave the skin and allows allergens and irritants agents or fragrances, degree of AD severity and
to penetrate into the skin.1 Barrier defects can affected location on the body.8 Each moisturiz-
be genetic, with mutations in epidermal barrier ing product has its unique composition of active
proteins such as filaggrin, or secondary to envi- ingredients, with variations in hydrophobic and
ronmental factors or inflammation.20,21 Rehy- hydrating properties. Occlusive emollient oint-
drating the skin and restoring the skin’s barrier ments are generally preferable, but patients may
function is accomplished with the regular appli- find these cosmetically unacceptable because
cation of unscented moisturizers throughout the of their greasy texture. In that case, occlusive
day.22 This includes application of moisturizers emollient creams are a suitable alternative. For
immediately following baths or showers.8,23,24 many patients, creams will sting upon applica-
Bathing or showering should be short and use tion compared with ointments when applied to
warm (not hot) water, and cleaning should be open or fissured areas of AD. Lotions are less
done with the least amount of nonirritating preferable in the management and prevention of
soaps or nonsoap cleansers (pH balanced to the AD because of their higher water-to-oil content.
skin).8 The importance of the use of moisturizers Moreover, the benefit of topical ceramides over
in AD management cannot be overemphasized other moisturizers is not well established, given
as this has been found to reduce the incidence the lack of head-to-head studies at this time.
of AD flares and the need for topical corticoste- Despite these considerations, patient prefer-
roid (TCS) use.22,25,26 There is evidence in the ences differ, and the best moisturizer is the prod-
literature that daily moisturizer use, compared uct the patient or caregiver will use liberally and
with no moisturizer use, extended the flare-free regularly. With all moisturizers, there is a risk of
period and can also improve eczema severity adverse reactions that may include irritant reac-
scores in actively inflamed skin.27,28 tions, contact allergy and folliculitis.29 Humec-
Altogether, the different types of moisturiz- tants, like urea, can be irritating to the affected
ers work to improve the skin’s hydration status skin and consequently may not be a tolerable
through a variety of mechanisms that replen- option for the patient.12 Appropriate moistur-
ish water content and restore the skin’s ability to izing and skin care are paramount strategies in

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the effective management of AD. In the mar- (Table 1). Use of each agent is dependent on
ketplace, there is a cornucopia of moisturizers AD severity and response to other agents. One
available from which the patients can choose must aim to achieve optimal effectiveness while
and pharmacists can recommend and provide minimizing adverse effects and satisfying patient
patient education. The Seal of Acceptance pro- preferences.
gram is an Eczema Society of Canada program
in which patient society members with sensitive Topical anti-inflammatory treatment
skin review moisturizers and cleansers for toler- Topical agents are the mainstay of treatment for
ability and absence of skin irritation. Products mild-moderate AD and include TCS and topical
then undergo a formulation review by derma- calcineurin inhibitors (TCI).8,11 TCS are effective
tologists, selected products are shared with the agents in addressing the pruritus and inflam-
public and the product may display the seal on mation of AD and work by inducing inhibitory
its packaging. proteins that decrease inflammatory mediator
In addition to moisturizing, recognizing and activity.4 Although they are often prescribed for
avoiding irritants when possible is important for twice-daily use, evidence suggests that once-
basic skin care.10,11 Patients with AD generally daily application is just as effective and may
have more sensitive skin, and irritants can trig- minimize the risk of adverse events.30 TCS are
ger or exacerbate their AD. To avoid aggravat- classified by potency (low, mid, high and very
ing factors, one must first identify potential AD high), and the selection of a specific TCS for a
triggers through careful history taking.10,11 On given patient is dependent on multiple factors,
top of these potential patient-specific AD trig- including the body location of the lesional skin
gers, there are also known physical (e.g., wool), and lesion severity (e.g., erythema, lichenifica-
environmental (e.g., excessive dry heating) and tion; Table 1). Identifying the location where
chemical (e.g., solvents, detergents, perfumes) the TCS is applied on the body is crucial in
irritants that should generally be avoided in AD maximizing TCS effectiveness and reducing the
patients.10-12 Whether taking showers or baths, likelihood of adverse effects.8 For example, the
the use of nonirritating and mildly acidic soaps skin on the face and the skin folds is thin, and
or nonsoap cleansers is preferable. Also, the AD lesions in these areas may be treated with a
application of moisturizers to AD affected and low-potency TCS to minimize the likelihood of
nonaffected skin, within 3 minutes following adverse effects.8
bathing and at minimum twice a day, is recom- In general, anti-inflammatory treatment for
mended for optimal hydration.12 AD consists of a low-potency TCS for the face
and folds and a mid-potency TCS for other areas
AD flares: Management of pruritus of the body once to twice daily to any actively
and inflammation inflamed areas.8 For particularly thick or recalci-
AD’s symptoms are relapsing in nature. While trant lesions or for lesions on the palms and soles,
some patients have chronic persistently active higher potency TCS may be used for enhanced
disease, most have symptoms that wax and wane penetration.4,8 As AD is a chronic disease, put-
from various presentations of active disease to ting time limits on the use of TCS is generally
periods of remission.7 Each AD patient’s course impractical and can result in undertreatment.
of disease differs, and therapy should therefore However, if a specific lesion does not improve
be individualized considering both patient (age, after 2 to 4 weeks of daily, adequate application
adherence) and disease factors (extent, distribu- of a TCS, the patient should consult his or her
tion, acute flare or chronic disease).1,7 physician to see if the diagnosis or treatment
Factors that aid in the identification of acute plan should be reconsidered.
AD flares include the worsening of AD symp- TCS adverse effects include skin atrophy,
toms (pruritus, pain, limiting day-to-day activi- striae, rosacea and perioral dermatitis and, if
ties), the relapse of skin lesions previously in systemic absorption occurs, hypothalamic-
remission and the start of new AD lesions.1,4,10,11 pituitary-adrenal axis suppression.31 In addition,
AD flare management focuses on daily skin care periocular use can result in cataract and glau-
and inflammation control (Figure 1). coma development.32 The risk of TCS adverse
Topical and systemic agents are used to effects is associated with the TCS potency, the
address the inflammatory component of AD type of skin where the TCS is applied and the

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Practice guidelines

Figure 1  Algorithm summary of atopic dermatitis management

PRN, as needed; QoL, quality of life; TCS, topical corticosteroids; TCI, topical calcineurin inhibitors; systemic
agents: glucocorticoid, cyclosporine, methotrexate, azathioprine, or mycophenolate mofetil.

frequency and duration of TCS use.4 It must be 0.1% is considered equivalent to a mid-potency
emphasized that the risk of adverse events when TCS.34 Tacrolimus 0.03% was not found to be as
TCS are used properly is low, and the harm asso- effective as a mid-potency TCS but was found
ciated with undertreatment is generally greater to be more effective than a low-potency TCS.34
than the potential for adverse events.8 Prescrib- The clinical role of pimecrolimus 1% remains
ers and pharmacists should properly educate unclear, as it was found to be less effective than
their patients on the relative benefits and risks mid- and high-potency TCS and there is an
associated with their use, with an emphasis on absence of key head-to-head studies with low-
reassurance regarding their safety profile, as ste- potency corticosteroids.8,34 It should be noted
roid phobia in the patient population is quite that the indications of TCI are age specific.
common and can negatively affect compliance.33 Pimecrolimus cream 1% and tacrolimus 0.03%
TCI are an effective alternative to TCS ther- ointment are indicated for use in patients 2 years
apy.4,11 TCI are nonsteroidal immunomodulators of age or older, while tacrolimus 0.1% ointment
working to reduce AD inflammation through is indicated for use only in adult patients.4 How-
the inhibition of T cells and inflammatory cyto- ever, they are frequently used off label in younger
kine production.4 There are 2 TCI available on patients.35
the market: tacrolimus and pimecrolimus. In Although they are considered second-line
terms of anti-inflammatory action, tacrolimus agents, TCI have a favourable safety profile

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Practice guidelines

Table 1  Outline of available treatments in atopic dermatitis

Phototherapy and systemic
Topical therapy

Class: Corticosteroids Class: Corticosteroids

Examples*: Example:
Low-potency Prednisone
•  Hydrocortisone acetate 1% cream/ointment Class: Calcineurin inhibitor
•  Desonide 0.05% cream/ointment Example:
Mid-potency Cyclosporine A
•  Betamethasone valerate 0.05% or 0.1% cream/ointment Class: Anti-metabolites
•  Mometasone furoate 0.1% cream Examples:
•  Hydrocortisone valerate 0.2% cream/ointment Methotrexate
High-potency Azathioprine
•  Fluocinonide 0.05% cream/ointment/gel Mycophenolate mofetil
•  Mometasone furoate 0.1% ointment
•  Desoximetasone 0.25% cream/ointment/gel
Very-high potency
•  Betamethasone dipropionate glycol 0.05% ointment
•  Clobetasol propionate 0.05% cream/ointment
•  Halobetasol propionate 0.05% cream/ointment

Class: Calcineurin inhibitors Phototherapy

Examples: Example:
Tacrolimus 0.03% ointment •  Narrow-band UVB (311 nm)
Tacrolimus 0.1% ointment •  Broad-band UVB
Pimecrolimus 1% cream •  Psoralen + UVA
For a comprehensive list of topical corticosteroids, organized by potency, available in Canada and available
dosage forms, contact the Eczema Society of Canada for the “Topical Treatments in Atopic Dermatitis—Health
Care Provider Resource Chart.”

without the risks of skin atrophy and hypotha- application of TCS or TCI to those areas even
lamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis suppression during periods of remission may be recom-
associated with TCS, and as such, they are fre- mended.10,26 Studies have found that this pro-
quently used off label as steroid-sparing therapy.4 active approach with either TCS or TCI has
TCI are a particularly good option in the perioc- extended the time to first relapse when compared
ular region given the potential for TCS to cause with vehicle.39-46 In addition, closer histologic
cataracts and glaucoma if used in those areas. examination of areas of past active disease has
Evidence suggests that prolonged use of TCI is revealed persistent subclinical inflammation and
safe, with pimecrolimus up to 4 years and tacro- an altered skin barrier, providing a further ratio-
limus up to 2 years.36,37 Adverse effects of TCI nale for this proactive approach.47 The success of
include transient itching and burning sensations a proactive approach should be carefully evalu-
that tend to occur when TCI is applied to an ated. Presently, there is a paucity of studies com-
oozing, open barrier lesion with active eczema.4 paring the proactive use of TCS and TCI head to
Because of concerns of a potential increased risk head; thus, clinicians have little direct evidence
of malignancy associated with calcineurin inhib- with which to choose one approach over the
itors, a black-box warning was issued for TCI. other.10 Furthermore, the intermittent dosing
Since then, there has been no evidence suggest- schedule varies in studies of proactive topical
ing a link between TCI and malignancy.38 anti-inflammatories, including instructions for
For patients with frequent flares in predict- 2 times weekly, 3 times weekly, 2 consecutive
able areas, basic skin care may be inadequate, days per week, once-daily and twice-daily appli-
and a more proactive approach with intermittent cations.10 Thus, a consensus for a specific dosing

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Practice guidelines

regimen in a proactive approach remains to be effective in the management of severe and refrac-
determined.10 Whether an AD patient should tory AD in adults and children.48 However, the
pursue such a proactive approach to preventing risk of serious adverse effects, including hyper-
AD flares is dependent on his or her treating cli- tension, renal dysfunction and an increased risk
nician’s clinical experience, the patient’s disease of infection, limit it to short-term use.4 Cyclo-
severity and pattern and patient choice after he sporine A may interact with a number of differ-
or she has been fully informed regarding the ent medications, and so care must be taken to
risks and benefits of this approach. avoid interactions.
Methotrexate, azathioprine and mycophe-
Phototherapy and systemic treatment nolate mofetil are antimetabolite medications
For patients with moderate-to-severe disease that work as a folate antagonist, purine analog
refractory to topical therapy, consideration and purine synthesis inhibitor, respectively.
should be given to the use of phototherapy or These medications have been shown to be vari-
systemic immunomodulatory agents. Narrow- ably effective in treatment-resistant AD.48 As
band UVB (wavelength = 311 nm) is the most with cyclosporine, they are immunosuppressive
commonly used type of phototherapy for AD and therefore can increase the risk of infection.
and is typically administered 2 to 3 times per They are also each associated with the potential
week. Narrow-band UVB is a safe option that for end-organ damage, including hepatotoxicity
can provide relief from the signs and symptoms and cytopenias. Methotrexate should be used in
of AD.9 Potential adverse effects of phototherapy conjunction with folic acid supplementation to
include erythema and burns, as well as photoag- reduce the risk of hematologic adverse events.52
ing and increased skin cancer risk.
If phototherapy is contraindicated, not suc- Adjunctive treatment
cessful or not available, systemic agents should First-generation oral antihistamines, such as
be considered. These must be used cautiously by hydroxyzine, may have clinical utility, primar-
practitioners well versed in their use, as they are ily because of their sedating adverse effect, if a
each associated with potential serious adverse patient’s pruritus significantly impairs their abil-
effects and require regular clinical and laboratory ity to achieve restful sleep, leading to daytime
monitoring.9 Currently available systemic agents dysfunction.9,53 It should be noted that there is
include systemic corticosteroids, cyclosporine no good evidence to suggest oral antihistamines
A, methotrexate, azathioprine and mycopheno- effectively address the pruritic component of
late mofetil.48 Other than systemic corticoste- AD, and so the use of nonsedating oral antihis-
roids, these are all used off label for AD. tamines should be avoided.54
The use of systemic corticosteroids for AD is Patients with AD are at increased risk of
controversial. While they provide quick, effec- bacterial and viral infections, most notably
tive relief of AD lesions, they are associated impetiginization of AD lesions and eczema her-
with severe AD flares upon withdrawal.49 Fur- peticum.55,56 In cases of active secondary infec-
ther, long-term use of systemic corticosteroids tion, topical or systemic antibiotics or systemic
is associated with significant adverse events, antivirals are often needed. Topical antimicro-
including HPA suppression, weight gain, hyper- bial agents, such as mupirocin, should be lim-
tension, glucose intolerance, emotional labil- ited to the management of active bacterial skin
ity and decreased bone density.9,50,51 As such, infections and are not recommended for routine
in recent guidelines published by the Ameri- use in noninfected AD.8 Other means of normal-
can Academy of Dermatology, it was recom- izing the AD microbiome include dilute bleach
mended that systemic corticosteroids generally baths, which have been shown to reduce AD
be avoided in adults and children with AD.9 severity.57
Further, those guidelines suggest they be limited
to short-term use as a bridge to other systemic Targeted agents in development
agents or phototherapy. for AD
Cyclosporine A is a calcineurin inhibitor There are currently a large number of medica-
that controls T-cell–mediated inflammation by tions for the treatment of AD in various stages
preventing the transcription of inflammatory of development.58 This includes topical and sys-
cytokines.4 Cyclosporine A has been found to be temic agents and both monoclonal antibodies

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and small molecules. The topical agent furthest designation.38,63-65 It was believed that there was
along in development, not yet available in Can- potential for systemic absorption that could
ada but approved by the Food and Drug Admin- manifest as systemic adverse effects, including
istration in the United States, is crisaborole, a cancer. To date, there is no substantial evidence
phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor with good results to suggest TCI are associated with increased
in adults and children in phase 3 trials.59 With cancer risk (including lymphomas) or systemic
regard to systemic agents, dupilumab is the first immunosuppression.38,63-65 Pharmacists can play
biologic agent approved for use in AD.60 Dupi- an important role in mitigating patient concerns
lumab binds to the IL-4 receptor and interferes by communicating this evidence.
with the signaling of IL-4 and IL-13, 2 cytokines With respect to phototherapy in AD, it is
in the Th2 pathway that are important in AD generally considered safe and well tolerated.
pathogenesis. The results of phase 3 trials up to Commonly described adverse effects include
16 weeks have been published with encouraging photodamage, erythema, burn and tenderness.9
results, and longer trials are under way.60 While A large component of our understanding regard-
studies to date have been limited to adults, tri- ing the long-term safety of phototherapy and
als in children are planned as well (Clinicaltrials. guidance with regard to phototherapy scheduling
gov: NCT02612454). While neither crisaborole and dosing in AD arises from literature in psori-
nor dupilumab are currently approved in Can- asis management.9 A review of 3867 patients on
ada, these and other new agents will hopefully narrowband-UVB therapy, receiving a median
increase the therapeutic armamentarium for AD of 29 treatments and as many as 352 patients
in the coming years. receiving more than 100 treatments, found no
significant association between narrowband-
Addressing patient concerns regarding AD UVB and basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell
treatment adverse effects carcinoma or melanoma after a median follow-
The appropriate use of medications is essential up of 5.5 years.66 This review addresses the
in mitigating the likelihood of adverse effects.4,11 concern of the potential long-term risk of car-
The distribution of accurate drug safety infor- cinogenesis associated with narrowband-UVB
mation is equally important in reducing patient and suggests the judicious use of narrowband-
fears.11 AD patients are often prescribed TCS UVB is a reasonable form of second-line therapy
as part of their treatment plan and the litera- in patients failing topical therapy.
ture has reported public concerns of immune When used and monitored appropriately,
suppression and undesirable skin changes that systemic agents, including systemic corticoste-
have negatively impacted treatment compliance. roids, cyclosporine, methotrexate, azathioprine
Undertreatment in the context of “steroid pho- and mycophenolate mofetil, are usually toler-
bia” can lead to poor disease control. Skin atro- able and safe with the use of the lowest effec-
phy can be induced by any TCS,4,11 but there are tive dose and for the shortest duration to allow
various factors that can increase the risk of skin for appropriate flare control.9 However, each of
atrophy, including higher potency agents, com- these medications is associated with immuno-
bination products (i.e., high potency TCS with suppression as well as other potentially serious
antibacterial or antifungal), concomitant occlu- toxicities, as mentioned above. Prescribers and
sive dressing, use on thin skin and prolonged pharmacists must play an active role in ensur-
use.61 With respect to use of high-potency ing these medications are being used and moni-
agents, the risk of hypothalamic-pituitary- tored appropriately to avoid potentially serious
adrenal axis suppression is low, but this risk can complications.
increase with prolonged use and use in children There is a lack of evidence evaluating the
with a larger body surface area to weight ratio.62 safety of oral antihistamines in AD manage-
Pharmacists have an opportunity to educate and ment.67 This, however, does not preclude an
reassure patients that appropriate use of TCS can adjunctive role for oral antihistamines in AD, as
safely relieve symptoms without adverse effects. they have been used to provide relief of noctur-
The public concern with TCI use arose with nal pruritus.67 Patients should be aware of oral
the previously mentioned FDA announce- antihistamine side effects, including sedation
ment of TCI’s lack of established long-term and anticholinergic effects (blurry vision, dry
safety and subsequent “black box” warning mouth, tachycardia).

292  CPJ/RPC • September/October 2017 • VOL 150, NO 5

Practice guidelines

Patient education and adherence strategies distal skin crease to the tip of the index finger
Pharmacists should (Table 2).4,69 By incorporating this system of
measurement with topical medications, health
•• strive to improve adherence through care prescribers can accurately convey how
patient education, much product they would like their patients to
•• improve communication of instructions use and ensure dosing consistency. This may
between the prescriber and the patient help prevent clinical scenarios in which patients
(the fingertip unit system), use either too little or too much topical product
•• advocate for community health literacy and subsequently experience either no clinical
and benefit or adverse effects. Pharmacists are ideal
•• connect patients living with AD to patient- champions of the fingertip unit dosing system.
support organizations. Pharmacists can build on a trusting patient-
pharmacist relationship and take the time to
Pharmacists are inherently community medical listen to their patients and learn how AD is
educators, as they are easily accessible and trained affecting their quality of life. Showing appropri-
to counsel in a patient-friendly manner. Phar- ate empathy is essential in gaining trust from
macists represent the interface between patients patients and destigmatizing AD. Inquiring about
and prescribers and are ideally positioned to patient preferences in terms of cosmetic accept-
empower and encourage patients to consult with ability and cost consideration when selecting
their primary care physician, pediatrician or der- moisturizers for long-term use can often help
matologist about any questions they have regard- patients take ownership of their AD manage-
ing their management plan (Box 1). Pharmacists ment plan. Also, working with other members of
can also take a proactive approach and advocate the patient’s health care team (including derma-
on behalf of their patients and communicate with tologists, allergists, respirologists, pediatricians
the prescribing team to ensure that the plan is and primary care physicians) can be helpful in
specific and well understood. ensuring patient continuity of care.
It is crucial for pharmacists to check on their AD, much like other chronic diseases, has a
patient’s understanding and concerns, clarifying complicated pathophysiology and can involve
any misconceptions related to their AD therapy multiple treatment options and steps in one’s
plan to effectively address nonadherence in their treatment plan. Thus, patient education is para-
counselling. In this way, fears and myths can be mount to achieve and maintain adherence and
dispelled promptly. Furthermore, pharmacists good results. Highlighting the appropriate use of
can work with their patients to create SMART AD treatment, goals of therapy and AD triggers to
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant avoid and reviewing myths and misunderstand-
and Time-based) goals as a means of provid- ings in AD management can encourage patient
ing patients with a structured framework to set adherence. Time with physicians in the clinic is
treatment objectives for themselves in managing often limited, and pharmacist-led educational ses-
their AD.19,68 Equally important, following up sions can be beneficial for patients. Pharmacist-led
with AD patients on their established SMART community education can take on many different
goals (Appendix 2, available in the online ver- forms, from setting up a free educational talk for
sion of the article) is key to maintaining adher- patients to attend in their pharmacy or commu-
ence and identifying whether more practical nity centre to contacting the local newspaper or
goals need to be established. radio station and offering to provide a short infor-
When TCS prescriptions use cautionary and mative segment on AD and its management.
imprecise phrasing in their instructions, such Pharmacists have the unique opportunity to
as “use sparingly,” it contributes to the fear and oversee and optimize the ongoing care for skin
reluctance of patients about using TCS for their health of patients living with AD in the com-
AD. A suggested method to improve the com- munity. In addition, pharmacists can continue
munication of instructions between the pre- to support patients living with AD by connect-
scriber and the patient is the use of the fingertip ing them to community patient-support organi-
unit system.4 A fingertip unit is defined as the zations, such as the Eczema Society of Canada,
amount of topical product expressed from a tube where they can gain access to further reputable,
with a 5 mm diameter nozzle, applied from the practical and patient-friendly information on

CPJ/RPC • September/October 2017 • VOL 150, NO 5 293

Practice guidelines

Table 2  The fingertip unit (FTU) and number of FTUs to treat each anatomical area

(A) A fingertip unit (FTU) is defined as the amount (B) The tube in which the topical product is
of topical product expressed from a tube applied expressed from must have a 5 mm diameter
from the distal skin crease to the tip of the index nozzle.

Number of FTUs to treat each

Anatomical site anatomical area

Face and neck 2.5

Trunk 7 (Front)
7 (Back)

1 arm 3

1 hand 1

1 leg 6

1 foot 2

Adapted from Long and Finlay.69 The photos have been reproduced with permission from Ian T. Y. Wong, RPh.

AD. These resources are helpful not only for of improving the lives of Canadians living with
patients but also for pharmacists and other AD. The society has contributed to communities
health care providers alike. Pharmacists can sup- across the nation through active education and
port AD patients by reinforcing basic skin care awareness programming and the provision of
practices and aid in their personal selection of support for patients and research endeavours in
moisturizers with their knowledge of moistur- AD. The ESC aims to continue to raise awareness
izer characteristics and side effect profile and and destigmatize AD by helping the public gain
clinical understanding of AD. ■ insight into the tremendous burden AD can
have for sufferers and their families. Health care
The AD guidelines for pharmacists were developed professionals, patients and community members
in collaboration with the Eczema Society of Canada can access informative resources and learn about
(ESC). The ESC is a registered Canadian charity, upcoming community education events at www
founded in 1997 and was established with the goal

From the Faculty of Medicine (Wong), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia;
the EPICORE Centre (Tsuyuki), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; the Eczema Society of
Canada (Cresswell-Melville), Keswick, Ontario; Department of Dermatology (Doiron), Women’s College
Hospital, Toronto, Ontario; the Department of Dermatology (Drucker), Alpert Medical School, Brown
University, Providence, Rhode Island. Contact
Author Contributions: I. T. Y. Wong wrote the initial draft of the article. R. T. Tsuyuki, A. Cresswell-
Melville, P. Doiron and A. M. Drucker reviewed and revised the article. All authors approved the final
version of the article.

294  CPJ/RPC • September/October 2017 • VOL 150, NO 5

Practice guidelines

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: A. Cresswell-Melville is an employee of the Eczema Society

of Canada (ESC), a registered Canadian charity, and has no conflict of interest or funding
disclosure related to this publication. The Eczema Society of Canada receives funding from private
citizen donations and foundations and funds, as well as from corporate partners, including
Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Astellas Pharma, Beiersdorf Canada, Galderma Canada, Glaxo
SmithKline Canada, Johnson & Johnson Inc., L’Oreal Canada Inc., Pediapharm Inc., Pierre Fabre
Dermo-Cosmétique Canada Inc., Sanofi Canada, Skin Fix Inc., Valeant Canada and Wellspring
Pharmaceuticals. A. M. Drucker is an investigator for Sanofi and Regeneron and a consultant for
Sanofi. Dr. Drucker has received honoraria from Astellas Canada, Prime Inc. and Spire Learning.
Funding: The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of
this article.

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