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All businesses order supplies. Supplies include many different items: computers,
parts for assembly, and pens and pencils, for example. It is very im portant for
businesses to have supplies when they need them. When you need suppl ies, first
call the vendor to discuss price and availability. Then send a letter with a formal
purchase order.

Before you write the letter and complete the purchase order, make sure you know
exactly what items you need and on what dates you need them.

1. Read the note about components that need to be ordered from Component
Outsource Ltd. Then look at the production schedule. It is important that
both the quantities and the dates are accurate.
2. Complete Purchase Order 113512.

Production Schedule: Computer Assembly

From the Desk of M. Simpson
Computer Assembly Component Component
Model Start Date Chip Sets· Drives·
G34 0211 5 Intex 440SX Ultra ATAJ88
SUX600 0211 5 AGB 5/x/233 U ltra ATAJ88
I re.ce11-'e.d thl$ productimt 550 PL 03/1 5 Intex 600 Ardo 6L
sche.dule. from the. factory that
PC1 000x 03/1 5 Intex 440SX Ardo 6L
asse.mhle.s our .
Ife.ste.rday, I tal£e.d to Ms , *50,000 of each component required per model.
Che.1t, our supplie.r from
Compo1te.1tt Outsource., Ltd, I w
. '; ")I\",H
told he.r that our stoc£ date.
has to he. 10 days hefore. our
Unit price! Cost less Stock date
Component Quantity thousand Cost (month/day)
asse.mbly start date.s , Jhe. said
1 0%
$he.'ll waive. $hippirrg costs a1td discount
give. us a l O 'Z disCi'/u1tt , '
Intex 440SX 1 00,000 $500 $50,000 $45,000 02105
Ple.ase. ma£e. up a purchase.
AGB 5/x/233 50,000 $800 $40,000 (6) __ (9) __

orde.r for the. chip se.f:s a1td

drive.s , a1td orde.r today , ; : I ntex 600 ( 1 ) � $500 (3) __ $22,500 ( 1 01 __

Ultra ATAJ88 1 00,000 $1 ,000 $1 00,000 (7) � 02/05

Ardo 6L (2) __
$1 ,000 (4) __ (8) __ 03/05

�:, TOTAL nla nla (5) _ $283,500 nla

!� Deliver by stock date to: Send invoice to:

" Mr. Walter Granger Ms. Marcia Collins

;; Shipping and Receiving Department Accounting Department
',<$ Dalway Computers Dalway Computers
, Address on file Address on file
f;;:;� " .", " ::,,Yl1.<
Model Fax: Orderi ng Supp l i es
� � . "

Look at the different elements of a fax ordering suppl ies.

Dalway Computers

JI. Barito II. No. 48

Kby baru
Jakarata 1 1 001, Indonesia
Phone: (021) 5200357
Fax: (02 1) 5493794

To: Ms. Jackie Chen

Title: Export Manager
Company: Component Outsou rce Ltd.
Address: 50 Orchard Road
S i ngapore 2 3 8865
Telephone: (65) 735 58 09
Fax: (65) 735 58 1 1
Pages: Cover plus 1
Date: November 24, 20-
Ref: Customer N umber: DC 43223-A

Dear Ms. Chen:

'- 1 am sen d i ng by fax Purchase Order 1 1 3 5 1 2 for the fo l low ing ch i p sets
and drives.
C h i p sets 1 00,000 Intex 440 SX
Opening 50,000 AG B 5/x/2 3 3
50,000 I ntex 600
Drives 1 00,000 U ltra ATN88

[ I
1 00,000 Ardo 6L

_______+..... These components should arrive no later than the stock dates noted i n the
purchase order. Del ivery i nstructions are deta i l ed in the purchase order.

As you di scussed i n yo ur November 2 3 telephone conversation with

M. Si mpson, yo u offered to waive s h i pp i n g costs and to give a 1 0 percent
Action d i scount. We appreci ate the offer and, as with previous orders, w i l l pay
upon recei pt of an i nvoice and the components. I nvo i c ing i nstructions are

detai l ed in the p u rchase order.

_______-+1.... If you have any questions concern i n g our order, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

S i n cerely,

Mark Wu
Purchas i ng Spec i a l i st
Useful Language
I am sending ___ .
Instructions are detailed in ___ .
We will pay upon receipt ___ .

If you have any questions concerning ___ .

� Unit 5
The body of a fax ordering supplies generally has four parts.

Part Content Example

I GOOf1 Business .I
Opening Tell what you are ordering. I am sending by fax Purchase Order 1 1 35 1 2
for the following chip sets and drives.
When you place Focus Tell when you need the item. These components should arrive no later

an order, be Tell how to deliver the item. than the stock dates noted in the purchase
polite and order. Delivery instructions are detailed in the
appreciative. purchase order.
Remember that Action As you discussed in your November 23
Tell how you will pay for
the vendor the item telephone conversation with M.Simpson, you
needs your order, but you offered to waive shipping costs and to give a
need the vendor to fill it.
1 0 percent discount. We appreciate the offer
and, as with previous orders, will pay upon
receipt of an invoice and the components . . . .
Closing Ask them to contact you If you have any questions concerning our
if necessary. order, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Practice 1 In each question, two of the sentences are appropriate to use in a letter o rde ri ng
supplies. Circle the letters of the two sentences.

1. Opening
a. I have enclosed Purchase Order A-342 for 50,000 hard drives.
b. To confirm our telephone conversation, I am sending Purchase Order
85-3425 for the following items.
c. Could you send me some chip sets, please?

2. Focus
a. The items should be shipped to arrive no later than March 15.
b. Are these items in stock?
c. We would appreciate receiving the items as soon as possib le, but no
later than April 15.
3. Action
a. Let us know how much we owe.
b. As we agreed, your invoice will be paid 30 days after delivery of the

!We/lt SAID chips and drives.

c. Your invoice will be processed upon receipt of the components.
Look at nla in the purchase 4. Closing
order on page 35. The
abbreviation nla means not a. We appreciate your cooperation in filling our order.
applicable. It means that b. You're not the only supplier, so do a good job for us.
what is asked for does not
c. We look forward to continued good relations with Component
apply to the situation.
Outsource Ltd.

Ordering Supplies .!!...;

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