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Gabriela Isabel Maya Carlos | IPQ 97

12 angry man

1. Why did the old man change his vote?

Because he admired the architecture for having the courage to stand alone, so he gave him his
support in order to hear more.

2. Why did the ad man change his vote twice?

I think he did it because he had no interest on the case, he doesn’t understand people, what makes
the most sense to him are graphs and figures. He actually cares about getting a decision and getting
out of the room.

3. Why was the messenger service owner so upset by the shift in voting?

He is a very aggressive man; he has no problem bullying the others when they have a different
opinion. Juror 3 is anxious to blame “trouble kids” for all the problems that exist because he hasn’t
spoke to his son for many years because of a fight.

4. Why didn’t the architect argue as much with the baseball fan as he did with the stockbroker?

Because the baseball fan only changed his vote to got out of there, he just wanted to leave the room
to go to a game; instead, juror 4 was arguing that the witness and the boy at the trial couldn’t lie of
what she’s seen; the architect insisted on the activities that the stockbroker had done the previous
days and he realized that he was wrong in his decision.

5. On the second ballot, the old man was the one who changed his vote. But the owner of the
messenger service thought the man from the slums had done the change. Why did the owner
think that?

Maybe because juror 5 didn’t say a thing when he’s given the opportunity to explain why he thinks
the defendant is guilty; juror 5 grew up in the slum where family dysfunction and street violence were
a way of life and that could be a second reason for the owner or the messenger service.

6. Why was the architect able to influence the others?

As we’ve seen durinf our classes, a leader is that one who is able to change and transform individuals.
Leadership involves an exceptional form of influence that moves followers to accomplish more than
what is usually expected of them; and juror 8 certainly displayed all the characteristics of leadership.
He was concerned about changing the opinions of the other jurors, and to raise a reasonable doubt
in their minds to the guilt or innocence of the boy. He not only had to convince them he should be
found not guilty, but also that what he was saying was true. He knew his facts and was able to present
them in a way that related to each juror. He was confident in himself. He emerged as a natural leader.

7. Why where the cough drops significant?

The owner of the cough drops was a very insecure man, whom at first offered to everyone cough
drops but as time goes by he started to sympathize with the jurors that doesn’t thought the boy was
guilty and say no when juror 10 asks for one.
Gabriela Isabel Maya Carlos | IPQ 97

8. What were other key events of the film?

When the architect simulate the scene of the old man getting up of his bed and makes other doubt
of that fact; at last, when the aggressive 3rd juror started to cry because of the relation with his son
that makes him want to blame the boy at the trial. Also when juror 8 question the stockbroker what
he had done the previous Monday and prove that the boy under that pressure could forget important
facts of the scene.

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