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Choose or, and, or but to combine the sentences.

1. Fred likes basketball. ___and______ Fred likes football.

2. Suzy has to pick red. ____or_______ Suzy has to pick blue.

3. Bob likes to shop. _____but________ Bob has no money.

4. Joe likes to run. _____and_______ Joe gets tired.

Write a synonym for the word.

1. Big _____huge________

2. Small ____little________

3. Sad ______mad________

4. Angry ____mad_________

Write an antonym for the word.

1. Light _____off________

2. Quiet ____loud________

3. Fast ____slow__________

4. Up _____down_________
Write the correct prefix for the word (pre, un, re, dis).

1. ___un_____like (do not like)

2. ___un______do (to not do)

3. ____re______tell (to tell again)

4. ____re_______heat (to heat before)

Fill in the sentence with the correct vocabulary word.

1. Locate
2. Compare
3. Contrast
4. Identify

1. I had to __________locate________________ the state on the map.

2. Suzy needs to ________identify___________________ the correct answer.

3. Fred had to __________compare__________________ a dog and a cat

4. I had to compare and _________contrast__________________ the two

Organize the 4 sentences in order.

Then, Suzy made three big snowballs. Lastly, Suzy decorated

the snowman. First, Suzy will get some snow. Next, Suzy will
pick up the snow.

1. First

2. Next

3. Then

4. Lastly
Directions: Read the passage out loud. Then, answer the questions below.

Billy made a house by himself. Billy started by taking large bricks to make his
house. The house would be strong. Billy needed water to drink because he was
thirsty. Billy said it made him tired. Billy went to the river to get water. Then, he
started building the house again.

1. What did Billy say he was tired from?

Billy was tired from working and building.

2. What did Billy make his house out of?


3. Where did Billy get water from?

The river.

4. Why was the house strong?

Because of the bricks. They are strong.

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