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Profesor: Dicu Olenka Viza director,

Numar de ore/sapt.: 1 Viza sef catedra,

Clasa: a XII a E(bilingv)


ANUL SCOLAR 2018/2019
SEMESTRUL I si al II-lea

Nr. Unitatea de Competente specifice Continuturi ale unitatii de invatare

invatare vizate  detalieri tematice
 elemente de constructie a comunicarii Nr. ore Saptamana
 Functii comunicative
1. States and 1.1 British and American politics
systems(Part 1) 1.2 The British Parliament and the British monarchy
2.1 Political parties, famous political leaders 2 S1, S2
2.2 New trends în Britsh and American politics
3.3 The elections
Vocabulary practice
Paragraph writing
Role playing
Information transfer
2. States and 1.1 The US constitution and legal system
systems 1.2 The Electoral College
(Part 2) 2.1 The Supreme Court 2 S3, S4
2.2 Thematic vocabulary: rights and duties
4.2 Thematic vocabulary : crime and punishment
Reading comprehension exercises
Information transfer
Making a diagram

3. States and 1.1 The UNO

systems(Part 3) 1.2 Safeguarding resources and stability worldwide
2.1 Global problems : pollution, poverty, terrorism 2 S5,6
2.2 Creating a sense of international responsibility
3.1 Listening comprehension exercises
3.2 Group discussion
3.3 Essay writing
4. States and 1.1 The American cultural invasion 2 S7
systems (Part 4) 1.2 National celebrations/days in the UK and in
2.1 America S8
3.1 National identity în the context of globalisation
3.2 Discussion
3.3 Paragraph writing
4.1 Information transfer
5. Society (Part 1) 1.1 Immigration and citizenship
1.3 Types of discrimination
2.1 International rights 2 S9,S10
2.2 National identity vs. being a citizen of the world
3.1 America – a melting pot
3.3 Reading Comprehension, discussion
3.4 Matching and ordering,
Essay writing
6. Society (Part 2) 1.1 Children and childrencare
1.2 Education 1 S 11
2.1 Global problems : lack of education, poverty,
3.1 diseases
3.2 Topic discussion
3.3 Information collecting and
3.4 writing accounts
Listening comprehension
7. 1.1 Care of the elderly S12 S13
Society (Part 3) 1.2 Charity organisations
2.2 Moral responsibility and behaviour 2
3.1 Agreement and disagreement
3.3 Topic discussion
Information transfer
Writing a letter to a local representative

\8. 1.1 Human rights – classification

Society ( Part 4) 1.2 The fight for human rights S14, S15
3.1 Children's rights 2
3.2 Women's rights
4.2 Comprehension
Making differences
Essay writing
9. Global 1.1 2 S16, S17
markets(Part 1) 1.2 Patterns of change
2.1 Consumer society
2.2 The global supermarket
4.1 Modern communication and travelling : a shrinking
4.2 world
Shopping trends
Information transfer
Matching expressions
Writing a summary
10. Global markets 1.2 Lifestyles 2 S18, S 19
(Part 2) 1.2 Downshifting : escaping from a stressful lifestyle
2.1 Freedom of enterprise
2.2 Flexibility in economy : new branches
3.4 Types and forms of advertising
4.2 Listening comprehension
Vocabulary practice
Essay writing
11. Global markets 1.1 The UK relationship with the EU 2 S20, S21,
(Part 3) 1.2 Globalisation and anti-globalisation
2.1 Solutions to global problems
2.2 Expressing agreement and disagreement
3.4 Discussion
4.1 Vocabulary practice

12. Global Markets 1.1 Shifting focus from blue-collar to white-collar 2 S22, S23
(Part 4) 1.2 Flexibility in economy
2.1 New work patterns
2.2 The IT revolution
3.1 Vocabulary practice
Information transfer
13. The arts (Part 1) 1.1 Modern art in the UK 1 S24
1.2 Modern art in the USA
2.1 International cultural events
2.2 The influence of British and American culture
3.2 Vocabulary practice
3.3 Discussions
Reading comprehension
Essay writing

14. The arts (Part 2) 1.1 Music trends and pop culture 2 S26, S27
1.2 Musicals in London theatres : tradition and striking
2.1. experiments
2.2 New types of music
3.1 Information transfer and processing
3.2 Vocabulary practice
Asking questions and reporting findings
15. The arts (Part 3) 1.1 The cinema in the UK and America 2 S28, S29
1.2 Famous British and American directors
2.1 Famous British and American actors
2.2 The new wave in cinema
3.2 Listening comprehension
3.3 Role play
Writing a review

16. The arts (Part 4) 1.1. Architecture in the UK 2 S30

1.2 Architecture in the USA S31
2.1 Classic versus modern în architecture
2.2 International modernism: landmarks, famous
3.1 writers
3.2 Postmodernism: themes, famous writers
3.3 Information transfer and processing
Vocabulary practice
Essay writing
17. Revision 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 All skills 1 S32


1.1 Extragerea esentialului din rapoarte orale, discursuri, interviuri, talk-show-uri si identificarea punctului de vedere si a atitudinii
1.2 Identificarea rapida a ideilor unui text luand decizia daca acestea sunt pertinente pentru nevoile sale si daca necesita in consecinta
un studiu aprofundat
2.1 Redactarea unui raport/referat asupra unei teme de interes prin sintetizarea unei informatii culese din diverse surse
2.2 Construirea unui monolog pe subiecte de interes care este sustinut prin exemple si in care sunt evaluate informatiile culese din
diverse surse
3.1 Oferirea de raspunsuri la un chestionar pe teme de interes in care sunt motivate optiunile
3.2 Redactarea de scrisori pe diverse teme, catre diversi destinatari, in diferite scopuri de comunicare( pentru a obtine ceva, pentru a
informa, pentru a convinge, pentru a invita)
3.4 Formularea unor concesii in cadrul unei negocieri, stabilind limitele peste care nu mai sunt facute altele
4.1 Parafrazarea unui citat folosind exemple personale/prin raportare la experienta personala
4.2 Rezumarea unui text intr-un numar dat de cuvinte

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