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Fill in the blanks with the Past Tense of the verb.

(If it is not in the list of

irregular verbs, it most probably is a regular verb, with –ed)

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

In the beautiful town of Hamelin, the mayor _____________ (have) a problem.

There _____________ (be) a lot of rats everywhere. There were under the desk,
on the desk. They ____________ (eat) the Mayor’s books, letters, and even his

“Ouch!” ____________ (say) the mayor when he __________ (fall).

The people were desperate. They ________________ (not know) how to get rid
of the rats. The mayor was angry. “We must do something! But I don’t know what
to do. Can somebody help, please?”

Suddenly the door ____________ (open). A funny man ______________ (come)

in. He ___________ (have) a hat and a cape, long dark hair and a music pipe.

“Who are you?”, ____________ (say) the mayor.

“I am the Pied Piper. I can take away the rats if you give me one hundred coins.”

“Only one hundred coins?” _________ (say) the mayor. “I will give you one
thousand if you help us get rid of the rats.”

The Piper ___________ (agree). He ____________ (go) to the town square and
______________ (start) to play his pipe near a fountain. The pipe __________
(make) pretty music.

Look! Lots of rats were coming to listen to the music. They ___________ (come)
out of the drains (canale), they _________ (come) out of the baskets, they
________ (come) out of the barrels (butoaie), practically everywhere.

The rats ___________ (like) the music. The Pied Piper __________ (leave) the
town square. He ___________ (play) the pipe. The rats ___________ (follow) him.
There _____________ (be) thousands of rats.
He skipped and ____________ (dance). He came to a river and _________ (go)
into the water. All the rats ____________ (go) after him and drowned (s-au
inecat). The rats cannot swim.

The Pied Piper __________ (go) back to Hamelin. Everyone __________ (be)
happy. They ____________ (give) the Piper flowers and bread and cheese.

“Thank you”, _______ (say) the Piper. “Please give the cheese to your children.
The mayor will give me one thousand coins.”

The Piper _____________ (arrive) at the town hall (primarie). He __________

(say) to the mayor.

“The rats are dead. Please give me my reward.”

But the mayor ________ (be) greedy. He __________ (want) to keep the coins. He
__________ (tell) the piper he could give him just ten coins.

The Pied Piper__________ (be) angry. He ___________ (not take) the coins.

He __________ (go) to the town square. He __________ (play) a different tune

(melodie). The children of Hamelin ____________ (came) and started to follow
him. He ____________ (take) the children out of the town.

Their parents __________ (look) for them everywhere but they couldn’t find the
children. They started to cry. The mayor was very said. He cried and he cried. He
cried all night, he cried all day. He ___________ (cry) one thousand tears.

Suddenly he __________ (hear) some music. The Pied Piper was coming back,
bringing the children with him. Everyone _______ (be) happy. The children
______ (be ) home again.

“Dear mayor, he said, you __________ (cry) one thousand tears. You are a good

The mayor __________ (give) Pied Piper a bag of coins.

Hamelin ________ (become) a nice town again. There weren’t any more rats, and
there were a lot of children.

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