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We are aware that a lot of damage is done to environment in the

manufacture of cement. It involves lot of carbon emission associate with one D,
one researches has shown that every one ton of cement manufacture cease half ton
of carbon dioxide, so there is an immediate need to control the usage or cement.
On the hand material waste such as Hypo sludge 1s difficult to dispose which
return is environment hazard,

The CERAMIC WASTE imparts high early strength to concrete and also
reduce the permeability of concrete The Silica present in the hypo sludge reacts
with components of cement during hydration and imparts additional properties
such as chloride resistance, corrosion resistance etc.

Therefore the use of CERAMIC WASTE in concrete not only reduces the
environment pollution but also enhance the properties of concrete and also reduce
the cost. It makes the concrete more durable.

The concrete mix designed by varying the 3 proportion of Hypo sludge Ash
for control mix, 15%, 25%, 35% the cubes is been casted and cured in normal
water for 7, 14 and 28 days.

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