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Unit 3: Body Systems Part 2

Week 1: Cardiovascular system

Intro:​ Cardiovascular system​( circulartory system ) is transportation system of the body
it helps provide nutrients and oxygen, carries away waste and helps the body fight disease
Physical benefit
- Carry oxygne for the lung to the cells of the body
- Absorbing and devering nutrient from foo to body cells
- Carrying carbon dioxide form your cells back to your lung to be exhale
- Delivering other wastes products to the kidneys
- Helping the white blood cells fight fight infection
Three major components
- heart
- blood
- Blood vessel
The heart
= involuntary muscle that work independently from the nervous system and it has its own
electrical system
- It beats100k times/ a day
- There are ​4 chambers​ inside the heart separated by a​ wall​ of tissue called ​septum
- The two top chambers are ​atria
- The two lower chamber are ​ventricles.
- Valves between the atria and ventricle allow blood to flow to the chambers.
- At area at the top of the right atria contains a cluster of cells where electric impulse
are generated.
- The SA node acts pacemaker for the heart.
- Look like ​2 pumps divided by the septum(wall)
- There ​2 major pathways​ connecting the heart to the rest of the body:​ systemic and
Process of blood transportation
- The right side of the heart pushes blood to the pulmonary circuit so that the blood
can get oxygenated in the lung
- The left side of the heart pump oxygenated blood to the entire body
- The blood then return to the heart via the systemic pathway
- This cycle repeats again through the pulmonary pathway
The blood
= The fluid that delivers oxygen hormones and nutrients to the cell around the body and it
carries away wastes from the cell
- Made up of: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
There are 4 main blood types:
- A
- B
- AB
- O
*​All types of blood contain antigens but the O type
- Therefore, a person with blood type A,B,or AB must receive blood from someone with
the same blood type so that the antigen in their blood match
- A person with blood type A,B,or AB can also receive blood from someone with type O
blood because​ type O has no antigens
- People with type O blood are also called​ universal donors​ since anyone cna receive
their blood

= the fluid where other parts of the blood are suspended
- About 55% of the total blood volume consists of plasma, which is mainly water, but it
also contains nutrients, protein, salts and hormones
Red blood cells
- make up 40% of normal blood
- they contain ​hemoglobin
= a protien that carries oxygne in blood
- Hemoglobin contains iron that bind with oxygen in the lung and release the oxygen in
the tissue
- Hemoglobin also combines with carbon dioxide, a wastes gas that is carried form the
cells to lung to be exhaled
White blood cells
- made up only 1% of the blood
It has three purposes:
- Surround and ingest the organism tha cause disease(phagocytosis)
- Form antibodies that provide immunity against a second attack from the same
- fight allergic reaction
= the type of cells in the blood that cause blood clots to gorm
- made up less than 1%
- When the wall of the blood vessel tears, platelet collects at the tear and form a clot
that blocks the flow of blood
Blood vessel
Three types of blood vessels:
- Arteries
- Capillarries
- Veins
Arteries​ = blood vessel that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
- branches into progressively smaller vessels called ​arterioles​, which deliver blood to
Capillaries​= small vessels that carry blood from arterioles and to small vessel called venules,
which empty into vein
- reaches almost all body cells
- capillaries near the skin’s surface dilate or constrict to ​adjust body temperature
Vein​= blood vessel that return deoxygenated blood to heart
- the large vein =​ Vena cava​, carry deoxygenated blood to the right atrium
- Pulmonary veins​ carry oxygenated blood to the left atruim
Blood Pressure​ = A measure of the amount of force that the blood places on the walls of
blood vessels, particularly large arteries, as it is pump through the body.
- It’s vital to maintain blood pressure in the cardiovascular system for normal blood
Blood pressure reading includes two numbers
- Systolic pressure​ = the maximum pressure as your heat contracts to push blood into
your arteries
- Diastolic pressure ​= a pressure at its lowest point when your ventricles relax
*The hearthy person’s blood pressure will vary within a normal range of below 120/80
**Blood pressure that is above 140/90 is considered high and places a strain on the heart

Cardiovascular​ are inherited or resulted from illness, diet and aging.

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