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Results and Discussion

In this experiment, the extraction of lemongrass oil using ethanol as a solvent was performed. In a
study on essential oil extraction of lemon grass, it was determined that the maximum extraction yield for
lemongrass oil was about 1.46% in terms of grams essential oil per gram of raw material. Thus, for a raw
material weight of 583 grams, a maximum of 8.5 grams of oil can be extracted. Putting equipment
efficiencies in consideration, the yield can be expected to be less than this maximum.

Although the yield for the lemongrass oil may be low, there is still an observable change in the
product side as the extraction continued. The refractive index of pure ethanol is 1.350, while the refractive
index of pure lemongrass oil is at a range of 1.483-1.489. From this, it can be said that an increase of
lemongrass oil concentration can be detected if the refractive index of the product solution approaches the
refractive index of lemongrass oil.

The results show and increase in product solution refractive index from 1.3596 in the first stage to
1.3608 in the second stage. This increase in refractive index can be attributed to the recovery of
lemongrass oil in the product solution. Thus, an effective extraction was performed.

The experiment’s objectives include the determination of the percent recovery of solute and the
underflow loci of the system. In performing the mass balance, however, it dawned upon the group that a
concentration x-y curve for a binary system of pure lemongrass oil and pure ethanol is required. In the
absence of these two pure components, an x-y versus refractive index curve cannot be constructed. Thus,
the only indication of extraction can only be made by observing changes in the product solution’s
refractive index. The specific objectives of the experiment cannot be quantitatively met, but the purpose
and the essence of the experiment is evident in the results. In conclusion, a significant amount of
lemongrass oil was extracted from the plant matter, whose presence was determined by observing
changes in the refractive index of the product solution with respect to known refractive indices of the pure

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