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Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School

Brgy. Poblacion, Sta. Rosa, N.E.

Marketing Strategies in Relation

to Consumer Loyalty of

M. De Leon Street

Submitted by:

Erika D.P. Barrientos

Hanna Jane I. Catacutan

Krisha Loraine D. Gapac

Jeresey B. Palma

Laila Lyka Ann V. Quizon

Rhovie Ann M. Semillano

Russel D.G. Velasco




“Customer service is what you and your organization provide. Customer loyalty is

the result of the service.”

-Shep Hyken

Consumer loyalty is the result of consistently positive emotional experience, physical

attribute-based satisfaction and perceived value of an experience, which includes the

product or services.

Relationship marketing focuses on interacting with customer long term, rather than

simply trying to make a quick sale. If you focus on learning customers’ personal tastes

and understanding their individual issues, you can eventually get to the point where you

make actual sales, because you will know how your products or services specifically

solve their problems. This strategy affects multiple aspects of customer loyalty.

It is related in the study because it has a relationship between marketing strategies

of the managers and consumer loyalty. So, if you focus on learning their wants as a

consumer you will be easily captivate their loyalty.

Brand loyalty is when you build relationship with customers slowly; you build a

reputation as a company that cares about people as individuals. This becomes part of your

brand. According to the “Management Science,” brand loyalty allows you flexibility in
setting prices. This can improve your profit margin, because you do not have attracted

customers on the basis of bargain pricing. Instead, customers return to you because they

have a relationship with you.

Brand loyalty has a crucial role in consumer loyalty simply because it is the

foundation of the relationship. If you get their loyalty in your brand, there is a huge

possibility that your profit margin will increase. Thus, it makes your business more


In salespeople loyalty customers can become attached to specific salespeople.

While you run the risk of losing the salesperson and having to rebuild the relationship

with the customer, this kind of loyalty can increase sales dramatically. To achieve this

kind of loyalty you must train your salespeople in the techniques of building customers

relationship. These techniques include: making follow-up calls without trying to sell

anything, calling a customer to offer a solution to a problem they are having, asking

questions about customer needs and maintaining contact through social media.

Customers may develop a relationship with a product in product loyalty. Because

products solve customer problems or fulfill customer desires, they tend to have emotional

impact. Customers will return to a product that satisfies them over and over. You have to

offer the best products available to achieve this kind of loyalty. Your target market is

people who are willing to pay extra for quality. Avoid discount brands for this type of

customer, and focus on providing only the best.

Customer service focuses on understanding specific problems, taking

responsibility for solving those problems, and following up to make sure the customer is

satisfied. Train customer service people to stop placing blame for the problem and start
taking responsibility for the solution. The impact on your sales can be significant,

because customers who value your customer service will return to you despite price,

location and the availability of competitors’ product.



Considering the fierce competition and about 60% failure rate of restaurant

business, it is vital that you get your marketing strategy not just right but top notch. As a

good food lover, you have carried out in-depth research on why some restaurants fail

despite cooking their best, while others succeed with just average dishes. Research has

revealed that succeeding at restaurant business is beyond cooking the most palatable of

dishes. The success of any restaurant business bears down on its marketing strategies. In

this post, you would be highlighting nine tips for restaurant marketing using effective

marketing strategies.

The first one is “Go Social”, you are in the era of food porn and social media

platforms are bustling with several pictures of delicacies that make the thriftiest of people

spend some extra dollars. If you want the orders rolling in, then you have to take

advantage of social media platforms to promote your restaurant online. They

acknowledge that there are tons of social media platforms out there so here’s my advice;

when it comes to food, Instagram is King, Facebook is Queen and the rest are puns. The

key to going social and churning in profit is posting top-notch food pictures and video

clips. If you don’t know where to start, consider hiring a social media expert to give you

valuable insight.
Second, “Get a Website”, having a website for your restaurant business is

equivalent to having a food shop in every part of the world. If you want your restaurant to

grow big, then you’ve got to get a professional website. A website opens up opportunities

for a much larger market of consumers. It makes it very easy for potential and even

existing customers to find you. They know you’re thinking that putting up a website is

lots of work but believe us, the reward is nothing compared to the work. Moreover, you

could opt for hiring affordable professional website services to get the job done.

Third, “Bring The Contests On”, by offering contests are a good way to spread the

word about your restaurant. They would recommend and offline/online contest. This

simply means starting a contest in your physical restaurant that customers can share

online. Imagine one customer with a massive social media following uploading content

related to your restaurant. Offering contest would definitely get the word about your

restaurant out there.

Fourth, “Don’t Leave Out Email Marketing”, restaurant email marketing is another

vital strategy to effectively marketing your restaurant. There are two ways to grow your

email list; by getting customers to fill forms in-person and by getting them to fill forms

online. They would suggest you pay close attention to the later because the world has

gone digi-bananas! Email marketing is an efficient way to “bait” your customers and

keep them coming back. Using email marketing, you can showcase new additions to your

menu and other exciting offers. However, email-marketing can be tricky if not properly

executed. So if you’re new to email marketing, don’t fail to consult an expert to find the

best email marketing strategy for your restaurant.

Fifth, “Reach Out To Local Food Bloggers And Influencers”, one of the greatest

marketing strategies today is leveraging on the network of other businesses. As a

restaurant owner, you can leverage on the network of local food bloggers and influencers

by connecting with them and getting them to share content related to your restaurant. You

can give them incentives such as free meals to get them to popularize your brand among

their network.

Sixth, “Get Listed On Food Apps”, several food apps have sprung up over the

years due to popular demand by consumers. No longer do consumers have to go through

boring directories or surf the web for long minutes to find a suitable place to eat. All they

have to do these days is install a food app that points them to the nearest restaurant. Take

advantage of this wave of mobile technology by partnering with food apps to make sure

that your restaurant is listed. Getting listed on these food apps ensures that you do not

loose potential customers.

Seventh, ”Social Paying”, according to Seth Godin, “Ideas that spread win”.

Many people who walk into a restaurant, do so because a friend or someone

recommended that restaurant. You can tap into the power of word of mouth by

employing social paying. This simply gives customers a chance pays for their food by

sharing your delicacies on their social media pages. Imagine ten customers who have a

hundred followers each, sharing one of your mouth watering delicacies with their

network! They guarantee that you’d get a couple of customers wanting to try those

delicacies out.
Eighth, “Tap Into The Power Of Social Media Marketing”, social media marketing

is one of the most powerful tools for any business. Social media marketing can put your

restaurant in front of thousands of potential customers. Social media marketing goes

beyond just brand awareness; it also helps you gain insight into your target consumer.

Social media marketing for restaurants also opens avenues for feedback from existing

customers. In order to get the best out of social media marketing, it must be executed by a

social media expert. They would recommend 99DollarSocial; these guys are not just top

notch at handling professional social media accounts, they are very affordable too! You

can work with their experts to come up with a viable social media marketing plan for

your restaurant.

Last, “Mind Your Online Reputation”, nothing destroys a restaurant business like

bad review. They mean who wants to visit a restaurant with a “bland food” or “dead

insect” review? All your efforts online could go to waste if you don’t have a good online

reputation management strategy in place. Online reputation for a restaurant would simply

involve responding to customer queries in a timely manner and responding to both

negative and positive reviews in a way that would portray your restaurant in good light.

However, if you have no experience with online reputation management; we advise that

you employ an expert to tackle polishing your online reputation.

General Question

How marketing strategies are related to consumer loyalty of M. De Leon


Specific Questions:

1. Is the price of the product effects the consumer loyalty?

2. Is there a significant relationship between the taste of food and price?

3. Is the ambiance of the place captivating the consumer loyalty?

Scope and Delimitation

The coverage of this study is about the marketing strategies in relation to

consumer loyalty of M. De Leon Street and the total respondents are unknown .

This study is limited on how the manager manage their business in order to

captivate the consumer loyalty of M. De Leon Street.

Significance of the Study

A. Manager- they will be able to know the factors or strategies that will

help to improve their business

B. Future Business Manager- they will inform about the strategy that they

can apply to their business.

C. Owners- they will be able to gain more profitable sales.

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