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If only more men realised this.

we get brainwashed by popular media that the 'next step'

in a relationship is to get married. Because, you know, your woman is being very loving
with you and the sex is great, why not make that state permanent? Except it isn't. Once
you have given commitment and can't easily back out, she no longer needs to be free
with the sex, and instead feels comfortable enough in her situation to start the power
struggle in earnest. Seen it far too many times. Marriages - or any intimate relationship
between a man and a woman - are never 'equal' like the feminist trope. Once a woman
achieves power she loses interest, because she no longer can look *up* to the man that
she once admired and respected. Without that, she stops loving him, and it is like a
switch in their head, they become very machiavellian in their dealings.

In some States, 17% of the prison population consists of men who *cannot* (not will
not) pay the amount of CS that the family court decided he should. For example if he lost
his job, nobody cares, he still has to pay the same amount. So they are put in prison for a
few months, and of course they are expected to be paying the CS and alimony while they
are in prison. I doubt if a single woman is in prison for not paying CS. The thing is, all of
those men are paying money to women who at one time professed to love them. So
how come there aren't women marching around with placards outside courts and
prisons demanding their release? They are willing to go on marches demanding to walk
around half-naked without consequences, but not stand up for men they said they

Tells you everything you need to know about the nature of women's love. It is not the
same as a man's love. When a woman says she loves a man, she actually means she
loves the way he makes her feel. So you have to keep making her feel that way. If you
hand her power in a relationship - and marriage is a transfer of power - then that
becomes very difficult.

And this, to come back to the article, is how feminism is destroying marriage. Because of
all the 'men and women are equal' and 'male and female and social constructs' garbage
that has become the common meme in the West, men attempt to please their women
by acting like 'equals', which in practice means become a beta supplicant. Men have to
be the leader in the relationship, or the relationship suffers. It makes the women
happier too, but feminism has them convinced that having their husband/partner lead is
'oppression', and instead they need to go out and work in a career, where they can
follow the lead of their manager instead.

START of SECTION 1 of 9:

I think most women can’t help trying to control their husbands – the irony is that they
are increasingly miserable and insecure if they succeed. Deep down they don’t like being
bitches, start despising their husband’s weakness and feel insecure because it’s like they
are their husband’s mother while he is a child, leaving them the only adult in the house.
IMO women’s attempts to control their husbands are an instinctively motivated test of
his strength and character. Deep down they want the man to rise to their challenge, not
give in. Giving in to them all the time brings out their worst while standing up to them in
a fair-handed way brings out their best, IMO. Their negative tendencies are reined in
instead of encouraged.

They can’t help it. Women are naturally attracted to, and attach to, dominant men. So be

Modern marriage is nothing but relationship insurance for women. When they get
married, they can have their kids which further keep you in check.

the only chance a man has to be happy with his wife is if he does stand up to her. Over
time the nagging, moods, etc greatly lessen if you make sure those tactics are the one
sure way she never gets her way.

Most of us don’t “talk things out before” because things are ideal. You have a lot of sex,
and you do what we want. So what’s to talk about? We were young and stupid, and
didn’t realize the wedding cake was laced with Dr. Jekyll’s secret formula.

[Marriage is] like serving time in prison with a big fat cellmate who DOESN’T want to
have sex with you.

let me be more to the point: there are plenty of men that are married, live like they did
when they were single, and still get head when they want… The difference between us
and your type: we control our wives, yours control you… you = momma’s boy…

I know plenty of married guys who let their wives walk all over them. I also know
married guys who call the shots in almost everything in their marriage. I know a few
guys who have a very even and fair relationship with their wives. With that said, I have
no sympathy for the guys who let their wives walk all over them. They let it happen and
then bitch and moan about it like the pussies they are. The guys who call the shots are
the most confident men I know. Their wives like them being in control and respect them
for it. These guys will bitch and moan about stuff sometimes, but it’s not too often

You just read my mind. My marriage is destroying me. I don’t know if I can ever regain
my happiness. Thinking back on my life the other day, I realized that I was actually a
happy person once. I loved life, I enjoyed other people’s company, I had hopes and
dreams. It almost startled me to realize that was me instead of another person I was
jealous of. REPLY: So just start being that old you. She was attracted to that old you.

The bottom line is this: Women don’t know what the fuck they really want. Guys are so
fucking simple. We know EXACTLY what we want: Sex or blow jobs about 3 or 4 times a
week, a good pizza or burger every now and then, and about one day a week that we
can go do stuff that we like, whether it’s poker or golf or what have you. How hard is
that to understand? Women, on the other hand, have NO CLUE what they want. They’ve
been told they can have it all, that they need to be this or that, that they need to do this
or that. I don’t think may of them honestly know what it is they want. They only know
what it is they don’t have. REPLY: you hit it on the head. they don’t know, but they sure
feel like whatever it is, it’s not enough, life sucks, and they need to take their
unhappiness out on you.

Marriage is for women, not men.

All married men who are sober are miserable to one degree or another. Successful
marriages are made by the man convincing himself he’s not as unhappy as he knows he
is. Question: Why do men die before their wives? Answer: Because they want to.

Face it, women are selfish. All the wedding and receptions I see know are really just a
celebration by the woman for the glorification of herself. What guy would go spend $20
grand or more on a wedding. Fuck, we’d buy a monster big screen TV and power tools
for the basement. American woman are so selfish they really don’t give a fuck about the
man. To them its all about me me me and you better work harder to give it to them.
Thank God I’m not married, but I look at friends who are and just go “You poor bastard”.

I know 2 guys. Both make good money, are good looking, and great dads. Their wives are
depressed, putting on weight, don’t work outside the home, want him to take the kids or
start working as soon as he walks in the door. One goes out and gets massages and her
nails done, also want a cleaning lady. Like WTF, is this some sort of full time vacation for
her? Man, the dudes are like perfect husbands and they treat them like dirt. I feel sorry
for you bastards. I know, it hurts I don’t have kids, but that can be a fantasy gone bad too
these days. Just go to any mall.
For 19 years I’ve been tracking married couples where I work, people I socialize with,
etc. 85% or so – the women have become fat sexless hogs and the men are miserable. If
you have one of the 15%, be thankful on a daily basis. I’ve been fucking other women for
13 years. I warned her she was not cutting me off, but losing her place in line. choose
your mistresses very carefully and you will find there is plenty of sweet pussy out there
still eager to fuck you.

My wife was a complete off the wall fuck machine before we got married. Fun,
energetic, beautiful. Now? Overweight, tired all the time, and forget a goddamn
blowjob. Counting down the days…oh yes indeed.

Early in my marriage I found that I got the best behavior from my wife immediately after
a fight in which I raised my voice and told her with authority that her behavior was not
appropriate. She would start an argument usually by refusing to do something which we
had previously agreed was her responsibility, or sometimes by speaking to me
inappropriately. At first, I would try to address the subject reasonably, explaining the
reasons why whatever she did was wrong. Eventually, I figured out that she knew damn
well whatever she did to start the fight was wrong. She was just waiting for me to call
her on it. A sort of test. We get along much better now. I think part of the problem is
that I was raised without a dad, and my mom was a very strong figure who always told
me that marriage was an equal partnership, etc. I’ve found this to be true in a way, but
not the way I thought. Marriage is definitely a partnership, but both partners must
acknowledge that gender roles are absolutely necessary to make it work. You can’t have
a marriage of two neuters, the dynamic just doesn’t lend itself to a long-term happy
couple. There has to be a man, and a woman.

They eat while the man is at work. They’re like the Terminator going after food instead of
Sarah Conner. They never stop. They can’t be reasoned with! in a similar thread a while
back, some guy describes his obese, couch potato wife as “a piece of furniture that talks
and never shuts up”

This thread is great, I am not done with it yet – we are cleaning house from top to
bottom – but, I have to say, all the advice about standing up to your wife, even if you are
wrong – is 100% wisdom. However, if it turns out that you were wrong, say you are
sorry. That being said, women want you to stand up to them.

A comedian did a bit once about men and women. Men are like dogs: You know EXACTLY
what they like, what they want, and how they will react to whatever you do. Women are
like cats: There is no fucking way to tell what they want, and if you do one thing one day,
there is no guarantee that they will react the same way the next time you do it.
I got lucky…but I cannot guarantee the 26y/o guys I work with that they will have the
same results. Most seem to be considering pampered bitches as wives. This is not good.
I can’t stand spending 5 minutes in a room with these women. They are very
materialistic and self-centered. Most of my 40-ish buddies are very unhappy or divorced
outright. The entire situation is rather bleak. I consider myself lucky. When I got married,
I had no idea of what I was getting into. You think you know… but NO ONE can predict
10..20 years into the future. It is a total crapshoot. I got lucky. I admit that freely.

Handle your business and be calm and rational. Do not allow yourself to get fucked over
to avoid confrontation. If you can stay calm enough about disagreements to be a little
playful about them, this is ideal. Women love guys like that.

Your (everyone who has posted in this thread thus far) problem is that you
unconsciously need a female’s approval. That when she simply refuses to give you
“approval” you give in.Dump that need for approval and tell your unconscious Little Boy
to go fuck himself.

END of SECTION 1 of 9.

START of SECTION 2 of 9:

OK, I’ve got problems with my wife, but the solution to this one is quite simple: DO IT
ANYWAY. The reason you “can’t” is because you are afraid. Sorry, but it’s just that simple.
Afraid of her, afraid of the consequences, afraid of the disapproval of yet another strong
woman – I don’t know, but you have to get over it. Here’s what you do: Months ahead of
your planed trip, you TELL her: “honey, I’m planning our yearly fishing trip for June 7-14.
Any conflicts I should know about, because I’m making reservations today.” (using active
language puts YOU in control. Getting the all clear from her gets you off the hook from
any “surprises” that might pop up.) As the months go buy, she will no doubt bait you
into arguments, give you guilt trips etc. The BEST tactic is to simply IGNORE her. DO NOT
get drawn into a battle. If she’s in a pissy mood, and says nothing is wrong, well then act
as if nothing is wrong, This is my #1 technique for staying in control. When you leave on
the trip, LEAVE HER BEHIND. Put all her pissing whining and guilt tripping out of your
head and have fun, It will be there when you get back, trust me. Guys the only way a
woman can control you is if you LET her. Truth.

I’ve been married for ten years, and it sucks, a lot. I love my kids, but my wife is a control
freak and a bitch, and her main mission in life seems to be to grind me down into some
sort of Stepford Hub. As an example, I went to pick up my daughter at a birthday party
over the weekend. For once, the people throwing the party didn’t have a lot of money,
and it was a smallish, sort of cheap house, with a few kids in the back yard swimming in
an above-ground pool, which was deep enough for them to swim, but not so deep they
could get into any trouble. For once, the party wasn’t some frantic, ubermommy running
around trying to outdo her friends. My daughter had spent two or three hours
swimming in the pool, and had a blast. So when I got home, I told my wife that it was a
great party, the best I’d ever seen, and she got all pissed because I apparently had
implied that the party she was going to throw in a week for my daughter wouldn’t be as
good, and wasn’t that insensitive of me, and so on. I wish I had not married her, except
for the kids. The thing I learned is that power is a really important thing in marriage.
Once they realize you have the power, women are far, far nicer to you. It’s fucked, but
they are. As for those who are considering marriage, do it if you want kids, but remain in
control, and don’t let her even think about trying to change you.

A statistical impossibility for ALL the men in this thread to have married the “wrong
woman”. A simple truism is that you really can’t “tell” who the person is before you
marry them. At that point the green felt on the blackjack table is redone and the new
hand dealt is one that is unlikely to work in your favor. Thus, for a man to get married
simply because he friends are getting married or that he wants to show his girlfriend
that he truly loves her is a foolish man, indeed. The main reason why men get married in
the first place is because he is with the first woman who excites him and gives him
exclusive and consistent access to her overrated pussy. In a moment of irrational,
unclear thought he decides that marriage is for him and then he enters into an
agreement where the odds are stacked against him. In most cases of marriage, the sizzle
quickly subsides and normalcy sets. Predictability is a killer for romance and a destroyer
of sexual relations, and that’s what is likely to happen. Once the divorce papers are filed
(twice as likely for the woman to file than the man in the U.S.) the man is likely to lose
access to his children and will probably have to pay for child support and alimony. Thus,
it is in a man’s best interest to put off marriage for as long as he can unless he absolutely
wants to have children. Choosing the “wrong woman” is chick logic as it assumes that
there is a soul mate or a male’s anima in biological form waiting out there to be “found”.
Such a thing is unlikely and to presume it can happen is foolhardy.

Women will try to change you, it’s inevitable. What you can do at the minimum is look
like you are alpha. Speak loudly, stomp, make noise, don’t take any shit. If she yells, yell
back so she knows you won’t take that. At the same time, take care of responsibilities
before she thinks about them. Only then will you have a ‘happy’ marriage.

Guys, you need to understand something. It’s very simple. Women only love you to the
extent that they need you. Once they don’t need you any more, you are history. So when
I married, I used a very simple strategy: I married a very nice woman who I knew for a
fact could never build her own career. She wasn’t quite a “smart” as I wanted, but she
was sweet and a great artist. 10 years later, she depends on me, I’m the sole
breadwinner. She raises the kids. Very old-fashioned. Is is still difficult to be married?
Hell yes. But she’s not divorcing me any time soon, and when I stand my ground in a
fight, she listens. Because, frankly, she needs my earning ability. That is the secret of a
successful marriage. And that is why, over the centuries, societies have discouraged
women from having careers. Because women who are financially independent turn into
total fucking jerks who fuck over not only men, but everybody in their way. Women are,
by genetic design, totally and completely incapable of being trusted with independent
power. They are selfish to the core, designed that way my Mother nature to help them
cope with the stress of the insanely difficult job of raising children. Under certain
conditions, that selfishness works fine for everybody…for example, when they are
dependant on a man for breadwinning. Power corrupts, and in this is no different for
women than for anybody else. Everybody needs something to keep them in line.
Everybody, without some controls on them, turns into a jerk. So in our modern society,
women have been relieved of essentially ALL social control. They can do any fucking
thing they want to the men in their lives, with no consequences. They can even gun
them down, claim it was self-protection, and get away free. It’s no surprise then that
women are such heartless, horrible swinish louts in today’s society. They are allowed to
let their selfishness, petulance, sexual power, and self-absorption run WILD and you bet,
this turns them into awful human beings. So again, Men, what can you do? Whatever
you do, avoid a woman who is “perfect”. Who makes a lot of money. Who is extremely
beautiful. Who is a fuck machine. All of those things will make her seem desirable to
you, but strangely, those are exactly the things that will make her a lousy wife. You aren’t
marrying a woman because she is the BEST. You are marrying her because she will be a
good wife…to YOU. Think about that.

What I would do, if I could do it differently, is get a woman who is dependent on me.
Men understand the responsibilities of power, women do not, as you said. Get a woman
who listens to you and obeys you and you’ll do what nature intended – have a happy
loving family.

When I first got married, and when I was younger, I spent a huge amount of time and
effort trying to do the right thing. I would listen patiently to some woman’s problems, I
would try to help my wife talk about her issues when she was pissed off at me, etc. It
didn’t work. Donald Rumsfeld said once that “Weakness is provocative” and he was
absolutely right, at least with respect to women. Women understand and respect power,
when they see it, and will then allow themselves to treat you reasonably. If they see a
lack of it, they will abuse you. Men aren’t like that, typically. If a man sees another man
who’s weak, he’ll ignore him, but he won’t abuse him. Women will. You have to be very
careful about paying serious attentions to the accusations your wife makes, putting up
with bullshit, etc. Women are incredibly skilled at allowing their own emotional state to
be the only thing that matters in making a decision — you know, “I cheated on you
because I wasn’t getting my needs met, which makes it okay.” They’re a lot less likely to
do this if they know you can leave them, and bankrupt them. Woman are also not too
rational — they’re not big on thinking about consequences. Men are.

Best advice I ever got, from Stanley Bing actually. When you have a fight with your wife…
FIGHT HARD. DON’T back down. You are doing her, yourself, and the world a disservice if
you do.

[In response to a 36-year-old man considering marriage]: Never get married. You’re
finally at the age where life starts getting really good: You can date a girl half your age
and it’s LEGAL!!! From my experience, the 10-15 years age difference in a “more
sophisticated” woman hasn’t made any difference in anything. Women are now
perpetual teenagers who never grow up, so you may as well get the body that matches
the mind.

Would you want to live with a retard for ten years? Because that’s what a kid is, a really
stupid person who doesn’t know shit.

That’s just luck. A lot of men do everything “right” and when they marry are sure their
SO is rational, loving, into sex, etc. Whether the woman stays like that is down to luck –
all a man’s judgment and actions do is maximize his chances of success. A lot of women
put on their best face before marriage at the subconscious level and stop making the
effort afterward. They don’t even do this consciously, so they seem to actually BE better
women beforehand, rather than putting on an act. It can be almost impossible to see
this kind of thing coming. If a woman, for whatever reason, changes or decides she is no
longer satisfied in marriage, the man is screwed. He doesn’t need to actually do anything

So you call their bluff. You’d think going without sex for a while was some kind of
intolerable torture. Pop in a porn. Rub one out. You’ll survive and you’ll have cut off that
source of power she has over you. Freedom always comes at a price – pay it willingly.
The irony is that if withholding sex gets her what she wants with you, she’ll only do it
more often. Make it irrelevant to her getting what she wants and she’ll stop using that
tactic. You’re just creating a rod for your own back with your short-sightedness. Think
with the big head for a change.

Marriage for a man these days is handing a woman an axe, then putting his head on a
chopping block in the trust that she won’t cut it off. She doesn’t do the same for him.

Women have no idea what they want, they need to be told and controlled. If you are too
nice or become apathetic, you are fucking doomed. Either way, if you get married, you
are doomed. Women are cunts, and they are absolute masters of mental torture and
abuse. If we simply hired bitches to interrogate and torture all captured terrorists, the
war on terror would be over in less than a year.

this part bears repeating a million times. The ideal marriage promoted by educated
women, the partnership of ‘equals’, is a recipe for misery. As a man you must have the
upper hand. Marry an equal and your sex drive will give her the edge since she can do
without sex longer than you can. A dependent woman is a good woman.

Just wanted to reiterate how, after my recent divorce (check a few pages back), fucking
inspired I am by all you tards. I never thought I’d say it, but this is really a great forum for
shit like this. My advice for all you beaten down, miserable guys stuck with some fucking
twinkie-eatin’, american-idol/extreme-makeover-watchin’, annoying bitchy cunt is GET
THE FUCK OUT. Take your life back. I’m not tooting my own shit, but since I’ve gotten
divorced, I’ve gotten into 2 MBA schools (haven’t picked yet), played in 7 beach
volleyball tournaments, and about 3 months into a fucking marathon training program.
Yes, I miss the easy, consistent quality sex. No, I do not miss just about anything else.
This is YOUR life tards. One shot, no “do-overs,” are you REALLY gonna spend it with
some unhappy fucking cunt? FUCK THAT. Reclaim it. Do all the shit you always wanted to
do. The pussy will COME to you. Make your move.

I’m tired of fucking by a script. We’re allowed to fuck in certain positions that are to
come in a certain order. There are to be no deviations from the script. Ever. (It goes
without saying there are no blowjobs in the script.) It bores me to tears. I’d way rather
jack off, which is pretty much what I do these days. If I jack off I can at least fantasize
about some fucking variety.

I showed the thread page to a friend at work, and he laughed his ass off. Number of
postings on a thread about Rove: 12. Number of postings on a thread about Iraq: 22
Number of postings on a thread about movies: 7 Number of postings on a thread asking
how many married guys hate their life: 500. [Note: I believe it eventually went up to
about 7,000!]

No sex is worth putting up with a fucking cunt who uses it to grind you down. Reply:
Clarify what you mean by “grind you down.” Reply to reply: It’s a long term grind.
Putdowns. Undermining your every move. Taking cheap little shots to humiliate you in
front of your friends.
I just wanted to re-iterate something. It’s not that women love you because they need
you. Their love IS their need. They are the same thing. That is all their love is. They
invented the word “love” and replaced it over the more honest fact of their need, and
surrounded it with all this fictional bullshit, a hundred years back, to better trick men like
you into committing to things without knowing what you’re getting into. They don’t love
“you” at all. They love the image of you, what you provide to them that they want or
need, what fantasy number you can help them check off of their internal list. If you look
at a women’s life…her series of lovers that she takes…the high-school boyfriend, the
college professor fling, the Harley-driving boyfriend, the rich stock broker boyfriend, the
solid child-raising husband… All of the guys she “loves” are just a set of internal fantasy
men that she has in her head from adolescence. When she finds a convenient guy who
happens to fit a fantasy, she acquires him, experiences him, fucks him, whatever, so she
can check off one row of her mental list of fantasy conquest boyfriends. In most cases if
you ask her what the guy was actually LIKE, what he thought, what he cared about, etc,
it’s unlikely she even noticed. His actual thoughts were irrelevant. His wants and needs,
his dreams, weren’t something she was even conscious of, except to the extent that his
dreams were part of her fantasy of him. He wasn’t really a human being at all, in her
view. Many women really view men as horses, and they are the riders. High-strung,
maybe beautiful horses yes, but in the end, just animals to help them achieve their

END of SECTION 2 of 9.

START of SECTION 3 of 9:

Semonides of Amorgos, The Types of Women, c. 550 B.C.: Zeus made this supreme evil—
woman: even though she seem to be a blessing, when a man has wedded one she
becomes a plague.

A woman is like a vampire. She will suck the joy out of your and leave you a shriveled
husk of a man. But she must; that’s how she survives. Getting married is like agreeing to
live in a vampire’s coffin for all eternity.

I was driving back from a meeting this morning, thinking about my wife, and I really
wanted to go home, and simply beat the living shit out of her. I have been supporting
everyone for years, working my ass off, and my wife has not done one single fucking
thing to make my life easier, to encourage me, or to help me with anything that’s
bugging me. She’s on the PTA, the board of her preschool, she teaches art at the
elementary school, is involved in a book club, and on and on and on. Her calendar is
ridiculous. But I am some kind of fucking afterthought. I’m the engine that powers this
entire thing, and I haven’t gotten laid in months. She takes care of the children during
the week, fine. But we have a housecleaner, because actually cleaning the fucking house
is beneath her. We take shirts to the dry cleaner, because she couldn’t possibly iron
them. Clean laundry is in piles in the garage, because she can’t be expected to fold it. On
weekends, I’m apparently her assistant. I can’t wait for Sunday night to come, when I can
get out and head back to the office. And every day there’s some new example of truly
shitty behavior — a bad attitude for any human. For example, last night she was at her
fucking PTA meeting, which ran from 7 until 11. I went to bed, and had just turned the
light out when she shows up at the front door, and starts ringing the fucking doorbell.
She didn’t have her keys. She then informed me that she never does. I pointed out that
having keys to your own house might be a smart thing to do. And she acts like that’s
some kind of major insult, and then launches into a description of what happened at this
meeting. I stopped her, and said something like “You know, I was in bed and almost
asleep, and you got me up.” It didn’t even occur to her that a) I would actually mind
being jerked out of bed by the doorbell; b) I wasn’t interested in a blow-by-blow at that
moment. Finally, after years of this, the truth is starting to sink in, and I’m devolving into
this serious, angry person to be around. All the normal, considerate stuff I used to do I
don’t. I don’t talk to her unless I have to, and not any longer than necessary. She catches
me looking at her sometimes, and the expression she sees on my face frightens her, I
think. Somewhere along in here, she’s going to ask me if something’s wrong, and I’m
going to start screaming at her. I’ve tried marriage counseling. I’ve tried listening, and
giving, and being nice. Now, I’m going to try fear and intimidation.

She refuses to work. She always has some excuse. She’s depressed, she won’t make a lot
of money, I make enough for both of us, she takes care of the house (not really). It’s one
fucking thing after another. So I just save myself the trouble and don’t bring it up
anymore. Fucking bloodsucking cunt.

My life sucks but my wife certainly doesn’t.

11 years. My wife is currently out a Wal Mart buying worthless plastic shit. She’s 70 lbs
overweight. If it wasn’t for the kids I would kick her fat ass to the curb. REPLY: Do it now
you stupid fuck! Save yourself! I have been married 38 years, two years ago I checked
with an attorney and if we split up you know what she gets? She gets EVERYTHING.
Know what I get? I get NOTHING. Yeah, you will have child support but you will also be
bying the 27 years I fucking squandered. DO IT! Pleasssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee
do it! Save yourself and you will thank me later.

I also agree the best way to reduce the bullshit from a wife is to stand up to her the first
time and every time. Love her or not, it’s important to demonstrate that you could live
without her.

I used to have friends. Till I got married. I used to have fun. Till I got married. I used to
have money. Till I got married. Someone get me a gun. I’d rather be buried.

The biggest problem I see is men getting married “because she wants to”. That is
automatic disaster, no exceptions. Only get married if it’s YOUR DECISION and if you’re
over 25 years old and it’s NOT just because she’s good in bed (that’s a terrible reason)

I make it work, but only within the context of the shittiest existence I can imagine in
terms of what I expected in marriage versus what I got. What I expected: laughter, doing
everything together (from boring bill-paying to swing dance lessons to movies on the
couch to Sunday morning papers to buying tampons to medical problems when they
arose to whispered sweet nothings to deciding on a new sink for the kitchen to…), great
sex for life, growing old together, dying while looking into her eyes. What I got: a woman
who after marriage instantly turned into a shrewish whining nagging sexless frigid
materialistic petty manipulative cunt who only cares about how much money I make,
constantly upgrading her fucking wedding diamond (it’s now 3.67 carats), and spending
my cash on clothes from N-M, goddamn fucking window treatments from some
specialty shop, and endless fucking shit from Pottery Barn that has nothing to do with
my life or our life. Biggest mistake? Should’ve spent more than 4 years getting to know
her. Should’ve not let the great sex cloud my mind. Goddamn it all to hell.

To those who aren’t married, one key thing: Take a good look at the girl’s mother. She
will, invariably, become just like her mother. You’ll want to believe this isn’t the case for
your sweet little thing. You’re wrong. Completely wrong. Bank on it.

What a bunch of whiny pussy whipped shitheads. I’ve been married for over 25 years
and I have full control of everything. How did I do it? Easy, just adopt an attitude of, “hey,
if you don’t like it, there’s the fucking door”. This attitude has served my marriage well.
My wife thinks I’m one step away from walking out, and she treats me like a king. Of
course I treat her with respect and don’t rub it in her face, but she knows that in the
end, I run the show. We get along just fine. Get a grip you fucking pussies.

Look. I’ve spent a couple of years studying this and thinking about it. I am not going to
spend my life like this. Here are a few things I’ve learned: 1) Women respect power. They
will never admit it or even know it, but that’s what they respond to. Period. 2) Women
don’t know what they want. 3) A lot of women aren’t actually very smart. 4) We are
living in a culture that systematically degrades men. If there was a female Homer
Simpson character, there’d be a civil war. 5) Read the following books: “No More Mr.
Nice Guy” “What Men Know and Women Don’t” “The Manipulated Man” The whole
society has, at this point, devolved to the point that you accept that you’re supposed to
be this kind of infantilized miserable wife-assistant. It’s actually not funny. Fix it.

this is the big problem: WOMEN ALWAYS CHANGE post marriage — men generally DO
NOT REPLY: TRUE!!! And the funniest part is that we men get married thinking that the
woman WON’T change and they get married thinking how they WILL change the man!

My plan is to live with a woman to see what it’s like. If she’s intolerable, then I’m outta
there. REPLY: She won’t be intolerable until you’re married. Take it to the bank. Tattoo it
to your arm. Link to this thread. Whatever, just don’t fucking forget it and if you choose
to ignore this statement then remember that we told you so.

she changed after marriage. I guess once they have that claim on half your stuff they
lose the incentive to hold back from grinding you down into a pulp of misery

In addition to scoping out the mom, there are 2 more VERY STRONG indicators of what
type of person your gf is going to be. Her job: if she has a real job, works hard, is
independent and makes money she’s more likely to be a better wife. One common
theme I see in this thread is that most of these women sound like stay-at-home moms.
What the fuck do you think’s going to happen if she just sits at home all day?

2: What does she watch? Does she watch shows that are challenging? exciting? movies
and series as opposed to soap operas?

Bottom line: if she likes to watch soaps and talk shows she is learning how to be an
attention whore and how to want and expect an unrealistic lifestyle. Take it to the bank.

One excellent approach — sexual moratorium. Let her know that you are putting her on
probation, and that you are not going to have sex with her for at least six months. I
know, I know, but really. Buy a lot of porn, spank, whatever you need to do, but when
you take pussy off the table, a lot of her emotional leverage vanishes. You would be
amazed at what you do/put up with/believe because you think that it might get you laid.
Translation: if you’re a good boy, you’ll get some. Take that away, and you will begin to
get your balls and dignity back, and it will amaze you how you were willing to degrade
yourself for it. Once it sinks in that you don’t care whether or not you get laid, she
realizes that she has a lot less power than she thought. And it scares the shit out of her.
REPLY 1: About 85% of women will be relieved you stop begging for sex. Other than that,
a dandy post. REPLY 2: They think they’ll be relieved. Actually, they’ll freak. Sex and
power are very closely connected with women, and once they realize you’re not kidding,
and you’re not playing, and they’re suddenly reduced to the status of Jeeves with tits, it
will rock their world. Trust me.
women are a considerable, or at least a pretty numerous part of company; and as their
suffrages go a great way toward establishing a man’s character in the fashionable part of
the world (which is of great importance to the fortune and figure he proposes to make in
it), it is necessary to please them. I will therefore, upon this subject, let you into certain
Arcana that will be very useful for you to know, but which you must, with the utmost
care, conceal and never seem to know. Women, then, are only children of a larger
growth; they have an entertaining tattle, and sometimes wit; but for solid reasoning,
good sense, I never knew in my life one that had it, or who reasoned or acted
consequentially for four-and-twenty hours together. Some little passion or humor always
breaks upon their best resolutions. Their beauty neglected or controverted, their age
increased, or their supposed understandings depreciated, instantly kindles their little
passions, and overturns any system of consequential conduct, that in their most
reasonable moments they might have been capable of forming. A man of sense only
trifles with them, plays with them, humors and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly
forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with serious matters;
though he often makes them believe that he does both; which is the thing in the world
that they are proud of; for they love mightily to be dabbling in business (which by the
way they always spoil); and being justly distrustful that men in general look upon them
in a trifling light, they almost adore that man who talks more seriously to them, and who
seems to consult and trust them; I say, who seems; for weak men really do, but wise
ones only seem to do it.”

Women are essentially a depreciating asset. Like a car, they go down in value. And even
worst, there is a 50% chance they will take your assets. Would you own a car that has a
50% chance of reducing your net worth 50%? Think of a car like a Lexus. Get a new one
every three years. Or 36,000 miles. Which ever comes first.

This thread should be bookmarked forever. Dr. Phil and Oprah can choke on this shit. I
divorced my wife 4 years ago. The best move I ever made in my life. I worked an
engineering job and worked retail at night so she could stay at home with the kids. Did
not matter, was not enough. I said enough, see you later.

Women will always test men’s boundaries. You kid yourself if you think you can avoid
this by giving in – that just makes the behavior worse while causing her to lose respect
for you. It’s what creates the nagging harpy that makes the whipped man’s life a hell. If
you really have no energy or heart to stand up to a woman you should stay single. And
it’s not a constant struggle. The man who stands up to his wife goes through short, but
sharp conflicts without caving in order to get the respect from the woman that allows
her to see him as her equal so that most of the time their time together is pleasant. The
more consistent the man is in standing up to the woman the less she feels the need to
test him. The whipped man on the other hand goes through a daily low-level hell of
control, nagging and belittlement from the woman in order to avoid any larger conflicts.
It’s a very poor trade off.

END of SECTION 3 of 9.

START of SECTION 4 of 9:

[My wife’s great] REPLY 1: Talk to me in 5 more years. REPLY 2: Too fucking true. First
couple of years of marriage were OK but then her inner bitch surfaced. Now it’s just one
long monologue of pain. “Bob and Cindy just got a new minivan. Cindy thought they
needed it because she wants to have three kids soon. When are we going to have kids?
Do you like silver minivans? I think silver’s a great color for a family car. I want two girls
and one boy. Do you think we’ll be able to afford private school or are you going to have
to get a better job? Silver goes with all my black outfits. Have you fixed the door squeak
yet?” and on and on and on.

[Quoting a guy’s wife] “Do you think we’ll be able to afford private school or are you
going to have to get a better job?” REPLY: This illustrates the root of the problem
perfectly. Women’s perceptions are all distorted. Note how this issue, to the woman, is a
false dichotomy–can we afford private school or do you need a better job. This is the
extent of their ability to reason. This causes all of the conflict.

an earlier poster said to look at the mother to see what the GF will end up being. That’s
true enough, but look at the father as well. If he appears worn down and henpecked
then take a good look at your own future.

Education, region, status, and income. The more educated a woman is the more feminist
lies she will believe. Urban women have impossible expectations unless you are Donald
Trump, and even he’s been divorced a few times. High status women need a man far
above them in status. The more money a woman makes the more likely she is to divorce
you. Marry an uneducated, poor, nice girl from the country.

It was when I started standing up to my wife rather that pussy-footing around and trying
to appease her that things changed for the better. I don’t mean being abrasive or
abusive, just not backing down from my honest judgment and only compromising when
convinced, not when pressured.

It all comes down to evolution. Physically, women are smaller, weaker, slower and more
vulnerable. If they’re saddled with children, without a male around to defend them,
everyone dies. Therefore, they’re hard-wired to seek the strongest, most powerful male
they can, and to seek out power, because their lives depended on it. Things haven’t
changed — modern society is just a recent blip in evolutionary time. Women are hard-
wired to understand pure power, because they have none. That’s why they’re constantly
testing. That’s why they’re so compassionless. That’s why they’re not especially spiritual,
or creative, relative to men. They’re too concerned about staying alive to dream or
invent. That’s why they’re so shitty at working in teams with other women — they’re
always seeking to develop their own power, and don’t really understand what a team is,
or how it works. That’s why infidelity drives them so nuts — they need one male they
can control, who will stay around and protect them. Women are created by nature to be
Machiavellian, and materialistic — store up supplies for the drought/famine/winter —
and this thread proves it. REPLY: There’s too much raw truth in this (although women are
more than this too) for the PC crowd to admit to any of it.

I’ve found (at least with my wife) that anything I say to her in a logical way will be
reprocessed thru her head to mean something other than what I’ve actually meant to
say. I think that sometimes she does this on purpose, but I’m not sure.

So, here’s my story. Tough day at work. Arrive home to find wife allegedly had tough day
at home with kids. She says she’s tired, and obviously she’s in a bad mood. I offer to do
the dishes, and she refuses. So, as I do most nights, I put the two youngest to bed, then
spend an hour playing chess with the older one, before putting her to bed. Right before
this, my wife asked me if I was going to do the dishes. I said, “sure” and she went out to
Blockbuster to get a DVD. At the end of the whole process of putting the kids in bed, I
emerge, and find my wife finishing the dishes, angry. She begins to ream me out for not
doing the dishes, and I say something like, look, I just finished putting the kids to bed.
She then goes over and tries to put a DVD in the player. It jams — we’ve been having
trouble with it lately — and she smashes her fist into it, breaking it, and the VCR, and
begins ranting about how she’s sick of living in the house we live in, and so on. Basically,
abusive. I respond by saying, literally, “Go abuse someone else, bitch.” She then
responds with a string of four letter words, and stomps out. I leave the house, and go to
the gym. When I return two hours later, she’s in bed and asleep, and my pillows are on
the living room floor — sleep out here, tonight, buddy. That’s fine with me — I was
planning to sleep in the living room anyway. We haven’t had sex in two months. We have
three young children — a divorce would be a disaster. I own my own business, and after
three years of ass-busting effort, with absolutely no support from her, it’s finally taking
off. I’m past the point of wondering why this happened to me, but I’m kind of amazed.
Someone has to have a shitty marriage. Someone has to marry the bitch. Someone has
to be trapped. Look, it’s me! I mean, I’m a grown man, and I have someone in my house
who repeatedly has these psychodramas, and now it’s part of my life, too. It’s a weird
situation. On the one hand, you don’t want to be a beta and put up with this shit. On the
other, you also don’t want three little kids to grow up in an atmosphere of constant
warfare, fighting and so on. And she’s almost completely incapable of rationally
discussing an issue, and working together to arrive at some kind of workable solution.
It’s all demands, irrational rage, and pouting. If there were no children, I’d simply leave.
But I can’t. So you begin to develop this really bizarre relationship where you
emotionally isolate her, acting sort of semi-normal, but not letting her know anything
about what you really feel or want because she’ll use it against you. I lie constantly. You
know, as I type this, about fifteen feet away is a DVD player with the spindle, or
whatever you call it, open and the shelf sticking out, jammed, broken and useless. The
VCR slot where the tape goes is gaping open, too, broken and useless. And this kind of
stuff is part of the fabric of my life, like my jeans, and my car keys. It’s like having
someone spray-paint obscenities on the living-room wall, and just pretending it isn’t
there. But you have to. I don’t know where this hate-filled child came from, but I can’t
just make her stop. REPLY: The sad thing is that there are 10 of these stories for every
one that has some crap about “my wife is my best friend blah blah blah”. Gentlemen, the
above is the norm. It isn’t any better for your neighbor than it is for you. This is life for
those of us men who marry.

Let’s put it this way. Brad Pitt was married to Jenifer Aniston. A big time celebrity who
brought home tens of millions of dollars and even he couldn’t stand being married.

only boneheads marry REPLY: Speaking as someone married for 23 years, I AGREE WITH
YOU! Stupidest fucking thing I ever did. I seem to remember thinking I was going to get
lots of pussy from her or something equally inane.

The one-dimensional zero-experience assholes who say “suck it up and be an alpha”

have no idea how fucked up women can get. the poster who said you never really let
them in your head or heart any more is exactly right. of all the people i wanted to be
able to relax and let my guard down around, it was her. now she has no clue what i am
ever thinking. cunts can remember and produce during the next argument shit you told
them from 15 years ago. That’s what they do all day – memorize what you’ve told them.
guys do it baseball stats – cunts do it with your own words, readying them like ammo for
the next round of torture.

Truthfully i don’t have the best marriage, and what i found that helped when i saw i was
being taken advantage of was to communicate my feelings and if needed leave him for a
day or two, so he can appreciate what i do. This does work for me, but unfortunately he
goes back to being his old self. So i don’t have a long term solution. I think what we see
after a marriage in ones SO is their character, which was masked over with the
personality and looks that we fell in love with.

i knew everyone in her family before i knew her. we dated for 4 years before getting
married. she was smart, funny, kind, thoughtful, witty. THE DAY OF THE WEDDING, right
after she got that fucking ring, she changed. I should’ve walked out but I had been telling
myself for months that marriage is for keeps so at first you rationalize her fucked up cunt
behavior, thinking ‘oh she’s geeked over the wedding.’ then the sex stops, then the
bitching and nagging and pestering and arguing start. to hell with her. i will not divorce
her now because there’s too much at stake. i thought i was marrying my very best friend,
lover, confidante, and intellectual and emotional peer. she changed gears and never
looked back, concentrating on spending my money and having party after stupid mind-
numbingly boring party and buying the next house and redecorating and getting more
jewelry and… anything but pal-ing around with me and fucking my brains out and
laughing with me and walking hand-in-hand with me. in other words all the shit she SAID
she would love to do ’til the day we died. fuck her. to her “credit”, she falls into the
manipulative sex as a weapon cunt category i have observed that about 85% of all
women do (as I am sure 85% of all men have some equally annoying habit in the eyes of
women – like cheating on their cunt wives) my passive-aggressive payback is to
selectively and very discreetly fuck good looking, intelligent, eager strong-libido women
on the side. the sex is intensely gratifying, especially given it’s not her pussy i’m drilling.
and yes i do close up emotionally around her since she will use any tiny thing i say for
the next 3 years in future bitch sessions.

The last time my wife and I had sex (two weeks ago) during the humping phase she
comments “when you get done, can you take a sock and clean the cobwebs off the
ceiling?” REPLY: That is one of the most depressing things I have read. And I have read
this entire thread.

Over 50% of marriages in this country end in divorce. Sometimes “taking responsibility”
means getting the hell out of a fucked up situation. Regardless of that, it is a certainty
that women will change after you get married. It is rarely for the better, which is why this
thread exists in the first place.

I’m so sorry that you are going through a hard time in your life. I would suggest you sit
down and talk to her and tell her how you feel. If that does not work i would suggest
therapy. REPLY: laugh All grounds for another fierce fit of temper on her part…
This thread is highly enlightening in a way only possible through the recent existence of
the public internet. Ten years ago, this conversation would never have existed. Thanks
people. Thanks.

American women deserve every bad thing that has happened to them. REPLY: I married
and Indian girl. Except that she’s educated, earns good coin, and is frugal, it’s all the
same shit [otherwise].

but men change for the worse too. are you really such a martyr when you’re as fucked
up as she is? REPLY: Please. You fucking cunt. All a guy wants is a girl that will take care of
him, be a good mother to his kids and be his partner in life. You show me a little love,
affection and appreciation and I’ll be your happy faithful little lap dog till death due us
part. It’s that fucking simple.

Just finished reading this thread. Fuck I am depressed. My GF wants to get married and I
am thinking, “No Way”. REPLY: Trade her in for a new girl. Let the new girl seduce you
away from the old one, string her along for a few years, then move on to a new girl.
Women are like coal rich mountains. Great for strip mining, but fucking ugly once you’re
done with them.

I am really fucking stupid. I didn’t marry because I thought I’d get pussy all the time or
anything like that. I married because we were “best friends” and we could talk about
anything. Actually all we can talk about now is how I need to make more money to buy
more shit I don’t want and nobody in the world needs. We need a new house. We need
a new car. we need new furniture. Fuckin ay, I need a new life.

Whilst marriage sucks, having American kids with a dumb American wife is the absolute

What the young hens of today don’t realize is that “popular culture” systematically
poisons them against appreciating all the stuff that men do…

The problem is too much self-esteem. These days, if you have a cunt, you think the world
owes you pretty much anything you want, whenever you want it. REPLY: Applies to
women from European countries as well.

END of SECTION 4 of 9.

START of SECTION 5 of 9:

Sex and The City is like a show about what not to do, but young hens eat it up and
believe (as has been written many times here) that they can party like guttersluts until
their late 30s and still be attractive, witty and desirable to rich, handsome dudes.

REPLY: Women seem to be easily swayed by shows that are aimed at them.

Because we always fight with each other. You ever see women really supporting other
women (apart from the lesbian underground, of course)? It’s just a big catfight, so we
ignore our older sisters’ good advice (which is rarely there, really) and take whatever
glitzily-packaged piece of tripe that comes our way. Women have been taught that it’s
“clever” to be rude & unappreciative of men, and to “funnily” snipe at them.

Women are great at goading each other into thinking they need more and more and
more, to the point that they are rarely if ever satisfied with life.

“You’re just afraid of________.” I love how every time men make a rational argument
about the misery of their condition, the number-one comeback is to accuse the guy of
being “afraid” of something. Some cheezy 1970s female playbook they all receive
secretly upon puberty must have a chapter about “exploiting your man’s fragile self
esteem.” So we are accused of being “afraid” of committment, “afraid” of “strong
powerful women,” etc. etc. etc. “If you accuse a man of being afraid, he’ll do what you
want to prove he is fearless, just like a cute little boy.” No more, bitch. Shaming tactics
have been overused and are no longer effective.

Life cycle of a typical American woman: – Fucks like a crazy slut in college. Gangbangs at
frat parties on weekends. Destroys her body by drinking, smoking and lying in the sun to
get a nice tan. – Gets a power corporate job, pumps her fist in the air over grrl power,
and fucks more men. One night stands during business trips are normal. – Suddenly “oh
no, I’m turning 30 and must land a husband”. – Contacts every guy from her past,
including that guy she rejected in high school, and that Mexican guy she fucked during
spring break. – Wonders why no one wants her bitter, angry, wrinkled ass. Watches “Sex
and the City” and reads Cosmopolitan magazine for enlightenment. – Eventually gives
up, and orders 20 cats. Spends the next 50 years listening to the same old sad songs
every night as her cats wail in agony. Keeps pictures of herself from her high school and
college days to show people that she was once an attractive, young girl. – Finally dies.
Cats rejoice.

REPLY: You forgot this part: – Cats eat half her corpse after not being fed for a week.
Landlord pukes his/her guts out after finding her remains. 10 people attend the funeral.

Marriage to a modern American woman will inevitably result in complete emasculation.

I just broke up with my fiancee too!! I took her out and said I felt we should put our
wedding plans on hold, and she went CRAZY on me. I ended up breaking it off with her
completely… Mine made the mistake of entering wife mode before she was my wife…I
have a house and a trust fund, and could not risk marrying someone who showed signs
of being a wife as described by this thread. Three days now, and she is spamming my
phone 10 times a day, alternating between rage and repentance…

If you are a married guy, the chances are that you’re only reading this during a brief
pause in listening to your wife’s whining. “That toilet needs unblocking, help me with
dinner, hurry up laying that patio, kiss my rosy asshole, etc.” Being a bachelor, my Sunday
is very, very relaxing compared to that of a married man. Thanks to going to bed at
5:30AM after a relaxing night of surfing the internet and watching porn, I slept in a little
bit late this morning. It was actually the afternoon – 12:25PM to be exact – when I finally
sat up in bed, yawning and scratching my big bachelor nuts. There’s no woman next to
me to tell me to shift out of bed at 7:00AM and mow the fucking lawn. Admittedly I
don’t have a woman in bed with me to have sex with, but given that about 1-in-5
marriages are sexless and the rest involve sex only on her terms (i.e. when you’ve just
bought her a new dress) the chances are that many married men reading this have had
to satisfy themselves like I do, with a quick meeting with Madam Palm and her Five
Lovely Daughters. Except, as a bachelor, I can indulge in the pleasures of onanism in the
living room without having to worry about some Nagmonster barging in and shrieking
“OMG! WTF! You disgusting pervert!” So, anyway, I’m up at half-twelve. I had a nice
cigarette whilst checking my e-mails. Then I had a coffee and another cigarette whilst
playing a bit of Soldier of Fortune II until I got bored of shooting virtual people’s virtual
brains out. A nice big fry-up followed. Mmmm…sausages and bacon. Are women more
likely to be vegetarians? I’ve heard they are. I’ve known guys who pitifully give up meat
just because their ‘missus’ is a veggie. Meat is good. Meat is tasty! Yes, I know full well
that an animal died to provide the juicy slabs of bacon on my toast this morning, and I
salute that dead animal for its brave sacrifice in the service of providing nice breakfasts.
I’ll salute its sacrifice again tomorrow when I fry and eat the bastard’s other ass cheek.
Come two o’clock and I’m down at the local supermarket. I bought some booze,
hamburgers, potatoes, bacon and waffles. I also bought some pizza that, right at this
moment in time, I’m currently stuffing into my mouth. Munch munch. I’m also currently
watching Beavis & Butthead. I downloaded a few episodes via BitTorrent the other day.
It’s not even six and I’m pleasantly drunk, eating pizza and watching some great comedy.
What’s planned for this evening? I’ll probably have a nice relaxing bath and read Viz
whilst I’m soaking in the tub. Then I’ll probably have a few more glasses of wine and
watch some of the many South Park and The Simpsons episodes that are lying around
the Hard Drives of my five computers. Also, I’ve just reinstalled Deus Ex and I’d like to
play some of that too. Who knows what the future may bring? Whatever I want it to,
that’s what. If I was married I would probably be standing in a stupid department store
right now, looking at my watch and tutting whilst the wife decides which dress she’s only
going to wear once she wants to buy with my fucking money! But I’m not married. I’m
an eternal bachelor. To put it another way, I’m eternally happy and free.

Christ I wish I’d never married. The only downside to not marrying is that one misses out
on the chance to have and raise kids, watch them grow, help them and love them. The
upsides though…jesus fucking christ…they far outweigh the downside. No having to
listen to the wife bitch that you didn’t do this, didn’t take care of that, that she wants /
needs / deserves a new whatever. No having to put up with a cow who just keeps
growing and now wants to move her goddamn mother in… Oh fuck it, if I start listing all
the negatives of my wife and my life I’ll end up hanging myself.

I don’t try to split or evenly balance the blame. Some is mine for not listening to my heat
and getting married at 21. Another portion is mine for not dumping her ass when she
changed instantly after getting the ring and the ceremony. But the majority of the blame
is hers (not that that fact makes things any better), for dating me for 4 years and never
letting me see the real her and doing such a convincing job of lying to me that I believed
it and of changing the second she got her precious fucking 4 fucking carat diamond
motherfucking ring. She has resisted years of efforts to attend counseling, talk about our
dysfunctional relationship in private, try new ideas, you name it. She is a conniving cunt
after nothing but my money who I will hate or expend effort ignoring until the day one
of us dies.

After 23 years of marriage, my wife has filed for divorce. I was committed to a lifetime,
not because there was any excitement to it, and certainly not because there was any
great outpouring of sex, but because I bought into the idea that vows met something,
and the kids would be healthier with a stable home. I will never marry again, as there is
nothing in women worth making a commitment to. As a rule, they are shallow
princesses who have bought into the notion that they should drive Mercedes, turn in the
original wedding ring for a flashier one, and be provided for in a fashion that allows
them to have a nanny raise kids while they shop for shoes. My wife read Bon Appetit
only. She would have tea with girlfriends that totally trashed their husbands, and they
compared lifestyles so that they could all envy the ones with bigger, better more. Life is
all about pleasure for themselves. Mine has no concept of work, and no concept of what
it takes to make a living in the world. Of course, she wants her freedom and support
from me at the same time. Judges are not made to account, and they condone the
actions of unscrupulous ball crunching lawyers that make a mockery of the law and the
rules of discovery. In most states, the woman can give out sex to everyone but her
husband, and on divorce the husband is supposed to be her ATM forever. As a result,
women will bring down society. They offer nothing to it. Sure, some of them can bake a
decent muffin, but I can get a nice one at the local bakery for a buck fifty. Some can
pump out babies if they don’t decide to murder them first with an abortion. Their sense
of entitlement rather than of work and commitment means that children they elect to
keep will grow up with fucked up expectations. On the dating side, they are whores. Give
them a nice dinner and share a nice bottle of wine, and you can get more sex on a
weekend with a date than you can get in a year with a wife with a sense of entitlement.

I think a lot of the dissatisfaction for we married men comes down to expectations that
society shovels on to us. We support the household, but that is expected of us so that
doesn’t “count”. After you work your 60 hour week at a job you loathe, so you can pay
the mortgage, the car payments, the food bill, etc. it is a zero-sum game. What else have
you done for me, she will say. Its no longer enough that we support her fat ass, now we
have to be in tune with her feminine side, anticipate her mood swings and always be on
the ready like a ninja to leap into action and provide for her latest whim. Men are just
not appreciated for what they do best, that is earn a living.

I’m married and I hate my life. Gents, most of the worst negatives about marriage posted
in this thread are true. Not all of them, but probably over 90%. I’m 35. I’ve become a
closet alcoholic because of my marriage and my spineless self. Vodka, usually with OJ but
sometimes straight. Keeps me just numb enough to handle the day. But if I can keep one
man from throwing his life down the shitter by convincing them not to get married I will
have redeemed myself.

My wife was up at 6 this morning, reading. I got up around seven, and spent the entire
day with the kids. As usual, she sat down around 9, and fell asleep in her chair, and went
to bed. I am absolutely last on her priority list. She’s on every committee in the world,
involved in the kids’ schools up to her ass, and has basically checked out of the marriage.
I’m starting to research how to conceal assets. This is ridiculous. I have to get out. Don’t
get married.

The men who get fucked the worst in divorce are the ones who took feminists at their
word and thought marriage was an equal partnership. Men who know what useless lying
whores women are don’t make as many mistakes.

For me the ownage is year round. She doesn’t work. I pay for everything. No matter how
much money I make she rachets up the spending so we’re still living paycheck to
paycheck. Kill me now.

This is one of the MAIN reasons for conflict in marriage right here: women promise men
sex on demand for life in exchange for the ring. The second they get the ring, they begin
their indoctrination of “idiot! i lied! no sex for you – come back – 20 years!!!” Most
women actually enjoy picking out new window treatments and stainless kitchen
appliances more than having the wild sex they used to enjoy with their men before they
got married. Their main desire is to control the male orgasm, because they disdain
masturbation, hate porn, and will crush your balls if you fuck someone else. This is only
85% of women – 1 in 7 are decent and enjoy sex forever and are good women. The rest
of you frigid cunts are worthless liars.

I feel so bad for my friends that have cunts for wives. All they care about is the new
kitchen, trips, and the diamonds they “deserve” to get for xmas (two of my friends gave
their wives expensive gifts. What did they get? A new dress shirt and tie.). These guys
are 39 and their lives are over. They’re nothing but walking ATMS.

REPLY: That’s me. I can listen to that harpy shriek about how she “deserves” (they love
that word, don’t they?) this or that and how I’m so mean, or I can just buy the damn
thing and get some peace and quiet, but at the cost of a little bit of my soul. Women are
like zombies, except they don’t want brains, just lots of stuff. “More stuff….”

most women keep the lie (“I’ll keep up my appearance, stay employed and support my
kids from previous relationships, and stay sexy sane and sober”) until they get married
then the truth (“I’ll get repeatedly fired for failing drug tests, drink excessively,
periodically go crazy, balloon to a size 18, and loose all interest in lovemaking”).

END of SECTION 5 of 9.

START of SECTION 6 of 9:

I was a witness of a marriage gone bad (saw it from the outside) of a missy who was by
herself (living with Mr’s family) while he was away. She just couldnt control herself or
stand being alone and ended up cheating. One of her friends informed Mr. about it and
she was kicked to the curb, literally. Lost everything: roof over head, money, CC’s, all the
security was gone in a INSTANT. the saddest part of it all? This cunt doesn’t think she did
anything bloody wrong. She “needed someone” for a long time, and that’s how they
justify it. They don’t care about breaking their marriage vows, they only care about
themselves. They only care about THEIR feelings and don’t give a fuck about the
consequences of their actions. She lives in a fake reality where everything is O.K. She
feels completely justified in what happened, and has NO REMORSE. As someone young
and unmarried, this really bothers the shit out of me, as I (or any decent man) could
have been the poor bloke she did that to. It’s like they wear a fucking mask their entire
lives and then one day “POOF”, she’s a whore overnight.
I agree that the worst wives are the American ones. I am 40 and love my kids to death.
But my wife is a fucking bitch. Period. I have no illusions of a good marriage anymore.
My expectations are so friggin low. All i want is her to be a decent human being. Nice.
Polite. You’d think I’d asked if i could fuck her asshole. She lives in a $400,000 house,
doesn’t work, and has a bottomless checkbook. She doesn’t cook, and pathetic sex is
about once a month. My only sanity is I work in Istanbul 3 months of the year. And I’ve
had a great woman over there for over 3 years. Really, if I didn’t love my kids so much,
I’d walk out and give her everything, just to get her out of my life. I’m at a turning point. I
really feel like if I don’t get out now, I’ll regret it the rest of my life. Honest to God, I pray
for the day that she cheats on me and serves me papers. I never thought I could be the
kind of man that would leave his family, but its on my mind 24/7. God help me…

My god, Machiavelli was right. Control or be controlled, its that simple.

Marriage is like a boring dinner that lasts your whole life and had dessert at the

The main concern for most women is to address their wants and desires, without
thinking about what it take to achieve those wants and desires. A husband, to most
women, is simply a tool to use in order to achieve said wants and desires.

REPLY: Yep. Here is my wife: We need a new house… blah blah blah… I need a bigger
diamond in my wedding ring.. blah blah… I want a new car… blah blah blah… If you loved
me you wouldn’t be so cheap… sure, I don’t work but that doesn’t mean I have time for
cooking or cleaning house… blah blah blah

It seems that your wives don’t respect you guys. They have what they want, and they
take it for granted. You are a money-making doormat to them.

My current girlfriend is almost 23. What I like most about her is the fact that she doesn’t
like to spend money. She’s ultra cheap. And to be honest, I am ultracheap because I have
to be. The two of us look at saving money as a fun challenge, and I think that is the root
of our relationship. Sometimes, we get into fights and occasionally call each other
names. But in a way, we are both pathetic, and we know it, and at least we have each
other’s company. I think she is worthy of marriage at some point because I believe she
will be loyal to me to the end. We both have a lot in common, like to take small trips
(especially to disneyland), visit ghost towns, hike around new places, etc. She’s a
complete pain in the ass but so am I. When I compare her to the Mercedes of women at
school, I’d rather have her, the reliable ford pickup, because odds are it will be on the
road far longer than the mercedes.
REPLY: And this, gentlemen, is how it begins. Some in this thread have wondered how
we married fools got in this state. Well there you go. Did we see it coming? From our
perspective, back then, this is exactly what it looked like. So different from all the sorry
ass married fucks of our day! And yet, Fate’s cruel joke on us, is that we became those
men we laughed at. And now a new generation of lambs arise, primed for slaughter as
the last.

I honestly suggest that especially today women present themselves as sex objects to be
used. Their heroes are britney spears and other sluts. The media has presented to most
women aged thirty or less that “heroin chic”, or “short-skirt school girl chic”, etc.. is a
viable way to sell your goods. Now, women are conditioned from a very early age that
dressing provocatively will get you attention. The moment the hormones kick in, or
perhaps even earlier, the thongs are purchased and worn. Expensive makeup, trashy
clothes, and trendy purses are now demanded by 12 year old girls. It is the media that
convinces women they need all that shit. NOT men.

The core of our relationship is that we both like to save money. I doubt that this will
change. We are simple people with simple needs. We don’t need much to be happy. I
don’t need giant television sets and the latest computers or sports cars to be happy, and
she doesn’t need $700 purses or $100 MAC lipstick applicators. I doubt that this will
change unless she reconditions herself to have a very expensive taste.

REPLY: Trust me, she will. Before you know it, you’ll HAVE to buy a house, and you’ll
HAVE to fill it with all sorts of expensive furniture and knick knacks to make it a “home”.
And no, YOUR knicknacks don’t count Then one fine Saturday morning, you’ll find
yourself wandering through your umpteenth furniture store of the day looking for that
perfect “banquet” (whatever that is), or finding the perfect chaise (ditto) for the guest
bedroom that hasn’t been used in over a year. Then it his you – you used to spend this
time playing golf, sleeping, or having a great morning fuck with the same woman who’s
calling you an “idiot” because you don’t know sangria from ecru. And something inside
of you dies.

Getting married was the WORST decision I have ever made in my life. Of course, I
married an AMERICAN JAP wannabee — thinking that the woman she PRESENTED
before marriage was the woman she would be right after I do. Chronology: (1) We agree
on love, respect, honesty, money and career. (2) We get married. All bets are off. (3) She
quits job, refuse to work for duration, let’s her credit go to hell, leans on me to pay for
her mortgage, credit cards, misc bills, car payment. Meanwhile, I pay for our house, all
associated bills, medical insurance, utilities and incidentals. Side note, her credit was so
shot (of course she never revealed this until after the deal was set) that I carried the loan
in my name only for the new house we were to purchase together. (3) I cut her off by
refusing to pay for her bills (as listed above) — after 6 months – she becomes indignant.
She becomes further in debt and creditors start their agenda. Oh well… (4) She starts
emailing and calling all of her old boyfriends while I am away slaving at the workplace.
(5) I give her an ultimatum to cut the shenanigans out. She denies, denies, denies. I call
her bluff. (6) Move her out to West Coast. (7) Plan on buying her out of the equity
accrued EVEN though she has not paid one single dime into any type of investment
INCLUDING the house mortgage. Bottom line — DO NOT MARRY an American Woman

The truth is that there is nothing we really want. We aren’t materialistic. If I supply her
with knitting material she’ll be happy. Truth!

REPLY: That’s what I said too, sonny. You put that ring on her finger though, and all bets
are off.

That’s my girlfriend. She’s a granola chick. Likes camping, hiking, etc.

REPLY: Unfortunately, she won’t be like this after you get married. Tale of Jekyll and

Obviously your self respect if you don’t leave right then. At that point you are collusive
with your treatment.

REPLY: No, At that point all her babbling/nagging has become so much white noise. And
it’s much easier to waste an afternoon in a furniture store than it is to put up with a
month of passive/aggressive BS. I’m just agreeing with her so she will a) shut up b) get
out of there as quickly as possible so I can salvage something of my weekend.

Anything you do or say is twisted by them into playing their fucked up game. These
people are not real. They’re not human. They are just a bunch of insecurities and
neuroses which manifest themselves as egotism and bullying. They will never become
good. They’re doomed, and will doom you too, by association. That is the reality. You
need to get out. Now.

Marriage is mostly a female ideal. Why should a man get married if he is of sound mind?

That’s what my wife did. In retrospect she lied to me more often than she told the truth,
and she manipulated me and my calendar constantly. All the while I was loyal to her and
to the kids. Slowly, they suck all of the life out of you until one day you discover that the
whole relationship is lifeless. I’m finding, oddly enough, that it is the woman that
discovers the relationship is lifeless before the man does. I think it’s because all the
while, she was searching for wealth, shoes, and comparison shopping with her friends …
and the logical end of all of that is that it leads to no where. The husband buries himself
in his career and defines himself not as happy, but as provider and achiever. It is lifeless
for him before it is lifeless for her, but she is the first to discover it. The male just resigns
himself to the situation. Then, the divorce comes. In 2/3 of the cases, it is the woman
that files it. The husband feels used, betrayed, lied to, manipulated, and disconnected.
She gets the children, he is booted from the house, the friends back off out of confusion,
and he gets an apartment, bed, television and toaster. Her life continues without him.
She gets support. He gets to pay it. Then the day comes when the divorce is final, and he
discovers that he’s free. He’s not sure what he’s free for, but he knows that he is then
enslaved to nothing but child support and alimony.

Look, the problem starts with girls playing with Barbie. They think everything should
glitter. Even at age 4 they are vicariously trying to control Ken even while they fantasize
about their own wedding. When women reach the mid or upper thirties or so, they
realize they will not really glitter like Barbie any more. But they all have a friend that
does, who drives the flashy Mercedes, and who seems to have a real life Ken that
replaces the initial wedding ring with the bigger and sparkly one. So, they get dissatisfied
with their husbands, because they are no longer Ken-like, and they blame their situation
on him. To make the pain easier they spend him into oblivion until they decide to divorce
him altogether. Men, on the other hand, grow up knowing that they will support the
family. Barbie only knows that she will be kept. Men are raised to be men, but women
are raised to be Barbie; the first can be sustained, the latter cannot.

I’ve been divorced for two whole days now. I was ambushed and surprised by an end to
a 20+ year marriage. I provided the income; she stayed home. I worked long hours; she
became bored with lonely evenings. She read fiction and romance novels; I read books
about business, economics, and theology. She wanted more out of life, but she had no
clue as to the sacrifices I made to support the family. I wanted more out of life, but she
was totally uninteresting. I asked her to work part time so that I could work less, and we
could spend more time together; work was beneath her, and would get in the way of
outside activities. But I was loyal to our marriage and to my vows, and I love my kids
completely; her search for more out of life led her to disloyalty and betrayal. I also
became boring, I admit it. I would have stayed married to her forever because a
commitment is a commitment, and especially because the kids do not deserve a broken
home. She justified her actions by demonizing me. It was the only justification her mind
could make to allow her to do what she wanted to do. But she was also scared — she
had steadfastly refused to enter the workplace. She wanted to continue her dependence
upon me in the form of support even while she declared her independence from me in
matters of togetherness. Her fear of the real world, and her desire to continue a
unsustainable lifestyle proved to be a deadly combination once she learned to demonize
me. The breakup became mean and evil, and any lie could be justified against the fear of
the unknown. I’m no expert on divorce, as I don’t have the perspective of time. But I
don’t know how to raise sons and daughters for the type of relationships we have today.
50% of all first marriages fail; 70% of all second marriages fail. Daughters need to be
raised to be independent, but to do so means that you are not raising them to be good
wives. To raise them to be good wives, means they are vulnerable to a bad choice. I want
my sons to live in trust, but how can they trust the type of women that America
produces today? In the meantime, this sick situation is played out in a system that is
horribly broken. The Family Law section of the bar does not police its own. Judges award
custody to any woman who isn’t running both a meth lab and a prostitution ring. Judges
don’t punish women for their faults, but any fault by men results in huge inequities in
division. And good and decent men end up supporting ex-wives who simply want a
change, but who are afraid of facing the world with the full consequences of their own
decision. The Rambo-style system of modern divorce irreparably rips families apart.
Thank you for your time.

Women make decisions that make them feel good in the short run. They want to get rid
of their husband. They don’t consider the fact that after the rush of getting half his stuff
they will have to get by on less than half his income, and whatever they can earn while
raising the kids. Society used to protect women from their poor decisions by making
divorce difficult to obtain, and providing no support for disloyalty. Before the dark times.
Before feminism.

END of SECTION 6 of 9.

START of SECTION 7 of 9:

I was happy but now I’m starting to wonder why I’m married. Me; MBA, career job, low
6 figure income, workout at the gym 3 days/week, cook meals on weekends, do major
chores (i.e., heavy lifting) Her: At home mom – but our kid is in 3rd grade so she has all
day home alone – she claims she cleans but it doesn’t take 6 hours per day 5 days per
week to do the shitty job she does. She says she’s going to go back to work but she keeps
finding reasons why she can’t work. Sex? None in 2 months (“urinary tract infection is
cleared up but I’m afraid I’ll get another”) Fit? Not really So she has no ambition,
provides nominal home value, is sexless. I’m not seeing the benefit of this marriage for
me. What I have now for a wife is not what or who I married. I married an active,
energetic woman. And now? She is pure couch potato. She talks a good game but when I
get home, things are the same as before except she has moved on to the next book she
wants to read. Meanwhile, I blow through my income buying her the house she wants,
the vacations she wants, and so on.

Two years of Marriage. I’m depressed and turning to pot and alcohol. I’m not allowed to
DO anything without “permission”. I used to live life to the full, now I just exist to pay the
mortgage and fill the shelves full of worthless crap we don’t need. Thanks to the joyless
fat whore I’m forced to spend the rest of my life with.

Women evolved to care for children and be cared for by men. They are sensitive to
emotion, but not too good at math. If you want a miserable relationship try treating your
woman as a rational adult.

I love this thread. Men: Women are unable to form a rational thought or argument and
are constantly hampered by emotion. Women: Are not! You’re just being mean! Waaah!

Women still think it’s cool to argue any point, no matter how trivial, to the point of
making their husbands dream of suicide, no matter what age they are. There is nothing
on this Earth that can be worse than a life-long power struggle with an infantile woman.
It’s no wonder so many men are happily letting their wives leave.

The only way a man will ever find happiness, when he’s truly unhappy at home is to treat
his wife with complete and total indifference. Come and go as you please. Never, in a
million years, think of ever asking her permission for anything. Do what you want, when
you want, how you want, and with WHOM you want. Once she (finally) gets the message
that she really doesn’t matter to him anymore, she’ll do anything on earth to keep him.
The older a woman gets, the better this technique works. Every woman who reads this
will think I’m crazy, but every man who reads it will know in their hearts that it’s 100%
gospel truth.

[Men] thought that marriage was the deal that the vows and written contract said it
was. Little did they know that the vows had nothing to do with it and that the REAL
contract was the one festering in the pea brain of the evil sow they were tying the knot
to. You know the one that changes from moment to moment on the whim of the ill-
tempered fatass cunt.

REPLY: Not just the vows and written contract – no woman in history ever got married by
saying “after awhile – no more sex for you”. In fact, they state quite the opposite.

I think when we look at how so many of these marriages end up, we’ll find that its the
male who continues to strive to meet his end of his promise long after she has merely
changed her mind about hers.

I tried everything I could think of, read about, and hear of. Nothing worked. Whenever I
would bring up the fact that I wish we could have sex more than once every six weeks –
she would write up a laundry list of demands that she promised would improve things.
Most of these things on the list had to do with buying her shit and doing things for her.
Like many – I fell for it a few times and scrambled to make things better. That, of course,
resulted in very little changing except that not only did I have to support my family with
a 50 hour a week job, but I also had to cater to her B.S. and help her with the housework
(she has no other job).

I’m finally tired of what my wife is doing to herself physically. I feel my choices are leave
or have an affair. I think I’d prefer the affair – then if she finds out, we will have broken
up because I had an affair which somehow seems more palatable than saying we had a
divorce because she GOT FAT!

Just a quick question, have any of you men spoken to your wives and really sat down and
told her how you feel?

REPLY: I did. Once every 60-90 days or so … for years. It didn’t matter. My feelings were
dismissed as being out of line. It always became twisted that there was still another way
I could provide for her (as though 60-70 hour work weeks, remainder of the time helping
around the house and yard, while she had a maid and no job was not enough). There
was always something else that needed to be better or newer. Her happiness did not
derive from me, nor did it derive from what she had internally. Her barometer of
happiness was completely tied up in adequately keeping up with all the perks her
girlfriends were getting. She didn’t love me. She only loved what I could provide. And
though I was loyal to the vows until the end, she dumped me finally and gave me one
ball busting of a divorce.

Ever see the old Twilight Zone where the little boy has psychic powers and he can torture
and kill anyone with a thought? That’s the power no fault divorce gives to any woman
you are foolish enough to marry. How many people can be trusted with that kind of

A father leaves work a little late one night and, while on his way home, he remembers
that he has not yet purchased a christmas gift for his young daughter. He quickly parks
his car in front of a toy store and asks the salesperson: “How much is the Barbie in the
window?” With a convincing voice, the salesperson replies, “Well, we have ‘Barbie goes
to the gym’ for $19.95, ‘Barbie plays Volleyball’ for $19.95, ‘Barbie goes Shopping’ for
$19.95, ‘Barbie goes to the Beach’ for $19.95, and ‘Divorced Barbie’ for $265.95.” The
surprised man asks, “What? Why does the divorced Barbie cost $265.95 when the rest
are only $19.95?” The salesperson responds, “Sir, the ‘Divorced Barbie’ comes with Ken’s
car, Ken’s house, Ken’s boat, Ken’s furniture, Ken’s computer, and one of Ken’s friends.”

And also…remember that you cannot argue with an emotional women. Never. if she is in
that crazy mood. DO NOT TRY AND REASON. Say something like “I’m sorry you feel that
way.” If it continues then say, I’m not discussing thus further right now and walk away or
make a phone call or pick up your copy of GQ and start reading it. Eventually she’ll calm
down and maybe you can discuss it. maybe not. But at least you are not expending all
that energy. Its a waste. You need to view your wife in that state like your 7 or 8 year old
tantrumming child. You cannot reason with them. Don’t try. Don’t be manipulated. Just
be the man. Have a backbone. Stay calm.

This thread may outlast 50% of marriages. Men should join the marriage strike,
otherwise you may end up broke and indebted to the cupcake you thought was going to
keep the wedding vows. Cupcake loves child support and alimony plus your house and
everything else you give. Marriage is a business now run by the government to steal
your money and redistribute to the women that are too irrational to control or take care
care of themselves.

Marriage strike? I thought I was the only one. Divorce changed my life in many ways (5
years now). Not only have I staged my own marriage strike, I made and inventory of my
life as regards to female influence all together. As a result, I have reduced my overall
relations with women. I still fuck with them ever now and again when the biological
needs arise, but not much else. I lost all respect for women once I came to understand
them. All you really need to do is compare them to the standards of good behavior
towards our fellow man/woman that we apply to each other as men. Once you
understand their motivations and values in life (as a whole, not the few individuals we all
know) then your motherly-protectionist perspective kind of falls apart. The irony is that I
have 5 year old daughter from that marriage. I watch her become more like her mother
more and more every week.

REPLY: Amen brother. Once you truly realize the motivations behind your average
woman (materialism, self-entitlement, self-righteousness, etc.), the reality that they
serve little purpose beyond sexual satisfaction becomes 100% clear.

After watching the Vermont Teddy Bear Company ad for Valentine’s Day on TV last night,
I had a religious experience! I thanked my Lord and my God that I was saved from being
one of the pathetic males in an office cubicle who succumbs to female pressure for that
kind of gift just to get the annual lay. I’m very glad to be single again.

You’re gonna have to keep having affair after affair after affair for the rest of your life
because passion normally runs it’s course in humans and ends after a year or two. That’s
precisely why marriage, a long-term proposition, feels like it sucks.

Last night the wife asks me on a scale of 1-10 if I wanted to have another child.
Unfucking beeeeelievable. She then spouts off a littany of reasons why she hated being
pregnant, hated delivery, hated post partum, and especially the fact that she could not
shit for 5 days. It was horrible, horrible, horrible. She then goes on and on about how
she feels sorry for our daughter because she does not want her to be an only child and
have old parents that she will have to deal with all by herself – like she does. Somehow
she gets to the point where she remembers when I called her a bitch because she was
such a huge fucking bitch. “Yes, I was a bitch when I was pregnant and after the baby
was born. I do not apologize for that.” Well hello! I am not apologizing for calling you a
bitch. Of course the conversation, oh, what am I saying, her ranting, led to nowhere. As I
pointed out to her, this is a useless conversation. It has nothing to do with me. My
opinion in the matter is baseless as I have never squeezed a watermelon from between
my legs, so there is no way in heaven or hell I could ever understand what she is talking
about – as she sooo clearly reminds me whenever this comes up. Oh, yea, about having
another child – she is going to be 40 and her time is running out. She is terrified that by
the time she decides that, yes, she can stand having another child, it will be too late.
Wake-up call!!! It already is too late. Save your ass. Stay single.

Once when I brought up the possibility of having sex, yes a weak moment, she again
complained about how she is always exhausted (not tired). So being the problem solver I
am, I respond by saying we can have sex in the morning. “I don’t like sex in the morning.”
she says. She might as well have just said she didn’t like sex (with me, period, whatever)
and left it at that.

“I never knew how happy I was until I got married, then it was too late !!”

I was googling something for my husband and this board popped up so I started reading
it. I have to say this has been the most horrible thing I have ever read.. and totally on the
mark. There are a few decent women out there.. and I consider myself one.. but we are
few and far between. You guys in bad marriages.. get divorced. SO you lose some stuff
and pay child support. Isn’t it worth some peace? If you have kids a shitty marriage isn’t
doing them any good, so the staying for the kids is a lame excuse. It seems men at the
core just want to be loved, appreciated, and fucked regularly. I don’t know why it cant be
found among women other than their crappy families raising harpy bitches who have no
clue how to be a wife. I was lucky enough to have some great examples for the wife role
and that made me a good wife. Check out the woman’s family.. if they are fucked up run
like hell. Women are too caught up in trying to prove something, a power struggle, and
trying NOT to be a woman that they die dried up old bags. You guys go out and find
someone decent.. be picky..

REPLY: You’ve come very close to the truth here; and the truth is that most guys start
getting kicked in the butt around their 7th birthday by their families; you either perform
or you’re a piece of shit. Most girls though are just relentlessly spoiled; they can do no
wrong and everything they produced is regarded as a marvel. That is how it was in my
family growing up and the daughters ruled the roost. They are spoiled rotten, with the
predictable results. The problem is spoiled children growing into monstrous adults
without consciences. In our society it tends to be women, particularly good looking
women that get spoiled the most. Go rent Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. This is
what most American women are…horrible spoiled monster brats that grow up to be very
crazy old ladies.

My grandfather ( a hardcore marine and later a cop) said everything went to shit when
women got to vote.. LMAO! Considering the poll that reports women vote for political
offices on looks more than any other quality, I tend to agree..

For thousands of years, yes thousands, women worked just as hard as men but at
different tasks. Most of the tasks were agricultural – taking care of the chickens,
collecting eggs, milking the cows, tending the garden, herding sheep. Indoor work was
also labor-intensive just to maintain a semblance of cleanliness, cooking, canning,
sewing, beating carpets. Women who were able produced products at home for sale.
The stupid, spoiled, modern housewife ornament with every electronic gizmo and an
unlimited budget is a part of the problem, not the solution.

END of SECTION 7 of 9.

START of SECTION 8 of 9:

Smart is good. Educated is bad. Higher education will turn a nice girl into a man hating

REPLY 1: This is part of the consensus.

REPLY 2: Truth. Was involved with some woman awhile ago who had an MBA and she
attributed every conflict she had a work with a man to the fact that she was a woman.
Totally delusional and bitchy about everything, nothing but attitude. Very much part of
the spoiled “I can do no wrong because I’m a woman” Gen-Y crowd.

Holy smokes women plan their divorce almost 30 months before they actually do it?
Everyday you learn more about how devious the female mind can be. The internet may
just save a lot of men grief from the biggest mistake of their lives, marrying a cupcake.
Keep the thread going save the men! Marriage strike!

REPLY: Women are not capable of moral reasoning. The things that come naturally to
sane men – fair play, honor, teamwork, loyalty – are alien to the female mind. A woman
without children seeks the hottest or wealthiest man she can get to knock her up, and to
marry the wealthiest man she can. If a better deal comes along she will instantly and
without remorse dump the less wealthy or attractive man, and she will have the full
backing of the modern totalitarian police state to take half the money and possessions
of the man she betrayed. Give a creature with no conscience that kind of power and you
have modern society, a culture in freefall, and soon afterwards the end of civilization.

Came home last night after working 15 hours, 9 am to midnight. Climb into bed, about
three minutes later, the first thing she says, “are you mad at me?” I ask her, “Is it too
much to expect to ask me how my day was and whether I’m doing all right after working
for fifteen hours?” I got yelled at for the next 45 minutes. I love marriage.

I string girls along, hinting at marriage. I get lots of pussy, let them clean my place,
cooking and all that. Then I create a reason for the breakup. Rinse and repeat.

I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men & women differ so much. And I
never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why
men think with their head and women with their heart. I have never figured out why the
sexual desire gene gets thrown into a state of turmoil, when it hears the words ‘I do.’
Here’s an example of what I mean. One evening last week, my wife and I were getting
into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says ‘I don’t feel like it, I
just want you to hold me.’ I said ‘WHAT????!!! What was that?! So she says the words
that every husband on the planet dreads hearing…’You’re just not in touch with my
emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man.’
She then responded to my puzzled look by saying, “Can’t you just love me for who I am
and not what I do for you in the bedroom?” Realizing that nothing was going to happen
that night I went to sleep. The very next day I opted to take the day off from work to
spend time with her. We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big,
unnamed department store. I walked around with her while she tried on several
different very expensive outfits. She couldn’t decide which one to take so I told her we’ll
just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said lets
get a pair for each outfit. We went on to the jewelry department where she picked out a
pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you…she was so excited. She must have thought I
was one wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me because she
asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn’t even know how to play tennis. I think I
threw her for a loop when I said, ” That’s fine, honey.” Smiling with excited anticipation
she finally said, ‘I think this is all dear, let’s go to the cashier’. I could hardly contain
myself when I blurted out, ‘No honey, I don’t feel like it.’ Her face just went completely
blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled ‘WHAT???!!!’ I then said, ‘Really honey! I just
want you to HOLD this stuff for awhile. You’re just not in touch with my financial needs
as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman.’ And just when she
had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, ‘Why can’t you just love me for who I
am and not for the things I buy you?’ Apparently I’m not having sex tonight either, but at
least that bitch knows I’m smarter than her. Give the worthless cunts a taste of their own
medicine for a change.

How can my wife tell me that she’s “in love” with me and still leave me without sex for
five years? How can I cope with this without resorting to divorce, affairs, or castration!!!

There is something that can be done. Men should just go their own way without women.
No need for divorce if you never marry. No need to put up with crap if you never step in
it. Keep the money we work hard for. Do what makes us happy.

I’m the one who works, but she can’t keep up her end of the bargain either sexually or in
terms of housework. I run 4x a week, and she inhales Dove bars.

Men, as proven by their overwhelming superiority to women in every field requiring

teamwork and/or rational thought, are more moral than women, more self sacrificing
than women, and more interested in the real world than women.

I know of several successful, older businessmen who married foreign women that didn’t
speak much English at all. They seem happier than most men. My ex was Korean and we
were quite happy until she started mingling with ameriskanks. I knew there was trouble
when she told me, ‘They asked me why are you with him; why do you cook for him,..’. I
should have seen the red flags go off by that and corrected it before it got too late. For
only that i am at fault, otherwise everything was going well: good income, going out,
raising a child together, etc. i don’t think all american and western women are bad but a
huge majority are (we have ears and we have eyes so don’t tell me otherwise). Reminds
me of the saying ‘Misery Loves Company’. There are a lot of miserable women out there
(like feminists) that can’t stand to see another woman happy in a marriage and will do
anything to jeopardize the marriage. So what has become with my ex? She has joined
the ranks of the single mother/divorced DPs that get f*cked and chucked by the 7% of
men that 93% of women go for. Does it bother me? Not any longer, much happier just
being a man going my own way.

“In the Anglosphere (US, UK, Canada, etc.), the media often reports of millionaires losing
half or more of their fortunes to their predatory female ex-wives via the divorce courts.
These millionaires are stupid. Just because you got millions, does not mean you got
brains. Smart millionaires, such as one of my best friends, controls his assets, and does
not own them. I have mentioned him on here before about his nasty divorce with a
woman he found in Mexico. To recap, things were great for about 3 years, then this
woman from Mexico turned into a total predatory female, just like the Anglosphere
women are. Anyway, he gave me the final report of his divorce settlement. Since
everything he owns and his profits from his real estate endeavors legally goes through
his mom, and not him, he owns nothing, so there is nothing for the divorce court to
award to his predatory female ex-wife. His predatory female ex-wife even tried to go
after the assets that legally belonged to his mom, but this was laughed at by his
attorney, who shredded the demand letter, and then she experienced the harsh reality
that the divorce court was totally ineffective at “protecting her rights” since she was
legally married to a man that legally owned nothing. She was not married to his mom,
who owned everything. Furthermore, since he legally had no job, child support was very
small, and since he will legally never have a job in the future, his child support payments
will stay at a minimum. I believe the saying “By deception we will conquer” holds true
for men in protecting their assets from predatory females in the Anglosphere. As my
friend said, “The biatch actually thought I owned millions of dollars worth of property”,
as he laughed his way out of the divorce court. Hence, by controlling assets in the
Anglosphere, and not owning them, and becoming legally invisible in the labor market, a
man can protect his millions whether by the scenario described above with good and
loyal family members owning them or using trusts or corporations to protect them.
Every man must prepare for the worse, hope for the best.”

Let’s translate “loser” from women-speak into English. “Loser” in woman-speak simply
means a man who is smart enough to do things that are in HIS best interest. You don’t
spend your hard earned money on women – you are a loser You expect regular sex – you
are a loser You are not interested in marriage – you are a loser You don’t want to slave
away 60 hours a week so a woman can buy a new SUV every year – you are a loser You
prefer South American women who treat you better – you are a HUUGE LOOOSER The
alternative to “loser” is a pussyfied man, or simply a pussy. A pussyfied man does what a
woman wants – he is a docile schmuck who slaves away at work and pays her bills and
not pesters her for sex. Another words, he is an ideal husband. So the next time an
ameriskank calls you a loser, just smile and thank ‘it’ for the compliment.

A man was walking along a California beach and stumbled across an old lamp. He picked
it up and rubbed it and out popped a genie. The genie said, ‘OK. You released me from
the lamp, blah, blah, blah. This is the fourth time this month and I’m getting a little sick
of these wishes, so you can forget about three. You only get one wish.’ The man sat and
thought about it for a while and said, ‘I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii but I’m scared
to fly and I get very seasick. Could you build me a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over
there to visit?’ The genie laughed and said, ‘That’s impossible. Think of the logistics of
that! How would the supports ever reach the bottom of the Pacific? Think of how much
concrete… how much steel! No, think of another wish The man said OK and tried to
think of a really good wish. Finally, he said, ‘I’ve been married and divorced four times.
My wives always said that I don’t care and that I’m insensitive. So, I wish that I could
understand women… know how they feel inside and what they’re thinking when they
give me the silent treatment… know why they’re crying, know what they really want
when they say “nothing”… know how to make them truly happy. .’ The genie said, ‘You
want that bridge two lanes or four?’

Q: If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who
do you let in first? A: The dog of course…at least he’ll shut up after you let him in.

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Some say monogamy is the same.

The day before I got married I knew in my heart it was not right. Married friends clapped
me on the back saying, “we all felt that way. It’s just nerves.” No, it isn’t. They wanted
me in miserable Hell with them is all. Sure enough she’s a whining insufferable sexless
cunt who hid that side of her personality from me until she got the ring.

“Tie yourself up with a woman, and like a chained convict, you lose all freedom . . . If you
only know what women in general are! Egotism, vanity, silliness, triviality in everything.
That’s what women are when they show themselves as they really are…No, don’t marry,
my dear friend. Don’t marry!” — Leo Tolstoy, “War and Peace” “Women are generally
stupid, but the devil lends her brains when she works for him. Then she accomplishes
miracles of thinking, farsightedness, constancy, in order to do something nasty.” — Leo
Tolstoy 1898

to all men of all ages…..NEVER, and I mean NEVER EVER EVER NEVER get married or
even engaged! String her along a little. If she stops putting out…dump her on the spot…
it’s only a prelude to what’s coming (or not if you know what I mean!) Your life will
suck…bitching….complaining……as soon as she mentions looking at rings….RUN!!!!

Sometimes, like right now, I wish that this thread existed before I was married. I might
have been convinced that marriage isn’t the way to go.

REPLY: Again – after over 2 decades of anecdotal quasi-scientific research, about 6 out of
7 marriages suck warm chunky shit through a straw for the man. 1 in 7 are good. Those
are pretty much your odds. 6 out 7 for a lifetime of sexless hell, illogical bitching and
nagging, and furtive stolen adulterous moments leading to her getting half your shit.


Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman’s sex drive by 90%. It’s called
a Wedding Cake.

Why do men die before their wives? They want to.

A man who compromises when he’s wrong is wise; a man who compromises when he’s
right is married.

END of SECTION 8 of 9.

START of SECTION 9 of 9:

A young lady came home from a date, rather sad. She told her mother, “Jeff proposed to
me an hour ago.” “Then why are you so sad?” her mother asked. “Because he also told
me he was an atheist. Mom, he doesn’t even believe there’s a hell.” Her mother replied,
“Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, we’ll show him how wrong he is.”

A woman and a man wanted to have a baby, so they went to the doctor to see if there
was a way. When the doctor came in, told them about a new study that transfers all the
pain from the mother to the father during delivery. hey both agreed to take part in the
study. Later, when the woman went into labor, her husband was hooked up to the device
to transfer the pain. After it was hooked up the doctor turned on the power. The man
didn’t feel anything so he told the doctor to turn the power up. After the power was
turned up the man still couldn’t feel anything. The doctor turned it up more. The man
still couldn’t feel it. Finally, the doctor turned it up the whole way. The woman delivered
a beautiful baby, and neither of them felt any pain. When they got home, the mailman
was dead on the doorstep.

The Gen X Ameriskanks (or western skanks) seem to want to fit the mold of the Sex and
the City skank. There is one thing that they seem to disregard though….CONSEQUENCES.
Playing the victim will only get you so far until everyone wakes up to the bullshit. For
example, my sister was a skank. Her sons grew up and left (they were tired of raising the
divorced skank) and never even so much as call her now. No one else in the family wants
to talk to her and everyone is tired of helping her out. Now she is just medicated(wow, I
see that a lot these days) and living with the parents at 48 (and they want her out bad).
And no one could give a rats ass, including me. I say let the Ameriskanks wallow in their
misery. They have nothing to offer men. There are women in many countries who treat
men really good (and I have lived in Asia for most of my adult life so I should know). If
you need a woman, move there. But there is one good thing about this though…since
women never think of the consequences of their actions, men can reap huge benefits ($)
in the stock market and such by investing in small medical companies (that specialize in
anti-depressants and such) and in cat food companies (the future skanks sole

REPLY: Generation X women are garbage. They have worthless attitudes and expect men
to cowtow to their unrealistic demands. I truly feel sorry for any man that married these

Honestly there are few women I can stand to listen to for more than 5 minutes. The level
of self-absorption in American women is profound.

It is really scary how men that were once married tell me that they were always alone,
only now they are divorced.

Women are never satisfied, no matter what you do, and marrying a being like this is a
disaster waiting to happen.

Best thread ever. Read it all and save yourselves.

Arthur Schopenhauer’s essay “On Women.” “The fundamental defect of the female
character is a lack of a sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of
rationality and capacity for reflection but it is strengthened by the fact that, as the
weaker sex, they are driven to rely not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive
subtlety and their ineradicable tendency to tell lies: for as nature has equipped the lion
with claws and teeth, the elephant with tusks, the wild boar with fangs, the bull with
horns and the cuttlefish with ink, so it has equipped woman with the power of
dissimulation as her means of attack and defense, and has transformed into this gift all
the strength it has bestowed on man in the form of physical strength and the power of

Day 485 without sex. No, I’m not fat or ugly. Yes, I’ve declined opportunities with other
women in that time. No, I would not recommend that any man get married.

My wife was great. She was hot and funny and nice. When we had our first child she
replaced me with the child. She used to be frugal, but then she charged up the credit
cards so much that it was like using drugs. Now 18 years later we are fucked beyond
belief. She also does not have sex with me for two weeks at a time and thinks it’s
normal. So I cracked and got a mistress. I should have divorced her long ago for my own
survival, but I did not have the heart and still don’t.

Long ago, I had friends tell me to never get married and never buy a house with a pool.
They were so very right about the pool. It is a major complication in my life and a money
pit. If they were so very right about the pool, I can’t but wonder about the rest.

Women, especially those career chick American women, hate men that live well without
them. American career chick women that I know, seem to constantly devise schemes
and such to draw me into their miserable lives, but I just ignore them and continue
about doing the things I want to in life and living well. I am sure I am not the exception
to this, with American career chick women trying to sucker some other man into their
miserable world of cats, television, and awful attitudes that don’t attract men – and they
wonder why they are single? By living well, you will also find that certain men will hate
you too (this is called jealousy), but who cares, they have crap jobs as some type of
salary man at big corporation X or what not, to support some nagging, abusive,
demeaning wife under threat of divorce and losing it all or some ex-wife via alimony and
child support, or have to put up with some biatch American girlfriend, but you go home
to peace and quiet, enjoying a fine cigar and cognac, contemplating what country to visit
next in your pursuit of being a world traveler and connaisseur extraordinaire. You might
entertain thoughts of having a family or kids, but then you look around at those that do
here in the US, and realize, you won’t be getting off at that stop. Wait for it, plenty of
women in world, plenty of countries, pick a place you find that has good laws supporting
men’s rights and family and such, and pitch your tent there if you so desire a family. In
the meantime, live well, for every second you do such, you are giving the middle finger
to countless people around you caught up in the system as well as the system itself, and
you remain free. Indeed, as they say, living well is the best revenge.

Being unmarried does not equal being alone. That’s nothing but a made up scare tactic
to trick someone in to signing over their freedom in some state endorsed contract. If its
a person’s religion and they feel like making that commitment out of love, then that’s
fine but why the hell the state has to come into it is beyond me. I think each and every
individual should be able to provide for themselves. Why we have to lock one or the
other into a binding contract is preposterous. The idea that I was too blind to see this 11
years ago makes me wanna kick my own ass. Now, its not all about what I want, its about
hurting a child and making him feel like I rejected him… which is what he would be told
and I know it. I have no issue with child support or giving her everything we own. I could
start over naked and sleeping on a park bench and be in better financial shape in a
month than I am now. Its that one act of knowing she will hurt your child. Its that one
act that I cannot let happen. I may be the loser now but if there are different levels of
hell, she’ll get a boiler room view.

Another miserable fuck here. My wife found herself depressed after my son was born.
So she has sacrificed sex almost completely so she can be a fucking Zoloft zombie. Dr.
Feminazi is only to happy to deal them out (3 years’ worth) because “sex is not
important” fuck ‘em all, i am going to continue hiding money; plot the escape.

My wife changed almost the day after the wedding ceremony. She began behaving as if
she was a child at home with me paying ALL the bills and her not contributing a penny
and she did nothing but go out drinking with her friends and sleep all day. Anytime I
questioned her she had a teenage fit (She was 30) exactly like a daughter arguing with
her father. I think basically she didn’t want to be an adult and as soon as she thought I
was as stuck to her as her father had been she went immediately back to behaving like
the stroppy teenager she really wanted to be with no responsibilities. And the amazing
thing was how she had behaved like an adult woman in the six years we’d been together
before the marriage. We’re in the middle of a divorce right now and she doesn’t believe
its actually happening and calls me saying the room she’s staying in is so awful and the
people are so terrible exactly like a student calling her dad with a sob story trying to get
him to send a check. She’s in for a shock when the divorce is final and I stop being polite
and pretending the divorce is just some paperwork we need to do as a family and she
realizes she is on her OWN and that I’m no longer going to fix things she’s fucked up or
pay her bills.

REPLY 1: She must be smokin’ hot, admit it, you were hypnotized by her looks…and
thought she would change…..

REPLY 2: Yeah, let’s just ignore him saying: “And the amazing thing was how she had
behaved like an adult woman in the six years we’d been together before the marriage.”
You are either a hen or a naive guy who has no idea how drastically some women are
capable of changing after marriage. The best fakers are those women who don’t just put
on a shallow pretense, but actually ARE better people before marriage, yet once they get
the ring they slide the bar from the best to the worst of their personality spectrum,
because whether they have realized it at the conscious or subconscious level, they know
they’ve caught the fish and no longer need to go to the effort of baiting the hook.

I’ve tried like hell to talk things out with my wife. All she does is Bitch and complain and
say it is all my fault. Screw her. I dream of the day when we drop our youngest off at
college. As we turn to get in the car I will be making a mad dash for the nearest taxi and
head directly for the airport with a one way flight to the Caribbean. See YA Bitch

You’d be surprised at how many women turn into asexual porkers after marriage.
marriage is stupid. it’s the fantasy of a woman. any man that gets married is simply a

REPLY: Nope, just naive. This thread is designed to educate. ——————- Many, MANY
women promise free pussy on demand for life. Then the second they get that ring
everything changes. Dump your friends and adopt hers, dump sports, dump beer, dump
mellow weekends, dump sex. 6 out of 7 are fucking control freak shrews. Them’s the

Still, about 6 out of 7 women believe it is their right to trap a man and then gain 75-100
pounds – “Why should I be sexy? Sexy takes work and I already made him say he loves
me no matter what!” Don’t believe my figures – do your own count at the mall.

Marriage is society’s way to harness a male to provide shelter and nice surroundings for
the offspring and their mother. It is not meant for the well-being of the man.

A bachelor is a man who didn’t make the same mistake once.

END of SECTION 9 of 9.

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