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Applied Economics Letters, 2002, 9, 595 ±600

The recurrence of occupational injuries:

estimates from a zero in¯ated count model
Division of Management, University of Toronto at Scarborough , Centre for Industrial
Relations, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2E8, Canada
E-mail: campolie@chass.utoronto.c a

Received August 28, 2001

The recurrence of workers’ compensation injuries is studied using data from the
unemployment histories of permanently disabled workers from Ontario, Canada.
Estimates are obtained with a zero in¯ated Poisson regression model and it is
found that employer accommodations can reduce the number of subsequent work
absences workers experience.

I. INTRODUCTION employers. Consequently, disability management strate-

gies, such as what sort of accommodations should be pro-
Recent research has begun to put more emphasis on the vided to workers to help prevent further work absences
recurrent nature of many occupational injuries, which sug- may be particularly important.
gests that work absences may be followed by subsequent Grouping employment histories is not the only empirical
absences in the future. For example, Butler et al. (1995) approach that could be used to study the recurrence of
and Johnson et al. (1998) studied the additional work occupational injuries. For example, a count data model,
absences of permanently disabled workers. However, such as Poisson regression model, could also be used to
both of these papers studied these additional claims at a model the number of subsequent work absences associated
fairly high level of aggregation. Speci®cally, they examined with an injury. However, since some workers make a full
the patterns of return-to-work they observed in the claim recovery, return-to-work and do not have a relapse of the
histories of permanently disabled workers with a multi- injury and others may su€ er a recurrence of their injury
nomial logit model (e.g., single absence and successful after returning to work and, subsequently, ®le additional
return-to-work, single absence and unsuccessful return-to- claims, some modelling problems might arise when estimat-
work, multiple absence and successful return-to-work and ing some of the more common regression models for count
multiple absences and unsuccessful return-to-work). data. Speci®cally, the presence of large numbers of obser-
The recurrence of these occupational injuries may be vations that take the value zero, i.e., no subsequent work
particularly prevalent in musculoskeletal and soft tissue absences, might not be consistent with the underlying dis-
injuries, where injured workers face a signi®cant probabil- tribution ®t to the data. Fortunately, some count models
ity of re-injury that neither they nor their physician can have been developed to accommodate an excess number of
predict with any certainty (Johnson et al., 1998). 1 Since zeros. These models are referred to as `zero in¯ated’ count
these injuries are becoming increasingly common (NCCI, models and they allow for excess zeros in the data by mod-
1992; Butler et al., 1996) as well as being more costly than elling the counts as a mixture of two distributions: a spike
other sorts of workers’ compensation claims (NCCI, 1992), at zero and a distribution that allows positive outcomes.
these subsequent work absences are becoming an increas- In this paper, an empirical investigation is conducted
ingly pressing issue for workers’ compensation insurers and of the number of subsequent work absences in an

Musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries present diagnostic and treatment problems for health care providers (Agency for Health Care Policy and
Research, 1994).

Applied Economics Letters ISSN 1350±4851 print/ISSN 1466±4291 online # 2002 Taylor & Francis Ltd 595
DOI: 10.1080 /1350485011011120 7
596 M. Campolieti
employment history that are related to a workplace injury where P‰yi Š ˆ exp …¡¶i †¶yi i =¶i !, ¶i ˆ xi0 ­ , and ¿i ˆ
using data from the Ontario Survey of Permanently F …xi ®† ˆ exp …zi0 ®†=…1 ‡ exp …zi0 ®††, ¿i denotes a mixture
Disabled Workers, which was conducted by the Ontario probability weight; P‰yi Š is a Poisson distribution; x and z
Workers’ Compensation Board. The investigation proceeds are vectors of explanatory variables. The model presented
empirically by estimating a zero in¯ated Poisson regression in Equation 1 can be interpreted as a ®nite mixture model,
model that accounts for the excess zeros in the data (i.e., which includes a degenerate distribution with a mass point
individuals with no further absences) as well as the addi- at zero. There is a positive probability ¿i when no addi-
tional claims ®led by some workers. Particular attention is tional claims for individual i are observed. This probability
paid to the e€ ect of accommodations on the number of is parametrized as a logit CDF with a set of covariates zi
subsequent absences, determining which sort of accommo- and parameters ®. The positive outcomes occur with prob-
dation arrangements are better able to reduce the number ability 1 ¡ ¿i . This part of the mixture model is speci®ed as
of subsequent work absences. a Poisson regression model.
In the next section, the econometric model is described. The log-likelihood function for the zero in¯ated Poisson
A description of the data is provided in Section III and the can be written as
empirical results in Section IV. Section V contains some X
L…yi j ­ ; ®† ˆ ln ‰F …zi0 ®† ‡ …1 ¡ F …zi0®†† exp …ixi0 ­ †Š
concluding remarks.

X µ ln …1 ¡ F …zi0 ®†† ¡ xi0 ­ ¶

‡ …2†
‡ yi ln …xi0 ­ † ¡ ln …yi !†

where S is the set of outcomes for which yi ˆ 0. The like-

Count data models have long been used to study the occur- lihood function in Equation 2 is maximized with respect to
rence of accidents and diseases (e.g., Greenwood and Yule, (­ ; ®) to obtain parameter estimates.
1920). However, there have not been many applications of
these models to workers’ compensation data in the eco-
nomic literature.2 These count data models may be better III. DATA
able to model the occurrence of subsequent work absences
than other methods. For example, rather than looking at The model is estimated using data from the Ontario Survey
patterns in the claim history at a high level of aggregation, of Permanently Disabled Workers. This survey was a cen-
with a multinational logit model, the exact number of work sus of all permanently disabled workers who received a
absences that are observed can be used as an outcome vari- medical exam from the Ontario Workers’ Compensation
able. This suggests that count data models will use more Board between 12 June 1989 and 31 August 1990, which
information from the employment history and, conse- collected detailed information on the post-injury employ-
quently, produce better estimates.3 ment experiences of these workers. The data contains con-
If the data contain an excess number of zeros, standard trols for the demographi c characteristics of the claimants
count data models, such as the Poisson, may be inade- (age, gender and marital status), educational attainment
quate. Speci®cally, the `overdispersion’ caused by the (no high school, high school and post secondary), the
zeros may not be consistent with the baseline distribution part of the body that was injured, the nature of the injury,
(e.g., the Poisson) ®t to the data. Since the econometric the worker’s union status and whether they received an
model should be ¯exible enough to handle this aspect of accommodation from their employer. In addition, the sur-
the data an alternative speci®cation should be used. These vey also contains detailed information about the nature of
models are referred to as `zero in¯ated’ count models and the accommodation that was provided (reduced hours,
model the excess zeros by using the mixture of a distri- ¯exible schedule, special training, modi®ed equipment,
bution for positive outcomes (modelled as a Poisson distri- light duties and other arrangements).
bution in this paper) and the zeros.4 Just over 11 000 workers were interviewed for the sur-
The zero in¯ated Poisson model is speci®ed as vey. All workers who had accidents before 1979 and after
1989 were excluded as well as those who did not return to
yi ˆ 0; with probability ¿i ; …1† work after their injury, which leaves a sample of 7915 indi-
viduals. A subsequent absence is de®ned as a work absence
yi ¹ P‰yi Š; with probability 1 ¡ ¿i ; that was related to the worker’s injury after they re-entered

Most of the applications that do exist study the e€ ects of experience rating programs on the occurrence of injuries (e.g., Ruser, 1991, 1993).
Butler et al. (1995) found 14 mutually exclusive patterns in the employment histories of the workers in their sample, but had to aggregate to four
categories to estimate their multinomial logit model.
The use of a zero in¯ated count model will be of particular importance in this paper because many of the workers in this sample did not have additional
work absences.
The recurrence of occupational injuries 597
Table 1. Frequency distribution of subsequent claims The Vuong test (Vuong, 1989) was used to check
whether the zero in¯ated model would be a suitable speci-
Number of subsequent claims Individuals in sample (%)
®cation for these data. The test statistics at the bottom of
0 49.84 Table 2 con®rm that the zero in¯ated Poisson model is
1 39.14 more appropriate than the standard Poisson model.7
2 8.96
3 1.42
A negative parameter estimate in the mixture probabil-
4 0.51 ities indicates that the covariate would be associated with a
5 0.14 decline in the probability of additional claims. In other
words, the covariates with negative coe cient estimates
are associated with increases in the probability of sub-
the labour force. A frequency distribution of these sub- sequent claims. The estimates for the mixture probabilities
sequent absences is presented in Table 1. About 50% of from speci®cations (1) and (2) in Table 2 are fairly consis-
the 7915 workers in the sample had at least one subsequent tent in terms of the magnitude of the e€ ects. However, the
absence that was related to their initial injury. Most of estimates on the controls for back injuries and sprains were
these workers only had one additional absence from about a third larger in speci®cation (2), which included
work (39.14% of the total sample). A smaller proportion information about the nature of the accommodations.
of the workers (11.03% of the sample had two or more The estimates for age indicate that older workers are
subsequent absences from work, the majority of which more likely to have subsequent absences. On the other
had only two additional absences (8.96% of the sample). hand, males are more likely to have no additional claims.
Only 0.65% of the workers had four or more work In addition, back injuries and multiple body parts were
absences that were related to their initial injury. associated with increases in the probability of further
absences that were statistically signi®cant. The estimates
on the controls for the other body parts were not statisti-
IV. EMPIRICAL RESULTS cally signi®cant. Finally, the controls for the nature of the
injury indicated that amputations and sprains were associ-
The mixture probability in the zero in¯ated Poisson regres- ated with statistically signi®cant increases, in the probabil-
sion model is speci®ed as a function of the part of the body ity of subsequent work absences.
that was injured (trunk, back, lower extremities, and mul- The estimates from the Poisson regression component of
tiple body parts), the nature of the injury (amputations, the mixture model indicates that older persons and males
sprains, and dislocations and fractures), age at the time were more likely to have fewer absences, for both speci®ca-
of the accident and gender. Two speci®cations were used tions (1) and (2). The estimates on the control for gender
for the part of the model that deals with positive outcomes, are consistent with Butler et al. (1995), who found that
i.e., the Poisson regression model. The controls for age, women were more likely to have unstable employment his-
marital status, gender, education and union status are tories. The estimates from this paper tend to support the
referred to as the base controls. Speci®cation (1) includes hypothesis that older workers may be more experienced
the base controls and a dummy variable controlling for and, consequently, be better able to reduce the number of
whether the worker was o€ ered an accommodation. subsequent work absences. However, the estimates from
Speci®cation (2) also includes the base controls. the mixture probabilities indicate that older workers were
However, speci®cation (2) replaces the dummy variable more likely to have additional work absences. These ®nd-
for accommodations with dummy variables for the type ings are also similar to Butler et al. (1995), who found that
of accommodation that was provided, since workers may older workers would be more likely to have unstable
receive more than one accommodation from their employer employment histories.
(for example, they may receive a ¯exible schedule as well as Higher levels of education were found to be associated
light duties). The estimates from these speci®cations are with fewer subsequent absences. Since individuals with
presented in Table 2.5;6 higher levels of education are more likely to make

These speci®cations including dummy variables were also estimated for industry type and obtained estimates that were almost identical to those presented
in Table 2.
A zero in¯ated negative binomial regression model was also estimated. The negative binomial distribution is a generalization of the Poisson distribution:
P‰yi Š ˆ ‰¡…yi ‡ m†=¡…yi ‡ 1†¡…m†Špm 0
i …1 ¡ pi † where pi ˆ 1=1 ‡ ¬·i , m ˆ 1=¬ and ·i ˆ x i ­ . If ¬ ˆ 0, the negative binomial distribution simpli®es to a
Poisson distribution. Estimating a zero in¯ated negative binomial regression model, using the controls in speci®cations (1) and (2), produced estimates of ¬
that were about 1.E-7, and sometimes smaller, suggesting that the Poisson distribution would be a more appropriate functional form.
The Vuong test is a bidirectional speci®cation test that has been used to test the zero in¯ated models versus nonin¯ated count models. Large positive test
statistics support zero in¯ated models and large negative values of the test statistic indicate nonin¯ated models would be a more appropriate. Test statistics
less than the absolute value of two are inconclusive.
598 M. Campolieti
Table 2. Coe cient estimates zero in¯ated poisson model

Speci®cation 1 Speci®cation 2

Variable name Mixture probability Poisson regression Mixture probability Poisson regression

Age 70.0103 70.0033** 70.0107 70.0033**

(0.0081) (0.0015) (0.0080) (0.0015)
Male 1.1169** 70.1742** 1.1169** 70.1701**
(0.2944) (0.0318) (0.2916) (0.0316)
Married ± 0.0473 ± 0.0436
(0.0360) (0.0359)
Education (no High School)
High School ± 70.2254** ± 70.2210**
(0.0360) (0.0359)
Post secondary ± 70.2812** ± 70.2665**
(0.0492) (0.0491)
Union ± 70.0120 ± 70.0188
(0.0286) (0.0285)
Accommodation ± 70.2328** ± ±
Reduced hours ± ± ± 70.0427
Flexible schedule ± ± ± 70.2447**
Special training ± ± ± 70.2396**
Modi®ed equipment ± ± ± 70.0504
Light duties ± ± ± 70.1295**
Other arrangements ± ± ± 70.2683**
Part of body injured (head, neck, arms, hands)
Trunk 0.4438 ± 0.4989 ±
(0.4813) (0.4896)
Back 717.598** ± 722.472** ±
(0.5000) (0.5075)
Lower extremities 70.4726 ± 70.4499 ±
(0.5260) (0.5356)
Multiple body parts 71.8268** ± 71.7492 ±
(0.9317) (0.9073)
Nature of injury (other, unspeci®ed)
Amputation 1.6884** ± 1.6697** ±
(0.3681) (0.3681)
Sprains 718.219** ± 723.136** ±
(0.3709) (0.3744)
Dislocations and fractures 0.0625 ± 70.0298 ±
(0.2510) (0.2518)
Constant 71.4838** 0.1060 71.5041** 0.1040
(0.6021) (0.0704) (0.6053) (0.0703)
Vuong test statistic 8.41 8.45
{0.000} {0.000}
Log-likelihood 76623.21 76608.46

Notes: Variable name(s) in square brackets denotes excluded dummy variable(s); standard errors are presented in parentheses; double asterisk (**) denotes
the estimate is statistically signi®cant at 5% level. Curly braces indicate p-value for the Vuong test for Zero In¯ated Poisson Distribution versus a Poisson

investments in their health, they should be less susceptible The estimate on the dummy variable for accommoda-
to relapses of an injury than workers with lower levels of tions from speci®cation (1) in Table 2 indicates that accom-
education (Butler et al. 1995). The estimates on the control modations are associated with a decline in the number of
for union status indicate that members of unions are likely subsequent work absences. Similarly, the coe cient esti-
to have fewer additional work absences, but these estimates mates from speci®cation (2), which replaces the accommo-
were not statistically signi®cant. dation dummy with dummy variables for the type of
The recurrence of occupational injuries 599
Table 3. E€ ects of accommodation on expected number of subsequent work absences

Speci®cation 1 Speci®cation 2

Number % Number %

Expected number of claims 0.4236 ± 0.4229 ±

Change in expected number of claims associated with a discrete change
Accommodation 70.0526 76.04 ± ±
Reduced hours ± 70.0001 70.02
Flexible schedule ± 70.0544 712.86
Special training ± 70.0533 712.60
Modi®ed equipment ± 70.0116 72.74
Light duties ± 70.0294 76.95
Other arrangements ± 70.0593 714.02

Notes: Expected number of claims computed as

¶· z 0 ®†
exp …·
E…T† ˆ …1 ¡ F·† £ ; F· ˆ and ¶· ˆ x· 0 ­ ;
1 ¡ exp …¶·† 1 ‡ exp …· z 0 ®†
where x- and z-bar denote the means of the vectors x and z.

accommodation that was provided, were all negative and for a worker can reduce the expected number of subsequent
associated with a decline in the number of subsequent work absences by 0.1077 or 25.5 percent.
absences. However, only the accommodations that
involved ¯exible schedules, special training, light duties
and other arrangements were statistically signi®cant. V. CONCLUDING REMARKS
These estimates are also consistent with Butler et al.
(1995) and Johnson et al. (1998) who found that accom- In this paper, a model that examined the number of sub-
modations were associated with increases in the probability sequent work absences for a sample of permanently dis-
of more stable employment histories. abled workers has been estimated. The estimates suggest
To determine the magnitude of the e€ ects of accommo- that accommodations could be used to reduce the number
dations on the number of subsequent absences, the e€ ects of subsequent absences from work. In particular, disability
of accommodations on the expected number of subsequent management strategies that include accommodations such
absences were computed, as ¯exible schedules, special training, and other arrange-
ments may be especially e€ ective in reducing the frequency
¶ of subsequent claims.
E…T † ˆ …1 ¡ F † £ ;
1 ¡ exp …¡¶†

0 This research was supported by the Connaught Fund (New
exp …z ®†
Fˆ and ¶ ˆ x 0­ : Sta€ Start-Up and New Sta€ Matching grants) at the
1 ‡ exp …z 0 ®†
University of Toronto.
In Table 3, the expected number of subsequent absences for
both speci®cations, evaluated at the means, was about 0.42.
The estimate from speci®cation (1) suggests that o€ ering an
accommodation, reduces the expected number of sub- Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (1994) Acute Low
sequent absences by 0.053 or 12.4 percent. The estimates Back Problems in Adults, US Department of Health and
from speci®cation (2) provide more detailed information Human Services, Rockville.
about the e€ ects of di€ erent accommodation arrangements Butler, R. J., Johnson, W. G. and Baldwin, M. L. (1995)
on the expected number of subsequent claims. In particu- Managing work disability: why ®rst return to work is not a
measure of success, Industrial and Labor Relations Review,
lar, providing ¯exible schedules, special training and other
48, 452±69.
arrangements can reduce the number of subsequent
Bulter, R. J., Durbin, D. L. and Helvacian, N. M. (1996)
absences by 0.053 to 0.059 claims or 12.6 to 14.0 percent Increasing claims for soft tissue injuries in workers’ compen-
(see Table 3). The other bene®t of the Table 3 is that it sation: cost shifting and moral hazard, Journal of Risk and
provides an indication of the e€ ects of a combination of a Uncertainty, 13, 73±87.
number of di€ erent types of accommodations. For ex- Greenwood, M. and Yule, G. U. (1920) An inquiry into the
ample, providing a ¯exible schedule and special training nature of frequency distributions representative of multiple
600 M. Campolieti
happenings with particular reference to the occurrence of Ruser, J. W. (1991) Workers’ compensation and occupational
multiple attacks of disease or of repeated accident, Journal injuries and illnesses, Journal of Labor Economics, 9, 325±50.
of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A), 83, 255±79. Ruser, J. W. (1993) Workers’ compensation and the distribution
Johnson, W. J., Baldwin, M. L. and Butler, R. J. (1998) Back pain of occupational injuries, Journal of Human Resources, 28,
and work disability: the need for a new paradigm, Industrial 593±617.
Relations, 37, 9-34. Vuong, Q. H. (1989) Likelihood ratio tests for model selection
National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) (1992) and non-nested hypotheses, Econometrica, 57, 307±33.
Workers’ Compensation Back Claim Study. Report of the
National Council on Compensation Insurance.

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