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Chapter 3


This chapter outlines the strategy that we adopted to answer the research questions. Other

matters, such as the philosophical framework, research strategies, data sources and the tools that

were used, are also described in this section. This study examined the relationship between the

tendency to procrastinate on writing a personality type . This chapter includes a discussion of

the sample population ,procedures used in collecting data , instrumentation , the research design ,

the hypotheses , and the statistical tools used for data analysis .

3.1 Research Design

The descriptive method of research was used in this study. Descriptive method is a fact-

finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of the results. It describe with emphasis

on what actually exist, or any practices that is involved on our study habits. Since this study

focuses with the comparison between the performances of Grade 11 STEM students of

Binalbagan Catholic College who study in advance and those who procrastinate, the descriptive

method of research was the most appropriate method to use. The Respondents The subjects were

selected through a survey among the Grade 11 STEM students for the academic year 2019-2020.

The respondents of the study were 40 Grade 11 STEM students of Binalbagan Catholic College

who engaged with procrastination and those who study in advance.

3.2 Locale and Population of the Study

There are forty (40) respondents coming from the Grade 11 STEM students of

Binalbagan Catholic College. There are 10 respondents for each of the sections of the Grade XI

STEM level. For each section; we gave 5 questionnaires for boys and 5 questionnaires for girls, a

total of 20 questionnaires for the boys and 20 questionnaires for the girls.

3.3 Description of the Respondents

The respondents of our study are the selected Grade 11 STEM of the Binalbagan Catholic

College. The ones who have enough knowledge to answer the problems posed in our study. They

will answer the questionnaire that we gave to them which supplies the information that we need.

They are the one we need because they already passed the K-12 program and we want to know

their past elective so that we can track if it is related to their current course in that way we can

say if the K-12 program is elective since the day it implement.

3.4 Special Treatment Used

Data analysis that consisting the questionnaires given to respondent to survey them. The data

were collected during the 2020 2nd semester. Administration of the survey took 30 minutes to

complete. A one-way t-test was conducted to examine the relation between male and female
students academic procrastination behavior. Differences between the procrastination levels of

participants in relationship to gender were analyzed using independent samples t-tests.

3.5 Instrumentation and Try-out Phase

In this study, data were collected from 40 Grade 11 STEM Students who completed the

Procrastination. The study examined the influence of academic procrastination and personality

types on the academic achievement and efficacy of In-school adolescents in Binalbagan Catholic

College. Forty participants were randomly selected from four schools in Akinyele Local

Government area of Oyo state. Multiple regression analysis was employed to determine the

relationship among the variables as well as the joint and relative contributions of the independent

variables to the prediction of the dependent variables. The results showed positive relationship

between extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness and academic achievement of

the students.  As was pointed out in Chapter Two, researchers have tended to use behavioral

delay to measure academic procrastination .

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