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Congruity theory

This theory is the opinion of both parties that it requires only one observer. In which case there is

difference information from the two parties, it can put pressure on the observer. However, the pressure

will not be felt by the observer if two parties have the same information. According to Eagly and Karau

(2002), women see less potential compared with men in terms of leadership and men less interested if a

rule enacted by a woman. Positive attitude will be decrease if women or men are appointed as a leader

and a probability to be effective will be less regarding the differences in gender. Although women are

highly qualified and have an outstanding achievement, the credibility of the woman is clearly unseen

even they possess a good potential. Research by Matsa and Miller (2011) stated that women who are

facing this kind of glass ceiling are only appointed as a lower and middle management. This research

shows that glass ceiling are stereotypes towards the women empowerment inside of the organization.

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