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Gender Differences in Leadership

Article · January 2016

DOI: 10.7172/1733-9758.2016.20.10


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1 author:

Anna Górska
Akademia Leona Kozminskiego


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Studia i Materiaïy, 1/2016 (20): 136– 144
ISSN 1733-9758, © Wydziaï ZarzÈdzania UW
DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2016.20.10

Gender Differences in Leadership

Anna Górska*

The following study presents preliminary research into leadership differences between men and
women. This research study is preliminary in character and is intended to initiate abdiscus-
sion on the impact of gender as abfactor in leadership style. Data analysis from abpilot study
suggests that differences do exist, but does not provide information as to their source. Further
research is needed to answer that question.

Keywords: leadership, gender, differences.

Submitted: 03.03.2016 | Accepted: 27.07.2016

Róĝnice w zarzÈdzaniu miÚdzy kobietami abmÚĝczyznami

Poniĝsza praca przedstawia badania dotyczÈce moĝliwych róĝnic w sposobie przywództwa
miÚdzy kobietami abmÚĝczyznami. Badanie ma charakter wstÚpny i ma na celu zainicjowanie
dyskusji na temat wpïywu pïci jako czynnika wpïywajÈcego na przywództwo. Analiza danych
z badania pilotaĝowego sugeruje, ĝe róĝnice istniejÈ, natomiast nie odpowiada na pytanie co
jest ich ěródïem. Aby odpowiedzieÊ na to pytanie, konieczne sÈ dalsze badania.

Sïowa kluczowe: zarzÈdzanie, róĝnice, pïeÊ.

Nadesïany: 03.03.2016 | Zaakceptowany do druku: 27.07.2016

JEL: M12, J16

The General Question

Are women leading in abway that is different than men?
Hypothesis A: Men and women lead in abdifferent way.
Hypothesis B: Men and women adopt different leadership styles.
Hypothesis C: Men tend to be more task oriented compared to women.
Hypothesis D: Women tend to be more relationship oriented compared to men.

* Anna Górska – Kozmiñski University.

Mailing address: Kozminski University, 57/59 Jagielloñska St., 03-301 Warsaw; e-mail: ania.maria.
The creation of the English-language version of these publications is Þnanced in the framework
of contract No. 768/P-DUN/2016 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education committed
tobactivities aimed at the promotion of education.
1. Introduction intertwined in the organization (Eagly and
Carli, 2003).
Women are still underrepresented in Leadership is not ab position. Leader-
managerial positions, despite of the 6.3% ship is an attitude as well as action. It can
increase in employment over the last be most suitably described as the process
six years. In Poland, 48% of women are of influencing in which one person can
employed, but only 10% work in manage- support others in the accomplishment of
rial positions (GUS, Kobiety i mÚĝczyěni ab common goal (Chemers, 1997). There
na rynku pracy, 2012) and as few as 4% continues to be an ongoing discussion abto
sit on the managerial boards of the 500 whether leaders are “born” or “made.”
largest companies in Poland. Addition- In the 19th century leaders were
ally, their earnings are lower by 20% as believed to inherit their qualities, skills, and
compared to those of men. In contrast to traits from their ancestors. Thus, the “great
Denmark these results are poor. There, men” theory was especially popular among
women occupy 23% of all managerial posi- people from the upper classes (Kirkpat-
tions and over 70% of women have jobs rick and Locke, 1991). In the 20th century,
(European Commission, 2013). Such low trait theory evolved into one making no dis-
numbers of women in managerial position tinction as to whether characteristics were
may be caused by the belief that men are inherited or acquired. In the mid–20th cen-
better leaders than women, as men embody tury Ralph Stogdill found that individuals
masculine characteristics, including power do not become leaders through mere pos-
and control, which used to be considered session of certain traits. He found that situ-
the traits of abgood leader. ational factors may become influential as
Due to such ab low presence of women well. Thus, Stogdill believed that there are
in managerial positions, companies loose people that will more likely become leaders
an opportunity to benefit from abdiversified than others, but only when in an appro-
managerial team. Therefore, this paper is priate situation (Stogdill, 1948). In 2011
intended to initiate ab discussion whether Northouse, after thorough research on the
the underrepresentation of women in traits theory, found that traits actually may
leadership positions is due to the fact that be helpful in becoming absuccessful leader,
women and men lead in different ways. but that they do not predetermine whether
The goal of the current study is to deter- an individual will become one (Northouse,
mine whether gender differences exist in 2011).
leadership and their potential source. Ablit- The trait approach to leadership is nec-
erature analysis, supported by an interview essary when evaluating differences between
with an expert and abpilot study, was con- male and female leaders as it assumes that
ducted in order to present the topic from there exist certain common traits among
various angles. leaders, and for this reason there are
also different traits common to men and
2. Defining Leadership women leaders. Apart from this trait-based
approach, other approaches have been
Leadership means being in charge of developed in the 20th century, including
other people in numerous ways, including behavioral, situational, relational, and “new
motivation, organization, and the inspira- leadership” approaches. A theory, devel-
tion of followers. A manager has formal oped by Kurt Lewin, has also influenced
power over subordinates, which is not nec- modern knowledge about leaders. This
essarily true in the case of ableader (Eagly theory states that there are three styles of
and Carli, 2003). Scholars distinguish leadership: authoritarian, democratic, and
between leadership and management by laissez-faire (Lewin, 1939). The authoritar-
describing managers as those responsible ian leadership style keeps strict and close
for formal organization and control work. control over followers through monitoring,
Leaders are defined as those who set new regulations, and standardization. The dem-
directions, inspire people, and adapt to ocratic leadership style consists of ableader
changes. For the purposes of this article, who shares decision-making abilities with
the terms leader and manager are used team members by promoting interest and
interchangeably when discussing organi- social equality. Ab laissez-faire leader del-
zational leadership, as both activities are egates tasks to followers providing little

Wydziaï ZarzÈdzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2016.20.10 137

direction and often no supervision. There which employees need more support and
was abstudy conducted in 1939 by abgroup show more understanding (Kupczyk, 2009).
of psychologists led by the inventor of the Additionally, it has been found that women
theory. It proved that people tend to work are more relationship oriented when com-
differently under each of the leadership pared to men, who are task oriented. The
styles (Lewin, 1939), where the democratic study was repeated in 2001 by Eagly and
approach tends to be most appropriate and Johannesen-Schmidt. Results and con-
effective. clusions remained unchanged (Eagly and
Veithzal Rival (2008) argued that lead- Johannesen-Schmidt, 2001). Ab contradic-
ership style is “a set of leadership traits tive study indicates that the only differ-
used to influence subordinates in order to ence between male and female leadership
achieve organizational goals or it can also lies in the decision-making process, while
be said that the style of leadership is abpat- differences in other areas such as task ori-
tern of behavior and preferred strategy entation, motivation, and leadership styles
and is often applied by ableader.” Similarly, are not significant enough to warrant any
Miftah Thoha (2007) states that leadership statement that leadership varies between
style is abbehavior set used by an individual genders (Andersen and Hansson, 2011).
when trying to influence others (Usman et Moreover, research by Kent and Schuele
al., 2016). The Path-Goal Theory of Lead- has proven no distinction when it comes
ership identifies four leadership styles: to transformational and transactional lead-
directive, supportive, participative, and ership between male and female leaders
achievement-oriented (Usman et al., 2016). (Kent and Schuele, 2010).
The theory corresponds with the Lewin In accordance to organizational behav-
divisions, where directive is similar to auto- ior theories, men and women who occupy
cratic, while supportive and participative the same leadership role would behave
resemble to democratic leadershipbstyle. similarly (Kanter, 1977). In reality, gender
roles influence behavior causing differences
in the behavior of female leaders and male
3. Gender Differences in Leadership leaders (Eagly and Johannesen-Schmidt,
Gender affects leadership in many 2001). Accordingly, Gutek and Mor-
aspects. Whether men and women lead asch (1982) maintained that gender role
in ab different way is still ab highly debated does affect the organization and creates
issue. However, the major effect of gender ab “background” identity in the workplace
on leadership is that women are presumed (Ridgeway, 1997). Research by Alice Eagly
to be less competent and less worthy to (2000) suggests that even though some gen-
hold leadership positions (Eagly, 2001). der-stereotypic differences diminish under
Leadership style depends on ab number the influence of organizational role, others
of factors, where gender is one of them. dobnot.
Leaders adapt to expectations based on It is difficult to evaluate exactly to what
people’s categorization of them as male or extent gender affects how people lead,
female (Eagly and Johannesen-Schmidt, but the fact that men and women differ in
2001). Those expectancies are derived from perception, communication, self-efficacy,
traditional gender roles – roles in the soci- attitude towards success, relationships, and
ety, in the family, and in paid employment morale is unquestionable (see e.g., Carol
(Eagly et al., 2000). Gilligan, Alice Eagly and Linda Carli) and
Dr. Alice Eagly’s research from the 1980s this directly influences how people relate to
and 1990s proves that women in managerial each other and how they manage relation-
positions adopt the participative and demo- ships in the work environment as well.
cratic styles of leadership and act more as According to the 2009 McKinsey
transformational leaders than men, who Report, women’s leadership style, unlike
adopted abmore transactional style of lead- as men’s style, is more people-based and
ership. According to Dr.bEagly’s research, can be described as role modeling. It was
female managers tended to greater stress also stated that women give clear expecta-
on communication, affiliation, and coop- tions and rewards. Similarly, abstudy from
eration than men. Moreover, women had 2012 prepared by Zenger Folkman demon-
abmore collective approach (Andersen and strates that women are rated as more com-
Hansson, 2011). Women intuitively notice petent when taking initiative, self-develop-

138 Studia i Materiaïy 1/2016 (20)

ment, honesty, and driving for results into managers is, to great extent, affected by
account. stereotypes. In Poland women and girls are
assigned the role of maintaining the house-
hold, while men and boys are to sustain its
4. Source of Gender Differences financial aspects (Zachorowska-Mazurkie-
inbLeadership wicz, 2006). Apart from the image of
Leadership style depends on various stay-at-home women in Poland, there is
factors including education, experience, ab strong confidence in the social mental-
culture, work experience, and personality, ity and traditional beliefs that women are
where it is still not clear to what extent it less effective employee in comparison to
is influenced by gender and other factors. men. This image could be influenced by
From another perspective, leaders adapt the fact that women have two jobs – a pro-
to expectation based on people’s catego- fessional one and the one at home – as
rization of them as male or female (Eagly research demonstrates that woman are, in
and Johannesen-Schmidt, 2001). Those the majority of cases, the only ones who
expectations are derived from traditional perform household activities. Moreover,
gender roles such as role in the society, in it is believed that women are “naturally”
the family and in the organization (Eagly worse leaders, have more difficulties with
et al., 2000). the decision-making, and are typical pre-
According to research by Gita Patel, disposed to take care of children, instead of
men and women may have different leader- taking care of abcompany (Baliñska, 2007).
ship styles because of variability in the per- It is also believed that woman do not
sonal sphere. As research proves, in general have adequate traits and predispositions
women are more risk-averse (Weber, Blais, to hold high and prestigious positions
and Betz, 2002), have higher social sensitiv- since they are too emotional, chaotic, and
ity, and react by feeling. When it comes to not sufficiently assertive (Baliñska, 2007).
men, in general they are more overconfi- “People have similar beliefs about leaders
dent, more optimistic, and react by action. and men, but dissimilar beliefs about lead-
Among other personal differences the most ers and women” (Eagly et al., 2001), as
important are confidence, social risk, emo- women are traditionally seen as caring, peo-
tions, and actions. ple-oriented, warm and nice, while leaders
When it comes to confidence and self– have to be assertive, tough, result-oriented,
efficacy, men tend to outdo women. In and confident. This creates ab situation in
2001 Barber and Odean found that men which these two characteristics combined
trade in greater volumes than women do, together create abmismatch, resulting in the
therefore were responsible for greater poorer evaluation of women as leaders.
losses (Barber and Odean, 2001). The fact There is also ab visible dichotomy in
that women are less confident in financial attitude towards the authoritarian female
and business matters results in lower levels manager and the authoritarian male man-
of profitability. In the case of social risk, ager, where there is more acceptance for
even though women are considered to be men to be authoritarian than for women
more risk averse, they tend to take more (Eagly, 2004). When ab female chooses an
risks in undertaking social risk than men authoritarian style, she is seen as aggressive
(Weber, Blais and Betz, 2002) and her leadership is rejected, as women
Another personal difference that may are stereotypically perceived as the “nice
affect leadership style is emotions and ones.” Thus, the autocratic style does not
actions. According to Harshman and go in line with niceness, again resulting in
Paivio, women react more emotionally an unfavorable evaluation.
than men do, especially in negative situ- Therefore, the way women in leader-
ations. So, when an immediate response ship positions are perceived may influence
is required, men react by action whereas their effectiveness – when negative perfor-
abwomen’s reaction is to feel. mance is expected it may lead to biased
The fact that women in leadership posi- evaluation of performance and ab negative
tions are perceived in abdifferent way than attitude towards the individual (Eagly,
men (Carli and Eagly, 2007), may also 2008). In reality, acceptance of ableader by
influence the way they lead due to differ- subordinates, superiors, and colleagues is
ent expectations. Perception of women crucial to achieving success in leadership.

Wydziaï ZarzÈdzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2016.20.10 139

Moreover, the fact that women are given evaluates leadership style emphasizing the
more responsibilities (those connected with leader’s attitude towards the employee.
the upbringing the children and taking care The second part estimates task versus rela-
of the household) and the socially accepted tionship orientation. The third looks at
stereotypical role of women – far from the personal leadership skills. This survey was
leadership position – affects the women presented in its original language – English.
themselves, women have fewer opportuni- It was distributed among English-track stu-
ties to follow ab career path. This deeply dents majoring in management.
embedded archetype of ab women-Polish Overall, 120 students completed the
mother affects the situation of women survey. An effort was made to ensure an
on the labor market. Women employ- equal representation of men and women
ees are seen by the employer as moth- so that neither outnumbered the other.
ers. Therefore, they are perceived as less Participants were aged from twenty-one
efficient workers, due to their additional to twenty-four and all were majoring in
non-paid job, the one at home (Zach- management programs. Thus, despite of
orowska-Mazurkiewicz, 2006). the lack of experience, they did possess
Leadership style may have various theoretical knowledge. The fact that stu-
sources. Among them are education, work dents were of similar age and had similar
experience, culture, and personal charac- work experience, education, and organiza-
teristics. Gender is only one of the factors tional culture minimized the discrepancies
that may or may not affect leadership style. between them. High differences among
respondents would make it more difficult
to state whether the existing differences in
5. Methodology results were due to actual gender differ-
Secondary and primary data collection ences or other variations. Consequently,
methods have been used for the purposes lack of the experience in the management
of this study. Secondary data were collected field may suggest that identified differences
through EBSCO and JSTOR databases. are due to sex differences and are not con-
As to primary data, the presented research nected to the ascribed type of leadership
should be perceived as abpilot study, which or the one imposed by the organization.
requires further research due to the small From another perspective, lack of experi-
number of respondents and their lack of ence in management forced participants
experience in the management field. In to give hypothetical answers – how they
addition to the research itself, an inter- would have behaved in abcertain situation
view has been conducted with an expert on – without any actual reflection in reality.
the impact of gender on leadership style – Moreover, the fact that respondents were
Dr.bLidia D.bCzarkowska. from various countries as well as the fact
The main data gathering technique for that the survey was not conducted in their
this paper was ab questionnaire that con- native languages might have had abnegative
sisted of three sets of closed questions. It effect on the results. Therefore, this ques-
was developed by P.N. Northouse in 2009. tionnaire should be treated only as initial
Ab 5-grade Likert scale (with selections research for ablarger study.
ranging from “Not at all” to “Very Much”) Additionally, abone-on-one interview was
was used in all twenty-five questions. conducted with Dr. Lidia D.b Czarkowska
According to the author of the survey, it in order to gain ab broader perspective on
was developed to self-recognize one’s lead- the issue. The interview was conducted at
ership style and skills and is not limited to Koěmiñski University in April of 2014. It
leaders. The questionnaire was based on consisted of three questions and lasted for
“many empirical studies of leader’s skills,” forty minutes.
including the Katz three skill approach
(1955) and the skills model of leadership
developed by Mumford (Northouse, 2011). 6. Empirical Research
The aim of the present study was to The survey’s main objective was to show
initiate ab discussion on whether there are differences and similarities in leadership
differences between the leadership styles between male and female respondents. The
of men and women. The questionnaire questionnaire was divided into three parts,
was divided into three parts. The first part each focusing on ab different issue. Ques-

140 Studia i Materiaïy 1/2016 (20)

tions three to eleven made up the first part to adopt ab democratic style of leadership
that evaluates leadership style with empha- compared to women (p < 0.05).
sis on the leader’s approach to employ- The second part of the questionnaire
ees. Respondents had to choose the level analyzed task versus relationship orienta-
to which they agreed with the statement, tion in leadership.
where one stands for “strongly disagree” The highest discrepancy as well as high-
and five for “strongly agree.” est significance level was observed in state-
To ascribe ab leadership style of authori- ments about preparing ab checklist. As
tarian, democratic, or laissez-faire, the aver- ab result, women scored 22% higher than
age scores of each respondent were summa- men (p < 0.01). A quarter of all women
rized with regard to gender. After running claimed that they always make ab checklist
the students t-test, it can be stated that while only 5% of men claimed to do so. Simi-
with statistical significance female respon- larly, female respondents were more likely to
dents are more likely to adopt abdemocratic prepare ab“to-do” list, with ab14% difference
leadership style (n = 60, p < 0.01), while with respect to male results (p < 0.05). When
in both the authoritarian and laissez-faire it comes to listening to the special needs of
styles there was no statistical significance group members, women participants were
for men and women participants. In support statistically significantly less likely to do so
of Hypothesis B, women are more likely to (p < 0.05). As many as 75% of men claimed
adopt ab democratic leadership style com- to always or often do so compared with only
pared to men. half of the women respondents.
Looking at the questions specifically, The answers were categorized in order
statistically significant differences were to specify which gender is more task or
observed in scoring, where out of twenty– relationship oriented. On average, women
five questions, eight were significantly scored 18.33 points out of 25 in task ori-
influenced by the gender of the participant entation while man only scored 17.22
with at least ab95% certainty. In the further (p < 0.05). When it comes to relationship
analysis, questions that indicated statisti- orientation, male respondents scored 18.72
cal significance (p < 0.05) were analyzed, while female respondents scored one point
which supports Hypothesis A. lower (p < 0.05). Results indicate that
In questions that implied that employ- female respondents were more likely to be
ees require close supervision, male respon- task oriented while male respondents rela-
dents scored 11% higher on average than tionship oriented with ab level of certainty
women (p < 0.05). This suggests that men of 95%. The successive part of the study
more likely prefer close supervision of sub- suggests that Hypotheses C and D are not
ordinates than women. In contrast, state- supported. Moreover, they suggest contra-
ments that employees work better when dictory results with respect to what can be
given more freedom resulted in opposite found in the literature.
scores. There, the majority of women The last part of the questionnaire evalu-
agreed with the statement as compared ated the personality traits of ableader. This
with only one-third of men. On average, part indicated that women participants are
women allocated higher points in this ques- more likely to present more abtolerant and
tion by 13% (p < 0.05). empathetic attitude in comparison to male
High discrepancies between the gen- participants with an average difference of
ders were observed in questions regard- 10% (p < 0.05).
ing treatment of rewards and punishments This initial research study supports
as motivational tools. The majority of Hypothesis A, which states that men and
women agreed that employees should be women do lead in different ways.
given rewards and punishments for the In order to gain an additional perspec-
motivational purposes. On average, this tive on the topic of gender differences in
was 15% more likely than in the case of leadership, an interview was conducted
men (p < 0.05). Moreover, the majority of with Dr. Lidia Czarkowska in April of 2014
female respondents agreed with the state- at Koěmiñski University. The interview
ment while over 60% of men were either lasted for forty minutes and consisted of
neutral or disagreed. three general questions:
The first part of the questionnaire indi- 1. Are there differences in the leadership
cated that male leaders are 10% less likely of men and women?

Wydziaï ZarzÈdzania UW DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2016.20.10 141

2. What are the sources of these differ- Similarly, on the organizational level,
ences? leaders often adapt their style to the cul-
3. Can these differences change in line ture that is presented within the company.
with experience, education, and posi- In this regard, the pilot study has shown
tion? that female respondents are focused more
The interview was conducted in Polish, on the realization of the task, while male
which is native language of both partici- participants are intent on keeping up the
pants. relationship. This is contradictive of the
According to the interview, there is no Polish tradition of women, who should
clear distinction between male and female take care of relationships within the family
leadership as leadership style depends on (Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz, 2006).
various factors – education, organization, The conducted survey shows that
and experience – while gender is only one female respondents are more likely to
of these indicators and is not that much of adopt ab democratic leadership style. This
an influence on leadership style by itself. corresponds to Dr. Eagly’s research from
This is somewhat at odds with the results of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s and supports
the presented study, which indicated statis- Hypothesis B. The survey also proved that
tically significant differences in spheres of female respondents treat punishments
leadership style as well as task orientation. and rewards as abmotivational tool, which
According to Dr. Czarkowska, when matches McKinsey research from 2009.
evaluating whether there are differences When it comes to relationship versus
between male and female leaders it is nec- task orientation, the presented study indi-
essary to examine three different levels – cated results opposite those of Dr.b Eagly,
natural, cultural, and organizational. which stated that women tend to be more
The natural level demonstrates that man relationship oriented while men task ori-
and women vary, both physically and psycho- ented. Thus, the results where the reverse
logically. Even the construction of human of the initial Hypotheses C and D. The
brain itself indicates such differences. Dif- difference between results was substan-
ferences on the natural level are visible tial. On the other hand, however, relation-
through women’s ability to focus on multiple ship-oriented male respondents stated that
things at the same time, for example. Simi- employees work better under pressure and
larly, women handle emotions better and must be constantly supervised and moni-
know how to cope with them. Men, for their tored, which are not indicators of ab rela-
part, have to learn how to manage, verbal- tionship orientation. On the contradictive
ize, and cope with their emotional sphere. side, task-oriented female participants,
Similarly, the study concluded that female gave their employees more freedom and,
respondents were more likely to present what is important, scored substantially
ab more empathetic and tolerant position. higher when it comes to showing tolerance
This may suggest that female respondents and empathy, which would be associated
cope with emotionality more effectively in more likely with relationship rather than
this regard. task orientation. In her report, Dr.b Alice
On the cultural level, men and women Eagly showed that women put more
vary as abresult of stereotypes and ascribed emphasis on communication, affiliation,
roles. Additionally, culture may impact on and cooperation than men. However, the
leadership style in the case of both males pilot study presented the exact opposite
and females. In abhighly masculine culture, view. Male respondents listen to the special
where showing control and achievement is needs of group members significantly more
important, both male and female leaders often, while women focus on completion
will adopt more masculine characteristics. of the task, which is contradictive to the
In ab culture where women are tradition- Hypotheses C and D. When it comes to
ally seen as abconflict resolver in the fam- communication skills, the presented study
ily, they will act similarly in ab company, did not indicate any differences between
assuming ab more relationship-oriented male and female scores. This is in spite of
position. Additionally, cultural acceptance that fact that in literature it can be found
of women in higher position and percep- that women communicate more effectively.
tions of women have also turned out to be According to Dr. Czarkowska, the differ-
influential in adopted leadership style. ence between the current pilot study and

142 Studia i Materiaïy 1/2016 (20)

Dr.bAlice Eagly’s research from the 1990s and tolerant. Moreover, they treat rewards
may vary in relationship and task orienta- as motivational tool and organize work
tion, as women’s position in companies has throughblists
changed over the last twenty years. In line In support of Hypothesis B, the study
with the interview, women may become indicated that men and women do adopt
more task oriented due to the fact that they different leadership style. Women tend to
want to prove to be leaders that are as good be more democratic when holding lead-
leader as men. Thus, they put more focus ership positions. This corresponds with
on the achievement of the task. The fact Dr.b Eagly’s research from the 1980s,
that women have to find abbalance between 1990s,b and 2000s. Moreover, women are
their private and professional lives may also less likely to adopt an authoritarian lead-
indicate why women became more focused ership style than man. This is because of
on task completion. the lower level of acceptance for autocratic
These results may be interpreted as women than autocratic men from the sub-
women having to meet higher standards ordinate side.
than men to attain leadership roles. There- Hypotheses C and D, which indicated
fore, they have to maintain better perfor- that men tend to be more task oriented,
mance to retain their position and cannot while women relationship oriented accord-
afford the risk of abpassive or laissez-faire ingly, were not confirmed. In fact, the study
leadership style (Eagly and Johannesen- presents contrary results. This indicates
-Schmidt, 2001). that women are more likely to be task ori-
ented while men are relationship oriented.
Results are contradictory. Task oriented
7. Conclusions women are still more likely to act in more
The underrepresentation of women empathetic and tolerant way than relation-
in managerial positions reflects ab wasted ship-oriented men.
opportunity to benefit from the capabili- These results should be perceived as
ties of the best potential candidates, male ab pilot study due to the fact that respon-
or female. dents were not experienced leaders. Results
The current study concludes that this might vary for actual leaders and managers.
underrepresentation is not the evidence Further research on managers would pres-
of ab less adequate leadership style on the ent more realistic results and would answer
part of women. Firstly, gender is not the questions regarding the extent to which
dominant factor in leadership style and men and women lead in different ways
secondly, previous and current research and what are the sources of these probable
indicates that women are more likely to differences. Further research should be
adopt ab democratic style than men, while conducted on leaders, preferably from the
at the same time being more tolerant and same organization and with similar work
understanding. experience in order to minimize differences
Leadership is affected by various vari- that may also be indicators of the adopted
ables where gender may be one of them, style of leadership.
influencing style and orientation, but also
relations, perceptions, and expectations
from the subordinate side towards the References
leader. Due to stereotypes and biases, Andersen, J.A. and Hansson, P.H. (2011). At the
women leaders are perceived and evalu- End of the Road? On Differences between Women
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