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lournal of Environmental Psychology(1994) 14, 87-100 0272-4944/94/020087+14508.

© 1994 Academic Press Limited

E X P L A I N I N G T H E E F F E C T S OF S T I M U L U S R E S T R I C T I O N :


The University of British Columbia, 2136 West Mall,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4


The Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique (REST) has been used in hundreds of studies investi-
gating the effects of drastically reducing the accustomed flow of ambient information and stimulation. Some of
this research has explored changes in basic psychological and psychophysiological processes; other portions
have been directed toward the application of REST, especially in clinical and health psychology. Although a
substantial data base now exists, no adequate theoretical explanation has been offered for the wide range of
consistent and striking effects of REST on human beings. This paper describes several original experiments,
and reviews the literature, assessing the evidence relevant to one promising explanation: the Dynamic
Hemispheric Asymmetry (DHA) model, which proposes that in REST the normally non-dominant cortical
hemisphere becomes more active and exerts greater influence over cognitive and affective processes. Research
bearing upon the hypothesis includes work on memory, learning, imagery, divergent thinking, creativity,
perception, habit modification, attitude change, hand dominance, and brain activity. The results offer only
mixed support for the DHA model, but indicate areas for theoretical extensions and further research.

Theories of REST (Zubek, 1969a). In t h a t book, one of the short-

comings of the field was said to be t h a t researchers
It is a clich~ t h a t h u m a n beings chronically function had generated m a n y facts, but had failed to propose
under constant stimulus bombardment, and t h a t and test a theory t h a t would explain the wide-
coping with ambient information and stimulation ranging and impressive changes in functioning that
is the major demand on our attention, perception, were evidenced during or after REST.
cognition, and emotions. For these reasons, and also Following Zubek's book almost a decade later,
because of the adverse effects of t h e often excessive Suedfeld (1980) noted t h a t at t h a t point there were
demands of such coping, a long line of research even more facts, and also m a n y theories, but there
has been directed at understanding the effects of a still was no solid body of empirically confirmed
temporary, drastic reduction in the level of environ- theory by which to interpret those facts. Many
mental input. Techniques for achieving this level of theories explained some portion of the findings,
stimulus reduction have had m a n y labels, including frequentlY the same portion as other theories; but
perceptual isolation and sensory deprivation; the none explained the entire set of results. There was
most commonly used term currently is Restricted also a lack of approaches specific enough to identify
Environmental Stimulation Techn.ique, or REST the foundation for testing alternative hypotheses so
(Suedfeld, 1980). In the growing literature on clinical t h a t theoretical formulations could be evaluated in
and health applications of the technique, the T competition with each other. Because REST has
sometimes stands for Therapy. reliable and sometimes dramatic effects on such a
Although the first studies of the effects of pro- broad array of h u m a n functions, finding an adequate
found stimulus reduction on h u m a n beings were theoretical explanation is an intriguing scientific
published in the 1950s, the first authoritative task. In addition, REST has also been identified as a
overview of the research appeared 15 years later potent tool in health enhancement, psychotherapy,
88 P. Suedfeld e t al.

and the improvement of athletic skills. The fact that recently the understanding of brain functioning and
it is less widely used by practitioners than other brain-behaviour connections was such that using
methods whose empirical support is less persuasive them to explain REST effects was to try clarifying
(or, at best, no more persuasive) has been attributed one mystery by citing another, probably even less
in part to the lack of a comprehensive conceptual well-understood one (Suedfeld, 1969a, 1990a).
framework whereby the effects can be understood.
Thus, a good theory would benefit practitioners and
clients as well as researchers. The H e m i s p h e r i c S p e c i a l i z a t i o n M o d e l
Neurophysiological and neuropsychological models
have been among the earliest to try to explain Starting in the 1960s, Sperry and his colleagues
REST effects. This primacy is understandable: the (see Sperry, 1985) first impressed upon scientists
technique was first invented (Solomon et al., 1961) and the lay public that the two hemispheres of the
to test aspects of Hebb's theoretical Conceptual cerebral cortex had significantly different roles in
Nervous System (1955). A number of early formula- governing behaviour. 2 A flood of other research
tions are presented and assessed in Zuckerman followed the original demonstrations, extending a
(1969a): in general, the brain structures thought to model developed from studying brain-damaged
be involved in mediating REST effects were the patients to explain normal brain-behaviour rela-
hypothalamus and the reticular system, and the tions. The rough distinction between the supposedly
theorists were interested in explaining known 'linear' information processing style of the dominant
REST effects rather than generating new hypo- (D) hemisphere--the left hemisphere, in most
theses to be tested. people--as opposed to the 'holistic' style of the non-
Perhaps the most influential of the early neuro- dominant (ND) hemisphere, was almost instantly
psychological theories was that of Lindsley (1961), accepted as an overarching law, particularly by
who suggested that sensory deprivation, overload, people not aware of all of the exceptions, qualifica-
and distortion modified the functioning of the as- tions, and limitations in the data. There was in-
cending reticular activating system (ARAS), which creasing evidence of some specificity in the function-
organizes and transmits inputs to the cortex. Some- ing of the two hemispheres, even if the evidence
what later, Schultz (1965) proposed that stimulus was not as unassailable, and the specificity not as
reduction affects not only the ARAS but also the clear-cut, as the popular press indicated. In general,
hypothalamus, which is responsive to cortical as these distinctions include D hemisphere specializa-
well as sensory stimuli, and that both structures tion in verbal, abstract, logical, sequential, analytic
are involved in maintaining an optimal level of and objective thinking and ND hemisphere ten-
sensory variation. Schultz called this maintenance dencies toward holistic and intuitive modes, spatial
'sensoristasis', as an analogue of homeostasis. Other relationships, and non-verbal visual and auditory
theorists (e.g. Jones, 1969; Zuckerman, 1969a; Lilly, tasks (e.g. Gazzaniga, 1978; Sperry, 1985).
1977) accepted the idea of homeostasis-like mech-
anisms that in REST conditions lead to stimulus
hunger. There is no neurological evidence to verify T h e DHA Model a n d REST
that either the ARAS or the hypothalamus shows
functional changes during or after REST, or that The earliest theoretical link between hemispheric
any such change (had it occurred) would have been specialization and REST was proposed by Wick-
related to the hypothesized information-oriented ramasekera (1978), who hypothesized that the
drive state. critical, analytical functions of the D hemisphere
A more elaborated neuropsychological model of are temporarily inhibited by lowered arousal. This
REST effects could be based upon the three func- inhibition would allow the emergence of the ND
tional brain units proposed by Luria (1973). These hemisphere's holistic functions. Wickramasekera
units govern activation, information processing and listed 'sensory deprivation' as among the situations
regulatory activity. Anatomically, they involve most that result in markedly lowered arousal and can
parts of the brain and behaviourally, most aspects therefore be expected to have these effects.
of cognition, memory, investigative activity, in- Soon after, Reed (1979) proposed that the changes
formation storage, and stimulus-response links. induced by REST parallel the functions of the ND
Although the implications of the model for REST hemisphere, and suggested that 'SD [sensory depri-
have been noted (Suedfeld, 1980), no research vation] conditions may in some way facilitate activity
has been conducted to explore them. In fact, until of the right hemisphere whilst inhibiting that of the
Effects of Stimulus Restriction 89

left' (P- 174). He indicated that the mechanism in REST, the hemisphere partially shuts down. In
through which this may occur was unknown, but both cases, the ND hemisphere would become rela-
speculated that the reduction of meaningful input tively more salient, even with no absolute change in
coupled with instructions that discouraged verbal- its own activity level.
ization may encourage imaginal, while inhibiting However, it is not necessary to assume that ND
verbal, modes of processing. activity remains stable. In an environment as novel,
Budzynski (1990) elaborated the theory that a formless, and unstructured as REST, where linear
variant of the hemispheric specialization model may and logical thought may not be an effective coping
explain REST effects. This variant is the Dynamic strategy, the activation level of the ND hemisphere
Hemispheric Asymmetry (DHA) model of brain func- could actually increase. Obviously, such an increase
tioning: the idea that the two cortical hemispheres could coincide chronologically with deactivation of
govern different kinds of cognitive and other be- the D hemisphere, as outlined above. Still another
haviours, that the dominance-non-dominance rela- possibility is a decrease in the activation level of the
tionship between them is variable, and that one entire cortex (as Lindsley's ARAS hypothesis
source of such variation may be an interruption of suggests), but starting earlier in the D hemisphere
'normal' levels of ambient stimulation and informa- and/or progressing at different rates so that the
tion. Budzynski (1976) had also suggested that activation gradients approach each other. In fact,
REST and related techniques, such as meditation, Budzynski's summary of the DHA explanation of
induce a 'twilight state of consciousness' marked REST effects is: 'REST will produce a decreasing
by increased theta activity. This EEG phenomenon arousal, a decrease in D functioning, and an increase
has been confirmed by several REST studies (e.g. in relative ND dominance' (1990, p. 14). Note that it
Saunders & Zubek, 1967; Zubek, 1969b; Turner, is not necessary to posit that the gradients actually
1993). cross. The D hemisphere may remain dominant--
The DHA model accepts the view that the two only perhaps not so dominant. As we shall see, the
hemispheres have the potential for independent three general effects predicted above give rise to a
changes in activation level (Levy & Heller, 1983) longer list of specific, testable predictions?
and that they also have independent access to
cognitive and attent~onal resources (Wickens &
Mountford, 1981; Friedman & Polson, 1982). For H y p o t h e s e s f r o m t h e Early T h e o r i e s
example, traumatic memories encapsulated in un-
consciousness by defence mechanisms are thought What hypotheses can be derived from the early
to be stored in the ND hemisphere, and to become neuropsychological theories? Most of them were
more accessible to conscious attention when that directed more toward explanation than toward
hemisphere is relatively dominant (Budzynski, 1990). prediction; that is, they account for data that had
According to Wickramasekera, Reed, and already been reported at the time the theory was
Budzynski, REST may enhance the activity of the published. Among the few actual predictions, most
normally ND cortical hemisphere in relation to the lacked specificity. Perhaps the major exception is
normally D hemisphere. How or why should this Lindsley's ARAS-based model (1961), which has
happen? There are several possibilities, two of three major implications concerning the effects of
which focus on changes in D hemispheric activity REST: (a) 'Stimulus hunger' resulting in the en-
regardless of changes in the ND hemisphere. First, hanced acceptability or attractiveness of stimuli
it may be that the D hemisphere processes, and (whether endogenous or ambient) that would
perhaps requires, a constant input flow to maintain normally be ignored or dismissed; (b) Deactivation,
its level of activity and with that, its dominance. If boredom, and sleep if stimulus reduction continued;
this flow is seriously impeded, as in REST, both the and (c) Central regulation to maintain an even
level of activity and the dominant role in guiding level of cortical and reticular activity ('centrifugal
cognition and behaviour are diminished. The ARAS afferent control', Lindsley, 1961, p. 184).
may actually play the mediating role proposed by Of these, the first hypothesis is partially sup-
Lindsley (1961), in not continuing to keep the cortex ported by data. In general, REST subjects do accept
sufficiently active. Another explanation, by no means and attend to stimuli that they might normally
mutually exclusive, is that the D hemisphere is overlook. Part of this can be simply explained by
adapted to coping with the continuous challenges lowered sensory thresholds (Suedfeld, 1980); how-
posed by a dynamic environment; when the chal- ever, for more complex inputs, 'stimulus hunger'
lenges and the need for coping diminish, as they do may actually be information hunger. As Jones
90 P. Suedfeld et al.

(1969) first showed, and several other investigators tailed of these have been Budzynski's hypotheses,
confirmed, stimulation level p e r se is less important presented with the DHA model. Moreover, unlike
than information value. These findings would not those based on other neuropsychological models, the
have been predicted by Lindsley's theory. Further, DHA-based hypotheses are not all obvious, nor do
the desire to receive stimulation does not necessarily they only explain already reported data. These
lead to better memory for that information, so hypotheses include (Budzynski, 1990; explanations
that the degree of increased attention is dubious added):
(reviewed in Suedfeld, 1980). Stimulus hunger and (1) The emergence of the ND hemisphere will
its behavioural consequences form the essential enhance the accessibility of normally unconscious
testable derivations from some of the other theories processes, such as early, sometimes even traumatic
mentioned above--for example Schultz' and Zucker- and repressed, memories. This is predicted because
man's--so that the paucity of empirical confirma- such memories are frequently stored non-verbally
tion applies equally to those theories. in the ND hemisphere.
As for deactivation, the evidence favours oscillat- (2) For reasons that reflect the basic tenet of the
ing arousal throughout long chamber-REST sessions, theory, an ND hemispheric mode will lead to (a)
with relaxed alertness rather than boredom charac- vivid and free-flowing sensory imagery, and possibly
terizing the shorter sessions used in flotation REST. to (b) out-of-body and other so-called 'anomalous'
Although chamber subjects sometimes report hav- experiences.
ing slept for long periods, there is no good objective (3) Defence mechanisms operate to protect the
verification of this claim. It may well be that the stability of attitudes and beliefs based in the D
REST participant is not a good judge of the propor- hemisphere. ND hemispheric learning will (a) by-
tions of awake, asleep, hypnagogic, and intermediate pass various defensive blocks to the acquisition of
states experienced in the environment. Another new knowledge and skills (e.g. the belief that one
theory of deactivation (Gellhorn & Loofbourrow, cannot learn them), and (b) in another context, will
1963) suggests that drastic stimulus reduction make it possible to 'unfreeze' long-established atti-
lowers hypothalamic reactivity. In a comfortable tudes and behaviour patterns.
environment with minimal stimulation, this change (4) Enhanced ND activity, which can act upon
should lead to a pleasant state of deep relaxation. In suggestions that would be rejected by the logical
contrast to early reports, recent findings (especially processing of the D hemisphere, will facilitate heal-
with flotation REST) support this prediction; but ing by implementing the functioning of the auto-
relaxation in REST can be explained without refer- nomic nervous system and the immune system.
ence to the hypothalamus, and there is no direct Additional hypotheses can also be derived from
neurological evidence to link the two. Worst of all, the lists of D and ND-controlled types of behaviour
given the wide array of known REST effects, such a (see below). Last but not least, it may be possible to
one-hypothesis theory is at best lacking in power. measure the relative activation of the hemispheres
Thus, whether or not it is correct as far as it goes, it directly, rather than inferring them from behavioural
seems to be a dead end. consequences. An optimal test at this level of analysis
There is no evidence bearing upon the third Lind- calls for either sophisticated EEG brain mapping or
sley hypothesis. Like the other neuropsychological brain scanning techniques, but less precise assess-
explanations offered in the 1950s and early 1960s, a ments are possible with ordinary EEG equipment.
test requiring neurophysiological measures has Because of the previously noted problems with
never been performed. When these theories were earlier neuropsychological theories of REST effects,
first proposed, the equipment needed for such rela- it is difficult if not impossible to devise experiments
tively complex brain-behaviour studies was not in which hypotheses generated by one model can be
available; now that the apparatus exists, attention cleanly pitted against those derived from D H A ~
has shifted to cognitive theories and even more to i.e. critical tests allowing strong inference (Platt,
essentially atheoretical applied research. 1964). The early formulations make no predictions
about the great majority of phenomena posited by
DHA theory, and data bearing upon the latter
Hypotheses from DHA Theory model have little if any relevance to the former.
However, in considering our studies testing the
Unlike the earlier theorists, those working in the DHA model, we shall mention hypotheses and
context of hemispheric dominance have derived results that pertain to the earlier, ARAS-focused
some specific, testable predictions. The most de- explanations.
Effects of Stimulus Restriction 91

Relevant Findings hallucinations as an effect of sensory deprivation

seems to support the hypothesis of increased
Data relevant to Budzynski's hypotheses are sum- imagery (see, e.g. Reed, 1979). However, the find-
marized below, with additional research bearing ings were contaminated by definitional problems.
upon new hypotheses derived from the theory. Later research replaced the label 'hallucinations' by
Readers who are relatively unfamiliar with recent the less tendentious category, 'reported sensations'
REST literature should bear in mind that two in various sensory modalities (e.g. 'reported visual
methods for inducing profound stimulus reduction sensations'). Although there are many such reports
are currently popular: Chamber REST, in which the in REST, there is doubt about whether they occur
subject lies on a bed in a dark, soundproof room for more frequently than in other conditions where the
up to 24 h, with food, water, and a chemical toilet subject concentrates on particular percepts. It is
available in the chamber so that there is no need also unclear to what extent such experiences reflect
to leave it during the session; and flotation REST, such different phenomena as illusions, hallucina-
during which the supine subject floats in a tank tions, functional hallucinations, or delusional per-
containing a skin-temperature solution of water and cepts; hypnagogic, hypnopompic, or eidetic imagery;
Epsom salts. The solution is sufficiently dense that spontaneous retinal firing, tinnitus, afterimages, or
the face and chest remain out of the water and misperceptions; dreams, daydreams, fantasies; or
breathing is normal. The tank is dark and sound- residual stimulation transmitted through the walls,
proof; session durations are usually one or two ceiling, or floor of the REST facility (Zuckerman,
hours (for further details, see Suedfeld, 1980; 1969b; Reed, 1979). These definitional problems may
Suedfeld et al., 1990). underlie contradictory reports as to, for example,
brain activity related to the occurrence of reported
Accessibility of unconscious processes sensations (Zuckerman & Hopkins, 1966; Rossi,
1967; Hayashi et al., 1992). Experimenter expec-
Even in the earliest days of sensory deprivation tancy and subject set also play a role (Jackson &
research, experimenters and theorists talked about Pollard, 1962; Zuckerman, 1969c).
the production of 'regression in the service of the Systematic research on cognitive imagery has not
ego', the emergence of primary process, during the reported consistent increases as a result of REST.
experience. Goldberger and Holt (1961), speculating For example, although most flotation REST subjects
about sensory deprivation tolerance, proposed that in one experiment reported spontaneous, task-
subjects who reacted negatively to REST were those related, multimodal imagery (Barabasz et al., 1993),
who could not relax and enjoy the uncontrollable a study of free-flowing thought during chamber
flow of normally unconscious material through their REST found no increases in the quantity, content,
aware mind. A number of studies have found or vividness of imagery or fantasy (Suedfeld et al.,
changes that the authors interpreted as showing 1985-86). Most thoughts dealt with real events
regression (e,g. in chamber REST, Azima et al., happening in the subject's current daily life.
1961; in flotation, Miller & Barabasz, 1990); but for Experiment 1 tested another hypothesis about
the most part, the arguments are based on anec- holistic imagery combining perception and cogni-
dotal reports and theory-driven interpretations that tion: the accurate recognition of incomplete figures
do not adequately consider alternative explanations. by 'filling in' the missing parts through completion
In contrast, a controlled study of autobiographical of a good Gestalt.
memory (Suedfeld & Eich, unpublished data), 4
round that the memories retrieved during REST
had been more frequently retrieved before, and E x p e r i m e n t 1. T h e E f f e c t o f R E S T on
were also more pleasant, than those reported in a Perceptual Closure
control environment. Neither repression nor trauma
seems to figure in these aspects of free recall. The major dependent variable in this study was
perceptual closure: perceiving a holistic Gestalt in a
Imagery figure that is presented in separated fragments.
Perceptual closure has been linked with ND,
Visual, auditory, and other imagery, including synthesizing functions (Warrington & James, 1969;
changes in body image, have been reported with Harshman et al., 1974; Crawford, 1979; Larsson,
great frequency by REST subjects. From a purely 1987; Levine & Calvino, 1989), and previous re-
perceptual standpoint, the original emphasis on search has indicated that meditation increases both
92 P. S u e d f e l d et aL

ND hemispheric activity (Rubenzer, 1979) and

perceptual closure (Larsson, 1987). Therefore, if
REST enhances ND activity, it should also improve
t h e perceptual closure of incomplete figures. This i
is a possible outcome of REST that would not be
predicted by any of the other neuropsychological
Twenty right-handed undergraduate volunteers
(10 men and 10 women) with normal, or corrected to
normal, vision spent one hour each in a dark, sound-
reducing flotation tank (Experimental Environment)
or sitting in a normally illuminated room where
they were allowed to read, study, listen to music, or
do anything else except leave (Comparison Environ-
ment). To measure perceptual closure, we used FIGURE 1. FFT-type stimulus (Experiment 1).
the Fragmented Figures Test (FFT; Snodgrass &
Corwin, 1988), which presents the subject with a absorption or telic dominance. Thus, neither the
series of illustrations containing gaps in various perceptual nor the arousal/mood measures showed
locations. The subject's task is to identify what the the predicted consequences of a shift toward ND
picture shows (Figure 1 presents a relatively easy activity; the evidence does not favour the DHA
FFT-type stimulus). The FFT was administered the hypothesis. 5
day before the environmental session and again
immediately after completing either the float or the 'Anomalous" experiences
comparison experience (for more details of the flota-
tion environment and procedure, see, e.g. Suedfeld As in the case of imagery, REST produces m a n y
et al., 1987). anecdotes of out-of-body experiences, and a few
Secondary measures included the Absorption self-reports of events that the subject interprets as
Scale (Tellegen & Atkinson, 1974) to assess whether involving parapsychological experiences. Again, the
floating increased this correlate of hypnotic sus- possibility that dreams or daydreams are inter-
ceptibility. Previous studies had indicated that preted in this way exists; on the whole, however, the
chamber REST increases hypnotizability, but the anecdotal data support the hypothesis. No other
evidence concerning flotation has been mixed kinds of data are available. REST does not appear
(Wickramasekera, 1977; Barabasz, 1982; Kaplan & to produce any great number of phenomena such as
Barabasz, 1989). The last measure was the Telic the 'sensed presence' experience, frequently found
Dominance Scale (Apter, 1982, 1989). In the telic in situations of extreme stress and there attributed
state, people are goal-oriented, cautious, realistic, to the workings of the ND hemisphere (Suedfeld &
and arousal-avoidant; in the paratelic state, they Mocellin, 1987).
are playful, spontaneous, imaginative, and arousal- In summary, then, the data concerning imagery
seeking. We hypothesized that, in accordance with provide only partial evidence supporting the DHA
reversal theory (Apter, 1989), and compatibly with model: 'perceptions without an object'--i.e, sensa-
the DHA hypothesis, an hour of flotation would tions without a verifiable external s t i m u l u s - - a r e
move subjects toward the paratelic state. The
Absorption Scale was administered before the FFT TABLE 1
on the pre-session day, and the Telic Dominance Correct solutions of FFT (Experiment 1)
Scale just before the environmental manipulation.
Both measures were re-administered after the ses- Condition Correct solutions
sion and the post-session FFT task.
Mean S.D.
Table 1 presents the FFT results. There was no
significant baseline difference between the groups. REST
Both groups improved from the pre- to the post-test Pre-test 14.5 2.95
(Fl,lS = 8.95; p < 0.01). However, there was no Post-test 18.2 4.89
significant main or interaction effect involving t h e Comparison
Pre-test 17.5 4.93
REST experience. Post-test 19.1 5.22
There were no significant changes in either
Effects of Stimulus Restriction 93

common, but issues of definition and expectancy Additional H y p o t h e s e s

have not been settled; imagery in thought has been
reported, but not confirmed experimentally; and Other behavioral effects that, hypothetically, may
complex, holistic imagery has not been well estab- result from enhanced ND control, are as follows:
Cognitive style
The holistic, flexible 'right-brain' mode should be
The evidence supports the hypothesis that Budzyn- associated with improved originality and creativity
ski derived from DHA theory. Dozens of experi- (Rubenzer, 1979). Again, other neuropsychological
ments have presented verbal and visual material theories of REST have no implications as to this
and have found that, on the whole, learning is phenomenon. Two types of research have been con-
enhanced by REST (Suedfeld, 1969b; Suedfeld & ducted on this issue, one using experimental tests of
Landon, 1970). Most of this research has been con- cognitive functioning and one looking at ecologically
ducted in the chamber version of REST, b u t Francis valid indices of creativity.
and Stanley (1985) reported enhanced memory for
word lists, and Raab and Gruzelier (1992) for faces, Divergent and complex thinking. Early studies
after floating. on the effects of REST on divergent thinking
There is overwhelming evidence that new ways of had mixed results. For example, chamber REST
behaving are greatly facilitated by REST. Such enhanced solution times of the Duncker candle
changes include the abandonment of persistent, problem (Suedfeld et al., 1967), however, perfor-
long-established, b u t undesired habits such as mance on associational fluency, on tasks of diver-
smoking, excessive drinking, and overeating (Borrie gent thinking such as the Unusual Uses Test, and
& Suedfeld, 1980; Cooper et al., 1988; Suedfeld, on ad hoc measures of original or complex thinking
1990b; P. Suedfeld & R. A. Borrie, unpublished data). (inventing stories that incorporated unusual com-
New personality patterns--for example, in how one binations of elements) show either impairment or
interacts with other people--also emerge after REST no change as a function of REST (e.g. Suedfeld,
(Suedfeld & Best, 1977; Roy, 1991). Although 1968; Fuerst & Zubek, 1968; Zuckerman, 1969c;
change-enhancing messages sometimes help, the Oleson & Zubek, 1970; Landon & Suedfeld, 1977;
evidence indicates that both behavioral changes Suedfeld et al., 1983). All of these studies used the
of this sort and changes in attitudes can be the REST chamber; Experiment 2 was designed to ex-
consequences of REST with no other manipulation plore the effect of flotation REST.
involved (Suedfeld & Ikard, 1974; Tetlock & Sued-
feld, 1976). These findings fully support the DHA
hypothesis. E x p e r i m e n t 2. Story-telling

Healing Story-telling is a complex and unstructured task,

with no obvious correct procedures or right answers,
There is evidence that REST aids healing in a with an infinite number of possible choices of words
number of contexts. Lee and Hewitt (1987) found and stories, and with no clear endpoint. As such, it
that floating reduced recovery time from injuries should benefit from any change that enhances non-
among gymnasts; a number of groups have reported linear, creative functions. Thus, improved perfor-
its usefulness as an adjunct to stress management mance (more complex integration of story elements,
and its beneficial effects on the secretion of stress greater creativity) would be predicted as a result of
hormones; both tank and chamber REST have been REST by the DHA model. The other neuropsycho-
shown to decrease blood pressure, and so on (see logical formulations would predict a decrease in
Suedfeld et aL, 1990). One problem here is to estab- performance because of the impaired level of con-
lish the clear demarcation between the effects of centration that is hypothesized to result from a
REST as an arousal reducer and a form of deep disruption and deactivation of normal ARAS firing
relaxation from its possible effects on hemispheric patterns.
dominance. We would need evidence about kinds Volunteer university students were randomly
of healing, for which the latter kind of change is a assigned to a two-hour flotation REST (n = 9) or
prerequisite, before we could conclude that the DHA Comparison (n = 10) environment. In the latter,
explanation is the correct one. subjects remained alone in a normally furnished
94 P. Suedfeld e t al.

and illuminated room, where they could read, predicted by both Budzynski (1976) and the other
study, listen to the radio, etc. Three days before neuropsychological models. The significant complex-
(baseline) and immediately after the session, each ity interaction supports the hypothesis in that sub-
subject was instructed to tell a story based on one of jects showed increased holistic integration after
two scenarios (order counterbalanced across admini- REST. However, because this change pertained only
strations). Each scenario described one person to the very first story component in each adminis-
performing an act, another attempting to gain the tration, any decrease in hemispheric a s y m m e t r y
person's attention in a possibly antagonistic con- appears to be evanescent.
text, and a third person watching them both. The
subjects were instructed to tell as detailed and Creativity. One may argue that performance on
dramatic a story as possible, including past, present experimental tests of divergent or integrative
and future events and also the thoughts and emo- thinking m a y not be a valid index of activity.
tions of each character. The scenario for the second There have been two applications with somewhat
story-telling task was described immediately before higher ecological validity. Both reported that REST
task performance to prevent rehearsal during the improved students' conceptual synthesis and scien-
REST or Comparison session. tific thinking about topics related to their educa-
As in the chamber REST studies cited above tional programmes (physical and general chemistry,
(Suedfeld, 1968), the primary measure of story com- respectively: Shore, 1971; Taylor, 1990). In an
plexity was the degree to which all three characters experimental test of scientific creativity (new ideas
were integrated in each story (see Baker-Brown et concerning psychological research and theory),
al., 1992). The stories were scored by trained assis- REST did lead to better ideas generated after
tants, who were blind as to the condition in which floating than sitting in one's office (Suedfeld et al.,
the story had been generated. To assess the degree 1987).
of complete detailed explanations, as requested in Thus, although the number of controlled studies
the instructions, we also m e a s u r e d story length is small, the balance of the evidence concerning the
(word count). Other indices applied to the stories effects of REST on creativity supports the DHA
included speech rate, mean numbers of letters model.
and syllables per word, and reading difficulty level
(McLaughlin, 1969). There were no significant base- Hand dominance
line differences on any of these measures.
Only two significant differences were found. One Normally, the hand contralateral to the D hemi-
was that speech rate went down from baseline to sphere--i.e, the dominant hand--is more effective
the end of the experimental session, regardless of than the other. Raab and Gruzelier (1992) have
environmental condition, M = 113 vs 102 words per reported an interaction effect on sorting tactile
minute, F1.17 = 6.31, p = 0.02. The other was an stimuli, with the non-dominant hand improving
interaction showing that the complexity of the first after flotation and the dominant hand improving in
component of each story (the explanation of what a control condition. We conducted another study,
was going on in the scene) differed as a function of with a task that is less cognitive and more purely
administration and environment. For REST sub- motor-based than sorting, for a more easily inter-
jects, complexity went up from baseline to post- preted test of the hypothesis (Lomas & Kimura, 1976).
session, M = 1-7 vs 2.8; for Comparison subjects, it
went down, M = 2-9 vs 2-4, F1,17 = 5.05, p < 0.05. In-
cidentally, story lengths after two hours of flotation E x p e r i m e n t 3. T h e E f f e c t s o f R E S T o n
REST were shorter than those generated after 24 Finger-tapping Speed
hours of chamber REST (Suedfeld et al. 1964): just
under 1000 words as compared to 1300. Similarly, In finger-tapping exercises, the speed of tapping
flotation resulted in lower speech rate than cham- with fingers of the dominant hand is consider-
ber REST, 102 words per minute after flotation ably greater than that of the non-dominant hand
compared to 178 (Suedfeld et al., 1964), possibly a (Barnsley & Rabinovitch, 1970; Piazza, 1977; Peters
concomitant of the well-known relaxing effect of & Durding, 1978). This difference is apparently due
floating. to the dominant hand's more precise force modula-
The change in speech rate has no apparent rela- tion (Peters, 1980). Finger-tapping requires minimal
tion to the DHA hypothesis, although it is compatible disruption of REST conditions: it can be performed
with the general relaxation and arousal-reduction without extensive large-muscle movement, social
Effects o f S t i m u l u s R e s t r i c t i o n 95

contact, or verbal interaction, and in relative dark Because the critical issue in this study was
and quiet. It is a straightforward motor task rather whether h a n d asymmetry changed as a function of
than one having, for example, major perceptual- the REST vs Comparison environment, the major
cognitive components. Decreased asymmetry of dependent measure of a s y m m e t r y percentage was
activity between the D and ND hemispheres should devised to equate for the individual differences in
be reflected in decreased asymmetry of finger-tap- gross tapping speed. The measure provides a ratio,
ping speed between the dominant and non-domi- with the difference between the two hands as the
nant hands. ARAS-based theories would predict a numerator and overall tapping performance as the
general decease in activation level, and therefore a denominator: [ ( D - ND)/(D + ND)] × 100. Higher
slowing of tapping speed regardless of which hand scores on this measure indicate greater asymmetry
is being used. between the performance of the two hands. There
Twenty-five volunteers of both sexes, most of was a significant interaction between test admini-
whom were University students, were administered stration and environmental condition, F1,1~ = 4-71,
the Sensory-Motor Co-ordinati0n Survey (Coren & p < 0.05. Figure 2 shows the mean changes in asym-
Porac, 1978; Coren et al., 1979), whose handedness metry.
items have a 96% concordance with behavioural The data on hand dominance consistently dis-
tests. Three of the five left-handed subjects were confirm the ARAS-based predictions and support
assigned to the REST group (see below). Because the DHA model to the extent t h a t inferences con-
there is no evidence to suggest t h a t handedness cerning brain lateralization can be drawn from
mediates reactions to REST, and left- and right- these results. It is interesting t h a t when (as in Raab
handed persons show the same asymmetry in & Gruzelier, 1992) the task involved cognitive deci-
fingertap performance (Flowers, 1975; Annett, sion-making components, the reduced asymmetry
19"35), there should be no problem in using both as between the two hands resulted from improved
subjects. performance with the ND hand; on our own test of
Immediately prior to the environmental session, simple motor speed, the change in asymmetry was
subjects were instructed to tap as rapidly as possible the result of a deterioration in the performance of
on a Morse-type telegraph key for 30 s; after a five- the D hand. This difference in the p a t t e r n underly-
second pause, the task was repeated with the other ing the decrease in hand asymmetry seems worthy
hand. The order of hands (dominant/non-dominant) of further investigation.
was counterbalanced. The task was administered
again immediately after the session. Both adminis- Brain activity
trations took place in the dimly lit room in which
the flotation t a n k is located. REST consisted of a Direct measurement of the activity levels of the two
one-hour float; the Comparison condition was to cortical hemispheres would, of course, be the most
remain on campus and return to the laboratory
exactly one hour after the pre-test. The procedure j O
was repeated exactly for each subject no less t h a n
24 h and no more t h a n 48 h after the first session, to 5- •~
test for effects of repeated floating. Because m a n y
subjects were disappointed to discover t h a t another
group had floated whereas they had not, Compari- ~ 4-
son environment subjects were then offered a one-
hour float if they desired it.
ANOVA of the finger-tap scores showed a
significant main effect for hand dominance, domi-
nant h a n d M = 183.7 taps per minute, nondominant
hand M = 168.3, = 42.5, p = 0-001. The :~ 2 -
pattern was the same regardless of the subject's /

handedness, and there was no baseline difference 7- i I

Pre- Post-
between the REST and Comparison group subjects.
There was no significant difference between the two
FIGURE 2. Pattern of hemispheric asymmetry during a
days in either environmental condition, and the one-hour flotation session. Experiment 3: asymmetry
data were therefore combined to yield pre- and post- percentage = (D - ND)/(D + ND) × 100. (©), Rest;
test tapping speed scores. (0), Comparison.
96 P. Suedfeld e t al.

direct way to assess the validity of the DHA hypo- shows, levels of symmetry remained unchanged
thesis. The study reported below is the only attempt from the first 12 rain after the subject entered the
so far to conduct such an assessment. tank until the end of the one-hour session. Thus, if
REST did have the effect predicted by the DHA
model, it would have had to achieve it within the
E x p e r i m e n t 4. B i l a t e r a l E E G P a t t e r n s first few minutes. We find this an improbable pro-
during REST position. The results supported neither the DHA
nor the other neuropsychological models of REST.
The DHA model predicts that with time in REST, A technologically more sophisticated test, but
activity in the ND hemisphere should increase without the use of a REST environment, was con-
relative to that in the D hemisphere. As before, ducted by Mazziotta et al., (1982). Using positron
competing neuropsychological models would predict emission tomography (PET), these authors com-
a general decrease (slowing) in EEG activity across pared cerebral glucose mechanism in healthy sub-
both hemispheres. jects who had their eyes patched closed, their ears
Ten male subjects (ages 25-40 years), of whom closed with rubber plugs and covered with sound-
four had previous floating experience, volunteered proof headphones, or both. The m e a s u r e m e n t took
in response to information circulated on campus. place in a dimly lit room, with low ambient noise
The electrode sites were P3, P4, F3, and F4. and restricted movement. While this condition is
Measures of impedance were taken after electrode not really equivalent to REST, the eye-patched and
attachment, and all sites had to show an impedance ear-plugged subjects did experience a greater degree
of 5 K ohms or less. of stimulus reduction than those in other t r e a t m e n t
While in the tank, each subject wore a latex conditions.
rubber hood that covered the entire head and neck Left-right hemispheric symmetry characterized
except for the face. This hood seals out the saline the entire group of subjects; but within that pattern,
solution and prevents any short-circuit of the elec- subjects who experienced both visual and auditory
trodes. It does not interfere with the subjective restriction showed a relative decrease in right-side
qualities of the REST experience. The EEG leads metabolism--the opposite of what the DHA hypo-
were attached to a watertight FM transmitter that thesis would suggest. This same group also showed
transfers the signal to our telemetric recording the greatest prominence of frontal lobe over
apparatus, and EEG was continuously recorded on occipital metabolism, which m a y suggest some new
videotape during the one-hour float. hypotheses.
The signal, divided into left and right hemispheres,
was integrated and digitized; the integrated signal
was than ipsatized to cancel between-subjects Discussion
effects. Each subject's signal was averaged over five
12-rain periods. A 2 (hemisphere) × 5 (time block) To date, results relevant to the DHA hypothesis of
repeated measures ANOVA yielded no significant reduced hemispheric asymmetry as a consequence
main nor interaction effects. Ratio of activity of the of REST have been mixed. Supportive data came
two hemispheres, analysed by repeated measures from phenomenological reports of imagery, from one
ANOVA, showed no significant time effect. As Figure 3 experiment that assessed creative behaviour, and
from two tests of hand lateralization. The hypo-
thesis has also been confirmed by sizable data bases
showing increased attitudinal and behavioural flexi-
~1.2 bility, improved learning, and enhanced healing
and stress reduction. In contrast, systematic studies
Right dominant of free recall and ongoing thought have been either
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Left dominant inconsistent with the hypothesis or at least not
clear-cut in t h e i r implications. Analyses of percep-
o.8 tual imagery generated negative evidence; and two
direct measures of changes in brain functioning
0-6 . . . . ¢ _ ~ L i
have not supported the hypothesis.
00-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 It appears that so far the results and their inter-
Time (in minutes) pretation are not conclusive either in support of or
FIGURE3. Ratio of hemispheric EEG activity (Experiment 4). in opposition to the DHA hypothesis. The status of
Effects of Stimulus Restriction 97

the DHA model at this point is not encouraging, of British Columbia Development Fund. We are also
especially given the greater significance of discon- grateful for the help of Talino Bruno and Lyle
firmation t h a n of confirmation (Popper, 1961). One H a m i s h in conducting Experiment 4, and for the
inference may be t h a t either the time is not ripe for, permission of Pacific Perceptual Research Associates
or the effects of REST are not conducive to, neuro- to use the Sensory-Motor Coordination Survey in
psychological theories and t h a t other levels of Experiment 3.
conceptualization--such as, cognitive, affective,
hormonal, or psychoanalytic--may be more fruitful.
Nevertheless, DHA is one of the most testable Notes
general explanations of REST effects currently (1) Address correspondence to: Professor P. Suedfeld
being considered. In addition to its potential as a Department of Psychology, the University of British
generator of future research, the hypothesis m a y Columbia, 2136 West Mall, Vancouver, B.C. Canada
also be useful to scientists who are not interested in V6T 1Z4.
(2) Much of the early research on hemispheric specializa-
REST per se. The DHA theory aligns REST with tion was conducted with split-brain patients. It might be
other situations in which hemispheric asymmetry is interesting to see what the effects of REST would be on
thought to be temporarily modified: for example, such participants--for example, whether decreases in D
meditation (Meissner & Pirot, 1983), hypnosis and increases in ND activity occur even when connections
(Frumkin et al., 1978), and REM sleep (Goldstein et between the two have been severed. No such research has
been performed to date.
al., 1972; Gordon et al., 1982). Requiring no practice (3) Another aspect of hemispheric independence, not
or effort, achieving rapid results with most subjects, mentioned by the three theories summarized here, may
and leaving the subject awake and alert (although also be relevant to REST. Levy and Heller (1983) have
relaxed), REST m a y t u r n out to be a convenient suggested that ND arousal level is related to positive
and effective method of studying the elicitation of mood. Given the great preponderance of flotation REST
studies that show decreases in negative and increases in
cerebral changes and their effects. positive affect during flotation, it would be interesting to
Such usefulness, of course, depends upon the fate test whether such a mood change mediates the REST-
of the DHA hypothesis after further empirical hemispheric dominance relationship (O'Leary & Heil-
clarification. Perhaps it is unreasonable to expect bronner, 1985).
early consensus in a body of evidence using so m a n y (4) Suedfeld, P. & Eich, E. (1992) Autobiographical
memory and affect under conditions of reduced environ-
different methods and looking at so m a n y different mental stimulation. Unpublished MS, University of
dependent variables; nevertheless, it is to be hoped British Columbia.
that the multimethod approach will set an example (5) Vernon (1963) reports an experiment, designed to
for theory-testing in this field. REST is itself a measure 'suggestibility' as a function of chamber REST,
multimodal intervention, and has been shown to in which subjects were shown and asked to reproduce a
series of geometrical figures. All of the figures were fully
affect a wide range of psychological and psycho- closed except the circles, the first presentation of which
physiological variables (see, e.g. Zubek, 1969a; was closed while later examples had increasingly large
Suedfeld, 1980; Suedfeld et al., 1990). It seems gaps. The hypothesis was that suggestible subjects would
likely t h a t an understanding of why it has those fail to perceive the gaps until these were relatively large,
effects may require a theory t h a t can be assessed which might also be predicted from a DHA, perceptual
closure, or Gestalt perspective. Instead, Vernon found
only through research of comparable complexity. that REST subjects not only detected and accurately drew
Until then, m a n y schools of thought will no doubt the gaps in the circles, they began to draw the other
continue to contend. figures with gaps as well!

Acknowledgements References
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