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TLDR Walkthrough.

Since the Questions always comes up as to what people ‘should do’ in Heaven, this is a quick walkthrough of actions to take in
Heaven. The rest of the document has more detail about stuff.

Upon reaching Heaven:

1. Create your Heaven Sect. Mountain does not matter, name is changeable for 5k ss.
Go to Master’s lobby and recruit 5 disciples every day until max. DO NOT reject any disciples
until you’re maxed even if they look bad. Buy disciple gifts from the Heaven Sect Markets and
give them to your disciples and do all the Heaven sect actions. DO NOT buy Market destinies
for 2k ss if you do not feel comfortable with your current ss income.
FOR SURE set your sect mission to set up your ​passive currency gains​.

2. Go to your servants page and unlock all available servants you have and power them up if
possible. If you can redeem relic equipment rewards, do so.

3. Go to Ruins and put your Servants in open ruins to start trying to get ​Ruins Crystals​.

4. Try to completely clear the first Roam as fast as you can, and then set it to soul wandering to
set up your ​passive currency gain​ there.

5. If you have around 180k attack and defense and 90k miss (the same stats to solo ascend),
you should be able to clear Hell 1, it’s cheaper to wait to buy beasts from Hell (⅓ the Merit cost)
if you’re willing to wait about twice the time.

6. In Roam, activate spirit pact and try to clear Outer World. This gives servant items as well as
giving you talisman equipment after certain levels. This also will allow you perform sealing in the
Demon Tower, a​ daily servant resource income​.

7. In the Immortal Capital, ​irrigate your Divine Trees daily​.

8. Participate and complete whatever you can do in the Heaven Palace.

If there's more I can think of, I’ll come back to working on this quick start walkthrough.
Serene’s Personal Daily Reset List of Actions Taken After Daily Reset
You may be curious as to what I do daily.
Set: Soul Wander and Fortune Land
Do Fishing
Set: Alliance Affair
Do Alliance stuff
Set: Dwelling Blacksmith/Alchemy experience for the day
Do Wine and Companion Fates
Set: Cultivation Room from sect
Do Sect Exchange / Salary / Greet Advertisement
Do Encounters + Advertisement
Do Market Stuff and Rob/Help each floor
Do Market Advertisement 2x and Do Black Market
Do Praise Land
Clear Inventory (important if you got free skill sutras)
Do Dungeon and Beast and Clear Inventory after.
Check Destinies and Spirit Wander every now and then so they do not reach capped limit.

Do Market Gifts and Destiny
Do All Master Lobby activities, however only do Immortal Tutorial every Sunday
Set: Disciple Rifts
Do Servant EXP distribution and watch 3x Advertisement
Set: Ruins
Do Immortal Pavillion Immortal Foster Pool 2x Advertisement
Do Hell and Demon Tower
Do Servant Stat items distribution
Do Spirit Pact
Do Immortal Capital Travel (only do if you are comfortable with it, dont be stupid and throw 10
million troops away to reach stage 3)
Do Divine Trees, and Contest of Tao
Do Outer World for the rest of the day
Clean Inventory
Do Servant Stat Items distribution
Do Heaven Palace Stuff when available, all at once
Do Sect Compete towards the end of the day before rewards are sent out
Serene's Steps to Understanding Heavenly Garbage
Updated 1/3/2020
This is a General Guide. Its purpose is to explain the new functions which are brought with Ascending quickly so you don’t have to
access and learn everything yourself.

Whether through your own efforts in assaulting the Array of Heaven, through the
guidance of a senior Ascendant, or through the cultivation and perfection of your now immortal
body, you’ve ascended to Heaven in Immortal Taoists. This guide will serve you by explaining
the new functions that have opened up with your achievement - be prepared because there is a
lot which has been opened.

Once you’ve made it to heaven, you’ll notice that your

UI at the bottom has changed!

You can always return to visit the Earth, which will still
be apart of your experience as those functions will
continue running - just because you’ve entered heaven
does not mean that your activity on Earth ceases.
However, no new functions are unlocked on Earth by

Immortal Pavilion
Heaven has a new market area with more rare and
powerful items. Here, you can now use [Celestial
Stones] to buy greater recipes, and even a servant.
You can also access the [Immortal-Foster Pool], where
you can use [Spirit Jade] to foster [Celestial Stones], as
well as finding some free [Celestial Stones] daily.

Heaven Sect
After Ascending heaven, you’re now qualified to start
your own sect - recruiting [Disciples] and discussing
greater techniques with fellow cultivators.

You’ll be able to meet your [Servants] whom you’ve become acquainted with throughout your
journey on Earth, and empower them to work for you.

A vast pvp area where it’s an all out battle to control core resource nodes! The stronger your
[Servants], the easier it is to control any ruins.
Once enough Alliances in your Server have acquired enough strength - the Defense of Tao
option will become available.

Just as you had explored Earth, heaven has its own grand domain to roam. Whether you are
strong enough to move freely throughout the world, or even adventure into the [Outer World],
Your path in cultivation has not ended yet.

Immortal Capital
A heavenly location which tests the capabilities of your [Servants], and where you can develop
[Spirit Familiars] to give both you and your [Servants] more power.

Immortal Guide
A tutorial walkthrough in game that rewards you with resources and currencies for completing it.

Heaven Palace
This location opens up the main Immortal-Versus-Immortal features of the game once there are
4 Immortals on a server strong enough to clear the South Heaven Gate. This location will test
your [Servants] as well as your own stats in daily competitive activities.

Personal ranking
See how you compare to other Immortals on your Server. Whether this is a limited button, we
will find out in a few days.
Heaven Sect
Now that you’re in heaven, you have the right to begin your own sect. Choose any
mountain - whether you remain close to fellow alliance members, or set out on your own, your
sect can begin to grow.

Here, you can send your [Disciples] to gain experience
through dangerous dungeons, ruins, and even monster
subjugations. However! To even be allowed to attempt
these explorations, your [Disciples] must be strong
enough. You are rewarded with [Servant] materials.

Reception Hall
Your Sect has their own secret skills, and so do others.
You can communicate with other sects to discuss
cultivation, or even trade Celestial Skills, apparently. By
communicating with sects from different mountains, you
can build up your library of abilities.

Each mountain (and all Sects that are settled on it)

have a specific mountain skill (that they do not learn
themselves for reasons unknown). For anyone else in
heaven to gain that skill, they have to visit a sect on
that mountain for 50 [Spirit Jade]. The amount of sects
on a mountain only lowers your chances of being
chosen by someone looking for that mountain skill.
When a person spends the 50 [Jade] to visit another
mountain to gain their skill, the hosting sect (the person
on the mountain) receives merit.

The main economy of the sect market is based off of Merits, which is obtained through your
[Disciples]’ efforts or through other means such as Alliance exchange.
You can obtain many rare items - such as higher level recipes, skills, books, and even [Immortal
Beasts]. To access the [Immortal Beast] materials and [Merit Servant], swipe to the right - the
tab is hidden.
Destiny allows you to gamble for curious items, such as equipment.
Bookstore allows you to purchase more powerful [Sutras], but require your sect to have more
[Fame] before giving access to more.
Beast Garden
Raise your [Immortal Beasts] to work alongside your [Servants] and bring combat to the [Ruins]!
Furthermore, by having an [Immortal Beast], you can assist cultivators on Earth with their
ascension to heaven. (​There is an in-game help button​).

Master’s Lobby
Here, you can manage all things related to your sect.

Ranking, Location, Rename

Ranking of sects by Fame, Locations of Sects, and the choice to rename your Sect.

Similar to your Spiritual Root, except it’s improved through [Benevolent Jade] and [Malevolent
Jade]. Jade can be obtained through various means such as fishing and [Roaming]. The new
array is a little more detailed in that you can better choose desired stats.

A Coliseum where you can participate and cheer on fellow cultivators for fame and glory! The
most popular contestants at the end of the event are rewarded with more [Merit] and [Compete
Tokens]. Utilize this area to compare yourself with similarly matched Immortals, and use the
[Compete Tokens] to purchase more resources as you see fit.
Master’s Lobby Guide
As the master of a sect, you’re tasked with guiding [Disciples] through cultivation - both those
who are in your sect, and those who are not. Through your guidance, not only do other
cultivators benefit and comprehend the path of cultivation, but yourself as well.

You can manage and check the information of each
[Disciple] you recruit here. Your [Disciples] come from
many backgrounds, but ultimately walk similar paths to
ascend to heaven. Each [Disciple] has their own quirks
which can be positive or negative - whether you accept
them for their quirks is your decision. Each [Disciple]
cultivates slowly over time, similar to your own journey.

You can impart knowledge on your [Disciples], assisting
them with their cultivation.

For 5000 spirit stones, you search for candidates to
bring into your sect. You may only perform a
recruitment 5 times a day. If you refuse a disciple, your
recruitment chance is still removed.

Your [Disciples] will have various questions pertaining
to the greater world. Answer correctly and you will
receive [Merit].

Send Salary
[Disciples] ask for a salary and will be happy to receive it. Honestly I don’t know what happens if
you don’t pay them. Just pay them, it’s cheap.

Most [Disciples] have the chance of demonization during their path in cultivation. It is your duty
to guide them back to the proper path. By defeating the disciple, you return them to normal and
are rewarded with [Merit]. If you do not remove their state of demonization, they will be unable
to participate in your Sect’s missions as well as Rift Missions.
Gift Disciples
You can buy [Treasure Caskets] to gift to your [Disciples] from the market for [500 Spirit Stones]
each. Giving gifts to your [Disciples] grants you [Merit].

By greeting your [Disciples], you gain [Merit].

Send your [Disciples] out on various missions and explorations to bring resources to your sect.
However, higher missions require you to have stronger [Disciples]. After completing a mission,
your sect is rewarded with [Fame], [Spirit Stones], [Merit], and yourself with [Reputation].
Each [Disciple] within your sect may have their own quirks which affect the rewards from
completing a mission such as bonus [Fame], bonus [Spirit Stones], or prolonged missions.
However, should any disciple met with their inner demon, they are not allowed to partake in the
missions, and their quirks no longer applies.

After creating your own sect and meditating on techniques, you’ve developed your own skill to
pass on to lower cultivators. While your skill does not affect yourself, you are allowed to gift it to
destined cultivators on Earth. Doing so will grant you [Merit].

Immortal Tutorial
As an Ascended Immortal, you have the ability to influence the Earth. You have the options of
choosing to protect the mortal realm, or test their willpower to cultivate. Protecting the realm
blesses cultivators with a bonus to their stats, while testing the realm temporarily curses
cultivators to have the faces of animals - but boosts their efficiency in cultivation. There is a
weekly ranking that resets every sunday rewarding Immortals for how much influence they exert
on Earth. Costs [Spirit Jade].

Cultivators on earth look to achieve ascension, and as their senior you have to option to grace
them with your blessing. By doing so, you grant them their wish in return for [Merit]. Costs [Spirit

Mental (Meditation Room) [Requires Half-Immortal]

Within your sect, you have access to your own private meditation room. By using [Bodhi Fruit],
you can both meditate on your spirit and body. Doing so will improve your cultivation and
strengthen a random aspect of your body. After enough meditation, the rewards will slowly
improve. You may only meditate on your spirit and your body once a day each, consuming
[2 Bodhi Fruit].
After you’ve completed 10 mental meditations, you are rewarded with a Perception skill book.
After you’ve completed 10 physical meditations, you are rewarded with a stat pill.
Beginning with your journey in the mortal realm, you have likely encountered many
[Companions] who you’ve built intimate relations with. Some through your various sects you had
joined, others through a chance encounter where your friendship blossomed. For some of these
companions, their past life had been a powerful entity that is willing to swear a life of servitude
to you. There's no guarantee that you’ve met those who are eligible to become your [Servants],
and those who swear servitude are not all similar in strength.

Their Purpose
Your [Servants] ultimately exist to perform combat for
you on a wide scale. Each [Servant] has their own
strengths, and have the ability to lead [Spirit Soldiers]
into battles. Holding dominion over [Ruins], scouring
the realm for resources, and the exploration of the
[Outer World] are all possible for your [Servants].

Not all [Servants] are equal.
[Talent] Value represents a baseline of how powerful
the [Servant’s] growth will be per level. While you can
raise a [Servant’s Talent], the cost of doing so
increases every time. However, raising a [Servant’s]
[Talent] to 20 when they are level 100 is the exact
same as raising the [Talent] to 20 at level 1, and then
leveling them to 100.

The ​AMICS ​letter by the top right of the [Servant] is

quick denotation of what the [Servant] is naturally good
at. The letter ​A​ represents a balanced [Servant].

Each [Servant’s] growth and attributes are directly controlled by you. By gifting them various
resources, you can improve their ability. You may also pair your [Servants with Immortal Beast]
mounts to improve their power further. Skills are only available to the package servants and the
heavenly palace token servants.
While each [Talent Point] contributes to the [Servant’s] power, each individual stat has a
different effect in other Heaven locations.
To Upgrade your [Servant’s] Realm, for example to Foundation, level the [Servant] up to 100
and use the required realm pills. You can see what is required when they are level 100 as well
as in the Training Items menu.
Might​ is the scaling of power for each [Troop] the [Servant] commands in the [Outer World].
Intellect​ affects how much [Spirit Pact] the [Servant] generates.
Command​ affects how many [Spirit Troops] you can generate with [Spirit Pact].
Insight​ affects how much [Servant Experience] they gain while soul wandering in heaven. While
[Might], [Intellect], and [Command] affect combat power of the [Servant] equally, [Insight] scales
⅓ of the power per [Talent Point].

IPSD​ under a [Servant’s] level refers to their origin. Their origin affects whether they bond better
with particular [Immortal Beasts], as well as bonuses they gain from your [Divine Trees].

I Eastern Immortal Realm

P Primordial Land
S Skyshine Continent
D Deification Domain

Prestige =
[ Level x (Talent(M+I+C) x 15 + Talent(S) x 5) ]
+ Stats(M+I+C) / 10
+ 50

You will notice that the [Insight Stat] does not affect [Prestige], this does not mean [Insight] is
useless - because [Insight] affects how much [Servant Exp] you gain from Spirit Wandering.

Power equipment based on your [Servants] are
available for you to progressively unlock. Each relic is
tied to the same realms as your servants, where you
can gain more stats depending on:
[Talent and Stats] of your [Servants],
How many [Servants] you have acquired from each
The collective levels of the [Servants] from each realm,
And the total stats and prestige of your [Servants] from
each realm.
[Ruins] of past civilizations provide abundant resources necessary to improve your [Servants].
This function is an all-out Immortal versus Immortal area that will test the relations between all
who seek rewards. Here, you can command your [Servants] to take control of key resource
points from rogue spirits, or even from other Immortals.

Ranking of Ruins
Every [Ruins] will generate the resources you require,
however every [Ruins] is different. The closer relic
points you control to [Primeval Relics 1], the greater the
generation of resources is. Although there are 3
[Ancient Relic] sites, [Ancient Relics 3] has locations
which generate more resources than [Ancient 4], and
[Ancient Relics 2] has locations which generate more
resources than [Ancient 3].

Relic Nodes
The closer areas you control to the [Core Area] in a
[Ruins], the greater the resource generation. If the
power of your servants is greater than the defending
group, you can take control of the [Area]. Your
[Servants] will become tired after setting off to control
[Areas] too many times - avoiding conflict can allow
your [Servants] to maximise their resource gain. The
normal amount of explorations a [Servant] can perform
is 5, and is deducted as soon as you challenge an
[Area]. If you are attacked and removed from your
[Area], you do not regain an exploration chance.

Exchange, Search, View, Rival

Exchange your resources, move to a different Relic site, View the progress
on your currently controlled points, and who has assaulted your locations.
Similar to the mortal realm, you have the ability to roam the Heavens. There, you can
explore in search of resources, fame, or even notoriety. As you journey throughout the various
realms, you will be faced with choices. Will you donate your resources to towns to help rebuild
after being destroyed by bandits? Will you peacefully participate in an auction, or will you move
to take the items by force? Whether you become a [Benevolent] or [Malevolent] immortal, or one
who’s indifference alters realms is up to you.

Spirit Pact
Your [Servants] have the ability to lead [Spirit Soldiers]
into battle in the [Outer World]. By having [Servants]
with more [Intellect], you gain more [Spirit Pact] - which
is used to create [Spirit Soldiers] based on your
[Servants’ Command].

Soul Wandering
As you progress through a realm, your choices affect
whether you’ll receive [Faith] or [Deterrence] - once the
choices have been completed, you are allowed to
return to a realm and change your influence up to 3
times a day.

Your [Servants] can monitor past realms you’ve

travelled through. There, based on your previous
actions, they can harvest [Benevolent Jade] or
[Malevolent Jade] - in addition to other heavenly
resources. More [Faith] actions (greater than 80? I
think) will result in [Master of Merit] giving primarily
[Benevolent Jade], while actions which cause
[Deterrence] will mark you as a [Lord of Chaos] and
have your servants generating more [Malevolent Jade].
It is possible to generate both types of [Jade] within a
realm, and be marked as a [Judicator] (both [Faith] and [Deterrence] less than 80, i think?).

As your [Servants] complete Wandering rounds, they will also gain experience for you to
distribute based off of their [Insight].

Powerful Immortal Beasts reside in various locations throughout the Land of End. Each Beast is
powerful, and rewards [Hell Jade] for their defeat. By defeating these Beasts, you gain the
resources necessary to raise your own [Immortal Beasts], or even purchase an [Egg of an
Immortal Beast]. Costs [100 Merit per entrance].

Outer World and the Demon Tower

The [Outer World] is filled with danger and rewards alike. Here, your [Servants] take their [Spirit
Soldiers] to subjugate infestations of monsters outside of the safety of heaven. In their
subjugation, you will receive experience to distribute among your [Servants], as well as various
items which can improve the stats and empower them further.

In your conquest of the [Outer World], you can be rewarded with coveted [Talisman plans] as
thanks for your efforts. These plans allow you to forge equipment which grant immense power,
allowing you to stand tall over the various realms.

Your [Spirit Soldiers] require great Commanders from

your [Servants]. Whether you find talented [Servants] or
create your own, the [Spirit Soldiers] strength shows
when your [Servants] have great [Might].

Although your soldiers may number few, the strongest

beasts can be felled if they are skilled enough.
Regardless, if you’ve run out [Spirit Soldiers] - simply
create more and continue your assault. There is no
penalty for failing a fight, and the damage will remain
on the monsters.

Demon Tower
After you’ve cleared certain areas of the [Outer World],
you can capture and imprison demons which had been
the final encounter. By sealing these demons inside
your [Demon Tower], you are rewarded with [Spirit
Pact], valuable [Servant] resources, and [Talisman
Materials]. These seals will need to be renewed every
Heaven Palace
You may donate up to 10 [Heaven Patching Stones] a
day for various items rewards. You can obtain a
[Heaven Patching Stone] for 10000 [Ancient Ruins

South Heaven Gate

The Server must have Immortals powerful enough to
defeat the 4 Heavenly Lords in order to unlock access
to the rest of the Heaven Palace. The four Immortals
who defeat the 4 Lords will forever be memorialized in
the South Heaven Gate.
Every day, each Immortal can be praised for [Spirit
Pineapple’s stats can clear the Strongest Lord.

Deification Tower
Create 3 teams of [Servants] to participate in this
weekly tournament from Sunday to Wednesday. In
order to defeat another Immortal, you must win 2 of the
matched [Servant] battles. The higher your ranking, the
better your rewards. Only the top 200 Immortals of the
Deification Tower are allowed to Participate in the
Cloud Hall

Cloud Hall (Shrine War)

Each Shrine has 16 slots available for Immortals to sign
up for and contest. The higher the shrine, the better the
competition rewards. Not only that, but you can inspect
who has signed up for each shrine, before you do
yourself. You can utilize this knowledge to try and join
certain shrines before they’re filled or closed off to
achieve a greater position for the contest.

Once the Contests have completed and Ranking

rewards are sent, Immortals are allowed until the next
day to usurp winners and take the place of Shrine
Leader for the week.
During the off-period of contest, Shrine Leaders can be
praised for [Spirit Stones].
War of Gods
Here, you can combat all the Immortals, throughout all the Heavens that exist. So long as a
server has cleared the South Heaven Gate, their immortals can participate in the War of Gods.
In this, every immortal has access to 3 daily missions, where cleared missions will reset the next
day and non-completed missions will maintain progress until cleared.
You gain more score for victories, and are rewarded at the end of every month for your score
ranking compared to other Immortals, as well as whether you have met certain score thresholds.

There are many good things to buy with the War of Gods currency.
Immortal Capital

This location provides services focused for your [Servants]. Here, you may participate in
another Immortal competition - the Contest of Tao. In this competition, your [Servants]
individually face off against opposing Immortal teams, where they single-handedly must defeat
as many other [Servants] as they can. Another service within the [Capital] is the growth of
[Divine Trees]. Each of your [Servants] can originate from 4 locations, and you have the ability
to nurture [Divine Trees] related to their origins. Partaking in [Travel] will lead your servants
through different major events of your choice. Will you command them to face demonic hordes?
Or maybe have your commanders use their wit and
stratagem to rout other armies? You may even send
them off to discover and communicate with the world,
deepening their understanding and knowledge.

Contest of Tao

There is an In-Game Help button, however I will add

additional information here.

Each of your powerful [Servants] look to prove

themselves worthy through combat. Here, you can
send an eligible [Servant] to participate in a duel
against another Immortal’s [Servants]. Both your
eligible [Servant] and your opponents are chosen at
random - whether you find an opponent that a specific
[Servant] can defeat is left to fate. The more opposing
[Servants] that are defeated, the greater the rewards.
Likewise that you are challenging other Immortals to
duel your [Servant], your own lineup will be challenged
as well. If you’ve lost, you have the ability to challenge
your offender - where if you defeat them, they are
penalized by losing more score than normal.

As far as we know, the first battle you conduct will be against your own [Servants]. After that,
you begin to attack other Immortals’ servants. You are given 3 options before each round, either
costing [Contest Jade] or [Spirit Jade]. With these currencies, you are able to grant temporary
strength to your [Servant] to gain an edge over your opponents, or possibly heal them to
continue fighting longer if necessary. You obtain 1 [Contest Jade] per defeated enemy
[Servant], and these Jades are kept forever until used - even into other duels. If you manage to
defeat 3 opposing [Servants] in a row, you are rewarded with a bonus random treasure - either
stats directly to your participating [Servant], or a pill to use on any others.
Divine Trees
There is an In-Game Help button, however I will add additional information here.

This new function will allow you to grow [Divine Trees]

which reward both yourself and your [Servants] with
improved stats. Here you can see that each tree has a
letter, ​IPSD​, referring to their origin. This corresponds
with your [Servants], where those from the same origin
gain the bonuses from the specified tree when grown.
For example, the Moon Goddess and Empyrean Queen
are from ​I​, or the Eastern ​I​mmortal Realm, so growth of
Fusang will benefit them. Ruo is from ​P​, the P ​ ​rimordial
lands. White Tiger is from ​S,​ the ​S​kyshine Continent,
so Jian will benefit him. Xun comes from ​D,​ the
D​eification Domain.

You can interact with each tree once a day for free,
growing its [Mana] and granting it [Godhood]. Further
irrigation anywhere requires [Spirit Jade]. You may also
use the rare resources of [Spirit Marrow] and [Spirit
Crystal] to cultivate and improve a tree’s [Mana].

Protection (also known as Guard) is available after

reaching [Mana] thresholds in each tree, granting
bonuses for [Servants] from their realm. You may have
the tree consume its [Godhood] to improve the bonus
Resonate rewards you for the growth, the [Mana] of a
tree, granting various rare supplies.

Every hour, you are given a chance to Interact with a

random [Divine Tree]. This will grant the tree

A perk for yourself when growing [Divine Trees] is the

chance to obtain [Spirit Pets]. Randomly when you
manually​ interact with trees, you can obtain a Pet. You
can consume it right away for a small stat bonus, or
Cultivate them to greatly enhance their efficiency. If your [Spirit Pet] cultivation rooms are full,
you cannot find more randomly - you also cannot stop their cultivation until they have fully
grown. Grown [Spirit Pets] can be used, or be sent out for a mixing Request which grants more
stats. However, this requires another Immortal to have a matching grade [Spirit Pet]. You can
either ask a specific Immortal, send out a request to be fulfilled by anyone, or search for
requests which people have put out.
To put out a blend request, it cost’s 5 Spirit Jade or 1 Ancient Branch. ​[IT DEFAULTS TO

There are 3 Main events which you can choose to send
your [Spirit Troops] to complete. Demon Assault factors
in your combined [Command] stat of your [Servants].
Spell Gathering is based off of their [Intellect], while
World Trip accounts for their [Insight]. Each round of
[Travel], the rewards for each event changes - the
rewards on one may be better, but be more difficult
because you have a lower stat total.

You will always be rewarded with [Servant] experience,

[Godhood] granted to a random tree, and random stats
for a random [Servant].

If you are not confident in beating a round, don’t

challenge it. If you fail to complete the round - where
your soldiers are not strong enough or you did not have
enough [Spirit Troops], you will lose all your troops.
Furthermore, unlike the [Outer World], progress is NOT
retained. If you lose 500k [Troops] to the round,
throwing another 500k will get them all killed with no

Your [Travel] rounds reset daily - NEVER USE AUTO TRAVEL. It sucks.

Spirit-Holding Palace on the next page because there is a lot of information.

Spirit-Holding Palace (Requires Profound Immortal or Celestial Body)
There is an In-Game Help button, however I will write ALL of the information here. Why?
Because if you’re reading this, you should REALLY know what you’re getting into. It’s like
talisman investment multiplied by ​yes​.

This is the only location where I will put an actual recommendation.

I do not recommend spending your Celestial Stones here unless you do not want the
equipment/pills recipe.
This gives marginal benefits until much later. Invest at your own risk.

Update 12/19, atleast fill out your palace with some junk spirits. The Celestial Stone
servant is less impactful now that you can ascend companions without cooldown. If you
can get purple or orange spirits, they’re decent. I don't recommend investing in green
With War of Gods, you have access to better Spirits MUCH easier than spending Celestial
Stones, so it’s easier to invest into your Spirit Palace (invest in good spirits, not currently
bad ones like element).
Saving Spirit Souls for 20k Gamble bag still bad.

Once you have reached Profound Immortal or Celestial Body​, you gain access to the
Spirit-Holding Palace. In this location, you can use [Celestial Stones] to obtain fragmented or
whole [Spirits] that can be used to grant yourself more power.

The rarity of [Spirits] can be as follows : [White Fractioned], [Normal Green], [Elite Blue], [Rare
Purple], [Superior Orange],​ [Legendary Red]
The only use of [White Fractioned] is to sell. They are the [1/100, 1/1000, 1/10000 Spirits and
King].You press on the [ Weak, Detached, Long Lived, Primeval, Chaos] realm cards at the
bottom and spend the specified amount of [Celestial
Stones] to activate that realm card.
When activated, an outcome is possible as follows:

Weak Spirit Realm :

Upgrade Chance: 50%
Upgrade Fail Rewards Chance:
40% [10 Spiritual Stones] , 40% [1/100
Spirit] , 20% [Normal Green Spirit]

Detached Spirit Realm :

Upgrade Chance: 40%
Upgrade Fail Rewards Chance:
40% [50 Spiritual Souls] , 30% [1/100 Spirit] , 30% [Normal Green Spirit]

Long Lived Spirit Realm :

Upgrade Chance: 25%
Upgrade Fail Rewards Chance:
40% [100 Spiritual Souls] , 20% [1/1000 Spirit] , 30% [Normal Green Spirit] , 10%
[Elite Blue Spirit]

Primeval Spirit Realm :

Upgrade Chance: 20%
Upgrade Fail Rewards Chance:
15% [500 Spiritual Souls] , 15% [1/10000 Spirit] , 50% [Elite Blue Spirit] , 20%
[Rare Purple Spirit]

Chaos Spirit Realm :

80% [Rare Purple Spirit] , 20% ​[Superior Orange Spirit]

You may have noticed that before, there is an additional [Legendary Red Spirit] and [King Spirit]
that exists. You cannot get these through the normal function. Instead they come from events,
or you can purchase items from the shop with [Spiritual Souls] for a ​Chance​ to gain one. Good
Luck if you want one.

If you ​[Activate Spirit Realm]​ for 50 [Spirit Jade], you will automatically gain 1 unlock of the
Primeval Spirit Realm. What you gain from that unlock, refer to above.

Astral Palaces
As your Cultivation realms and Flesh Refining Realms
reach greater heights, you will unlock more [Astral
Palaces]. Inside the [Astral Palaces] you have unlocked,
You can socket [Spirits] for bonus stats. With the [Spirit]
function unlocked, you now have access to new stat
types such as [Rejuvenation], [Piercing], [​Elemental
Damage which is pretty bad​], etc. You can learn about
them through [Spirit into Body]. I spent 200k [Celestial
Stones] for the stats on the right. It’s marginal.

Soul Exchange
Here you can exchange souls you gain from Realm
searching. Prices are as follows:
[Green] = 100
[Blue] = 400
[Purple] = 1200
[Orange] = 6000
[Random Blue or Purple] = 800
[Random Purple or Orange] = 2500
[Random Orange or Red] = 20000
[Random 1/100 or 1/1000] = 180 or 200
[Random 1/1000 or 1/10000] = 360 or 400
[Random 1/10000 or King] = 1800 or 2000
If you’re buying ANYTHING other than the Random
Orange or Red Spirit for 20k, the price is
This does not mean the SYSTEM is reasonable,
because the amount of stats the [Astral Palace] gives is
a small amount with a huge upgrade cost.

Spirit Chest
Here you can view all the [Soul and Spirit] items you’ve
Just Disintegrate your [Fractioned Souls] and [King
Souls] for [Essential Souls], which are used to upgrade
your [Spirits]. You can upgrade your [Spirits] here, or at
the equip menu in your [Astral Palaces]. Upgrading your
[Spirits] are expensive and the amount of stats they give
are lackluster.
Legendary Red Spirit Calculation
Honestly the other spirit item costs aren’t that bad. ​Buy anything​ ​other​ than the 20k Soul item.
TLDR - Don’t buy this item

If you want a ​Chance​ ​at a legendary red spirit, it costs [20000 Spiritual Soul]
Here is the ​Best calculated cost​ of even being able to ​Purchase​ the item using only [Celestial
1000 [Celestial Stones] for 10 [Spiritual Souls] = 100 Stones per soul
3500 [Celestial Stones] for 50 [Spiritual Souls] = 70 Stones per soul
8500 [Celestial Stones] for 100 [Spiritual Souls] = 85 Stones per soul
18500 [Celestial Stones] for 500 [Spiritual Souls] = 37 Stones per soul

The best deal requires you to get to the Primeval Realm ​and Fail to upgrade Realm or obtain a
Usable Soul.
To get 20,000 [Spiritual Souls], you need to fail the Primeval Realm ​40 Times.​ (40 x 500 = 20k)
40 x 18500 [Celestial Stones] = 740,000 [Celestial Stones]

Now let’s take a look at how likely it is to get to the Primeval Realm with [Celestial Stones].
It’s simple, it’s just 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.25 = 0.05, or 5 percent chance. That means with 8500 [Celestial
Stones], you have a 5 percent chance to get to the Primeval Realm.

Then you need to hit the 80% chance to ​not ​upgrade realm, and then that 15% chance of
getting 500 [Spiritual Souls], so 0.05 x 0.8 x 0.15 = 0.006 or 0.6% chance of getting the 500
[Spiritual Souls].

With 18500 [Celestial Stones], there is a 0.6% chance of getting 500 [Spiritual Souls]. I’m too
lazy to do the statistics on how likely you are to get the 20k [Spiritual Souls] with 740k [Celestial
Stones], but basically ​Don’t even try it because it costs incredibly more than 740k​. ​By the way,
did you read that the I​ tem contains an Orange OR Red spirit?

Update 1/2/2020
I opened 1 gamble bag and got an orange gold element spirit. Sold it.

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