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I opened the door of a nearby health food and vitamin store. Why had I come here? I
remembered how much my stomach would hurt, even though it didn’t happen all the time.
Smells of incense filled the air as I moved to a large shelf labeled ‘Digestive Aids’.

A young woman approached me and asked, do you need help?

I told her about my digestive problems. I asked her, will these enzymes really help?

She quickly said yes and explained how these enzymes capsules would provide extra
amylase and other important digestive enzymes.

In fact, she said, even younger people have digestive problems such as reflux and ulcers
these things can help.

She said that when age is increase, the ability to produce enzymes will decreases rapidly.
By the age of 50 you can only produce 50% of the amount of enzymes needed. Now I
know, I was already 51, no doubt I am having this problems.

Case Study Questions:

1. How do enzymes work?

2. What enzymes are in those digestive aids?
3. Are they the same as our own digestive enzymes? Will be effective?
4. How digestive enzyme affected when people having high fever?
5. Does enzyme decreased as our age increased? Discuss.

Case Study Tasks:

1. Problem statement
2. Discussion
3. Conclusion
4. Reference

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