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Presenter’s Common Mistakes

Untuk memenuhi tugas matakuliah
English for Academic
yang dibina oleh Bapak Khaeruddin, S.Pd, M.Pd.



Februari 2020
Presenter’s Common Misatakes
No Common mistake Effect Tips/sugession
1. Presenter’s just only Audience do not Develop the material
reading material, not understand with the presented, not only convey
develop material material, The audience the essence, Before
becomes confused presentation. The presenter
must study about the
2. Presenter’s feeling Audience difficult to Learn and get used to
nervous, so it stutters understand what was said, speaking in public and by
The audience can not minimizing the mistakes of
enjoy for presentation the sentence spoken, divert
nervousness with item sush
as spidol or pointer,
practice more for disapear
the nerveous, pray before
the presentation, practice a
3. Presenter’s misspeak, The audience mind Minimizing mistakes in
then him or her said distacted so it makes a reading material
words that made laugh laugh

4. Wrong information Oudience be confused, bad Find information from

score, shine, insecure many sources not only
from one source, search
fast in internet wich at least
I can master quickly, stay
confident and take a smile,
make a sure face expresion

5. Speak to low/ soft The oudience behind them Speak in loud voice so all
voice doesn’t hear what they say the oudience can hear what
is being said
6. Use unsuited words The oudience gets Speak words that are easy
confused and doens’t oay to understand
7. Unable to speak  Can’t explain the Have to practice speaking
material absolutly often, such as practice
 Audince can’t speaking in front of mirror
understand the
material absolutly
8. Presenter presentation Try to say it clearly
understand not Audience not understand
9. Wrong pronounciation Some people will not Do more practice to
to some word you say understand what you pronounce some word
talking about. everyday. Or listening
abaout how t
pronounciation some word
or sentence.

10. Just reading the toppic The audience just only Before the presentation try
without explain listening without to learn and understand the
further understand what the topic you will presented.
speaker say. So the So you can explain the
audience will get bored topic to the audience.
11. The presenter speech audience lack presenters have to practice
is unclear like using understanding of the more, how to talk or teach
inexact worlds lessons being taught to anyone

12. Too many slides that The audience become Make enough slides that
presented bored and lost their contains just the point of
attention the material and not too

13. Haven’t interaction  The presentation is  Give opportunity to

with audiance not interesting the audiance to ask
 Audiance will feel  Give a few light
sleepy questions
 Audiance not  Give a little joke
understand with the during the
topic presentation
14. The presenter is The audience does’nt Presenters must be able to
talking too long, understand the sentence explain calmly without
convoluted and too spoken by the presenters. being rushed and explain at
fast. length.
15. The presenter find it The effect is the audience The presenter must practice
difficult to speak in cannot hear an explanation speaking, maybe more
public from presenters. confident.

16. Difficultly answering less satisfied with the understanded the purpose
questions answers again, the of the explanation
audience will be presented, Presenter must
dissapointed study before presentation
and more reading the
17. Move your body too Disturb the attention of the Keep calm
much during a audience
presentation like
moving your hand
18. Lack of material due Delivery to the audience is Stabilizing the material
to sudden workman less than the maximum

19. Technical mistake Make audience Check the device before

disappointed and not pay start the presentation
attention again
20. The presenter didn’t Make presenter blank in Presenter can bring a little
really know about the front of the audience. note, presenter must
topic understand the topic before

21. Presenter explain with It can make the audience Presenter try to use easy
wordy sentences confuse, listening sentences
22. Forget about the Blank the presentation is Bring a small note and
presentation material. not smooth. memorize presentation
23. The presenter spoke The audience don’t Speak loudly and can be
softly/ low voice. understand about the understand.
presentation material.

24. Too much material The audience is easily Make a simple material and
conveyed. bored and lazy to listen include picture or video.
25. Speaks too fast - The audience can’t - Don’t be nervous.
understand any topics - Understand all the
that you want to deliver topics.
- They won’t paying - Enjoy the moment.
attention to you - reduce unnecessary
- The audience cannot words
accept the material well - More practice speaking
and the presentation
becomes unattractive or

26. Using a monotone The audience will get - Try to be interactive

voice bored easily with the audience.
- If you bring a piece of
paper, do not look at it
too often.

27. Too much materials in You’ll not be able to - Make some points about
a short time deliver the main topic that the topics
you want to present - Practice before the day,
so you’ll understand
more about the topics
and won’t waste any
28. The presenter explain Audience can not Do inhale and exhale.
the material with understand

29. Just reed the text, not Audience be confused Before presentation, we
explain must read and study the

30. Not speaking clearly Audience can not lisen, Clearly the sound,
audience can’t hear it practicing pronounce, do
correctly and can not not talk to fast, make
understand enough voice

31. Stage fright Nervous, forget the Self manage with a

material, want to take a posthink.
32. Igrone the audience Audience also pay less Get more interactive such
and only focus on the attention to what we as greeting games, or
material present question

33. Not mastering the The presenter confusion Study before presentation
contents of material and the audience doesn’t and practice in everywhere
understand what’s the
contents of material
34. Too nervous and no The material presented Relax more and arrange
eye contact with the isn’t appropriate and the eye contact with the
audience audience doesn’t respond audience.
35. Just stand still in it’s Less attractive and make More confident and
place the audience feels bored balanced with a little
36. The Presenter The audience doesnot The presenter show
monotonous enjoy and they feel bored interesting, for example :
make quiz game
37. The Presenter can not Feel nerveous and difficult More practice
relax to present the theory
38. The presenter’s word The audience don’t The presenter’s must
difficult to understand understand the word and persentation use easy word
feel confused and use word that are often
39. Use a slide that has a Audience is not interested Put pictures or video on a
lot of text in material presented, slide, reduce text
audience pay more
attention to slides than

40. Avoiding eye contact Make uncomfortable Do practice more, and

situation, because look like trying to practice in front of
not focus and not a lot of people, use
confident, the audiance interactive presetation with
will be bored, the talk to audiace, mastering
presentasion isnot the material

41. Being too verbose The audience will losing Prepare the point, and don’t
their attention, an make get out of point. Besides
them confused. that, you musn’t talk too
42. Overcrowding text Make audience feel bored Fill with some pictures.
and not interest with the Moreover, you can fill the
presentation. slides with only one or two
43. The speaker has The audience tend to See more audience and get
difficultly explaining ignore the speaker more interaction

44. The presenter doesn’t Audience doesn’t get Learn the theory efore
prepare very well the informative presentation
theory news/information
45. Incomplete material. - Audience doesn’t - Check the material will
understand any part of be presentation.
the presentation - Make outline the
materials. material.
- Lots of question of the Provide explain and
audience. example.
46. Low voice. - Audience couldn’t hear Lift up voice, ry to be
clearly. confidence to speak in
- Audience couldn’t publick, use microphone,
understand the be confident when explain
presentation materials. the matery
- Audiance cant get
material throughly
- Audience will feel sleepy
- Audience less interested
in the topic
47. Over action Distrubing the audience Keep calm, take a deep
focus breath once in a while,
Reduce unnecessary
movements , Pull yourself

48. Incomplete material Audience doesn’t Make complete material

understand our explanation with some example from
various source

49. Bring material outside Audience gets confused Mastering or learn the
the topic of discussion material to be explained
50. Lack of information Audience can’t give Learning more before
feedback to presentator presentation
and can’t get the
51. Miss Comunication Audience be confused and Speak clearly and be relax
can’t get good information
52. Technician eror Audience will be crowded Before presentation, check
by themselves all the equipment.
53. Repeat the same Audience get bored Good preparation, bring a
sentence Audience focus changes small note
54. Forget the material Can not deliver the Before the presentation
topic/material in good must better understand the
language material to be delivered
55. Can’t explain in a the audience will confused learn more about things
simple way or can not understand the that we presented , and
topic knowing who the audience
56. Less prepare The audience feels bored More confidence with
and not interested and will many practice at home.
57. Less able to control The audience will crowded Should be able to control
audience and chatting with other audience with the
people because the presentation approaches
situation uncontrol. interesting.

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